[Currency] [Definitions] [GWIBs] [Offices] [Players] [Property] [Proposals] [Scoring] [Shrubbery] [The Game] [The Judiciary] [The Rules] [Voting] [Winning]

Rule 1/2(i) : The Game of Berserker Nomic
Berserker Nomic shall refer to the specific instance of a Nomic game which possesses the body of rules containing this definition, unless it is made clear, whether explicitly or via the context, that Berserker Nomic refers to something else. To this end, all permutations of letter case of Berserker Nomic shall be considered equivalent.
0. Created by Administrative Review, 23 July 1998
1. Amended by Rule 313/0, 12 September 1998
2. Transmuted by Administrative Review, 26 October 1998

Rule 2/3(i) : Definition of Player
A Player is a game entity representing one and only one real, living, human being who consents to said representation and is not already represented in the game as another Player.

A Player shall be identified, for recordkeeping purposes, by eir corresponding real human fore- and surnames or eir email address if eir real name does not uniquely identify em within the game; and by any unambiguous name in all else.

0. Created immutable by Administrative Review, 21 July 1998
0. Clarified by Judgment 29, 28 September 1998
1. Altered by Administrative Review, 26 October 1998
1. Clarified by Judgment 81, 5 May 1999
1. Clarified by Judgment 82, 7 May 1999
2. Altered by Administrative Review, 23 June 1999
2. Clarified by Judgment 93, 12 July 1999
3. Transmuted, amended, and again transmuted by Proposal 536, 6 July 1999

Rule 3/0(i) : Definition of Majority
For a given r, an r-majority shall be defined as a function from the positive integers to the positive integers, whose value for an argument N is the smallest integer m such that m is greater than or equal to r multiplied by N. A simple majority shall be defined as an (N+1)/(2N)-majority.
0. Created immutable by Administrative Review, 23 July 1998
Rule 4/2(m) : Definition of Forfeit
A Player forfeits if e ceases to fit the definition of a Player. Players may leave the game only through forfeiture.
0. Created immutable from Rule 101/0 by Administrative Review, 21 July 1998
0. Transmuted and repealed by Proposal 425, 25 January 1999
1. Created by Proposal 468, 13 April 1999
2. Altered by Administrative Review, 23 June 1999

Rule 103/0(i) : Definition of Rule Change
A rule-change is any of the following: (1) the enactment, repeal, or amendment of a mutable rule; (2) the enactment, repeal, or amendment of an amendment of a mutable rule; or (3) the transmutation of an immutable rule into a mutable rule or vice versa.

(Note: This definition implies that, at least initially, all new rules are mutable; immutable rules, as long as they are immutable, may not be amended or repealed; mutable rules, as long as they are mutable, may be amended or repealed; any rule of any status may be transmuted; no rule is absolutely immune to change.)

0. Initial Immutable Rule, 12 March 1998
Rule 417/0(m) : Spivak Pronouns
The following table entries, known as Spivak pronouns, shall be understood to take the places of the standard English pronouns whose table entries they occupy. Where two pronouns, the male and female, are replaced by a single Spivak pronoun, the Spivak pronoun shall be understood to refer to both genders.

[[Example: "e" refers to both "he" and "she".]]

First Person
Second Person
Third Person

[[This proposal shamelessly stolen from Mueller's Nomic.]]

0. Created by Proposal 417, 25 January 1999
0. Clarified by Judgment 72, 26 April 1999

Tue 09 Nov 1999 15:03:40 -0600