[Currency] [Definitions] [GWIBs] [Offices] [Players] [Property] [Proposals] [Scoring] [Shrubbery] [The Game] [The Judiciary] [The Rules] [Voting] [Winning]

Rule 1/2(i) : The Game of Berserker Nomic
Berserker Nomic shall refer to the specific instance of a Nomic game which possesses the body of rules containing this definition, unless it is made clear, whether explicitly or via the context, that Berserker Nomic refers to something else. To this end, all permutations of letter case of Berserker Nomic shall be considered equivalent.
0. Created by Administrative Review, 23 July 1998
1. Amended by Rule 313/0, 12 September 1998
2. Transmuted by Administrative Review, 26 October 1998

Rule 116/0(i) : Permissibility of the Unprohibited
Whatever is not prohibited or regulated by a rule is permitted and unregulated, with the sole exception of changing the rules, which is permitted only when a rule or set of rules explicitly or implicitly permits it.
0. Initial Immutable Rule, 12 March 1998
0. Clarified by Judgment 6, 28 April 1998
0. Clarified by Judgment 7, 4 May 1998
0. Clarified by Judgment 8, 4 May 1998
0. Clarified by Judgment 10, 7 May 1998

Rule 201/2(m) : Order of Play
Players shall alternate alphabetical order by the concatenation of their surnames and forenames, taking one whole turn apiece. Turns may not be skipped or passed, and parts of turns may not be omitted. All Players begin with zero points.
0. Initial Mutable Rule, 12 March 1998
1. Altered by Administrative Review, 21 July 1998
1. Clarified by Judgment 26, 12 September 1998
2. Altered by Administrative Review, 1 November 1998

Rule 202/6(m) : Parts of a Turn
One turn consists of three parts, in this order: (1) a debate period, (2) a voting period, (3) a voting-related scoring period.

The debate period shall be 192 hours (8 days) in duration. Immediately upon the expiration of the debate period, a call for votes is made on all and only active Proposals at that time, thus beginning the 48 hour voting period. Voting-related scoring occurs immediately upon the expiration of the voting period, and is instantaneous in duration.

A new turn shall begin immediately following the completion of each turn.

0. Initial Mutable Rule, 12 March 1998
1. Altered by Administrative Review, 21 July 1998
1. Clarified by Judgment 26, 12 September 1998
2. Amended by Rule 315/0, 26 September 1998
3. Amended by Proposal 356, 1 December 1998
4. Amended by Proposal 434, 4 February 1999
5. Amended by Proposal 511, 27 May 1999
6. Amended by Proposal 548, 26 July 1999

Rule 463/2(m) : Fora and Public Actions
Fora are arenas in and methods by which Players may communicate. Fora may be public or private. Players receiving communication from or sending communication to a forum are considered to be in that forum.

Actions may be taken only in public fora, unless otherwise specified in the rules. Creation of a public forum if there are no extant public fora need not be public.

Only the Administrator may designate fora as public, and only if said fora are reasonably accessible to all Players. Specifically, all Players must either be notified of or subscribed by the Administrator to new email fora before they may become public. Only the Administrator may designate previously public fora as private, and only if such changes do not eliminate all public fora. The Administrator must notify ten days in advance all Players using or subscribed to a public forum before redesignating it as private.

The Administrator may redesignate fora at any time.

The Administrator must, in a timely fashion, maintain and make available to all Players a list of all public fora.

0. Created by Proposal 463, 3 April 1999
1. Amended by Proposal 539, 16 July 1999
2. Self-amended, 16 July 1999

Tue 09 Nov 1999 15:03:43 -0600