[Currency] [Definitions] [GWIBs] [Offices] [Players] [Property] [Proposals] [Scoring] [Shrubbery] [The Game] [The Judiciary] [The Rules] [Voting] [Winning]

Rule 346/2(m) : Currency
There exists a unit of currency within Berserker Nomic called the Suber. The Suber, which may be traded in denominations of 0.01, shall be legal tender within the game.

Players may trade Subers freely iff all players involved in the trade publicly consent. However, a player may at no time possess less than 0 Subers. Only rules may create and destroy Subers.

0. Created by Proposal 346, 1 December 1998
1. Self-amended, 1 December 1998
2. Amended by Proposal 387, 5 December 1999

Rule 347/3(m) : Score and Subers
There is a component of each player's score dependent upon the number of Subers he/she has accumulated. At the end of every turn, this component is set equal to [(Subers / Total Subers held by all players) x 500], rounded to the nearest integer.

At the beginning of each game, players begin with 1000 Subers. Players entering a game after it has officially started will begin with 500 Subers.

0. Created by Proposal 347, 1 December 1998
1. Self-amended, 1 December 1998
2. Amended by Proposal 387, 5 January 1999
3. Amended by Rule 410/0, 15 January 1999

Tue 09 Nov 1999 15:03:40 -0600