
The Nomic Of Many Intricate Creations
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101/1: On the inital rules - Immutable

All players must always abide by all the rules then in effect, in the form in which they are then in effect. The rules in the Initial Set are in effect whenever a game begins. The Initial Set consists of Rules 101-116 (immutable) and 201-213 (mutable).

By Admin, Proposed: 2003-09-20 12:09, Last Modified: 2003-09-20 11:09 (-1 years, 12 months later)

102/1: On the mutablity of rules - Immutable

Initially rules in the 100's are immutable and rules in the 200's are mutable. Rules subsequently enacted or transmuted (that is, changed from immutable to mutable or vice versa) may be immutable or mutable regardless of their numbers, and rules in the Initial Set may be transmuted regardless of their numbers.

By Admin, Proposed: 2003-09-20 12:09, Last Modified: 2003-09-20 11:09 (-1 years, 12 months later)

103/1: On the changing of Rules - Immutable

A rule-change is any of the following: (1) the enactment, repeal, or amendment of a mutable rule; (2) the enactment, repeal, or amendment of an amendment of a mutable rule; or (3) the transmutation of an immutable rule into a mutable rule or vice versa. (Note: This definition implies that, at least initially, all new rules are mutable; immutable rules, as long as they are immutable, may not be amended or repealed; mutable rules, as long as they are mutable, may be amended or repealed; any rule of any status may be transmuted; no rule is absolutely immune to change.)

By Admin, Proposed: 2003-09-20 12:09, Last Modified: 2003-09-20 11:09 (-1 years, 12 months later)

104/1: On the voting of changing rules - Immutable

All rule-changes proposed in the proper way shall be voted on. They will be adopted if and only if they receive the required number of votes.

By Admin, Proposed: 2003-09-20 12:09, Last Modified: 2003-09-20 11:09 (-1 years, 12 months later)

105/1: On the voters - Immutable

Every player is an eligible voter. Every eligible voter must participate in every vote on rule-changes.

By Admin, Proposed: 2003-09-20 12:09, Last Modified: 2003-09-20 11:09 (-1 years, 12 months later)

106/1: On the definition of rules - Immutable

All proposed rule-changes shall be written down posted before they are voted on. If they are adopted, they shall guide play in the form in which they were voted on.

By Admin, Proposed: 2003-09-20 12:09, Last Modified: 2003-09-20 11:09 (-1 years, 12 months later)

107/1: On the temporal effect of rules - Immutable

No rule-change may take effect earlier than the moment of the completion of the vote that adopted it, even if its wording explicitly states otherwise. No rule-change may have retroactive application

By Admin, Proposed: 2003-09-20 12:09, Last Modified: 2003-09-20 11:09 (-1 years, 12 months later)

108/1: On the numbering of rules - Immutable

Each proposed rule-change shall be given a number for reference. The numbers shall begin with 301, and each rule-change proposed in the proper way shall receive the next successive integer, whether or not the proposal is adopted.

If a rule is repealed and reenacted, it receives the number of the proposal to reenact it. If a rule is amended or transmuted, it receives the number of the proposal to amend or transmute it. If an amendment is amended or repealed, the entire rule of which it is a part receives the number of the proposal to amend or repeal the amendment.

By Admin, Proposed: 2003-09-20 12:09, Last Modified: 2003-09-20 11:09 (-1 years, 12 months later)

109/1: On modifying the immutable - Immutable

Rule-changes that transmute immutable rules into mutable rules may be adopted if and only if the vote is unanimous among the eligible voters. Transmutation shall not be implied, but must be stated explicitly in a proposal to take effect.

By Admin, Proposed: 2003-09-20 12:09, Last Modified: 2003-09-20 11:09 (-1 years, 12 months later)


110/1: On the immutable rules as trumps - Immutable

In a conflict between a mutable and an immutable rule, the immutable rule takes precedence and the mutable rule shall be entirely void. For the purposes of this rule a proposal to transmute an immutable rule does not "conflict" with that immutable rule.

By Admin, Proposed: 2003-09-20 12:09, Last Modified: 2003-09-20 11:09 (-1 years, 12 months later)

111/1: On the free and frank discussion of rules - Immutable

If a rule-change as proposed is unclear, ambiguous, paradoxical, or destructive of play, or if it arguably consists of two or more rule-changes compounded or is an amendment that makes no difference, or if it is otherwise of questionable value, then the other players may suggest amendments or argue against the proposal before the vote. A reasonable time must be allowed for this debate. The proponent decides the final form in which the proposal is to be voted on and, unless the Judge has been asked to do so, also decides the time to end debate and vote.

By Admin, Proposed: 2003-09-20 12:09, Last Modified: 2003-09-20 11:09 (-1 years, 12 months later)

112/1: On the winning of the game - Immutable

The state of affairs that constitutes winning may not be altered from achieving n points to any other state of affairs. The magnitude of n and the means of earning points may be changed, and rules that establish a winner when play cannot continue may be enacted and (while they are mutable) be amended or repealed.

By Admin, Proposed: 2003-09-20 12:09, Last Modified: 2003-09-20 11:09 (-1 years, 12 months later)

113/1: On the forfeiting of the game - Immutable

A player always has the option to forfeit the game rather than continue to play or incur a game penalty. No penalty worse than losing, in the judgment of the player to incur it, may be imposed.

By Admin, Proposed: 2003-09-20 12:09, Last Modified: 2003-09-20 11:09 (-1 years, 12 months later)

114/1: On the basic rules - Immutable

There must always be at least one mutable rule. The adoption of rule-changes must never become completely impermissible.

By Admin, Proposed: 2003-09-20 12:09, Last Modified: 2003-09-20 11:09 (-1 years, 12 months later)

115/1: On the changing of rules of changing the rules - Immutable

Rule-changes that affect rules needed to allow or apply rule-changes are as permissible as other rule-changes. Even rule-changes that amend or repeal their own authority are permissible. No rule-change or type of move is impermissible solely on account of the self-reference or self-application of a rule.

By Admin, Proposed: 2003-09-20 12:09, Last Modified: 2003-09-20 11:09 (-1 years, 12 months later)

116/1: On the scope of rules - Immutable

Whatever is not prohibited or regulated by a rule is permitted and unregulated, with the sole exception of changing the rules, which is permitted only when a rule or set of rules explicitly or implicitly permits it.

By Admin, Proposed: 2003-09-20 12:09, Last Modified: 2003-09-20 11:09 (-1 years, 12 months later)

117/1: On the timing of rules - Immutable

Proposals for new rules are collated every Sunday night for voting.

By Admin, Proposed: 2003-09-20 12:09, Last Modified: 2003-09-20 11:09 (-1 years, 12 months later)

118/1: On the timing of voting for rules - Immutable

Votes for - or against - new rules are collected though the week following. Voting closes midnight Sunday

By Admin, Proposed: 2003-09-20 12:09, Last Modified: 2003-09-20 11:09 (-1 years, 12 months later)

119/1: On the scope of sucess - Immutable

Votes are ratified on a simple majority of those who voted

By Admin, Proposed: 2003-09-20 12:09, Last Modified: 2003-09-20 11:09 (-1 years, 12 months later)

201/1: On the man with the vote - Accepted

Every player has one and only one vote

By Admin, Proposed: 2003-09-20 12:09, Last Modified: 2003-09-20 11:09 (-1 years, 12 months later)

202/1: On Judges, and rule disputes - Accepted

If players disagree about the legality of a move or the interpretation or application of a rule, then the player preceding the one moving is to be the Judge and decides the question. Disagreement for the purposes of this rule may be created by the insistence of any player. This process is called invoking Judgment.

When Judgment has been invoked, the next player may not begin his or her turn without the consent of a majority of the other players.

The Judge's Judgment may be overruled only by a unanimous vote of the other players taken before the next turn is begun. If a Judge's Judgment is overruled, then the player preceding the Judge in the playing order becomes the new Judge for the question, and so on, except that no player is to be Judge during his or her own turn or during the turn of a team-mate.

Unless a Judge is overruled, one Judge settles all questions arising from the game until the next turn is begun, including questions as to his or her own legitimacy and jurisdiction as Judge.

New Judges are not bound by the decisions of old Judges. New Judges may, however, settle only those questions on which the players currently disagree and that affect the completion of the turn in which Judgment was invoked. All decisions by Judges shall be in accordance with all the rules then in effect; but when the rules are silent, inconsistent, or unclear on the point at issue, then the Judge shall consider game-custom and the spirit of the game before applying other standards.

By Admin, Proposed: 2003-09-20 12:09, Last Modified: 2003-09-20 11:09 (-1 years, 12 months later)

203/1: On the rotating of judgement - Accepted

Judges rotate alphabetically though the player list every Sunday at midnight, if a Judge is deemed to have a vested interest in the result, the Judge previous to that judge takes the decision.

By Admin, Proposed: 2003-09-20 12:09, Last Modified: 2003-09-20 11:09 (-1 years, 12 months later)

204/1: On success by stalemate - Accepted

If the rules are changed so that further play is impossible, or if the legality of a move cannot be determined with finality, or if by the Judge's best reasoning, not overruled, a move appears equally legal and illegal, then the first player unable to complete a turn is the winner.

By Admin, Proposed: 2003-09-20 12:09, Last Modified: 2003-09-20 11:09 (-1 years, 12 months later)

301/1: On the beginning of the game - Accepted

I propose that as of this rules' effect, joining the game becomes moderated, and adding someone to the game will require a majority vote by the current members.

By Aquarion, Proposed: 2003-09-20 02:09, Last Modified: 2003-09-28 02:09 (1 week later)

302/1: Transmutation the first - Rejected

Transmute rule 103 to mutable.

By rho, Proposed: 2003-09-20 02:09, Last Modified: 2003-09-28 02:09 (1 week later)

303/1: Transmutation the second - Rejected

Transmute rule 108 to mutable.

By rho, Proposed: 2003-09-20 02:09, Last Modified: 2003-09-28 02:09 (1 week later)

304/1: The man about town - Accepted

That a list of all current players should be maintained online somewhere, accesible to all players.

By rho, Proposed: 2003-09-20 02:09, Last Modified: 2003-09-28 02:09 (1 week later)

305/1: On the Naming of Things - Obsolete

That all *previous* proposed rules be renumbered starting at 301, just as rule 108 says :-)

By ccooke, Proposed: 2003-09-20 03:09, Last Modified: 2003-09-20 03:09 (-1 years, 12 months later)

306/1: Judges - Accepted

I propose that no player may change his or her name in order to change whether or not they will become judge within two weeks time.

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-09-22 01:09, Last Modified: 2003-10-05 10:10 (1 week, 5 days later)

307/1: Transmutation - Rejected

That rule 105 become a mutable rule.

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-09-22 02:09, Last Modified: 2003-10-05 10:10 (1 week, 5 days later)

308/4: Judges 2 - Obsolete

That the current judge be posted on the 'About' page (

(Repealed by proposal 341)

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-09-22 02:09, Last Modified: 2003-10-19 10:10 (3 weeks, 6 days later)

309/1: Give something a name; give it power - Accepted

That the official name of this nomic be "Nomic Of Many Intricate Creations" but that it may also be refered to as Acronomic.

By rho, Proposed: 2003-09-22 06:09, Last Modified: 2003-10-05 10:10 (1 week, 5 days later)

310/2: Excellent! Bogus! - Accepted

That a new rule be created with text as follows:

There exist two entities, one known as "Bill" and the other as "Ted". Both Bill and Ted are able to vote on proposals. For every proposal made which affects only mutable rules, there shall be a 10% chance that Bill will vote on it, and a 10% chance that Ted will vote on it (calculated independently). When they do vote, they are equally likely (determined at random) to vote yes or no. If they do not vote, then they are considered to have abstained.

Bill and Ted shall be considered players for the purpose of being able to vote on proposals. They shall not be considered players for any other purpose, and as such are not obliged to vote on all proposals.

By rho, Proposed: 1970-01-01 12:01, Last Modified: 2003-10-05 10:10 (33 years, 9 months later)

311/1: speelign - Rejected

Should any rule at any time contain a spelling, typographical or otherwise trivial and unambiguous error, the maintainer of the rules may correct them without the need of a proposal. Upon doing so, he should inform all other players of the changes he has made. Any player then has the right to object to any of the changes. If this is done, then the change is reversed, and can only be re-enacted through a regular proposal.

By rho, Proposed: 2003-09-24 05:09, Last Modified: 2003-10-05 10:10 (1 week, 4 days later)

312/1: Hats - Accepted

There exists in the Nomic universe items known as Hats. Each Hat is unique, and should have a name. There is no limit to the number of Hats any player owns, but only one Hat may be worn by any player at any one time. If a player wishes to wear, remove or change their headgear, they must send an email to the nomic list saying so. Players can only gain hats when the rules specify that they have earned a specific hat.

By, Proposed: 2003-09-24 07:09, Last Modified: 2003-10-05 10:10 (1 week, 3 days later)

313/1: Judges hat - Accepted

There exists a Judge's hat, which must be worn at all times by the player who is the judge. That player must remove the hat when they are no longer the judge, and they must give it to the player who is the judge. This rule is automatically repealed if proposal 312 is not accepted, or rule 312 is not a rule.

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-09-25 04:09, Last Modified: 2003-10-05 10:10 (1 week, 2 days later)

314/2: On Speling - Obsolete

All players are strongly urged to include at least one spelling (or punctuation) mistake in every proposal.

If a proposal does not contain such a mistake, any other player may post a message to the mailing list accusing the proposer of being "A Pedant". The proposer may then reply to the list, pointing out what the mistake in his or her proposal was, or admitting that there was none.

If the proposer does not reply, or admits there was no mistake, then the proposer is from then on A Pedant according to the game's rules. Otherwise the accuser is from then on officially A Pedant according to the game's rules.

Mistakes shall be defined as a deviation from the rules of Standard English, with both correct American and Standard spellings deemed not to be mistakes.

(Repealed by proposal 330)

By Martin, Proposed: 2003-09-28 03:09, Last Modified: 2003-10-22 06:10 (3 weeks, 3 days later)


315/1: Let there be rights - Accepted

Let there be a wood.

Let there be trees.

Let there be bears.

Within the world of the Nomic, there are such things are bears, which can be given spells that turn wine into water, and convinced to fight upon the side of the giver of said impliments with said weapons of Mass destruction.

All players retain the right to arm bears.

By Aquarion, Proposed: 2003-09-30 01:09, Last Modified: 2003-10-12 07:10 (1 week, 4 days later)

316/2: Beware the Ides of $FOO - Rejected

In Honour of the demise of one of the earliest and, some say, greatest Nomic Players in the world, Gaius Julius Caesar, famed for his amendment of the "Rubicon" rule, Any rule proposed during a week containing 15th day of any month may only be passed if there is Unanimous approval, so that it is a fitting tribute to the memory of this great player of the game.

By Kegs, Proposed: 2003-09-30 02:09, Last Modified: 2003-10-12 07:10 (1 week, 4 days later)

317/2: May Pole, Can Can - Rejected

Any proposal which contains an odd number of 'may's in the content may only be passed by unanimous approval. Any proposal which contains an odd number of 'can's in the content can only be passed by unånimous approval.

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-09-30 02:09, Last Modified: 2003-10-12 07:10 (1 week, 4 days later)

318/1: Transmutation on transmutaion - Rejected

That rule 109 become a mutable rule.

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-10-01 03:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-12 07:10 (1 week, 3 days later)

319/3: Nomadic Nomicals - Obsolete


By Thomas, Proposed: 2003-10-03 01:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-05 01:10 (1 day, 23 hours later)

320/1: Forehead Stickers - Accepted

There exist Forehead Stickers. Each sticker consists of a single letter. Forehead Stickers are awarded according to the Rules, and must be worn by the player they are awarded to for the prescribed period. All other players are required to point and laugh at anybody who is awarded a sticker.

By Jason, Proposed: 2003-10-03 02:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-12 07:10 (1 week, 1 day later)

321/1: Sticker "S" - Accepted

One kind of Forehead Sticker is that of the letter "S", and is awarded to any player making a rule proposal consisting of a bug or suggestion for the software. This sticker shall be worn for precisely seven days.

By Jason, Proposed: 2003-10-03 03:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-12 07:10 (1 week, 1 day later)

322/2: Acts of God - Obsolete

Any player who makes ten or more successful proposals is granted the ability to perform an Act of God. Each player may receive no more than one Act of God per game. A player may sell or trade his Act of God for any in-game object, currency, points, privilege, or for any other consideration notwithstanding any other rules governing the means of transfer for these items.

To perform an Act of God the player may make any proposal that is legal under the rules at the time. Proposals made as an Act of God require only one vote other than that of the proposing player to pass.

(Made Obsolete by rule 357)

By Eli, Proposed: 2003-10-03 03:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-26 10:10 (3 weeks, 1 day later)

323/2: Food and Drink - Accepted

In this game of Nomic, let there be foodstuff and drink, such that they give pleasure, repleteness and joy, but such that they can never be tampered with, or hurled, orabused.

A player making a successful proposal shall be deemed to be presented with chocolate or her/his drink of choice

By Thomas, Proposed: 2003-10-03 05:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-12 07:10 (1 week, 1 day later)

324/2: Commentary - Accepted

Any text within a rule or proposal which is contained within square brackets [such as this] will be considered to be commentary only and have no semantic meaning. This rule takes precedence over all other mutable rules unless explicitly stated.

By rho, Proposed: 2003-10-04 04:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-12 07:10 (1 week later)

325/1: I didn't just say that - Accepted

Any player may retract any proposal that they made provided that voting has not yet started on that proposal. When this is done the proposal shall not be voted on and shall not be enacted into the rules.

By rho, Proposed: 2003-10-04 04:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-12 07:10 (1 week later)

326/1: Enjoy your meal - Rejected

Transmute rule 103 to mutable, modify it to read, in full:

"I am a fish"

and then transmute it to immutable.

By rho, Proposed: 2003-10-04 04:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-12 07:10 (1 week later)

327/1: On being mean - Rejected

There exists an entity known as Aquarion's Nemesis. This entity is able to vote on proposals, and counts as a player for this purpose and this purpose only. It will vote "yes" to any proposal which complicates the Nomic Manager, or to any proposal requiring a unaminous result. It will not vote on any other proposal.

By Jason, Proposed: 2003-10-05 02:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-19 10:10 (2 weeks later)

328/1: On the role of the administrator - Rejected

At any time, exactly one player of Acronomic shall also be considered the game's administrator. Being the administrator shall offer the player no in-game benefits nor impose upon the player any in-game penalties. It is the duty of the administrator to keep the game running smoothly. At a minimum, the administrator must perform the following duties:

Provide a forum where Acronomic can be played which is accesible to all players. Provide a means for all permited players to make proposals. Provide a means for all permited players to vote. Tally votes, determine which proposals pass and which fail, and report these results to all other players. Assign judges as appropriate. Keep a copy of the current rules somewhere where it is available to all players. Provide, upon request a list of all current players or any other information about the game-state. Perform any actions which any other rule states to be an administrative duty.

The administrator is also encouraged, but not required, to keep as much information as possible about the game on a webpage, and to take suggestions from other players about potential improvements to the way the game is administered.

If at any point the adminstrator is failing to perform their duty (this can be determined by judgement if necessary) then any other player may take over as adminstrator, provide they clearly provide all required administrative functions.

Repeal rule 304, make Aquarion administrator, and then remove this sentence from the rules.

By rho, Proposed: 2003-10-05 03:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-19 10:10 (2 weeks later)

329/1: That's the point, really - Rejected

There exist in Acronomic, such things as Nomic Points. A player may only receive Nomic Points whenever the rules state, orr when given them by another player, who has received them through legal channels. A player may use Nomic Points for whatever he deems suitable. Any player who has one thousand (1000) Nomic points at any time wins the game.

As this rule is ratified, each player receives one (1) Nomic Point.

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-10-05 04:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-26 10:10 (2 weeks, 6 days later)

330/1: "No" - Rejected

Repeal rule 314.

By rho, Proposed: 2003-10-05 05:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-19 10:10 (2 weeks later)

331/1: On timing - Accepted

If a rule states that something must or may be done without stating a time limit for this action, then there shall be a time limit of 48 hours imposed.

By rho, Proposed: 2003-10-05 05:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-19 10:10 (2 weeks later)

332/2: Second Thoughts - Accepted

If (within the week following a rule being voted and accepted) at least half of the players agree (In a public-to-the-players, recorded place such as the mailing list) that the rule is Silly and Annoying, it shall be immediately repealed without voting.

By ccooke, Proposed: 2003-10-06 10:10, Last Modified: 2004-01-14 10:01 (3 months, 1 week later)

333/2: Mutation. - Rejected

Rule 312 shall be, for the purposes of the game, henceforth a Hat named 'Rule 312'. It may be passed around, worn, not worn or, indeed, anything else appropriate to a hat. It begins existence in the posession of teut.

By ccooke, Proposed: 2003-10-06 03:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-19 10:10 (1 week, 6 days later)

334/2: On points - Rejected

If Nomic Points exist, each award of Nomic Points must be an integer multiple of an irrational number.

By Jason, Proposed: 2003-10-06 04:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-19 10:10 (1 week, 6 days later)

335/1: On Posession - Accepted

From this point on, each mutable Rule of this game of Nomic shall be posessed by one of the players. Posession of a Rule will initially be given to the proposer, but may be gifted, traded or otherwise exchanged at any time in any public-to-the-players forum. The recipient may decline to accept.

Immutable Rules are owned by nobody, and making a Rule immutable requires the owner to give up ownership of that Rule.

Any Rule that is made mutable shall be owned by the proposer of the Rule that makes it mutable.

By ccooke, Proposed: 2003-10-06 04:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-19 10:10 (1 week, 6 days later)

336/1: On a Game Board - Accepted

There exists a Game Board, with an initial configuration as follows. There are eight concentric circles, with (three * number of players) lines from the centre of the innermost circle to the edge of the outermost circles. These circles and lines form a grid of Squares (which are, of course, not square).

By Jason, Proposed: 2003-10-06 04:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-19 10:10 (1 week, 6 days later)

337/1: Vive le roi! - Accepted

Any player who enters the thrown room of the castle while in possesion of a crown and at least one medal, and holding at least one other player in thrall shall win the game.

By rho, Proposed: 2003-10-06 04:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-19 10:10 (1 week, 6 days later)

338/1: Thingness - Accepted

There exist, in the World of Nomic, Things.

Things are anything that is named in a Rule and exists within the world of Nomic, but is not simply a Rule itself. Examples of this are Hats, a Board, Stickers and so on.

Things can be owned by one of the players, nobody, or nominally in trust for entities outside the game.

A Class of Things can be provided by a Rule - again, see the example of Hats.

No Rule may destroy all Things of a Class by removing the Rule that provides it unless all other Rules mentioning that Class of Thing are repealed or not Rules.

By ccooke, Proposed: 2003-10-06 05:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-19 10:10 (1 week, 6 days later)

339/1: Stuff - Rejected

That a judge may be excused from doing the dishes while he/she is pondering a decision.

By Thomas, Proposed: 2003-10-07 12:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-19 10:10 (1 week, 5 days later)

340/1: Übel doppelganger - Rejected

In the Nomic Universe there exists two artificial entities, Evil Bill and Evil Ted. Both Evil Bill and Evil Ted are allowed to vote on Proposals and count as Players for this purpose and this purpose alone. For each Proposal, Evil Bill and Evil Ted will vote only when their Good counterparts vote. There is a 90% chance they will make an opposite vote to their Good counterpart. If a Bill-pair or a Ted-pair should happen to vote the same way, the Evil version will kill the Good version.

By gilmae, Proposed: 2003-10-07 01:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-19 10:10 (1 week, 5 days later)

341/1: Might as well - Done

Repeal rule 308.

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-10-07 05:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-19 10:10 (1 week, 5 days later)

342/1: Thinking of titles is hard - Rejected

Let rule 119 become a mutable rule, and read "Votes are ratified on a simple majority of those who voted, unless another rule states otherwise."

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-10-07 05:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-23 06:10 (2 weeks, 2 days later)

343/1: Look, I'm sorry. - Rejected

While this Rule exists, this Rule does not exist.

By ccooke, Proposed: 2003-10-07 05:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-19 10:10 (1 week, 5 days later)

344/2: Cap of Low Proposals - Rejected

There exists a Hat known as the Cap of Low Proposals. This Hat, if not owned by a player, is awarded to any player who has proposed less than 5 proposals, at a time when all other players have proposed at least 5 proposals. Any player wearing wearing this hat may declare that they will unleash its power. They must name a proposal being voted on as they do this.

If the power in the Cap of Low Proposals is unleashed, the following things will happen: The proposal naemd at the time required a 75% support, rather than a simple majority. The player who owned the Cap of Low Proposals must take it off and relinquish control of it: it is then owned by nobody. [The hat will then be immediately available to be given away again.] All numbers in the first paragraph of this rule will increase by five.

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-10-07 05:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-19 10:10 (1 week, 5 days later)

345/2: Another nifty hat - Rejected

[Proposal withdrawn.]

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-10-07 05:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-19 10:10 (1 week, 5 days later)

346/2: A Doctor calls - Rejected

Let there be a Hat, specifically a brown floppy hat. To be awarded to any player who manages to warp the rules of time, to make a post dated a day in advance or behind the date that it appears on the list, as defined by the majority of players.

Let this hat also imbue the pleyer owning the hat with the mystic power of jelly babies

Also let players only gain this hat if it is currently has no owner, or if at least two players have held the hat since they last owned it

By Kegs, Proposed: 2003-10-07 06:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-19 10:10 (1 week, 5 days later)

347/1: On the mutable rules as trumps - Rejected

In a conflict between a mutable and an immutable rule, the mutable rule takes precedence and the immutable rule shall be entirely void. For the purposes of this rule a proposal to transmute a mutable rule does not "conflict" with that mutable rule.

By rho, Proposed: 2003-10-07 06:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-19 10:10 (1 week, 5 days later)

348/2: To stop stupid proposals - Rejected

There exists a Hat known as the Dunce's Hat. It is large, pointed, yellow, and with the letter 'D' on it. After each round of voting, the Dunce's Hat is given to any player who made a proposal voted against by at least 90% of players who voted for it. If two or more such proposals are made, the hat is assigned randomly. Any player who own the Dunce's Hat must wear it, and cannot wear any other hat.

Any player wearing the Dunce's Hat can make a maximum of one proposal each week.

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-10-07 06:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-19 10:10 (1 week, 5 days later)

349/1: Changes to 313 - Rejected

Change rule 313 to read: 'There exists a Judge's Hat, which must be worn at all times by the player who is the judge. It is an old fashioned wig, made of horsehair. That player must remove the hat when they are no longer the judge, and they must give it to the player who is the judge. This rule is automatically repealed if rule 312 is repealed. If a player cannot wear the Judge's Hat, then they forfeit their turn as judge, and the player who would be judge next receives it.' [Changes are: description of hat, remove clause on proposal 312, and require that they be capable of wearing it or lose turn at judging.]

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-10-07 06:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-19 10:10 (1 week, 5 days later)

350/1: Son, I say son, you go too fast. - Accepted

That no single player or entity may submit more than five proposals for any one cycle.

By Aquarion, Proposed: 2003-10-07 09:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-19 10:10 (1 week, 5 days later)

351/2: Game over. Continue [y/n]? - Accepted

Should any player win the game, or should the game end for any other reason, the following actions shall occur:

All elements of the game state shall be reset with the following exceptions:

Rules Proposls Judgements Players The identity of the administrator Ownership of winner's medals The round number

The person who won, if any, shall gain a winner's medal.

If necessary, the rules will be modified to their most recent state that would not immediately cause another victory or ending of the game.

By rho, Proposed: 2003-10-07 09:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-19 10:10 (1 week, 5 days later)

352/1: /usr/sbin/bound - Accepted

No purebreed dragon is a colour which is other than a member of the set {gold,bronze,brown,green,blue}.

Dragons whose colours start with the letter g are female. Dragons whose colours start with the letter b are male.

By Senji, Proposed: 2003-10-07 11:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-19 10:10 (1 week, 4 days later)

353/1: On Pronouns - Accepted

Personal pronouns shall be deemed to refer to any gender unless explicitly stated.

By Jason, Proposed: 2003-10-08 07:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-19 10:10 (1 week, 4 days later)

354/1: Chefs Hat - Rejected

Let there be a chef's hat.

Let the chef wear the hat at all times, except when he/she is acting as judge.

Let nobody harm the wearer of the chefs hat.

By Thomas, Proposed: 2003-10-09 01:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-19 10:10 (1 week, 3 days later)

355/1: Space mining - Rejected

The players in Acronomic are CEOs of Space Mining Companies (SMC). Each SMC mines asteroids in a belt around the star system Eta Cassiopia for the rare compound Acrodium, vital for space travel. By default, each SMC mines a random amount of Acrodium each week, between 1 and 10kg. This shall be calculated and added to the players total of Acrodium at a time of the Administrators choice, as long as it takes place once every voting cycle.

By, Proposed: 2003-10-09 07:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-19 10:10 (1 week, 3 days later)

356/1: The value of Criticism. - Accepted

Everyone is a Critic.

By ccooke, Proposed: 2003-10-13 09:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-26 10:10 (1 week, 5 days later)

357/1: Evasive action ('Acts of God') - Done

[ The rule implementing Acts of God is a dangerous and unstable device, likely to destroy the game as soon as somebody gets 10 proposals accepted. In the hope that proposal 332 is accepted, I declare it to be Silly and Annoying and encourage everyone to agree with me on this. Rule 322(Acts of God) will allow two players to completely control the game, effectively ending it the instant one of them has 10 accepted proposals. Therefore, since Rule 332 may not be accepted: ]

Repeal Rule 322. If Rule 322 is repealed, repeal this rule.

By ccooke, Proposed: 2003-10-13 10:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-26 10:10 (1 week, 5 days later)

358/3: Playing Pieces - Accepted

Upon the ratification of this rule, all players are given a Playing Piece. Each piece is a different colour, and players choose the colour of their piece on a first-come, first-served basis. As soon as each player has chosen the colour of their playing piece, each piece is placed on a different, random Square on the outer edge of the Game Board. If there is no Game Board, players keep the playing pieces until there is. No two playing pieces can occupy the same Square at the same time.

A player can control more playing pieces if another rule provides them. All playing pieces must be a different colour.

Each player may move their playing pieces one square each cycle, unless another rule states otherwise. Moves must be to an adjacent Square, but cannot be to a Square diagonally adjacent to the current location. Moves are declared in secret, and are actualized at the same time as votes are tallied. [Perhaps players could declare their moves on the Vote for Stuff page.] If two or more players try to move to the same Square at the same time, it is decided at random which player's move takes place; other moves to that Square are wasted.

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-10-14 02:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-26 10:10 (1 week, 4 days later)

359/4: Claustrophobia - Rejected

[Nice game board, but it's too small...]

Each square on a game board contains another game board. A player who stands alone on a square has control of all terrain contained in that square. Should another player enter the same square, the two players are assigned random positions on the outside of the board contained within the same square.While at the edge of a square, a playing piece may be moved to any adjacent square of the board containing this one. There are four levels of boards in total - the starting level with two beneath it, and a level "above" the start. When going down a level, the number of pieces under a player's control doubles.

Modify Rule/Proposal 358 to allow multiple players to enter the same square.

By ccooke, Proposed: 2003-10-14 06:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-26 10:10 (1 week, 4 days later)

360/1: Concession - Accepted

If ever a player dies in game, he shall be offered the tea / coffee and buns concession next to the playing board.

After selling or giving away 10 cups of tea or coffee he shall be deemed alive again and resume the game.

Should a rule require scores to be kept, the resurected player shall start with the minimum balance provided for in a rule.

By Thomas, Proposed: 2003-10-14 07:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-26 10:10 (1 week, 4 days later)

361/1: More on precedence - Rejected

Any rule may contain within it a precedence level. This shall be in the form of a statement within the rule of its precedence level. Precedence levels must be integer values from 1 to 5. Any rule that does not state a precedence is deemed to have a precedence level of 2.

When two rules of the same mutability level conflict with each other, precedence is determined as follows:

If exactly one of the rules claims or cede precedence specificly to the other rule (by number or other unambiguous reference) then that statement shall hold. Otherwise, a rule with a higher precedence level shall take precedence over a rule with a lower precedence level. Otherwise, a rule which claims general precedence over all other rules or all other rules of the same precedence will take precedence over one which doesn't. Otherwise, the rule which was created first shall take precedence. Otherwise, the rule which currently has the lower number shall take precedence.

This rule has a precedence level of 5 and takes precedence over all other rules.

By rho, Proposed: 2003-10-14 09:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-26 10:10 (1 week, 4 days later)

362/2: Sabaticals - Accepted

A player can, if duly announced, take a sabatical of up to three turns of the game.

Players on Sabatical do not count towards unanimity of voting.

If other rules provide for scores to be collected, or penalties to be acrued, then those rules shall not penalise the player on sabatical, whose score (or equivalent) will remain on its pre-sabatical level.

Between sabaticals a minimum of 5 turns must be completed

By Thomas, Proposed: 2003-10-15 08:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-26 10:10 (1 week, 4 days later)

363/1: Spell of Mountains - Accepted

A player may, at any time, spend 85 Nomic Points to acquire a Spell of Mountains. A player may only use this spell once. If this spell is used, a mountain appears in a square within three squares of that player's Playing Piece. The player using the spell chooses which square, but cannot choose a square with any item, such as a Plying Piece or Hat, on it.

Squares with mountains in them cannot be entered by Playing Pieces without the mountainwalk ability.

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-10-15 10:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-26 10:10 (1 week, 3 days later)

364/2: On a different kind of precedence - Rejected

Every rule has a precedence. A precedence is one of the following, in order from lowest to highest - "Low", "Normal", "High", "Very High", "Immutable". Unless explicitly stated otherwise, a rule has precedence "Normal". A proposal that would create a rule with precedence "High" must be passed with at least 75% of the vote. A proposal that would create a rule with precedence "Very High" must be passed unanimously. Only an immutable rule may have precedence "Immutable", and an immutable rule must have precedence "Immutable".

If two or more rules conflict:

* Rules with a higher precedence level take precedence over rules with a lower precedence level

* For rules with the same precedence level, the rule with the lowest number shall take precedence

This rule has precedence "Very High". [It will not require unanimous approval to pass, I believe].

This rule cannot coexist with proposal 361. If both this proposal and proposal 361 are passed, one of them will be randomly selected to be repealed immediately.

By Jason, Proposed: 2003-10-15 12:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-26 10:10 (1 week, 3 days later)

365/2: Contradictions - Withdrawn

[Proposal withdrawn. It was unnecessary and would make things too complicated.]

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-10-15 02:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-16 11:10 (1 day, 9 hours later)

366/1: Coup - Rejected

Amend Rule 201 to read "Alexander, Aquarion, ccooke, Eli, gilmae, Jason, Kegs, and Martin shall have two votes on every proposal. All other players shall have one vote."

By Jason, Proposed: 2003-10-15 03:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-26 10:10 (1 week, 3 days later)

367/1: On democracy - Rejected

Make Rule 201 immutable.

By Jason, Proposed: 2003-10-15 03:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-26 10:10 (1 week, 3 days later)

368/1: Danger - Rejected

If a player is threatening another players piece on the board, and this is that players last piece, then he has to threaten him with the "shout of danger" before harming the piece.

By Thomas, Proposed: 2003-10-18 05:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-30 04:10 (1 week, 4 days later)

369/1: The judge that goes ping - Rejected

If at any time the current judge suspects a player may no longer wish to play, he may send a message to the mailing list stating this suspicion. The player about whom the suspicion is held must respond within exactly seven days, or they are deemed to have permanently left the game.

By Jason, Proposed: 2003-10-20 08:10, Last Modified: 2003-11-02 05:11 (1 week, 6 days later)

370/2: On lapsing - Rejected

If a player fails to make any in-game actions in two consecutive rounds, he will be deemed to have permanently left the game.

By Jason, Proposed: 2003-10-20 09:10, Last Modified: 2003-11-02 05:11 (1 week, 6 days later)

371/1: On resigning - Accepted

Any player may resign by voluntarily sending a message to the mailing list stating this wish, whereupon he is deemed to have immediately and permanently left the game.

By Jason, Proposed: 2003-10-20 09:10, Last Modified: 2003-11-02 05:11 (1 week, 6 days later)

372/1: Amendment to 336 - Rejected

That rule 336, On a Game Board, be amended. Replace the phrase '(three * number of players)' with the phrase 'thirty-nine'. [This provides exactly the same board, but means the board will not alter if more players join.]

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-10-20 09:10, Last Modified: 2003-11-02 05:11 (1 week, 6 days later)

373/2: Secrecy - Accepted

All votes are cast secretly. A player has no obligation to reveal which way they voted. However, if a player casts no votes at all in a given cycle then that fact is revealed to all players. This rule does not apply to entities known as Bill or Ted, who must reveal all votes cast to all players.

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-10-20 07:10, Last Modified: 2003-11-17 09:11 (4 weeks later)

374/1: On the metagame - Withdrawn

This proposal has no effect [but voting "yes" on it is an indication that the player values the metagame over the game, and voting "no" on it is an indication that the player values the game over the metagame].

By Jason, Proposed: 2003-10-20 08:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-21 02:10 (17 hours, 55 minutes later)


375/1: Tabula Rasa - Accepted

If two or more mutable rules conflict with one another, or if two or more immutable rules conflict with one another, then the rule with the lowest ordinal number takes precedence.

If at least one of the rules in conflict explicitly says of itself that it defers to another rule (or type of rule) or takes precedence over another rule (or type of rule), then such provisions shall supersede the numerical method for determining precedence.

If two or more rules claim to take precedence over one another or to defer to one another, then the numerical method again governs.

[The astute reader will notice that this rule is taken from Peter Suber's original Nomic ruleset. I'm not sure why it was scrapped for this game; nonetheless I find it more elegant than many of the byzantine precedence systems now proposed, and as it is becoming increasingly obvious that some precedence system is necessary; I herewith submit it.]

By Eli, Proposed: 2003-10-20 08:10, Last Modified: 2003-11-02 05:11 (1 week, 5 days later)

376/1: And on the First Day... - Rejected

Each square of the Board may contain one item of Terrain. Squares that do *not* contain Terrain are Void and may not be entered. Each week, each player may (before or after moving) choose to create, modify or destroy the terrain of one square adjacent to any of their playing pieces.

By ccooke, Proposed: 2003-10-20 09:10, Last Modified: 2003-11-02 05:11 (1 week, 5 days later)

377/1: On the status of players - Accepted

Players have a status. This status may be one of:

Active Absent Sabbatical Resigned

An active player is a normal player. Any player who has not performed some kind of action within the nomic (including, but not limited to, voting, proposing, judging, moving a playing piece, or arming a bear) in two weeks is deemed absent. Any player who wishes so shall be given the status "sabbatical", both Absent and Sabbatical may be returned to Active status by a single message to the mailing list.

Absent or Sabbatical players may not vote or propose, may not collect any tithe or rule, and may not have their personal game state (including wealth, piece position) modified with these exceptions:

1) A player who is judge will be stripped of that title in favour of the next in line.

A player may designate themselves retired. A retired player loses all possessions and titles, will not be counted as a player in any calculations from that moment forth, and cannot vote. Any unique items he or she owns at time of retirement are either:

1) Dropped in the game square of a playing piece of their choice or 2) Distributed randomly to the other players

To be decided by the player, or else the current Judge.

By Aquarion, Proposed: 2003-10-20 11:10, Last Modified: 2003-11-02 05:11 (1 week, 5 days later)

378/1: On dependancies - Rejected

Rules/proposals *may* have a dependancy on *one* other rule. Should a rule's dependant be in any state other than "Done", "Immutable" or "Mutable", the rule/proposal will be marked "Obsolete"

Circular dependancies will be resolved by Judgement.

By Aquarion, Proposed: 2003-10-20 11:10, Last Modified: 2003-11-02 05:11 (1 week, 5 days later)

379/5: Consistency Good - Draft

Rules will not change their numbers unless the rules state that the rule's number will change.

Modify Rule 108 to be mutable. Then Remove the second paragraph ("If a rule is repealed and reenacted, it receives the number of the proposal to reenact it. If a rule is amended or transmuted, it receives the number of the proposal to amend or transmute it. If an amendment is amended or repealed, the entire rule of which it is a part receives the number of the proposal to amend or repeal the amendment.") Modify Rule 108 to be immutable again. Remove the previous 4 lines and this one from the rule.

[This rule requires unanimity, but it is one that the Admin should have made before the game started. If anyone intends to vote against this, could we please discuss it on the mailing list first and resolve that problem instead of letting this continue another week. Rho is right, this rule is non-good]

By Aquarion, Proposed: 2003-10-21 12:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-21 04:10 (15 hours, 58 minutes later)

380/1: Blatterbeasts - Rejected

Any player may, at any time, expend four pieces of chocolate and an alcoholic drink to choose a square unoccupied by Playing Pieces. The chocolate and drink lures a ferocious Blatterbeast, and can never be entered, unless the player trying to enter it has the means to defeat the Blatterbeast. The Blatterbeast will stay there permanently, as they know how to cultivate chocolate trees using chocolate and alcohol.

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-10-21 03:10, Last Modified: 2003-11-02 05:11 (1 week, 5 days later)

381/1: On the vent of hearing - Accepted

I propose that Sarabian of Dellah be allowed to join the Nomic as per rule 301

I can vouch that he is of sound mind, and probably won't kill anyone unless you mention XML.

By Aquarion, Proposed: 2003-10-21 11:10, Last Modified: 2003-11-02 05:11 (1 week, 4 days later)

382/3: Fresh blood - Done

If player joins the game at a time other than the game's beginning, he or she shall be given the following Things when his or her application is finalized:

One item of chocolate. One playing piece of the colour of their choosing (note rule 358 when choosing a colour) [If a points system were ever developed, then this rule could be modified here to provide some initial points.]

All players are advised to offer whatever assistance they can to new players.

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-10-22 12:10, Last Modified: 2003-11-04 04:11 (1 week, 6 days later)

383/1: On the scope of rules over rule-changes - Draft

[ I've been doing some reading of the rules, and I think a couple of things are not stated (such as, the exact meaning of "rule-change") which could be used to do some nasty things to the system with enough thought. This should help plug it. However, I want to get this into a form people can agree to, so I'd like to (as per rule 111) delay voting on this rule until people are happy with it. ]

A rule-proposal is a rule-change. A rule created by a rule-change is *not* a rule-change, and is bound by the rules as a corpus. If the rule itself is not immutable it cannot create, ammend or repeal any immutable rules. Should a system of precedence be agreed upon, a rule may not affect a rule from a precedence above its own.

By ccooke, Proposed: 2003-10-22 05:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-22 04:10 (-1 years, 12 months later)

384/1: Amendment to 301 - Rejected

That the following amendment be made to rule 301: On the beginning of the game.

Remove the phrase ", and adding someone to the game will require a majority vote by the current members."

Replace it with ". Any player making an appication to join The Nomic of Many Intricate Creations be given Voting and Proposal privileges at the start of the next cycle, as long as they make a proposal requesting the right to continue playing during that cycle."

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-10-23 06:10, Last Modified: 2003-11-02 05:11 (1 week, 2 days later)

385/3: More on Bears - Accepted

If a player wishes to recruit a bear, he may give up two items of food and two non-alcoholic beverages to do so. The bear is placed in a square beside any of that player's playing pieces. Bears count as playing pieces.

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-10-26 04:10, Last Modified: 2003-11-17 09:11 (3 weeks, 1 day later)

386/2: Things on Board - Accepted

If a player moves any of his playing pieces onto a Square of the Game Board which contains any number of Things, then that player may take possession of none, some or all of those Things.

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-10-26 05:10, Last Modified: 2003-11-17 09:11 (3 weeks, 1 day later)

387/2: Amendment to rule 323 - Draft

That rule 323 be amended as follows:

Replace the phrase 'orabused' with 'or abused'. [Was that there for On Speling?]

Replace the phrase 'shall be deemed to be presented with' with 'may claim'. [A little neater, and fits better with the new final part.]

Add the phrase 'If a player is allowed to claim an item of food or drink, but does not state which they want within a week, they forfeit their right to that food or drink.'.

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-10-26 06:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-29 04:10 (2 days, 22 hours later)

388/1: Nomic Points - Draft

There exist things known as Nomic Points. Nomic Points can be reffered to as Points for the sake of brevity. Nomic Points cannot be created or destroyed except by this rule. Upon the acceptance of this proposal, a Nomic Bank is created, which contains an infinite number of Nomic Points. The Nomic Bank will give Points if any rule orders it to.

If a player votes in favour of a proposal that is accepted, the Nomic Bank will give them five Points. If a player votes against a proposal that is rejected, the Nomic Bank will give them five Points.

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-10-27 09:10

389/2: Automatic Food Dispenser - Accepted

Upon the acceptance of this rule, players have one week to state if they want to be included on the 'Automatic Food' list. If they do not state their desire within this week, they are not included on the list. Any player agreeing to be on the list is given one item of chocolate automatically.

If any player on the 'Automatic Food' list is assigned an item of food or drink by rule 323, instead they will be given one of the following items immediately:




There is a half chance that they will be given chocolate, and a quarter chance for both Beer and Lemonade. This rule takes precedence over rule 323.

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-10-29 04:10, Last Modified: 2003-11-17 09:11 (2 weeks, 5 days later)

390/2: #include - Accepted

[comments so I can edit this, please...]

There exists within this game of Nomic various different types of terrain, which may be aplied to squares of the board. This rule defines basic types and classes of terrain; other rules may add new types of terrain using the same or additional classes. Other rules may not edit this rule just to add new terrain types or classes.

Each type of terrain may belong to more than one class. If two classes contradict, the most extreme penalties take precedence.

In the following, an 'action' is taken to mean a move. Under the rules as of this writing, players have one action per cycle.

Where a player has fractional actions remaining, round them up for the purposes of attempting to spend 1 or more actions.

I'm defining three types of class in this rule. More may be added later by others. These types reflect: Movement, Growth of living stuff, type of terrain.

For growth of living stuff: Players may sow a unit of plants in any square their avatar stands in, if they have such a unit. A unit of plants counts as an item of food.

The classes are:

(with respect to movement)

IMPASSABLE: No playing piece may move into this square

DIFFICULT: Movement into this square takes two actions (as the rules state when this was written, this would mean two turns)

PASSABLE: Movement into this square takes one action

EASY: Movement into this square takes half an action

TELEPORT: Movement into this square is free

(with respect to greenery)

FUCKED: Anything living in this square dies. Any rule defining a living this must take this into account.

NASTY: Nothing is going to grow here. Living things brought into this square will leave or die. (see "FUCKED" re other rules)

BARREN: Things don't really grow, but they'll just about survive.

LIMITED: If a crop is planted here, it will yield a copy of that crop every three cycles.

GREEN: If a crop is planted here, it will yield a copy of that crop every two cycles

ABUNDANT: If a crop is planted here, it will yield a copy of that crop every cycle.

(with respect to types of land)

ROCKY: Rocks may be found here. Really.

FORESTED: Wood may be found here. Amazing, huh?




And so to types of land:






And just for fun:


By ccooke, Proposed: 2003-10-30 06:10, Last Modified: 2003-11-17 09:11 (2 weeks, 4 days later)

391/1: Amendement to 373 - Accepted

That the phrase ', or even if they voted at all.' be replaced with '. However, if a player casts no votes at all in a given cycle then that fact is revealed to all players.'

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-11-02 06:11, Last Modified: 2003-11-17 09:11 (2 weeks, 1 day later)

392/2: # include II - Withdrawn

If rule 390 is passed, create the

By Thomas, Proposed: 2003-11-04 03:11, Last Modified: 2003-11-04 04:11 (13 minutes later)

393/1: # include 2 - Accepted

This rule shall only be valid if rule 390 is adopted.

In respect to movement add the following class:

navigable (if applied to a body of water, the water can be navigated with a suitable vessel)

In respect to properties of land add the following class:

mineable (this one is digital)

In respect to mineability the following classes of minerals and ores:

iron silver gold copper diamond

By Thomas, Proposed: 2003-11-04 03:11, Last Modified: 2003-11-17 09:11 (1 week, 6 days later)

394/1: Control - Accepted

A player has control over a square on the Game Board if he/she either has a paying piece on that square, or was the last person to have a playing piece on that square.

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-11-04 07:11, Last Modified: 2003-11-17 09:11 (1 week, 6 days later)

395/1: Action on Pieces - Done

That the following action be taken: All players who have not chosen a colour for their playing piece as required by rule 358 be chosen one by the player Aquarion. For all purposes, it shall be considered that they chose the colour themselves.

This is an action, not a rule: if approved, it shall be marked done, and no rule shall be created from it.

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-11-06 09:11, Last Modified: 2003-11-17 09:11 (1 week, 3 days later)

396/2: Jump start - Rejected

That all players count as having voted in favour of proposal 397, regardless of which way they actually voted.

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-11-14 10:11, Last Modified: 2003-12-14 12:12 (1 month later)

397/2: Democracy - Rejected

That rule 119, On the scope of sucess, be made mutable, changed to 'Votes are ratified on a simple majority of votes cast.' and made immutable again.

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-11-14 10:11, Last Modified: 2003-12-14 12:12 (1 month later)

398/2: Mentioning the unmentionable - Accepted

I propose an ammendment to Rule 356 to say

Everyone is a Critic unless they are reported to have mentioned XML anywhere. Evidence has be provided to proof this claim (example being a link, reference to a newsgroup post, or screenshot).

By Sarabian, Proposed: 2003-11-14 02:11, Last Modified: 2003-12-14 12:12 (4 weeks, 1 day later)

399/1: Reversing - Accepted

A playing piece moved off a square on the playing board may not return to that same square until 2 moves have been completed.

By Thomas, Proposed: 2003-11-21 07:11, Last Modified: 2003-12-14 12:12 (3 weeks, 1 day later)

400/1: Encourage interest - Rejected

Amend rule 201, 'On the man with the vote', to read: "The players named in the brackets (XXX) have two votes on each proposal. Every other player has one vote on each proposal.", Replacing XXX in with the names of the players who voted during the cycle that this proposal was voted on.

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-11-22 01:11, Last Modified: 2003-12-14 12:12 (3 weeks later)

401/1: Action - Done

That every list member get's a mail from the list, so that they can see if the list still works.

By Thomas, Proposed: 2003-11-22 07:11, Last Modified: 2003-12-14 12:12 (3 weeks later)

402/2: Celebration! - Withdrawn

To celebrate the renewal of Acronomic, give all players a bushel of wheat.

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-11-30 11:11, Last Modified: 2003-12-13 01:12 (1 week, 6 days later)

403/1: Survive on Air Alone - Rejected

Repeal rule 323. [There should not be a reward for proposals, as each rule change should be a result of discussion.]

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-12-14 06:12, Last Modified: 2003-12-28 12:12 (1 week, 6 days later)

404/3: Not of bread alone, ... - Accepted

That players can trade and barter items for other items, and other items only. Items are only items if they have been specifically mentioned in a rule, for instance chocolate and drinks in rule 323.

By Thomas, Proposed: 2003-12-14 06:12, Last Modified: 2003-12-28 12:12 (1 week, 6 days later)

405/1: Christmas - Accepted

That every player be presented with a trading chocolate egg.

By Thomas, Proposed: 2003-12-19 08:12, Last Modified: 2003-12-28 12:12 (1 week, 1 day later)

406/1: A lump of Coal - Accepted

[ *someone* had to do it ]

Each player may be either Naughty or Nice. Players are Nice until they are defined to be Naughty.

The Central point of the Board shall be defined as 'The North Pole'. Once a year (on or after December the 25th, as appropriate depending on turns) each player shall receive a Gift from the denizens of the North Pole. If that player is nice, it may be anything they want (limited to items that exist within the game already). If they are Naughty, it shall be a lump of Coal.

The terrain of the North Pole is defined as:

'Snow': DIFFICULT and BARREN. Also FREEZING and WET, which are currently undefined but hey :-)

By ccooke, Proposed: 2003-12-23 04:12, Last Modified: 2004-01-13 07:01 (2 weeks, 6 days later)

407/2: ChinDoGu Join Request - Accepted

I saw that rule, but no directions are given on how one goes about applying to be allowed to join

Hey btw.. Saw your post in nomic bb and was looking for a nomic to join.

Im new to nomics, but interested in giving one a go.

Can you please propose a vote to allow me to join?


***Proposal that ChinDoGu joins the Nomic

By Admin, Proposed: 2003-12-24 08:12, Last Modified: 2004-01-14 10:01 (3 weeks later)

408/1: Immutable Tabula Rasa - Processing

Proposal that the rule Tabula Rasa (Rule 375) be made immutable

Further that this rule be renumbered to the number 120

This rule takes precedence over rule 108 [Which by my reading would make it not work, as it would set it to this proposals number after it was changed]

By ChinDoGu, Proposed: 2004-01-15 07:01, Last Modified: 2004-01-25 12:01 (1 week, 2 days later)

409/1: Rejoining the Game - Processing

Should a rule allow a player to rejoin the game on the game board, that player may place his playing piece onto the game board in any of the outer circle’s squares of his/her choice.

By ChinDoGu, Proposed: 2004-01-15 08:01, Last Modified: 2004-01-25 12:01 (1 week, 2 days later)

410/1: Other person in thrall - Processing

Another player will be considered controlled by a player if that player voluntarily places upon their own head the cap of gulibility. The cap of mind control exists somewhere in the game board, but its location is not yet known.

The controlling player will be whichever player is currently wearing the cap of mind control. This item also exists at an as yet undefined place in the game board.

[Suggestions for change welcome just want to liven thigs up a bit here]

By ChinDoGu, Proposed: 2004-01-15 08:01, Last Modified: 2004-01-25 12:01 (1 week, 2 days later)

411/2: Ammendment to Fresh Blood (rule 382) - Processing

Should 409 : Rejoining the Game Pass, Ammend rule 382 adding the following.

New Players may the rejoin the game board. [as per rule 409]

Should 409 : Rejoining the Game Fail, Ammend rule 382 adding the following.

The new player must also decide upon a starting location for their game piece, which must be i the outer circle of the game board.

In either case, also Ammend rule 382 adding :

New players also have one week from their time of joining to claim a spot on the automatic food dispensor list [as per rule 389]

Additionally complete the action of adding ChinDoGu to the automatic food dispensor list, as if he had joined within a week of its enactment. [Since by the time my ammendment comes in, I will no longer be eligeble]

By ChinDoGu, Proposed: 2004-01-15 08:01, Last Modified: 2004-01-25 12:01 (1 week, 2 days later)

412/1: Kick start 2004 - Processing

That the status page be brought up to date and a new judge appointed. 'tis an action, not a rule.

By Thomas, Proposed: 2004-01-15 07:01, Last Modified: 2004-01-25 12:01 (1 week, 2 days later)

413/1: Death - Processing

That this game be officially declared dead, and that all players look at or for other Nomics.

By Alexander, Proposed: 2004-01-17 09:01, Last Modified: 2004-01-25 12:01 (1 week later)

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