
The Nomic Of Many Intricate Creations
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View rule 335

335/1: On Posession - Accepted

From this point on, each mutable Rule of this game of Nomic shall be posessed by one of the players. Posession of a Rule will initially be given to the proposer, but may be gifted, traded or otherwise exchanged at any time in any public-to-the-players forum. The recipient may decline to accept.

Immutable Rules are owned by nobody, and making a Rule immutable requires the owner to give up ownership of that Rule.

Any Rule that is made mutable shall be owned by the proposer of the Rule that makes it mutable.

By ccooke, Proposed: 2003-10-06 04:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-19 10:10 (1 week, 6 days later)

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