[Rules 1-100] [Rules 101-200] [Rules 201-300] [Rules 301-400] [Rules 401-500] [Rules 501-600]

Rule 305/2(m) : Abstentions
When the votes cast are considered, only votes equivalent to "yes" or "no" are counted toward the passage or failure of a proposal. Abstention and automatic abstention votes are considered neutral.
0. Created by Proposal 305, 21 April 1998
1. Altered by Administrative Review, 21 July 1998
2. Amended by Proposal 423, 25 January 1999

Rule 307/4(m) : Quorum
A quorum for Proposal voting purposes is a simple majority of eligible vote-casting entities.

If a quorum has not cast votes by the end of a Proposal voting period, the Proposals whichg were up for voting neither pass nor fail, but are held over for the next turn and remain active.

Vote-casting entities eligible but failing to cast votes during the voting period shall have their votes recorded as automatic abstentions.

0. Created by Proposal 307, 27 April 1998
1. Altered by Administrative Review, 21 July 1998
2. Amended by Rule 315/0, 26 September 1998
2. Clarified by Judgment 43, 13 December 1998
3. Amended by Proposal 436, 4 February 1999
4. Amended by Proposal 548, 26 July 1999

Rule 309/4(m) : Adding Players
New Players may be added to the game pursuant to the following restrictions:

1. Addition of a new Player must not violate the Definition of Player.
2. An existing Player must make an informal proposal to add a new Player.
3. The informal proposal must receive a two-thirds majority of favorable votes from eligible voters if any player requests a vote on the matter. If no such request is made within 36 hours of the informal proposal, said proposal is considered to have passed.

Upon entry to the game, new Players are regulated by the following restrictions:

1. New Players begin the game with zero points.
2. New Players may not propose or serve as Judges until they have been players for five days.
0. Created by Proposal 309, 3 May 1998
0. Clarified by Judgment 9, 5 May 1998
1. Altered by Administrative Review, 21 July 1998
2. Amended by Rule 315/0, 26 September 1998
3. Amended by Proposal 393, 5 January 1999
4. Amended by Proposal 446, 2 March 1999

Rule 310/1(m) : Attribute Alteration
Players' attributes may not be altered except in accordance with the rules. This rule takes precedence over all other rules dealing with attributes, or the permissibility of actions.
0. Created by Administrative Review, 22 July 1998
1. Amended by Rule 327/0, 6 October 1998
1. Clarified by Judgment 89, 7 June 1999
1. Clarified by Judgment 90, 8 June 1999

Rule 317/2(m) : Game Reset Following a Win
Upon a Player being declared the Winner other than through the impossibility of further play, that Player is credited with a Win, all non-Win Player attributes including scores are reset to their initial states as appropriate, and play continues.
0. Created by Proposal 317, 6 October 1998
1. Amended by Proposal 353, 1 December 1998
2. Amended by Proposal 387, 5 January 1999

Rule 318/2(m) : GWIB Definition and Protocol
I. Definition of a GWIB

A. A Game-Within-Berserker (hereafter, GWIB) shall be defined as a structure within the game of Berserker Nomic in which any Berserker player may participate by publicly indicating a desire to do so.

B. Each GWIB shall be defined by a GWIB Specification.

C. Specifications carry the force of rules for the participating players. Players implicitly agree to follow the specification when they join the GWIB.

D. Each GWIB instance shall be administered by a Game Master.

II. GWIB Specifications, Announcement method

A. Any player may create a GWIB Specification by publicly announcing the GWIB's name, procedures for play, and conditions for winning in accordance with the rules.

B. When a GWIB created by Announcement ends, it must distribute all of the Subers it holds among its participants as specified by the GWIB's rules.

C. The Game Master of a GWIB created by Announcement must specify the allowable range of Subers paid to the GWIB and the method for their distribution at the time the GWIB instance begins.

III. GWIB Specifications, Approval method

A. Any player may also create a GWIB Specification by offering the name, procedure for play, conditions for winning, and other details as an informal proposal.

B. A GWIB Specification is considered approved if it receives a 2/3 majority of favorable votes.

C. GWIBs created by Approval may leave variables open to be specified by the Game Master of each particular instance. These variables must by given a value by the Game Master at the time the GWIB instance begins, and must conform to the guidelines approved in the Specification.

IV. Limits on GWIB Specifications

A. A GWIB cannot create, destroy, or modify rules.

B. A GWIB cannot in any way interfere with or modify the voting and judging procedures of Berserker Nomic; explicitly, a player may not be awarded votes, denied votes, or forced to vote in a certain manner based on a GWIB; nor may a player be forced to judge a statement in a specific way based on a GWIB.

C. A GWIB created by Announcement cannot create or destroy points. A GWIB created by Approval may create or destroy points only in the manner approved in its Specification.

D. At any time, an existing GWIB specification may be declared invalid if a. It is not in accordance with the rules of Berserker Nomic. b. It is rendered invalid by an informal proposal passed by a 2/3 majority. If an instance of the invalid GWIB is in progress, the GWIB stops and no points are awarded, exchanged, or destroyed.

V. Game Masters

A. An instance of a GWIB begins when a player publicly indicates a desire to be a Game Master of a GWIB. This GWIB must be defined by an existing GWIB Specification. Other Berserker players may join the GWIB by publicly declaring their desire to do so.

B. At the time a player indicates desire to be a Game Master, s/he may specify a maximum number of players allowed, and may explicitly include or exclude specific players. Each explicitly of the included players, if any, must still publicly declare their desire to play.

C. An instance of a GWIB ends when the conditions for winning are met by one or more players. The Game Master must publicly announce the results of the GWIB instance within 24 hours of the game's end.

D. Scoring and logistics are handled by the Game Master. Players implicitly agree to allow the GWIB to be administered by the Game Master when they join the GWIB.

0. Created by Proposal 318, 6 October 1998
0. Clarified by Judgment 39, 8 November 1998
0. Clarified by Judgment 40, 9 November 1998
1. Amended by Rule 348/0, 1 December 1998
2. Amended by Proposal 350, 1 December 1998

Rule 319/5(m) : Limbo
A. There exists a state called Limbo. When a player is in Limbo, e is neither able nor required to perform any Berserker Nomic-related actions except the following: a. Publicly declaring emself out of Limbo or b. forfeiting.

B. A Player may go into Limbo only by a) publicly declaring emself in Limbo or b) failing a Limbo Check.

C. The Administrator executes a Limbo Check for a player by determining if that Player has taken any game related action [[e.g. voting, proposing, commenting]] over the period of fifteen days immediately prior to the request for the Limbo Check. With the exception of voting, all game related actions occurring between the time of the request and the time of the execution of the Limbo Check are valid for any Player who fails the Limbo Check. [[eg. Limbo is not retroactive except in the matter of voting, however the Player is in Limbo after the check occurs and must declare emself out of Limbo to pursue any other game action]]

D. If a player is in Limbo when it is eir turn, or if a player goes into Limbo during eir turn, then that player forfeits eir turn to the next player in the rotation.

E. Any player announcing eir transition into Limbo may optionally state an expected time in Limbo. This time shall remain fixed until the player leaves Limbo. [[Thus, a player in Limbo must leave Limbo and then re-enter it in order to set a new expected time in Limbo.]]

F. Any Player having set an expected time in Limbo and exceeding it by more than half again said expected time, or not having set an expected time in Limbo and having remained in Limbo for more than five turns, is considered to have withdrawn eir consent to be a Player.

This provision takes precedence over all previous rules relating to turn lengths and rotations.

0. Created by Proposal 319, 6 October 1998
0. Clarified by Judgment 42, 3 December 1998
1. Amended by Proposal 456, 24 March 1999
2. Amended by Proposal 474, 3 May 1999
2. Clarified by Judgment 88, 1 June 1999
3. Altered by Administrative Review, 23 June 1999
4. Amended by Proposal 565, 4 October 1999
5. Amended by Proposal 570, 4 October 1999

Rule 323/1(m) : Absentee Voting
A Player may submit a ballot in advance of the voting period in absentee. The Player must take reasonable measures to notify the rest of the Players that The Player is voting in absentee. The Player shall submit a current ballot to the auditor, which will be considered to be submitted during the voting period. On each proposal under consideration, the Player may explicitly state whether the Player's vote shall remain the same or change to the opposite opinion if the proposal is changed after submission of the ballot. If this is not explicitly stated under the circumstances of a changed proposal, it shall by default be changed to an abstention.
0. Created by Proposal 323, 6 October 1998
1. Amended by Proposal 496, 3 May 1999

Rule 326/3(m) : Office of the Administrator
The Administrator shall be defined as a game entity who is represented by one and only one real, living human being who consents to said representation. The Administrator shall be identified by the word "Administrator" followed by his or her corresponding real human name. The duties of the Administrator are vote collection, dispatching official notices, updating the web page, judge selecting, vote counting, and all other miscellaneous administrative duties.

Due to these duties, the Administrator shall possess privileged information. He or she may not share this information with any Player, directly or indirectly, until the information becomes officially public.

The Administrator is Joel Uckelman.

0. Created by Proposal 326, 6 October 1998
1. Amended by Rule 326/0, 6 October 1998
2. Altered by Administrative Review, 26 October 1998
2. Clarified by Judgment 44, 13 December 1998
2. Clarified by Judgment 45, 13 December 1998
2. Clarified by Judgment 46, 15 December 1998
2. Clarified by Judgment 47, 15 December 1998
3. Amended by Proposal 387, 5 January 1999

Rule 327/4(m) : Player Attributes
The set of Player Attributes is defined as {score, Wins, Subers, property, Alias}. Upon the passage of a Proposal altering this set, the set shall amend itself to reflect the changes. This Rule takes precedence over all other Rules or portions of Rules dealing with Player Attributes.
0. Created by Proposal 327, 6 October 1998
1. Amended by Proposal 343, 1 December 1998
2. Self-amended due to Rule 346/0, 1 December 1998
3. Self-amended due to Rule 399/0, 15 December 1999
4. Amended by Proposal 482, 3 May 1999
4. Clarified by Judgment 89, 7 June 1999
4. Clarified by Judgment 90, 8 June 1999

Rule 346/2(m) : Currency
There exists a unit of currency within Berserker Nomic called the Suber. The Suber, which may be traded in denominations of 0.01, shall be legal tender within the game.

Players may trade Subers freely iff all players involved in the trade publicly consent. However, a player may at no time possess less than 0 Subers. Only rules may create and destroy Subers.

0. Created by Proposal 346, 1 December 1998
1. Self-amended, 1 December 1998
2. Amended by Proposal 387, 5 December 1999

Rule 347/3(m) : Score and Subers
There is a component of each player's score dependent upon the number of Subers he/she has accumulated. At the end of every turn, this component is set equal to [(Subers / Total Subers held by all players) x 500], rounded to the nearest integer.

At the beginning of each game, players begin with 1000 Subers. Players entering a game after it has officially started will begin with 500 Subers.

0. Created by Proposal 347, 1 December 1998
1. Self-amended, 1 December 1998
2. Amended by Proposal 387, 5 January 1999
3. Amended by Rule 410/0, 15 January 1999

Rule 349/0(m) : Disinterested Proposals
Players may, upon formally making a Proposal which would cause a transmutation, designate that Proposal as a disinterested Proposal. No points are awarded in conjunction with Disinterested Proposals. This rule takes precedence over all rules concerning points.
0. Created by Proposal 349, 1 December 1998
Rule 354/0(m) : Wins and All-Time Standings
The Player attribute "Wins" is the total number of individual games won by the corresponding player, including games of Berserker Nomic, Berserker Nomic's direct predecessors, or later incarnations of Berserker Nomic that contain this rule.

The list of all former Players who have Wins greater than zero and all current Players along with each of these Players' corresponding Wins is the All-Time Berserker Standings. The All-Time Berserker Standings shall be ordered by descending Wins. All ties will be noted as such.

0. Created by Proposal 354, 1 December 1998
Rule 357/2(m) : Public Lynching
It is possible for a Player to be burned at the stake. For a Player, hereafter called the Victim, to be burned at the stake, someone, called the Inciter, must make a public statement including nothing more than "I can't believe what X did! It was an outrage! There outta be a law! Since there isn't one, X should be punished by the Mob." where X refers to the Victim.

For the next 72 hours, players may make statements to the effect that they join The Mob. At the end of 72 hours, if three or more players, excluding the Victim and the Inciter, have joined the Mob then, the Mob becomes active. 24 hours later [[96 hours after the inciting]], the Victim is burned at the stake. During the 24 hour period after the Mob becomes active, a player who has not participated in the above process, referred to as The Crowd Shamer, may make a public statement of more than 20 lines outlining exactly why each member of The Mob should be ashamed of themselves and how "What would your Mama think?" if she saw this. It is considered good form for The Crowd Shamer to be inventive.

If no Crowd Shamer rose up to protect the Victim, the Victim is burned at the stake at the appointed hour. This causes the Victim to lose 50 points. If a Crowd Shamer defended the Victim, then the Victim is not burned at the stake.

0. Created by Proposal 357, 1 December 1998
1. Amended by Proposal 358, 12 December 1998
1. Clarified by Judgment 63, 23 March 1999
1. Clarified by Judgment 68, 30 March 1999
1. Clarified by Judgment 69, 31 March 1999
1. Clarified by Judgment 70, 31 March 1999
1. Clarified by Judgment 81, 5 May 1999
1. Clarified by Judgment 82, 7 May 1999
1. Clarified by Judgment 80, 7 May 1999
1. Clarified by Judgment 78, 9 May 1999
2. Amended by Proposal 510, 15 May 1999
2. Clarified by Judgment 79, 12 June 1999

Rule 360/0(m) : Personal Rulesets
Attached to each Entity is a Personal Ruleset. A Personal Ruleset is a body of rules that apply only to the entity to which it is attached. Each entity must abide by all rules in it's Personal Ruleset, unless they conflict with the rules of Berserker Nomic, in which case the rules of Beserker Nomic take precedence. Upon Creation, each Personal Rule must be assigned a number unique to the Ruleset to which it belongs, this number may later be used to refer to that rule. Personal Rulesets are a matter of public record and the contents of each Personal Ruleset shall be made publicly readable.

The Rules of a Personal Ruleset never take precedence over the Rules of Berserker Nomic, and can never cause any action or state that is contrary to the Rules of Berserker Nomic. This rule takes precedence over ever other rule dealing with Personal Rulesets.

The Rules of a Personal Ruleset can only be changed as defined in the Rules of Berserker Nomic.

0. Created by Proposal 520, 16 June 1999
Rule 361/0(m) : Mutable and Immutable Personal Rules
Personal Rules may be Mutable. The Mutable rules of any Personal Ruleset may be changed at will by the entity to which they are attached. All other Personal Rules are Immutable. In case of a conflict, Immutable Personal Rules take precedence over Mutable Personal Rules.
0. Created by Proposal 520, 16 June 1999
Rule 362/0(m) : Personal Rule Precedence
If two or more Mutable Personal Rules conflict with one another, then the rule most recently changed takes precedence. If two or more Immutable Personal Rules conflict with one another, then the rule with the lowest
ordinal number takes precedence.

If at least one of the immutable personal rules in conflict explicitly says of itself that it defers to another rule (or type of rule) or takes precedence over another rule (or type of rule), then such provisions shall supersede the numerical method for determining precedence.

If at least one of the mutable personal rules in conflict explicitly says of itself that it defers to another rule (or type of rule) or takes precedence over another rule (or type of rule), then such provisions shall supersede the chronological method for determining precedence.

If two or more personal rules claim to take precedence over one another or to defer to one another, then the appropriate method (numerical or chronological) again governs.

0. Created by Proposal 520, 16 June 1999
Rule 363/0(m) : Default Personal Rules
Unless otherwise specified, the Personal Ruleset for non-player entities is as follows:

1(mutable): This entity acts only as specified in the Rules of Berserker Nomic

Unless otherwise specified, the Personal Ruleset for players is as follows:

1(mutable): This entity may act in any way.
0. Created by Proposal 520, 16 June 1999
Rule 375/1(m) : Shrubbery
[a tasteful shrubbery]
0. Created by Proposal 375, 12 December 1998
1. Self-amended, 12 December 1998

Rule 376/1(m) : Shrubbery
[a tasteful shrubbery]
0. Created by Proposal 376, 12 December 1998
1. Self-amended, 12 December 1998

Rule 377/1(m) : Shrubbery
[a tasteful shrubbery]
0. Created by Proposal 377, 12 December 1998
1. Self-amended, 12 December 1998

Rule 381/0(m) : Nick is a Shrubbery
Nick Osborn shall henceforth be known, in the game and out, as a "tasteful shrubbery."
0. Created by Proposal 381, 24 December 1998
0. Clarified by Judgment 61, 9 March 1999

Rule 382/1(m) : Shrubbery
[a tasteful shrubbery]
0. Created by Proposal 382, 24 December 1998
1. Self-amended, 24 December 1998

Rule 384/2(m) : Osborn's Demon
There exists a homunculus, hereafter known as Osborn's Demon, who is an eligible voter only during proposal voting.

Osborn's Demon shall vote with the Player or a plurality of the group of Players having the minimal score among eligible voters, or auto-abstain if no such plurality exists.

It Osborn's Demon has voted with a single Player more than five times consecutively and said Player has a nonnegative score at no time during those five turns, e is excluded from consideration in the above voting method until e has a nonnegative score at the time the Demon's votes are determined.

This rule takes precedence over all rules concerned with voting.

Osborne's Demon is a playerlike entity.

0. Created by Proposal 384, 5 January 1999
1. Amended by Proposal 532, 6 July 1999
2. Amended by Proposal 533, 6 July 1999

Rule 385/0(m) : Prohibited Proposals
Proposals that, should they pass, would reward or penalize players voting on them, are prohibited.
0. Created by Proposal 385, 5 January 1999
0. Clarified by Judgment 62, 24 March 1999

Rule 386/0(m) : Comments and Self-Deleting Text
The following characters:

[ ] { }

are considered "reserved characters" when appearing in proposals and rules in ways defined below.


Excepting any text prior to and including this sentence in this rule, any text appearing within doubled square brackets ("[[" and "]]")shall be considered "comment" text. Comment text shall not have the force of rule; its purpose is solely elucidative or demonstrative.


Excepting any text prior to and including this sentence in this rule, any text appearing within double braces ("{{" and "}}") shall be considered "self-deleting" text. As soon as a proposal containing self-deleting text is passed into rule, the following shall happen, in the following order: (1) Any self-deleting text in the rule shall have its effect. (2) Any self-deleting text, along with its respective braces, shall be deleted from the rule.

[[This provides a regular way in which to add self-removing clauses to rules.]]

This rule takes precedence over all other rules governing the texts of rules.

0. Created by Proposal 386, 5 January 1999
Rule 389/0(m) : Office of the Foreign Minister
The Foreign Minister is an elected Official whose duties consist of:

1. Representing Berserker Nomic in dealings with other nomics and in metanomics and nomic organizations of which Berserker Nomic is a member.
2. Submitting a turnly report on relevant matters to the mailing list.
3. Proposing treaties and agreements as necessary.

The Foreign Minister shall receive the standard salary for each full turn he/she holds Office.

0. Created by Proposal 389, 5 January 1999
Rule 390/2(m) : Judge's Salary
Upon the closure of a Case, the Lower Court Judge on the Case receives 3 points iff the final ruling on the Statement is TRUE or FALSE.
0. Created by Proposal 390, 5 January 1999
1. Amended by Proposal 516, 5 June 1999
2. Amended by Proposal 538, 25 August 1999

Rule 391/0(m) : Election Process
Upon an election being initiated, the following procedure is executed:

1. Nominations open for the elected Office.

2. Nominations are accepted.

3. Nominations are closed. If no nominations are received, the current Officeholder is named the Officeholder-elect and the process skips to step 6.

4. Voting for the elected Office begins.

5. Voting ends and an Officeholder-elect is named.

6. The Officeholder-elect becomes the Officeholder upon the expiration of the erstwhile Officeholder’s term.

This Rule takes precedence over all other Rules dealing with elected Offices.

0. Created by Proposal 519, 16 June 1999
Rule 392/0(m) : Nominations
Nominations for regular elections open 48 hours before the beginning of the voting period in which the current term expires. Nominations for special elections open immediately upon any such event triggering a special election.

During the 48-hour period prior to voting to fill an elected Office, any Player may publicly nominate any number of consenting eligible Players, including emself, as candidates for the Office.

0. Created by Proposal 519, 16 June 1999
Rule 393/1(m) : Terms of Office
A term of an elected Office spans the period from the conclusion of one regular election to the conclusion of the next. Terms for elected Offices are five turns long. Officeholders elected through special elections serve partial terms.
0. Created by Proposal 519, 16 June 1999
1. Self-amended, 16 June 1999

Rule 394/1(m) : Elections
Whenever a term of an elected Office ends, a regular election shall be held to fill said Office. Whenever an elected Officeholder resigns or loses a vote of confidence, or the Administrator calls for a special election on a position e holds by virtue of eir being Administrator, a special election shall be held to fill said Office.
0. Created by Proposal 394, 5 January 1999
1. Amended by Proposal 519, 16 June 1999

Rule 395/0(m) : Election Voting
The following voting procedure is to be followed when filling elected Offices, unless an alternate voting procedure is required by applicable rules:

The voting period for an election shall be equal in duration to, and in the case of a regular election, concurrent with a proposal voting period.

All eligible voters may submit during the voting period a ballot ranking nominees for the Office using, only once, each of the integers from 1 to n, where n is the number of nominees and smaller ranks are considered better. The nominee receiving the best aggregate ranking over all ballots submitted during the voting period is, at the close of the period, designated the Officeholder-elect and will succeed the current Officeholder upon the expiration of eir term. In the case of a tie for the best ranking, the tied nominee with the highest score becomes the Officeholder-elect.

0. Created by Proposal 519, 16 June 1999
Rule 396/0(m) : Confidence Votes
Any player may call for a Vote of Confidence on any elected Official at any time except a) during an election to fill the Office in question, and b) during another Vote of Confidence on the same Official. Votes of Confidence are conducted using standard Proposal voting procedures.

If a simple majority of votes cast are negative, the Players have lost confidence in the Officeholder and an election is immediately called to fill the elected Office.

0. Created by Proposal 396, 5 January 1999
Rule 399/3(m) : Property and Auctions
Property is any game-defined object that is both ownable and tradable. Only Players and the game may possess property. Public property consists of property owned by Berserker Nomic rather than any individual Player.

Auctions may be held to sell property. Players wishing to bid on auctioned property must submit bids within 48 hours of the start of the auction. A Player's total bids may not exceed eir total available funds at the time the bids are placed.

Possession of auctioned property is transferred to the highest bidder and the higest bidder's payment to the Treasury upon the closing of the auction. In the event that a bidder does not have sufficient funds to cover eir winning bids, e must withdraw bids of eir choice until avialable funds cover eir remaining winning bids. If a bid is withdrawn, it is not considered in determining the highest bid.

Any game entity may auction any or all of its property at any time, and may set the starting price. If a starting price is not specified, the starting price will be 0.01 Subers.

0. Created by Proposal 399, 15 January 1999
1. Self-amended, 15 January 1999
2. Amended by Proposal 440, 4 February 1999
3. Self-amended, 4 February 1999

Rule 400/1(m) : The Treasury
The Treasury holds all public property and funds, including, but not limited to the set {proceeds collected from fines, taxes, tariffs}, and the creation of new Subers. Upon the passage of a Proposal altering the holdings of the Treasury, the set of holdings shall amend itself to reflect the changes.

The Treasury may not go into debt, but will instead issue more Subers to cover the game's expenses.

0. Created by Proposal 400, 15 January 1999
1. Amended by Proposal 470, 13 April 1999

Tue 09 Nov 1999 15:03:39 -0600