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Rule 238/0 : Recusal of Judges
The Administrator shall, in a timely fashion, recuse any Judge failing to issue a Judgment within three days of eir selection, and replace em with a new Judge.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 237/0 : Judgments
A Judge shall, within three days of eir selection, give one of the following responses to the Request for Judgment to which e was assigned, accompanied by analysis and Judicial Orders as appropriate:

1. Refused: A Judge may refuse to hear the Request if it lacks a clear Statement or is not germain to the game.
2. True: The Statement is true.
3. False: The Statement is false.
4. Undecided: It cannot be determined at the time of the Judgment whether the Statement is true or false.

0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 236/0 : Judge Selection
The following are excluded from serving as Judges on a Request for Judgment:

1. the Plaintiff
2. Judges previously recused from the Request

If these exclusions leave no Players eligible to serve as Judge, exclusions may be waived from highest-numbered to lowest until at least one Player becomes eligible.

0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 235/0 : Recognition of Requests
Within a reasonable time after receipt of a Request for Judgment, the Administrator shall assign the Request the next Judgment number, and shall select a Judge to handle the Request as per the Rules on Judge selection.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 234/0 : Requests for Judgment
A Request for Judgment is a Personal Order. An Agent may, at any time, initiate judicial proceedings in any matter by making a Request for Judgment. That Agent shall be known as the Plaintiff with regard to the Request. A Request for Judgment consists of a Statement to be judged, and analysis as the Plaintiff deems appropriate. The implicit recipient is the Administrator.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 233/0 : Adopted Proposal Scoring
The Administrator shall, in a timely fashion following the close of nweekly voting, for each Proposal adopted during that voting, credit the owner of the adopted Proposal an number of Points equaling 20 times its passage ratio.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
0. Rule 233/0 repealed by Proposal 353/0, 01 Dec 2000 00:00:00

Rule 232/0 : Failed Proposal Scoring
The Administrator shall, in a timely fashion following the close of nweekly voting, for each Proposal failed during that voting, debit the owner of the failed Proposal 5 Points.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
0. Rule 232/0 repealed by Proposal 353/0, 01 Dec 2000 00:00:00

Rule 231/0 : Opposed Minority Scoring
The Administrator shall, in a timely fashion following the close of nweekly voting, for each Proposal adopted during that voting, credit each Agent who voted against the adopted Proposal with a number of Points equaling 5 times its passage ratio.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 230/0 : Unanimous Consent
An Agent introducing a Motion may request unanimous consent at the time of introduction, unless the Rules explicitly prohibit it. Unanimous consent is granted if no eligible voters object within one day of the Motion's introduction.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 229/0 : Adoption of Motions
A Motion is adopted iff it receives unanimous consent, or at the close of voting, its passage ratio exceeds one-half. Motive Orders in an adopted Motion shall be executed in a timely fashion by the appropriate Officers. Only Motions defined in the Rules have effect if adopted.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 228/0 : Recognition of Motions
The Administrator shall, within a reasonable time after receiving a new Motion, assign it a serial number. A new Motion is not officially recognized until it is assigned a serial number.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 227/0 : Quorum
Quorum is achieved when a simple majority of eligible voters cast votes on any Ballot Issue. If quorum is not met for a nweek's voting:

1. all Ballot Item Proposals revert to their previous state
2. all Ballot Item Motions fail
3. all Ballot Item Elections are held again in the next nweek

0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 226/0 : Secret Voting
A Player may vote privately if e so desires by notifying the Administrator. Votes cast privately shall not be revealed until voting ends.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 225/0 : Vote Counting
Only votes equivalent to "yes" or "no" are counted toward adoption of Proposals and Motions. Abstentions and other non-committal votes are considered neutral. Only votes cast during voting are counted for voting purposes. The Administrator shall, in a timely fashion after its closure, tally the votes and make known the results of voting.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 224/0 : One Vote Each
Each eligible voter may cast one vote on each Ballot Issue.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 223/0 : Adoption of Proposals
A Proposal is adopted iff, at the close of voting, its passage ratio exceeds one-half. Legislative Orders in the text of an adopted Proposal shall be executed in a timely fashion by the appropriate Officers.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
0. Rule 223/0 repealed by Proposal 317/0, 11 Nov 2000 00:00:00

Rule 222/0 : Proposal Status
Proposals withdrawn or conclusively voted on are "dead"; all other Proposals are "live". Proposals on the Ballot become dead upon the close of voting, regardless of the outcome of the vote, unless a quorum was not achieved.

Live Proposals not deactivated are "active"; all other Live Proposals are "inactive".
Dead Proposals withdrawn are "withdrawn"; dead Proposals adopted are "passed"; all other dead Proposals are "failed".

0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 221/0 : Proposal Submission and Alteration
An Agent may submit a new Proposal whenever e owns fewer than ten live Proposals and has submitted fewer than ten new Proposals that day. The Agent who submits a Proposal is its owner. Only the owner of a Proposal may alter it, but only if the Proposal is both live and not on the nweek's Ballot. The owner of a live Proposal not on the nweek's ballot may alter its title or text, activate it if it is inactive, deactivate it if it is active, or withdraw it from consideration. Only the owner may take such action.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
0. Rule 221/0 repealed by Proposal 317/0, 11 Nov 2000 00:00:00

Rule 220/0 : Recognition of Proposals
The Administrator shall, within a reasonable time after receiving a new or revised Proposal, assign it a serial number. Proposals and their revisions are not officially recognized until assigned a serial number.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
0. Rule 220/0 repealed by Proposal 395/0, 09 Feb 2001 00:00:00

Rule 219/0 : Twilight of the Fora
If at any time there exist no public Fora, the Administrator shall take such steps as are necessary to designate one. Designation of a Forum as public when there are no extant public Fora need not [[and cannot!]] be done publicly.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 218/0 : Redesignation of Fora
The Administrator may designate a Forum public if it is reasonably accessible to all Players. The Administrator may designate a Forum private only if it is not the sole extant public Forum. Only the Administrator may redesignate Fora. The Administrator shall maintain a list of public Fora.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 217/0 : Vacation of Orders
An Order later found to be invalid may be vacated by a Judicial Order. In the event that an Order is vacated, the Agent who executed it shall, if possible, take such actions as to reverse the effects of the Order.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 216/0 : Private Orders
A Private Order is any Order that is not Legislative, Motive, Administrative, or Judicial.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 215/0 : Motive Orders
A Motive Order is an Order issued in consequence of the adoption of a Motion.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 214/0 : Judicial Orders
A Judicial Order is an Order issued by a Judge or Appeals Court in conjunction with eir Judicial duties. A Judge may, in the course of making a Judgment, issue one or more Judicial Orders to bring the game state into accord with the result of the Judgment.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 213/0 : Administrative Orders
An Administrative Order is an Order issued by an Officer in the the course of performing the duties of that Office.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 212/0 : Legislative Orders
A Legislative Order is an Order issued in consequence of the adoption of a Proposal. Rule Changes may be affected only through the issuance of Legislative Orders.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 211/0 : Winning
Whenever an Agent's score reaches or exceeds 500 points, the Administrator shall credit em with a Win.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 210/0 : Motion to Add Players
Any Agent otherwise qualified as a Player may become one if a Motion to Add naming em is adopted. Motions to Add are Privileged Motions. A Motion to Add is adopted if its passage ratio is at least two-thirds.

The Motive Order corresponding to an adopted Motion to Add directs the Administrator to add the named Agent to the Roster.

0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 209/0 : Initial Players
During the first nweek of play, any Agent otherwise qualified as a Player may become one by publicly declaring eir desire to be so.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
0. Rule 209/0 repealed by Proposal 355/0, 01 Dec 2000 00:00:00

Rule 208/0 : The Administrator
The Administrator is the Officer responsible for all game duties not assigned by the Rules to other Officers. The Player whose real name is Joel Uckelman is the Administrator. The Administrator holds Office in perpetuity.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 207/0 : Nweekly Reports
Each Officer shall, during each nweek, issue a Report summarizing actions during that nweek falling within eir jurisdiction.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 206/0 : Officer Succession
An Officer ceases to hold eir Office Upon expiration of eir Term unless e is eir own successor.

An Officer shall convey to eir successor, in a timely fashion following the expiration of eir Term, all materials necessary to carry out the duties of the Office.

0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 205/0 : Terms of Office
The Term of Office for an Office is five nweeks, unless otherwise specified in the Rules.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 204/0 : Name Changes
An entity may initiate changing its name to another uniquely identifying name by notifying the Administrator. The Administrator shall, in a timely fashion, record the name-change on the Roster. Entities may change only their own names.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 203/0 : The Roster
The Roster is a list of all Players. Whenever a new Player is added, or a Player forfeits, the Administrator shall update the Roster to reflect that change.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 202/0 : Ballot Issues
The following become Ballot Issues at the start of a nweek's voting:

1. Proposals then active
2. Motions requiring a vote introduced since the previous nweek's voting
3. Elections to replace elected Officers whose terms expire that nweek
4. Elections to fill vacant elected Offices

0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 201/0 : The Ballot
The Administrator shall, prior to the close of voting each nweek, distribute to all Players the Ballot for that nweek. Each nweek's Ballot shall list all Ballot Issues for the nweek.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 124/0 : Legal Precedent
A Judgment shall guide interpretation of the Rules until such time as a subsequent Judgment contradicts it. A Judge reversing or modifying past precedent shall provide in eir analysis justification for doing so.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 123/0 : Impossibility of Further Play
In the event that further play becomes impossible, or if the legality of an action cannot be determined with finality, then the Administrator shall credit with a Win the Agent who took the action.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 122/0 : Post-Win Reset
In the event of a Win being awarded, the Administrator shall reset all Scores to their initial value. If possible, play continues normally; otherwise, play ceases.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 121/0 : Score
Associated with each Agent is a scalar quantity known as eir Score, the unit of which is the Point. No Agent may voluntarily reduce eir Score to less than zero Points, nor may a Player arbitrarily increase eir Score. All Scores are initially 0 Points.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 120/0 : Motions
A Motion consists of one or more potential Motive Orders, as specified in the Rules specific to the Motion.

Motions may be Privileged or Restricted. Privileged Motions may be made by any Player at any time, while Restricted Motions may be made only as specified in their respective Rules. Motions are revisable.

Every motion must have a unique Motion number. The base Motion number is 1.

0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 119/0 : Ratio of Passage
The passage ratio for a Proposal or Motion shall be defined as the ratio of favorable votes to non-neutral votes received during voting on the Proposal or Motion.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 118/0 : Eligible Voters
Every Player is an eligible voter on each Ballot Issue. Other Agents may be eligible voters, if allowed by the Rules.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 117/0 : Proposals
A Proposal, when submitted, must consist of one or more potential Legislative Orders--the text--and optionally, a title. If it is a revision to an existing Proposal, it must also include the Proposal number. The title is the Proposal's name. The text may not exceed 5000 characters in length.

Every Proposal must have a unique Proposal number. The base Proposal number is 300.

0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 116/0 : Permissibility of the Unprohibited
Whatever is not prohibited or regulated by the Ruleset is permitted and unregulated, with the sole exception of Rule Changes, which are permitted only when a Rule or set of Rules explicitly or implicitly permits them.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 115/0 : Execution of Orders
An Agent who is the recipient of an Order must execute the Order in a timely fashion.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 114/0 : Orders
An Order is a command directed to some Agent, known a the recipient, requiring em to perform exactly one action, or to refrain from performing one or more actions. Any Order that does not unambiguously specify what action is to be taken in its execution may be declared invalid by the Courts.

An Order must be either Legislative, Motive, Administrative, Judicial, or Private.

0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 113/0 : Timing of Events
Actions occur upon reaching the appropriate Fora. Non-action events--i.e., events not caused by Agent--occur at exactly the times specified in the Rules. Events may occur only in the present, and may not alter the past.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 112/0 : Fora
Fora are the means by which Players communicate. All Fora are either public or private. A Player using a Forum is considered to be "in" that Forum at the time of its use. Actions may be taken only in public Fora, unless otherwise specified in the Rules.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 111/0 : Nweekly Voting
Voting on a nweek's Ballot opens at the start of the eighth day of that nweek, and closes at the end of the tenth day of that nweek.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 110/0 : Resignation
An Officer may resign from eir office at any time by declaring publicly eir intention to do so. The Office then becomes vacant, and the Administrator assumes an Officer's duties until such time as the Office is again filled.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 109/0 : Recognition of Actions
Each Officer is responsible for recognizing, in a timely fashion, a particular subset of Agentic actions. The Administrator is responsible for recognizing actions not specifically within the jurisdiction of any other Officer. Every action falls within the jurisdiction of at least one Officer.

An action is considered recognized when the appropriate Officer responds to it as specified in the Rules. If no response is specified in the Rules, said action is considered recognized when the appropriate Officer records it in eir Nweekly Report.

0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 108/0 : Offices and Officers
A Player holding an Office is an Officer. Officers have certain duties and privileges by virtue of their Offices, as specified in the descriptions of eir respective Offices. Offices are unique, and may be held by no more than one Player at a time unless explicitly allowed in the Rules. Offices may change hands only as allowed in the Rules.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 107/0 : Forfeit
A Player may forfeit at any time by declaring publicly eir intention to do so. No restrictions may be placed on when a Player may forfeit.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 106/0 : Players
A Player is an Agent who is capable of passing the Turing Test, consents to said designation as a Player, and has become a Player in the manner proscribed in the Rules.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 105/0 : Agents
An Agent is an entity capable of action. The status of entities as Agents may be altered only as specified in the rules. An entity may cause emself to lose eir Agency, but may not, solely on eir own authority become an Agent.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 104/0 : Self-Reference and Self-Application in Rules
Rule Changes that affect Rules needed to allow or apply Rule Changes are permissible. Even Rule Changes that amend or repeal their own authority are premissible. No Rule Change is impermissible solely on account of its self-reference or self-application.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 103/0 : State and Rule Changes
Any change to the game state is a State Change.

A Rule Change is the enactment, repeal, amendment, or transmutation of a rule. Rule Changes are a type of State Change.

0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 102/0 : Rules and The Ruleset
The Ruleset is the collective body of current Rule versions. The Ruleset may be altered only as provided therein. Rules are revisiable.

Every Rule must have a unique Rule number. The base Rule number is 300.

0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 101/0 : Follow the Rules
All game entities must always abide by all the Rules then in effect, in the form in which they are then in effect. This Rule takes precedence over all other Rules.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 8/0 : Comments
The following two non-whitespace characters:

[ ]

are considered "reserved characters" when appearing in Official Documents in ways defined herein.

Excepting any text in the Rule prior to and including this sentence, any text appearing within doubled square brackets ("[[" and "]]") shall be considered "comment" text. Comment text shall not have the force of Rule; its purpose is solely elucidative or demonstrative.

0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 7/0 : Spivak Pronouns
The following table entries, known as Spivak pronouns, shall be understood to replace the standard English third person pronouns with which they are paired. The Spivak pronouns shall be understood to refer to either gender, as appropriate.

[[Example: "e" may refer either to "he" or "she".]]

0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 6/0 : Majority
For a given r, an r-majority shall be defined as a function from the positive integers to the positive integers, whose value for an argument N is the smallest integer m such that m is greater than or equal to r multiplied by N.

A simple majority shall be defined as an (N+1)/(2N)-majority.

0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
0. Rule 6/0 repealed by Proposal 355/0, 01 Dec 2000 00:00:00

Rule 5/0 : Serial Numbers
Every revisable object has a serial number unique for the set of objects of its type. The serial number of a revisable object of type T is defined as the intrerpolated string "n/r", where q is the sum of the base number for T and the object's number, and r is the object's revision number.

[[Example: The serial number for version 0 of Rule 101 would be 101/0, while the serial number for Rule 203, version 17 would be 203/17.]]

0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 4/0 : Versions and Revision Numbers
Every modification to a revisiable object that does not eliminate it from play creates a new version of it.

Revision numbers differientiate versions of revisable objects. Each time a revisable object is altered, its revision number is incremented. The initial revision number is 0.

0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 3/0 : Days and Nweeks
One Nomic Week, hereafter know as a nweek, is ten days in duration. The first nweek begins concurrently with the first game day. Each successive nweek begins concurrently with the end of the previous week. Each game day begins at 00:00:00 UTC.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 2/0 : Names
Names of game entities may contain alphanumeric, punctuation, and whitespace characters only. Names must be at least one but no more than 255 characters in length. All game entities must have uniquely identifying names.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 1/0 : The Game
[game name] shall refer to the specific instance of Nomic game which possesses the body of rules containing this definition, unless it is made clear, whether explicitly or via the context, that [game name] refers to something else. To this end, all permutations of letter case of [game name] shall be considered equivalent.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

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Tue 26 Jun 2001 17:19:21 UTC