Nomopoly III - Proposals, Week 1

initial rules
current rules
  week 2
  week 1
player info
current board
new player info

past games
Nomopoly I
Nomopoly II

Proposal #1

Tyrethali, March 10th

Amend rule 6, part c to read:
If a player on the last square is required to advance, that player immediately moves to Square One and a new square is added to the end of the board; that move is still considered an advance.

Create a new rule named "Payday":
Every time a player passes or lands on a square numbered with a power of two [2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, etc], they get an amount of cash equal to that number.
Decision: Approved. Roll: 24 The result of this is that the board stretches out to 4 spaces, Tyrethali gains 4 cash for passing square #2 twice and ends his turn on Square One.

Proposal #2

The Racecar, March 10th

I would like to be known as "The Racecar". PROPOSAL
I propose the creation of an entity called "The Universe". The universe is a bounded hyper-dimensional space which contains the board and all other game entities. Should squares be added to the board for any reason, the universe shall expand to accommodate them. Should squares be removed, the universe shall shrink. The size of the universe is measured in "verses" and is equal to the current number of squares. Should the universe ever expand to encompass infinite verses or shink to a size of zero verses, the universe shall be said to have ended.
Decision: Approved and becomes a new rule called The Universe. Roll: 26 The result of this is that the board stretches out 1 space to 5, The Racecar gains 4 cash for passing square #2 twice and gains 8 cash for passing square #4 twice and ends his turn on square #5.

Proposal #3

Tyrethali, March 10th

Create a new rule entitled "Property Values":

A Player may purchase any unowned square they are on for an amount of cash equal to the square's number. When a square is first purchased, the player buying it may name it.

Players may also buy investments in a square they own, for a number of dollars equal to the number of other players. They do not have to be on the square to do so. Each time a player lands on a square, they must pay the owner an amount of cash equal to the number of investments on it, or all their money, whichever is less.
Decision: Approved and becomes a new rule called Property Values. Roll: 53 Board stretches to 6 spaces, Tyrethali gains 12 cash, and lands on square #4.

Point of Order

Admin, March 11th
I'd like to see the "investments" rule fleshed out a bit more. I'll approve the purchases you wish to make but I think investments is a little vague. So in this, I'll put a bounty out. The player who makes the best proposal or proposals regarding game investments receives 20 cash.


Admin, March 11th
From Tyrethali: Purchases square #4, naming it The Tower and buys two investments for it (Total cost: 8).

From The Racecar: Purchases square #5, naming it Number Five and buys two investments for it (Total cost: 9).

Proposal #4

The Racecar, March 11th

There shall be an entity known as "Ye Olde Poorbox" located at square 6. Whenever a property is invested in, $1 shall be placed in "Ye Olde Poorbox". Whenever a player is forced to pay or is fined an amount greater than their current money, they shall receive half the contents of "Ye Old Poorbox" the next time they make a proposal. "Ye Olde Poorbox" shall be green.
Decision: Approved. I can foresee some abuse of this rule but its not my job to plug holes, its yours. Roll: 41 Board stretches to 7, gains 6 cash, comes to rest on Square #4, pays Tyrethali 2 cash.

Proposal #5

Tyrethali, March 11th

Add the following sentence to Rule 8, section d:
"If a player takes a turn in this manner, they may not take another one in this manner until either another player takes a turn, or a day passes."
Decision: Approved. Roll: 56 Board stretches to 9, Gains 14 cash, and lands on square #1.

Proposal #6

The Racecar, March 11th
Propsoal to be added to section 11.
If at any time, a player is obliged to accept money from "Ye Olde Poorbox", they shall be considered a poor wretch and unable to voluntarily spend that money on the turn on which they received it.
Decision: Approved. Roll: 11 + 66 + 65 Moves to square #7 with option to buy. Moves to square #10 with option to buy. Moves to square #1 with option to buy. Gains 36 cash. Board Size: 12

Buys #7 for $7, naming it "Number 7". Buys #10 for $10, naming it "Number 10". Buys #1 for $1, naming it "Origon". Invests two times in each of #7, #10, #1, and #5. Naming square #1 to Origon rewrites Rule #7 appropriately by changing the instances of Square One with Origon.

Proposal #7

Kevan, March 12th
Reword Section B of Rule 10 to:-

Players may buy Upgrades for a Square they own, each Upgrade costing an amount of Cash equal to the current number of other players. The following Upgrades are available:-

Whenever a Player lands on a Square with a Drain that is owned by another Player, they must pay the Square's owner Cash equal to the number of Drains on it, or all of their money, whichever is less.

A Player may only move to or through a Square containing a Brick if the number on either of the dice they rolled that turn is equal to or greater than the number of Bricks on that Square.

If a Square contains more than six Bricks, excess Bricks are automatically destroyed until it contains only six.
Decision: Approved. Awarded 20 cash bounty. Roll: 23 Moves to square #6 with option to buy. Gains 6 cash.

Proposal #8

Tyrethali, March 12th
Rename the first square to Square One. [This causes less confusion in the ruleset. If it isn't named Square One, for example, where do newbies start? A potential bone of contention, best avoided.]

Remove all Investments, and give their players back the cash spent on buying them.

Repeal rule 10, part b.

Enact a new rule called Investments:
Players may make an Investment proposal for any square they own, at the cost of a number of dollars equal to the investments that will be on it if it succeeds, squared. [So if they had two investments on it and this would be the third, it would cost $9].

An investment proposal must contain some set of rules that specifically apply to the square in question. If the proposal passes, in addition to the changes in the proposal, the player gets an Investment on that square. Players do not get to take a turn for having an investment proposal judged. Whenever a player lands on a square with investments, they must pay the owner of that square $1 per investment.
Decision: Denied.

Regarding the first part: 7a. states that Origon is the first square and 7b says that all players start the game on Origon. The name Square One was just a name, not it's ordinal designation which would be the first square or square #1 or something like that. 4a designates the board is a collection of ordered squares.

Regarding the second part: Only because Kevan had a bit better proposal and I'd rather not take anything away from the players.

Roll: 23 Gains 6 cash for passing #2 & #4. Lands on Number 10. Pays 2 cash to The Racecar.

Proposal #9

Tivol, March 12th

Add the following clause to Rule 10: "Whenever a player makes a proposal, she loses any Real Estate Guides she may own. Whenever a player has a proposal accepted, she is given one Real Estate Guide."

Modify the first sentence in Rule 10a by adding the italicized text and striking the bracketed text: "A Player may purchase any unowned square they are on [for] <i>by spending one Real Estate Guide and</i> an amount of cash equal to the square's number."
Decision: Approved. Roll: 31 Lands on Number Five. Gains 6 cash from #2, #4. Pays The Racecar 2 cash.

Proposal #10

Tyrethali, March 12th

Add the following Upgrade to the list:

Warp Gate - The owner of the square may set the price of usage of the Warp Gate when bought, and may change it at any time via notifying the admin. Any player on a square with a Warp Gate may pay the owner of the Gate the usage cost, and the owner of any other Warp Gate that usage cost, to travel instantly to the square containing the second Warp Gate. This counts as landing on the square for purposes of other Upgrades [Drains, for example]
Decision: Approved. Roll: 11 + 32 Board increases by 1. Gains 6 cash. Lands on square #5. Pays The Racecar 2. Purchases Warp Gate for tower for 5 cash. Sets price at 2 cash. Add 1 cash to Ye Olde Poorbox. Earns Real Estate Guide.

Proposal #11

The Racecar, March 12th

Each player is equipped with a pair of hands. A player may use her hands to transfer a brick from the square directly in front of her to the square she currently occupies. This action may only be done at the very beginning of that player's turn.
Decision: Denied. Sorry, I just forsee too many problems with this one. Roll: 64 Lands of square #11. Gains 8 cash.


Admin, March 12th
Tyrethali buys square #12 for 12 cash and a Real Estate Guide, naming it The Observatory and buys a Drain (5 cash) and a Warp Gate (5 cash) and sets the price at 1. 2 cash goes into Ye Olde Poorbox.

Proposal #12

Palnatoke, March 13th

Change the wording of rule 4.c from: Players will be moved from one square to another during the game. A move from one square to the next sequential square shall be known as "advancing"; all other moves are "jumps". to: Players will be moved from one square to another during the game. A move from one square to the next sequential square shall be known as "advancing", a move from one square to the previous sequential square shall be known as "retreating"; all other moves are "jumps".
Decision: Accepted. Roll: 61 Lands on square #8. Gains $14. Gains Real Estate Guide. Buys square #8 for $8 and Real Estate Guide.

Proposal #13

Kevan, March 13th

{ It seems a shade unfair that people in the same timezone as the Administrator will be more likely to get more Proposals through. One a day, for me, rather dissuades me from bothering to make trivial rule-fix Proposals when I could be doing something more creative or strategic. I think the ability to submit several is in order.

Turns are still taken whenever a proposal is judged, the 'one turn a day' rule keeping things in check. Although I venture to get rid of the 'or if another player's has a turn' clause, which again is unfair on people on the side of the world opposite the Admin. }

Reword the first, second and fourth paragraphs of the "Proposals" Rule section to:-

Players may propose to add new rules or change the existing rules of the game by submitting any number of proposals to the admin.

If a player has more than three undecided proposals on the go at once, those earlier than the most recent three are ignored and discarded.

When a player's proposal is judged by the admin, that player will take a turn. If a player takes a turn in this manner, they may not take another one in this manner until a day has passed.

Decision: Denied. Some explanation: I'm rejecting this because it's unnecessary, not because it's bad. The problem is that there is no real incentive to submit three proposals when you only get one turn anyway. One proposal doesn't necessitate one rule change, it could cover several changes or additions (See JT's proposal to follow as an example). There isn't a problem that the whole will be rejected or accepted outright, if I see some merits in the proposal, I can accept those parts and just reject what doesn't work.

As far as people getting more turns before others, that shouldn't be a problem. People had more turns since I was updating as fast as they were coming in because I had some time off to set it up and get it going. Now the turns should be normalize to one turn per player per day. Roll: 11 + 64 Lands on square #8, gains $8. Lands on Number Five, gains $6, board increases 1 Pays The Racecar $2.

Proposal #14

Tivol, March 13th

If a player's movement causes her to come to rest in an occupied square, and if the number of verses in the Universe is strictly greater than the number of players, then that player will automatically advance to the next unoccupied square.
Decision: Approved. Roll: 53 Lands on square #13, gains $8 and the Real Estate Guide.

Proposal #15

JT, March 13th

Amend rule 5 by adding section c) as follows
     c) The universe may have squares added in the following ways.
          1) by direct action of a proposal which requires a new named square to exist. In all cases, an existing unowned square should be used before a new square is added, even if the proposal attempts to specify a number.
          2) A player may spend three (3) Real Estate Guides to allow the Universe to annex unused land, growing in size by one square which is added to the end of the board, and is initially unnamed and unowned.

Amend rule 10, section b by adding the following upgrading.
          Savings and Loan - The owner of a square may open a Savings and Loan branch on their square. Any player may use a Savings and Loan branch on their current square by paying the owner of the square 1$.

Create a new rule titled 'Banking' with the following text
          There exists an abstract concept known as a bank. The bank may only be interacted with via a Savings and Loan branch. Each player has a vault in the bank associated with them. The following interactions are possible at the bank.
               1) Depositing any items in the players possession into the bank vault associated with that player.
               2) Withdrawing any items it the vault associated with that player into their possession.

Modify Rule 10 section c
      replace 'she may own' with 'in her possession'. [This allows players to store up Real estate guides by getting to a bank vault during their turn and depositing them -- needed for the aquisition of new land]

Modify rule 11 section b by adding the following sentence
     Money in the bank will be used to pay fees or fines after money in the characters possession and is considered to be part of the players current money. [Plug a specific loophole that banks would create]

Modify rule 7 section c to read in full:
     If a player on the last square is required to advance, that player immediately moves to Origon; that move is still considered an advance.
Decision: Approved. Roll: 44 + 41 Starts at Origon. Lands on square #9 with option to buy, gains $14. Lands on square #14 with option to buy. Earns Real Estate Guide. Buys square #9 naming it Amicus Draconis Courthouse for $9 and a Real Estate Guide.

Proposal #16

The Racecar, March 13th

At any time, a player may create a faith by becoming its first member. A faith has the following characteristics:
1. A name ending in "ism"
2. A god. This must be an entity in the game
3. At least one member.

Any faith that does not fulfill any of these characteristics at any time shall be immediately disbanded.

Any player who is not a member of any faith shall be considered an atheist.
Decision: Approved. Roll: 13" Moves to Origon. Earns Real Estate Guide.

Proposal #17

Tyrethali, March 14th
Enact a new rule called "Trades":

Players may trade properties, real estate deals, cash, or anything else owned that is not explicitly forbidden to trade. All players involved in a trade must email the admin within a reasonable timespan with the details of the trade. If all emails agree, the trade goes forth as detailed. If any of the emails do not agree on any aspect of the trade, nothing is traded.

If a square is traded, all upgrades are included in the trade.
Decision: Approved. Roll: 13" Gains Real Estate Guide. Earns $8. Lands on The Observatory (#12). Start a religion called Celestialism that worships The Universe.

Proposal #18

JT, March 14th
Modify section 8 (Proposals) to read as follows

a) Players may submit proprosals to add new rules or change the existing rules of the game by sending said proposals to the admin.
b) If a player submits a proposal while another proposal of hers is still undecided, the later proposal will wholly replace the earlier one.
c) The admin will judge all proposals submitted within a given 24-hour day at the same time. A 24-hour day is from 00:00:00 GMT on one real day until 23:59:59 on that same real day inclusive.
d) After all proposals have been judged by the admin and their results posted, each player who submitted a proposal to the admin for judging shall take a turn in the order in which their proposal was recieved by the admin. The results of all of these turns will be posted en-masse by the admin.
e) When a player has a proposal accepted their dice thrown shall be increased by one for that turn. When a player has a proposal rejected their dice thrown shall be decreased by one for that turn and cause them to retreat rather than advance during their turn. Other rules may increase or decrease the dice thrown. If a players dice thrown is reduced to 0 or below, that player shall move retreat one square.

Modify section 6 (turns) to read as follows

a) The number of dice thrown defaults to 2 unless modified by other rules.
b) When a player takes a turn the admin rolls the number of dice thrown and advances the player once for each pip shown on the dice. Other rules may change the direction of movement from advance to retreat and those rules take precedence.
c) If the dice thrown are more then 2, then the amount of the move shall be the highest pair of dice. Any pair of doubles is considered to be higher than any non doubled pair.
d) If the dice thrown are more than 2 and all of the dice are identical, then the player shall gain money equal to the number of dice times the number shown on one of the dice as a bonus.
e) If the pair used for movement is a set of doubles, then the player earns another turn to be taken immediately.
Decision: Approved. Roll: 1 1 3 + 6 1 + 1 4Rolls 1+1+3 -- Best pair 1+1, Doubles Lands on square #2 with option to buy, gains $2. Rolls 1 + 1, lands on square #4 (The Tower) pays Tyrethali $2, gains $4 Rolls 6 + 4, lands on square #14 with option to buy, gains $8 Earns Real Estate Guide. Buys square #2 for $2 and a Real Estate Guide.

Proposal #19

Kevan, March 14th

"The admin will judge all properly submitted proposals, accepting or rejecting them. If a proposal is accepted, the admin will then alter the game state to implement all of the proposal's changes."


"The admin will judge all properly submitted proposals, either accepting or rejecting them outright, or accepting them in part. If any parts of a proposal are accepted, the admin will then alter the game state to implement the appropriate changes."
Decision: Approved. Roll: 2 1" 4 Best pair: 2 + 4. Lands on square #11 with option to buy. Gains $8 and Real Estate Guide.

Proposal #20

The Racecar, March 15th

There shall be a quare prior to the origon known as "Heaven". Heaven may not be owned and upgrades may not be built there. Any player who is a member of a faith may jump to "Heaven" by donating (spending) an amount of cash equal to the current number of verses in the universe.
Decision: Approved with changes.

Proposal #21

Kevan, March 15th
Section 1: Disruption

Add a new Upgrade:-

* Disruptor
If a Square has a Disruptor on it, further Upgrades may not be played onto that Square, nor onto the Squares immediately before and after it.

Section 2: Brevity

{ Unconnected, but boring enough not to merit Proposal by itself. One-word Upgrades would, I think, be tidier in terms of display. }

Throughout the Ruleset and Gamestate, replace "Warp Gate" with "Warp", and replace "Savings and Loan" and "Savings and Loan branch" with "Bankpoint". Unless the Admin doesn't like this idea.

Section 3: Clarity

{ As above. }

In the "Brick" text, replace "either of the dice they rolled that turn" with "any of the dice they rolled that turn".
Decision: Accepted except for Section 2.

Proposal #22

Tivol, March 15th
PROPOSAL: Create a new section of rules describing the shape of the board:

* The first square, Origon, is in the northwest corner of the Universe.

* Origon's successor is directly east of Origon.

* The direction and distance one travels to get from a square's predecessor to that square is the same what one travels to get from that square to its successor, with the following execptions:

+ If a square is located due east of Origon and its predecessor is not, then its successor is immediately east.

+ If a square is located due east of Origon and its predecessor is as well, then its successor is immediately southwest.

+ If a square is located due south of Origon and its predecessor is not, then its successor is immediately south.

+ If a square is locate due south of Origon and its predecessor is as well, then its successor is immediately northeast.

Here is a diagram of how this section would shape a board with 14 squares:

1 2 6 7
3 5 8 14
4 9 13
10 12
Decision: Approved.

Proposal #23

Palnatoke , March 15th
Proposal In 10.b, add to the Savings and Loan dot:

A square contaning a Savings and Loan branch shall be black.
Decision: Approved.

Proposal #24

JT, March 15th
Proposal Modify rule 1, section c to read:
The admin owns and rolls as many fair six-sided dice as required.
Modify rule 5, section c to read:
If a player's movement causes her to come to rest in an occupied square, and if the number of verses in the Universe is strictly greater than the number of players, then that player will automatically continue movement in the current direction until reaching the next unoccupied square.
Modify rule 9, section a o read:
Every time a player advances past or ends an advance on a square numbered with a power of two [1,2,4,8,16,32,etc] they get an amount of case equal to that number.
[Note to TIE: this also fixes the warp gate money generation and prevents paydays for rejected proposals]

Now for the new stuff
Create a new rules section titled 'The order of the Admins Day' with the following text
Each day, the admin shall perform actions in the following order.
1) judge proposals
2) execute player game turns
3) perform all buys, sells, trades, upgrades, renames and other miscellaneous actions submitted by players.
4) Modify the rules as directed by the accepted proposals
Decision: Approved.


Admin, March 16th
Slightly out of order, JT's came later yesterday.

JT: Buys square #2, naming it "al Sin" and buys for it a Savings & Loan and a Drain (total : $14).

The Racecar: Roll (1,5,6) = 11. (Note: Until the next game day, I'm still going to do what I've typically done, apply rule changes to actions almost immediately). The Racecar lands on Square #12, falls back to Square #11 with option to buy. Gains $14, loses but gains the Real Estate Guide.

Buys a Warp Gate and places it at Origon. Price set at $6.

Tyrethali: Buys Savings & Loan for The Observatory (#12). Deposits Real Estate Guide.

Kevan: Buys Square #11 for $11 and a Real Estate guide, naming it Mornington Crescent and puts six Drains onto it $36) ($47 total)

Rolls (5,5,1) = 10. Lands on Square #15 with option to buy, gains $8. Roll: (6,2). Lands on square #4, gains $7.

Tivol: Rolls: (1,2,2) = 4, Lands on square #17 with option to buy, gains $16. Roll: (2,4) Lands on The Tower (#4). Gains $7. Pays Tyrethali $2 ($21 net)

Buys square #17 for $17 and a Real Estate Guide.

Palnatoke: Purchase Savings & Loan. Forms Bankism.

Roll: (3,4,4) = 8. Lands on square #16 with option to buy. Gains Real Estate Guide. Earns $16. Roll: (4,2) Lands on square #3 with option to buy. Gains $3.

JT: Froms the religion Charitism which worships Ye Olde Poorbox. Roll: (6,1,2) = 8. Lands on square #3, with option to buy. Gains $19.


Admin, March 17th
As JT pointed out to me, the current action order is a little out of whack. The way it stands now, no one can buy any property.

The new order will become:

1. Process property buy orders
  [Note, these actions will still seperate from the proposals with the other listed actions].
2. Judge proposals.
3. Execute player game turns
4. Perform all other buys, sells, trades, upgrades, renames and other miscellaneous actions submitted by players.
5. Modify the rules as directed by the accepted proposals.
Decision: Approved. Roll: 13"

Proposal #25

Kevan, March 17th
A Player may sell a square they own - upon doing so, they gain cash equal to one less than its number, as well as a Real Estate Guide. The square keeps its name, but all of its Upgrades are lost.
Decision: Approved.

Proposal #26

JT, March 17th
Every game has a goal. Except this one so far, so it's time to give us a goal.

Modify section 3 'Ending the Game' by adding part b) as follows.
The game will end at the day that one and only one player achieves one and only of the following victory conditions.
1) owning a block of 4 or more properties. A block is defined as a linearly connected set of properties where all of the properties share either the same rank or file (using the common english meaning)
[IE, the properties have to be in a line, in the current board shape the origon and the three squares to the south]
2) owning a set of four or more properties which are diagonally adjacent in the topology of the board.

[The reason for the one and only one restrictions is to give players a way to 'counteract' impending wins by (perhaps) helping a second player to achieve a victory condition or to cause the first player achieve more than one victory condition at a time thus stalling the win. I expect that there will be other conditions added over time]
Decision: Approved.


Admin, March 17th
For Palnatoke: Buys square #16 naming it Gog for $16 and Real Estate Guide.

For Kevan: Rolls: (4,5,3) = 9. Starts on Square Five (#5) Gains Real Estate Guide with option to buy. Lands on Square #12 -- pushed ahead to #13 by occupants. Gains $8.

For JT: Purchases square #3 for $3 and Real Estate Guide naming it Disco Inferno. Roll: (3,2,6) = 9 Lands on square #12 -- pushed ahead to #14 with option to buy. Gains Real Estate Guide and $12. Total cash at this point: $31. Buys 2 drains on #3 and 1 drain on #2 (total left $13). $3 to Ye Olde Poorbox.