Welcome, guest.
  [Refresh] It's 22:10:57 7th October 2003 GMT.
Also please see this site which contains an accurate snapshot of the gamestate (except proposals) at some time in the past.

(Likely) Gamestate of the Christmas Game

Robert Barrington Leigh(1,3)36+11/403falseactive
Alex Fink(3,3)109+18/403falseactive
Olena Bormashenkonowhere98+179/4836falseactive
Jennifer Mueller(3,1)98+7/403falseactive–6 days
Xiannan Linowhere97+8/403falseactive

Former players: Roger Gliptic Nathan

Proposals: [Don't show all]
fooyet another test —
PrivateMovesspace modification and change of location are not publicly announced3/10 1 1 Passed
IntegerVerticesvertices of space are labelled by integers1 1 -1  —
foo2Back by popular demand!1 1 1 Passed
AddIs'is' is added to the last sentence of rule 201 1 1 Passed
ProposalIsMoneyMaking money when proposals pass1 -1/8 1/3 Passed
BurningVerticesvertices burn when the space heater occupies them for too long1 1/2 1 Passed
SpaceHeaterOffthe space heater may be turned off1 1  —
VotingRewardplayers earn currency for voting1 1 1/403 Passed
BurnedValueMaking vertices affordable1  —
Exclusionone can't visit another player's vertex1  —
PeriodicalSpaceHeatermoving the space heater is a move as defined in rule 201 1  —
NoSpaceHeaterOffdelete SpaceHeaterOff —
NoSpaceHeaterOnno vertices can be made burning —
PlayerActivityplayers who are inactive don't count toward quorum1 63/64 982/983 1 Passed
Escaping SolipsismA good idea1 1 1 Passed
NoInfinitePointsdon't reward creators of bad proposals1 1 1/3 Passed
VertexSalemaking vertices even more affordable1 0 1 Passed
Rule Twenty Patchjust in case; hopefully temporary2/3 1 0 0 1/2 Passed
PeriodicalSpaceHeater2same as before27/32 1 0 -1 0  —
Exclusion IIto allow the game to develop an objective0 -1/3 0 0 -1/2  —
14August2003arewrites the conditions under which a proposal is deleted —
14August2003arewrites the conditions under which a proposal is deleted —
14August2003brewrites the conditions under which a proposal is deleted1 -1/2 1/123 1 402/403 Passed
rule 6 patchproposals are explicitly forbidden from causing illegal actions1 1 1 Passed
Purify Rule 6all account changes to do with proposals are specified in rule 251 1 4/5 1 Passed
Order from chaosPutting the vertices of Space on a coordinate grid1 1 1 Passed
Efficient gamesMaking this game better for the players who intend to actually play. 1 25/43 1  —
PausingAllowing players to "take a break"1 -25/43 1 -1  —
Different inactivityanother way to streamline the game1 1 1 1 Passed
Shunting verticesvertices can be moved around wrt coordinates1 1 -1/2 1 Passed
Clarifying adjacency"Shunting vertices" without shunting vertices1 1 1 1 Passed
PausedSurvivalplayers do not die when paused1  —
Deathtidying up a loose end1  —
NoGarbageCollectiondead players' vertices remain1 1 1 Passed
BadlyNamedProposaladd former players to gamestate1 1 0 -2/3 Passed
PauseSurvivalone can't die while paused1 13860/19601 1 Passed
IceCreamLemmatest16/17 -16/17 -1 -1 Failed
InverseSquarevertices give players money1 -1/2 -1/2 1 14 days
rescaleReasonable amounts of money1 1/2 1/2 1 Passed
Equidistancecan Alex change his mirror state?90/91 1/2 15 days


Rule 20 MoveEnd of next evaluation period
Change of location12:00:00 8th October 2003 GMT (14 hours)
Space change12:00:00 8th October 2003 GMT (14 hours)
Space heater motion12:00:00 8th October 2003 GMT (14 hours)

Space: (burned vertices have no parentheses; #=player, H=space heater)
0(1,4)1(2,4)5 3,4 H
3(1,3)#2 2,3 6 3,3 #

Dimension of space: 0
Name of the space heater: foo
Location of the space heater: (3,4)
Mirror-states of the space heater: false; true
Last time the space heater moved: Fri, 25 July 2003 08:17:39
phi: (location change, space modification, space heater motion)
List of things that players are encouraged to do:

In the last six days... [Show all]
[Sunday 13:28:08] Xiannan votes 1 on proposal PauseSurvival (41). It passes.
[Sunday 13:28:52] Xiannan votes -1 on proposal IceCreamLemma (42).
[Sunday 13:29:21] Xiannan votes 0 on proposal BadlyNamedProposal (40).
[Sunday 13:29:49] Xiannan votes 1 on proposal NoGarbageCollection (39). It passes.
[Sunday 13:31:14] Olena votes -2/3 on proposal BadlyNamedProposal (40). It passes.
[Sunday 13:31:37] Olena votes -1 on proposal IceCreamLemma (42). It fails.
[Sunday 23:01:00] [amalgamated] Time offset corrected by 157 seconds; now it's 1065394873.
[Sunday 23:50:20] Robert creates proposal InverseSquare (44).
[Sunday 23:50:57] Robert votes 1 on proposal InverseSquare (44).
[Monday 12:00:00] Robert moves from vertex (2,3) to vertex (1,3)
[Monday 21:30:41] Olena votes -1/2 on proposal InverseSquare (44).
[Monday 22:19:33] [email] Alex votes -1/2 on proposal InverseSquare (44).
[Monday 22:57:11] Robert creates proposal rescale (45).
[Monday 22:57:31] Robert votes 1 on proposal rescale (45).
[Tuesday 00:11:18] Time offset corrected by 3 seconds; now it's 1065485481.
[Tuesday 00:56:45] Olena votes 1/2 on proposal rescale (45).
[Tuesday 01:15:42] Robert accuses Jennifer of inactivity.
[Tuesday 01:35:24] [email] Alex votes 1/2 on proposal rescale (45).
[Tuesday 03:00:30] Time offset corrected by -3 seconds; now it's 1065495627.
[Tuesday 03:43:16] Robert creates proposal Equidistance (46).
[Tuesday 03:43:32] Robert votes 90/91 on proposal Equidistance (46).
[Tuesday 13:51:23] Xiannan votes 1 on proposal rescale (45). It passes.
[Tuesday 13:51:36] Xiannan votes 1 on proposal InverseSquare (44).
[Tuesday 13:52:32] Xiannan votes 1/2 on proposal Equidistance (46).

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