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  [Refresh|Up] It's 22:16:53 7th October 2003 GMT.
Also please see this site which contains an accurate snapshot of the gamestate (except proposals) at some time in the past.

Proposal Information for BadlyNamedProposal

Exists: No
Created: by Alex at 1:48:36 13th September 2003 GMT.
Description: add former players to gamestate
Refreshed: 3:08:47 25th September 2003 GMT by Alex.
Expires 3:08:47 11th October 2003 GMT
Change the second paragraph of rule 3{7} to
"The gamestate contains exactly those things which the ruleset indicates it
does. The gamestate contains the ruleset, extant proposals, all players that
are in the game, and all entities that were formerly players in the game.

Comments: none


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