J(34) 20.iii.1998

Call for Judgement

Colin Batchelor made a Call for Judgement on the following statements:

  • The Office of Master of Puppets when the Puppets are in Suspended Animation imposes no obligation upon the holder, so the benefits that accrue to the holder of that Office no longer apply.
  • The Office of Master of Puppets when the Puppets are in Suspended Animation imposes no obligation upon the holder, so the Office is deemed vacant and an election should be called in accordance with 394(3).


The Judge selected was Terry Boon

I shall state and choose an alternative statement:
The position of Master of Puppets does not cease to be an Office solely because the Puppets are in Suspended Animation.


472 states the following: "The duties of the Master of Puppets are to control all Puppets in the Game except for those Puppets for which a Deputy Master of Puppets has been appointed, and to notify all Players of any appointments, dismissals or resignations of Deputy Masters of Puppets."

Even when the Puppets are in Suspended Animation, the Master of Puppets is still obliged to "notify all players" of certain events which can still happen while the Puppets are Suspended.


It's ironic that I should receive this one to judge, seeing as it was my rule (410) which causes the problem in the first place. I did have a reason for stating that Offices must impose some obligation upon the holder - it was to make them distinct from other titles and the like that players might receive in the game. However, given the problem it's thrown up (and other potential problems which I have now thought of), I think it should go.

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Created 24.iii.1998 by Colin Batchelor, OxNomic Recorder