J(31) 13.iii.1998

Call for Judgement

Ian Collier made the following Call for Judgement:

I'm afraid I have to call another judgement.
  • It is legal for a Judge to produce two Judgements.
  • It is illegal for a Judge to produce two Judgements.

The Judge of J(30) took the odd step of presenting two Judgements, J(30a) and J(30b). I claim that this is in conflict with the rules for answering a Call for Judgement. Specifically, Rule 401(5) states (emphasis mine):

A legal judgement will chose ONE of the options set out in the Call for Judgement or may choose and state another alternative.

If the Judge felt that no one of the options represented a correct answer then he should have chosen an alternative (possibly encompassing two or more of the given options) and supplied that as the unique answer.


The Judge selected was Simon Cozens.

Judgement J(31a)

It is legal for a Judge to produce two Judgements.

Judgement J(31b)

It is illegal for a Judge to produce two Judgements.


This Judgement was appealed against by Ian Collier. I have available an account of A(31).
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Created 13.iii.1998, last amended 19.iii.1998 by Colin Batchelor, OxNomic Recorder