If you find any Nomic related pages that you think deserve a place here, please let Chuck know.

Nomic.Net ~ This is the up and coming center of the Nomic universe. Here you can find the Nomic Bulletin Board, the homes of a couple of nomics, and loads of great information about Nomic. Keep your eye on this page!

NomiWiki ~ This is the successor to the Net Nomic Database. This is truly the future of collaborative Nomic efforts. This is also a great place to find ideas for proposals.

The Nomic Frequently Asked Questions List ~ This page should answer some questions about Nomic and different flavors of Nomic out there. It's maintained by Malcolm Ryan.

Nomic Bulletin Board ~ This is a (not so) little board that connects us to the larger Nomic community. Please check this out!

Nomic: A Game of Self-Amendment ~ This link goes to the webpage of Nomic's inventor, Peter Suber. This is a great page which sheds some light into the philosophy behind the game.

The Nomic Web Site Ring ~ This link brings you to the hub of a website ring devoted to Nomic. This contains many sites not listed in the database. It's fun to see what varied paths people have taken with Nomic and where we could go too. This ring has also fallen into disrepair... still worth a look!

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Chuck Henry / Windrant © 2000 ~ Updated: February 13, 2001