
The Nomic Of Many Intricate Creations
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View rule 344

344/2: Cap of Low Proposals - Rejected

There exists a Hat known as the Cap of Low Proposals. This Hat, if not owned by a player, is awarded to any player who has proposed less than 5 proposals, at a time when all other players have proposed at least 5 proposals. Any player wearing wearing this hat may declare that they will unleash its power. They must name a proposal being voted on as they do this.

If the power in the Cap of Low Proposals is unleashed, the following things will happen: The proposal naemd at the time required a 75% support, rather than a simple majority. The player who owned the Cap of Low Proposals must take it off and relinquish control of it: it is then owned by nobody. [The hat will then be immediately available to be given away again.] All numbers in the first paragraph of this rule will increase by five.

By Alexander, Proposed: 2003-10-07 05:10, Last Modified: 2003-10-19 10:10 (1 week, 5 days later)

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