[Currency] [Definitions] [GWIBs] [Offices] [Players] [Property] [Proposals] [Scoring] [Shrubbery] [The Game] [The Judiciary] [The Rules] [Voting] [Winning]

Rule 104/0(i) : Voting and Adoption of Rules
All rule-changes proposed in the proper way shall be voted on. They will be adopted if and only if they receive the required number of votes.
0. Initial Immutable Rule, 12 March 1998
Rule 106/1(i) : Public Nature of and Effects of Proposals
All proposed rule-changes shall be posted to nomic@iastate.edu before they are voted on. If they are adopted, they shall guide play in the form on which they were voted.
0. Initial Immutable Rule, 12 March 1998
1. Altered by Administrative Review, 21 July, 1998

Rule 108/4(m) : Numbering of Proposals
Each Proposal submitted in the proper way shall be given a number for reference. The number assigned to a Proposal shall be the least integer greater than 300 that has never before been assigned, whether in this game or its antecedents, to another Proposal or Rule, whether active or inactive.

Proposals to create multiple new Rules must specify a legal Rule number for each new rule to be created. Rules created by Proposals creating only one new Rule receive the number of their corresponding Proposal unless otherwise specified in said Proposal.

A Rule may have as a number any positive integer not held by any other Rule.

0. Initial Immutable Rule, 12 March 1998
0. Clarified by Judgment 3, 25 March 1998
0. Transmuted by Proposal 302 to Rule 302/0, 27 March 1998
0. Clarified by Judgment 5 as Rule 302/0, 6 April 1998
1. Amended and renumbered from Rule 302/0 by Proposal 303, 11 April 1998
2. Amended by Rule 315/0, 26 September 1998
3. Altered by Administrative Review, 26 October 1998
4. Amended by Proposal 475, 23 April 1999

Rule 109/2(i) : Transmutation of Rules
Rule-changes that transmute immutable rules into mutable rules, or mutable rules into immutable rules, may be adopted if and only if the vote is unanimous among the non-neutral voters. Transmutation shall not be implied, but must be stated explicitly in a proposal to take effect.
0. Initial Immutable Rule, 12 March 1998
0. Clarified by Judgment 7, 4 May 1998
1. Altered by Administrative Review, 21 July 1998
2. Altered by Administrative Review, 26 October 1998

Rule 111/1(i) : Debate and Alteration of Proposals
Players may debate a Proposal before the vote. The Proposer decides the final form in which the Proposal is to be voted on.
0. Initial Immutable Rule, 12 March 1998
0. Clarified by Judgment 1, 12 March 1998
0. Clarified by Judgment 13, 25 August 1998
1. Altered by Administrative Review, 26 October 1998

Rule 223/0(m) : Proposal Activity
Players may change the states of their proposals from inactive to active and vice versa by sending a message to that effect to the mailing list. New Proposals are active by default.
0. Created by Rule 315/0, 26 September 1998
Rule 224/0(m) : Proposal Vitality and Withdrawal
Players may, with no penalty, withdraw proposals from consideration at any time except during voting on the proposals. Proposals become dead upon their being withdrawn, and must be resubmitted if they are to be reconsidered. New Proposals are live by default.
0. Created by Rule 315/0, 26 September 1998
Rule 225/0(m) : Proposal Limit
No player may, at any time, have more than ten live proposals.
0. Created by Rule 315/0, 26 September 1998
Rule 226/0(m) : Proposals and Forfeiting
If a Player forfeits, that Player's active proposals remain active, while the Player's inactive proposals are automatically withdrawn. Points owed to a former Player are not to be awarded.
0. Created by Rule 315/0, 26 September 1998
Rule 349/0(m) : Disinterested Proposals
Players may, upon formally making a Proposal which would cause a transmutation, designate that Proposal as a disinterested Proposal. No points are awarded in conjunction with Disinterested Proposals. This rule takes precedence over all rules concerning points.
0. Created by Proposal 349, 1 December 1998
Rule 385/0(m) : Prohibited Proposals
Proposals that, should they pass, would reward or penalize players voting on them, are prohibited.
0. Created by Proposal 385, 5 January 1999
0. Clarified by Judgment 62, 24 March 1999

Rule 386/0(m) : Comments and Self-Deleting Text
The following characters:

[ ] { }

are considered "reserved characters" when appearing in proposals and rules in ways defined below.


Excepting any text prior to and including this sentence in this rule, any text appearing within doubled square brackets ("[[" and "]]")shall be considered "comment" text. Comment text shall not have the force of rule; its purpose is solely elucidative or demonstrative.


Excepting any text prior to and including this sentence in this rule, any text appearing within double braces ("{{" and "}}") shall be considered "self-deleting" text. As soon as a proposal containing self-deleting text is passed into rule, the following shall happen, in the following order: (1) Any self-deleting text in the rule shall have its effect. (2) Any self-deleting text, along with its respective braces, shall be deleted from the rule.

[[This provides a regular way in which to add self-removing clauses to rules.]]

This rule takes precedence over all other rules governing the texts of rules.

0. Created by Proposal 386, 5 January 1999
Rule 530/0(m) : Shared Proposals
Any proposal may be designated by its author a "shared proposal." This designation may be added or removed at any time before the proposal is voted on.

When designating a proposal shared, its author must also specify players with whom to share. The number of players which may be shared with is limited by the number of current players, but otherwise any number of players may be specified.

If a shared proposal passes, the points which would be rewarded to its author under rule 222 are instead divided amongst the author and the players e specified. Points shall be divided in integral amounts, and the author receives any leftover points which cannot be split evenly amongst the author and the players specified.

If a shared proposal fails, its author alone takes the penalties, according to any other rules which deal penalties for failed proposals.

0. Created by Proposal 530, 6 July 1999
Rule 547/0(m) : Making Proposals
Any Player may, at any time, make a number of new Proposals restricted only by the total per-player Proposal limit.
0. Created by Proposal 548, 26 July 1999
Tue 09 Nov 1999 15:03:42 -0600