Axiomatic Propositions

Axiomatic Propositions

Finalized Propositions

Finalized Props] [Active Props] [Recently Resolved Props]

NOTE: For a proposition to pass earlier than its planned date, it must have (12/2=6) SEVEN votes barring any ball voting.

Name: P408, A Level Field
Author: Sprout
Status: Finalized
Yes Votes:
No Votes:
Resolves On: September 16, 1999
Create a new rule which contains the following text:

Each citizen is given 50 Oomphs provided that immediately before the application of this rule e currently has a status of Alive! and has less than 50 Oomphs of Energy.

This rule repeals itself immediately after its first application.

Name: P405, Real Estate Reform
Author: Gödel
Status: Finalized
Yes Votes:
No Votes:
Resolves On: September 15, 1999
Amend "Rule 500, Fun Places To Go" by replacing the RESTRICTIVE delimited text with the MOREFREE delimited text.

One or more positions may be a location if the rules define it as such and give it a name.

One or more positions may be a location if the rules define it as such, or if the one is created by a rule defined process. All locations must have names.

Amend "Rule 503, Home on the Range" by replacing its text with the following FIXED delimited text.

A citizen may create an owned location by following the steps below:
1. The citizen must describe a non-empty set of positions which:

2. The citizen must describe give a unique name to this location.
3. The citizen must destroy 3 of eir own Oomphs for every position described.

Owned locations are initially owned by eir creator, who is known as the landlord of that location.

A citizen in an owned location a tenant of that landlord.

A citizen may extend an owner location of which e is the landlord by purchasing an adjacent area (in the same fashion and subject to all the same conditions) and instead of giving it a new name, stating that it is part of the adjacent location that e owns.

Name: P404, Energy Catch-Up"
Author: Gödel
Status: Finalized
Yes Votes:
No Votes:
Resolves On: September 12, 1999
Amend "Rule 401, Position and Movement" by replacing the UNFAIR delimited text with the STARTUPCASH delimited text.

Citizens are tangible entities, may own energy, and may move emselves. Each Alive! citizen is given three Oomphs each week on Sunday morning at 00:00. When a citizen is created, it must have a valid position specified.

Citizens are tangible entities, may own energy, and may move emselves. When a citizen is created, it must have a valid position specified.

Each Alive! citizen is given three Oomphs each week on Sunday morning at 00:00. When a citizen changes from Unanimated to Alive! it is given 50 Oomphs.

50 Oomphs are given to MAX, Sycorax, and Sprout and then this sentence deletes itself.

Name: P402, Closing a Loophole
Author: Sprout
Status: Finalized
Yes Votes:
No Votes:
Resolves On: September 12, 1999
Amend the text of Rule 257 by replacing the word "may" with the word "must" and replacing the phrase "other than themselves." with the phrase "other than themselves, if they have indeed done so."

Active Propositions

Finalized Props] [Active Props] [Recently Resolved Props]

Name: P406, No secret actions
Author: Sprout
Status: Active
Amend Rule 103 by appending the following text:

No act can take place without notice of that action being posted in text format to the public forum which is currently

Name: P409, Let There Be Other Nomics
Author: Gödel
Status: Active
Rename "Rule 104, Definition of Persons and Players" to "Rule 104, Definition of Persons, Nomics & Players" and amend it by replacing the following ANTHROPOCENTRIC delimited text to the following NOMICSENSITIVE delimited text.

Persons are a class of objects known as humans in the extranomic world. A player is a person who recognizes the rules of Axiom to generate authority. A player is able to fiat the citicen e controls and cause the citizen to take acts permitted by other rules in Axiom.

Persons are a class of objects in the extranomic world characterized by a physical, organic, primate, body and intelligence. Nomics are a class of objects in the extranomic world characterized by groups of objects organized into a game whose rules are explicitly changeable. A player is an object who recognizes the rules of Axiom to generate authority. A player is able to fiat the citicen e controls and cause the citizen to take acts permitted by other rules in Axiom.
NOMICSENSITIVE Create "Rule 116, Conventions For Other Nomics" with the following BEVERYCAREFUL delimited text.

Section 1 Limiting Puppet Nomics

The group of objects organized into a nomic are its participants. Each nomic has a difference degree with respect to any other nomic. The difference degree of some nomic is found by counting its participants and then subtracting one for each of these participants who is also a participant of the nomic the difference degree is being found with respect to.

No nomic may join as a player if it has a difference degree less than four with repsect to any other nomic which is already a player.

Any player of Axiom can request that any player which is a nomic provide a list of its participants, and the player which is a nomic must comply. If it is ever accurately pointed out that a player which is a nomic's Difference Degree is less than four with repect to any other nomic which is a player, then the nomic with the offending difference degree is considered to have rebuked the rules of Axiom and its citizen is made Dead.

Section 2 Limiting Transient Nomics

For a nomic to join Axiom as a player, it must be determinable both that that nomic has had a presence on the Internet for at least 60 days prior to eir becoming a player of Axiom, and that that nomic has a difference degree of more than 2 with respect to Axiom itself.

Section 3 The Representative Of A Nomic

For a nomic to join as a player, it must make explicit provisions in its own ruleset, for some distinct person to represent that that nomic. This person is known as that nomic's representative. A nomic's representative fiats the nomic's citizen in the same manner that a player who is a person does, except that if a nomic representative controls a citizen on eir own, then actions they announce are assumed to be for eir own citizen and not the nomic's.

It is the job of a nomic to police eir own representative. The only extra-Axiom thing Axiom need worry about when a person fiats a nomic's citizen is whether that person is in fact the representative of the nomic.

Rejected, Accepted, and Retracted Propositions

Finalized Props] [Active Props] [Recently Resolved Props]

[Finalized Props] [Active Props] [Recently Resolved Props]

Last Updated: 3/21/2000 11:00pm PST
Author: Jennifer Mueller
If you're wonder whether the game is still going, message me at