The Rules of Ackanomic: Governments

Rule 320/2
Governments Rule Suite
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)

There exists a type of unownable, named entities called Government Types. All Government Types are either Active or Dormant. At most one government type may be Active at any one time; if the rules cause one to become Active and there is already an Active Government Type then the latter will become Dormant an infinitesimal ammount of time before the former becomes Active. If no Government Type is Active then the Government Type Anarchy (if it exists) becomes Active. The Active Government Type is known as The Current Government of Ackanomia.

All existing Government Types are defined by rules within this rule suite, and then only by rules with a name "Government Type: X" where X is replaced by a legal Ackanomic name. The name of the Government Type as specified in that rule shall then be X (as used above). Such rules, and only such rules, are known as Governmental Rules.

Governmental Rules should specify who is eligible to vote on proposals (if it fails then all active voting players may vote), and may also specify any deviations from the normal rules and conditions under which that Government Type may become active, other than those listed below. It may also specify conditions other than those listed below under which a Revolution may start while that Government type is Active. Such deviations apply only when the Government Type described in the rule is The Current Government of Ackanomia [examples would include things like "the Illuminatus receives a salary as if it were a functional office", "rule 1029 does not apply", "Senators may not make proposals", etc.]

All players have a rebeliousness characteristic which may either be "on" or "off" (the default value is off). A player may freely change the value of this characteristic by publicly stating that they are doing so, and what they are changing it too.

If ever over 50% of all player have a rebeliousnees characteristic of "on" and any player points this out publicly then a Revolution shall begin. During a Revolution the folloing events will happen:

1. The Government Type "Anarchy" shall become Active.

2. All players have their rebeliousness characteristic changed to "off".

3. The OiCoRT should pick a Random Government Type other than Anarchy and the type of Government imediately before the Revolution. If that Government Type specifies any other random determinations are to be made at this point then e should do that too. This Government Type then be known as the Proto-Government.

4. Exactly one week after the Revolution started the Proto-Government shall become Active.

5. The Revolution shall end.

It is considered good form for the Scare Monger to be particularly active during a Revolution.

All rules in this rulesuite take precedence over all other rules. This rule takes precedence over all other rules in this rulesuite.

[Link to the governments]

Rule 320.1/0
Government Type: Anarchy
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)

When The Current Government of Ackanomia is Anarchy all active voting players are eligible to vote on proposals but no-one is allowed to submit a proposal.

Rule 320.2/0
Government Type: Democracy
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)

There are no specialrules for when The Current Government of Ackanomia is Democracy. All active voting players are eligible to vote on proposals.

Rule 320.3/0
Government Type: Despotism
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)

When Despotismis the Proto-Government the OiCoRT should also randomly select an active voting player. For the whole time The Current Government of Ackanomia is Despotism this player is known as The Despot and is the only player eligible to vote on proposals. However The Despot is not allowed to submit proposals. In addition the Tabulator is free to reveal any votes cast on any proposal without penalty. [This is to stop any abuse of power. If The Despot has voted YES on a proposal that would make eir power permanent then the Tabulator could reveal this fact and then everyone would be able to rebel. It shouldn't really be necessary but I know I wouldn't like, say, Hoover 2300 ruling the game!]

Rule 320.4/0
Government Type: Fundamentalism
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)

When Fundamentalism is the Proto-Government the OiCoRT should also select one Caste at random. Whilst Fundamentalism remains The Current Government of Ackanomia only members of this Caste are eligible to vote on proposals. Additionally, no player may change Caste.

Rule 320.5/0
Government Type: Elected Assembly
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)

When The Current Government of Ackanomia is Elected Assembly only the Senators, Speaker and President are eligible to vote on proposals. In addition a proposal will passif it meets quorum and receives a simple majority of votes.

Rule 320.6/1
Government Type: Proportional Representation
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)

When Proportional Representation is the Proto-Government the OiCoRT should also select one active voting member of each political party for every two members that party has (rounded down). If a party has insufficient active voting players then all such members are selected instead. These players are knownas Members of Parliament for the duration of time that Proportional Representation is The Current Government of Ackanomia and are the only players eligible to vote on proposals when this is the case.

Timestamp: Fri 02 Oct 1998 08:13 EDT

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