Pieces 910-919

910. Definition of Fourplay Piece Cannon

A. There is a Fourplay Piece called the Cannon. It is based on the cannon from Chinese Chess.

B. The material value for the Cannon is 3.

C. The on-board instance limit for the Cannon is 4.

D. The ASCII character for Cannon is Cn.

E. The Cannon moves any number of squares in any orthogonal direction. Every square in its path must be unoccupied, including the destination square. The Cannon can not capture when moving this way.

F. The Cannon can capture any Piece in the same row or same column, as long as there is exactly one Piece, friendly enemy or neutral, in between the Cannon and the Piece being captured. The distances between the Cannon, the Piece being captured, and the intermediate Piece are irrelevant. The Cannon then occupies the square of the Piece being captured.

G. The Cannon looks like a Civil War era cannon, except it is the colors of the Office owning it. The barrel is made of metal, and the mount is made of wood. On each side of its mount is stamped the name and seal of the Office owning it.

911. Definition of Fourplay Piece Pawn

A. There is a Fourplay Piece called the Pawn.

B. The material value of the Pawn is 1.

C. The on-board instance limit for the Pawn is 10, unless the Player has 8 or more Nwaps, in which case the instance limit for Pawns is 8.

D. The ASCII character for Pawn is P.

E. The Pawn moves exactly one square in any orthogonal direction. It cannot capture when moving this way; its destination square must be unoccupied.

F. The Pawn captures by moving exactly one square in any diagonal direction. It can not move this way unless the destination square is occupied by an enemy Piece.

G. The Pawn is shaped like a pyramid with a square base, the base is touching the board.

912. Definition of Fourplay Piece Nwap

A. There is a Fourplay Piece called the Nwap.

B. The material value of the Nwap is 1.

C. The on-board instance limit for the Nwap is 10, unless the Player has 8 or more Pawns, in which case the instance limit for Nwaps is 8.

D. The ASCII character for Nwap is N.

E. The Nwap moves exactly one square in any diagonal direction. It cannot capture when moving this way; its destination square must be unoccupied.

F. The Nwap captures by moving exactly one square in any orthogonal direction. It can not move this way unless the destination square is occupied by an enemy piece.

G. The Nwap is shaped like a pyramid with a square base, the point is touching the board.

913. Definition of Fourplay Piece +Magnetron

A. There is a Fourplay piece called the +Magnetron

B. The material value of the +Magnetron is 10.

C. The on-board instance limit for the +Magnetron is 1.

D. The ASCII character for +Magnetron is +M.

E. The +Magnetron moves any number of squares in any one orthogaonal direction, or one square in any diagonal direction, as long as all squares in its path, including the destination square, are unoccupied. It can not capture when moving this way.

F. The +Magnetron can not capture during a Player's Turn.

G. The +Magnetron has between-turn effects, which are described in rule 915.

H. The +Magnetron can not be used to create a Compound piece.

I. The +Magnetron looks like a giant u-shaped magnet, and it has a large + drawn on the center of it.

914. Definition of Fourplay Piece -Magnetron

A. There is a Fourplay piece called the -Magnetron

B. The material value of the -Magnetron is 10.

C. The on-board instance limit for the -Magnetron is 1.

D. The ASCII character for -Magnetron is -M.

E. The -Magnetron moves any number of squares in any one orthogaonal direction, or one square in any diagonal direction, as long as all squares in its path, including the destination square, are unoccupied. It can not capture when moving this way.

F. The -Magnetron can not capture during a Player's Turn.

G. The -Magnetron has between-turn effects, which are described in rule 915.

H. The -Magnetron can not be used to create a Compound Piece.

I. The -Magnetron looks like a giant u-shaped magnet, and it has a large - drawn on the center of it.

915. Effects of Magnetrons

For this rule, Magnetron refers to both +Magnetrons and -Magnetrons.

After each Player's Turn, the Speaker must check for between-turn occurences resulting from Magnetrons.

    (i) A Magnetron affects all Pieces for which the following are true:
        (a) They are in the same row or column as the Magnetron.
        (b) There are no other Pieces, friendly, enemy or neutral, between the Piece and the Magnetron.
        c) The Piece is not a King, a Magnetron, or the Neutron.

    (ii) The Piece affecting moves exactly one square towards a +Magnetron, unless it is adjacent to it, in which case it is removed from the Board and becomes the property of the Player owning the +Magnetron.

    (iii) The Piece affected moves exactly one square away from a -Magnetron, with the following exceptions:
        (a) The Piece would be forced to move into a square which is already occupied. In this case, the Piece does not move.
        (b) The Piece would be forced off the board. In this case, the Piece is removed from the Board and becomes the property of the player owning the -Magnetron.

    (iv) All effects of Magnetrons are considered to occur simultaneously.         (a) If the effects of Magnetrons would cause 2 or more Pieces to move to the same square, then all such Pieces are removed from the board and destroyed.
        (b) If a Piece is affected by exactly two Magnetrons then,
          (1) If both Magnetrons are in the same row or the same column, and they are of different sign, then the Piece moves one square for each Magnetron.
          (2) If both Magnetrons are of the same sign, or they are not in the same row or in the same column, then the Piece does not move.
        (c) If a Piece is affected by 3 or 4 Magnetrons it does not move.

916. Definition of Fourplay Piece Harfyblob

A. There is a Fourplay piece called Harfyblob.

B. The ASCII character for Harfyblob is Hb.

C. The material value for Harfyblob is 6.

D. A HarfyBlob can move either vertically, horizontally, or diagonally, up to a maximum distance of Hn, where Hn is defined below, provided all the squares between the current square and the destination square are unoccupied. The HarfyBlob captures the same way it moves, the piece being captured must occupy the Harfyblob's destination square.

E. Each extant Harfyblob has its own value of Hn. It is a duty of the Speaker to track the value of Hn for each extant Harfyblob.

    When a Harfyblob is first created, its Hn value is 1.

    Each time a Harfyblob captures an enemy piece, its Hn value is increased by 1, unless the captured piece is also a Harfyblob, in which case its Hn is increased by the Hn of the captured Harfyblob.

    Should a Harfyblob's Hn ever exceed the maximum number of squares on the Party Board in any direction, its Hn is reduced to that maximum less 1.

F. The Harfyblob looks like a big blob of oozing slime.

917. Definition of Fourplay Piece Echo

A. There is a Fourplay piece called the Echo.

B. The material value of the Echo is 11.

C. The ASCII character for the Echo is E.

D. The on-board instance limit for Echoes is 1.

E. For a player to move an Echo as his nth move of the turn, the legal moves are dependent on the nth move of his most recent turn which did not involve moving an Echo (this is referred to as the 'most recent play' in i and ii below).
    (i) If the player's most recent play was either pass or placement, then there is no legal move for an Echo.
    (ii) If the player's most recent play was to move a piece (capturing or not), then call that piece X. For an Echo located on square (r,c), the legal moves for an Echo are the same as any moves that would be legal for piece X if it were located at (r,c) and the board was otherwise unchanged.

    (iii) Clarifications, limitations:
        (a) An Echo echoing a Piece that promoted will not promote.
        (b) An Echo can not echo an
Archer unless the Echo is in its own quadrant.
        (c) An Echo echoing a Magnetron will not cause between-turn effects following the move.
        (d) An Echo echoing a Forcebeam Generator will not generate a forcebeam.
        (e) An Echo echoing an Iceman will not create ice or immobilize Pieces.
        (f) An Echo can not echo a Little Dog that captured or attached itself to a Piece on its last move.
        (g) An Echo that echos a Primemover can not subsequently be used to move other Pieces a prime number of squares.
        (h) An Echo echoing a Dollarman that is subsequently captured does not turn into F$.

    (iv) Clarifications, non-limitations:
        (a) An Echo echoing a Beambreaker can break forcebeams.
        (b) An Echo echoing a Flaming Pig can cause an Oliphuant to rampage.
        (c) An Echo echoing a Harfyblob will have the same Hn value of the Harfyblob it is echoing.
        (d) An Echo echoing a Mutator moves like the Piece the Mutator moved as on its last move.
        (e) An Echo echoing an Oliphuant will disrupt other Pieces, but can not move adjacent to a Flaming Pig. On subsequent moves by other Players however, the Echo can not be caused to rampage, and will not limit the moves of 'horse' Pieces.
        (f) An Echo echoing a Poacher will not be trampled by wild animals on subsequent moves.
        (g) An Echo echoing a Wizard can teleport other Pieces.
        (h) An Echo echoing a King is not obligated to avoid or move out of Check.
        (i) An Echo can echo an Echo (including itself). In such a case, the Echo moving has any legal move that the previous Echo would have had. F. The Echo can not be part of a Compound Piece.

G. The Echo appears as a swirling ghostlike fog, with sparkling flashes of light (both fog and flashes are in the colors of the Player's Office of course).

918. Definition of Fourplay Piece Wizard

A. There exists a Fourplay piece called the Wizard.

B. The Wizard has a material value of 6.

C. The Wizard has an on-board instance limit of 3.

D. The ASCII character for Wizard is Wz.

E. The Wizard moves up to 5 squares in any direction. All squares in its path must be unoccupied, including its destination square. The Wizard can not capture when moving in this way.

F. The Wizard can only capture Pieces on adjacent squares. It then occupies the square where the capturing Piece originally was located.

G. As a pPlayer's movement of a Piece on his Turn, any Piece may be teleported by the Wizard, unless that Piece's definition specifically prohibits this. To be teleported, a Piece must occupy a square adjecent to a Wizard owned by the Player. He may then move the Piece to any unoccupied square adjacent to any Wizard (including the same one). A Piece teleported cannot capture a Piece on the same time. A Wizard cannot teleport enemy Pieces. A Wizard cannot teleport the Neutron . A Wizard cannot teleport a King which is in check or checkmate.

H. The Wizard can be part of a Compound Piece. If it is Piece B of a Weak Compound, that Piece has Iceman power, but if is Piece A, it does not.

I. The Wizard appears as an old but tall and strong man, with a long gray beard. He wears a long robe and a pointy hat covered with moons and stars (all his clothing is in the colors of his office of course).

919. Defintion of Fourplay Piece Iceman

A. There is a Fourplay piece called the Iceman.

B. The Iceman has a material value of 3.

C. The Iceman has an on-board instance limit of 5.

D. The ASCII character for the Iceman is I.

E. The Iceman moves exactly 2 squares in any direction, regardless of whether or not the intermediate square is occupied. Additionally, the Iceman can make a 'knight' move - that is, he can move to any square reached by moving up or down 1 square and left or right 2 squares, or moving up or down 2 squares and moving left or right 1 square; when moving this way is also does not matter if intermediate squares are occupied or not. The Iceman can not capture when moving in these ways.

F. When the Iceman is not moving, all adjacent squares are frozen over with slippery ice. Frozen squares have the following effects:
(i) All non-friendly pieces occupying a frozen square cannot move, as it is too slippery for him to get enough traction to move away (the Iceman will melt his ice for friendly pieces to move).
(ii) Pieces, friendly and unfriendly, may not stop on a frozen square unaided, as it is too slippery. If a piece's path of travel crosses frozen squares, the piece must continue in the same direction (pieces not travelling in either an orthogonal or diagonal direction (such a knight) are considered to be moving in the nearest diagonal direction) across the frozen squares until one of the following happens:
(a) The piece reaches a non-frozen square. At this point it can continue moving as part of the same turn, if it so desires and its definition allows it.
(b) The piece reaches the square occupied by the Iceman. The piece can stop on the square adjacent to the Iceman, or, if it is unfriendly, it can move to the square occupied by the Iceman, in which case it captures the Iceman (and all frozen squares are unfrozen).
(c) The piece's path is blocked by another piece and cannot continue. In this case, the piece stops in the last unoccupied square.
(iii) Between turns, a piece moved onto a frozen square by Magnetrons will move across the ice according to part (ii) above. If the piece travels to an unfrozen square it stops there. If it moves onto the square occupied by the Iceman, it is captured and becomes property of the player owning the Iceman.
(iv) The
Neutron is not affected by the Iceman or frozen squares. This takes precendence over all Iceman rules.
(v) A piece's definition may specifically state exceptions to how it is affected by the Iceman and frozen squres. Such rules take precedence over all Iceman rules.

G. When an Iceman moves, the squares he leaves behind become unfrozen.

H. When an Iceman is placed on the board, he cannot be placed on any square that would cause squares occupied by enemy pieces to be frozen.

I. The Iceman is not affected by Magnetrons . This takes precedence over rules defining Magnetrons and rules stating the effects of Magnetrons.

J. The Iceman appears as a large muscular bald man made out of translucent ice (sort of like that character from the video game killer instinct), tinted the colors of the player's office.