Pieces 940-949

940. Definition of Fourplay Piece Snake

A. There is a Fourplay Piece called the Snake.

B. The material value of the Snake is 4.

C. The on-board instance limit for the Snake is 4.

D. The ASCII character for the Snake is ~.

E. The path of the Snake is as follows: it moves exactly one square in any diagonal direction, then from there exactly one square in a diagonal direction perpendicular to the first part of the move, then from there exactly one square in the same direction as the first part of the move, then from there exactly one square in the same direction as the second part of the move, etc etc. The Snake can continue this process for as long as it likes; however, its path must always be unobstructed. If the Snake ends its move on a square occupied by an enemy Piece, then it captures that Piece.

F. The Snake looks like a snake, the color of the Player's Office.

941. Definition of Fourplay Piece Jester

A. There is a Fourplay Piece called the Jester.

B. The material value of the Jester is 1.

C. The on-board instance limit for the Jester is 6.

D. The ASCII character for the Jester is J.

E. The Jester moves exactly 2 squares in any direction. The destination square must be either unoccupied, or occupied by an enemy Piece, which is then captured. It does not matter if the squares between the Jester and his destination square are occupied.

F. The Jester appears as the traditional European court jester, with a 3-coned-hat and a silly outfit. He is dressed in the colors of the Player's Office.

942. Definition of Fourplay Piece Quadrunner

A. There is a Fourplay Piece called the Quadrunner.

B. The material value of the Quadrunner is 1.

C. The on-board instance limit for the Quadrunner is 4.

D. The ASCII character for the Quadrunner is Qr.

E. The Quadrunner moves 1 square orthogonally. If there is an enemy Piece located on the destination square, that Piece is captured. The Quadrunner can not move to squares occupied by anything other than enemy Pieces.

F. If the Quadrunner's destination square is in a quadrant, and that square is the only square in that quadrant that the Quadrunner has ever been to, then the Quadrunner receives a Q-point. When a Quadrunner receives its fourth Q-point it promotes to any other legal Piece as part of the same Turn. The Quadrunner does not have the option of not promoting. It is the duty of the Speaker to keep track of Quadrunner's Q-points and which quadrants they've been to.

G. The Quadrunner may be part of a Weak Compound Piece. Any Compound Piece that uses the Quadrunner may promote according to the Quadrunner Rules.

H. The Quadrunner looks like a little fuzzy creature with many legs, such as the kind one might find in a Dr. Suess book.

943. Definition of Fourplay Piece Beambreaker

A. There is a Fourplay Piece called the Beambreaker (Bb).

B. The material value of the Beambreaker is 3.

C. The on-board instance limit for the Beambreaker is 2.

D. The ASCII character for the Beambreaker is Bb.

E. The Bb can move up to 3 squares in any direction. It can not capture when moving this way. The Bb can move onto a square occupied by a forcebeam (generated by a Forcebeam Generator); the forcebeam is then disrupted and all squares that were occupied by that forcebeam become unoccupied.

F. The Bb can capture any Piece on an adjacent square by moving to that square.

G. The Bb can not be part of a Weak Compound Piece.

H. The Bb appears as a tiny wedge-shaped 6-wheeled car, with a little gnome-like man driving it. It has Player's Office name and emblem on each side of it.

944. Definition of Fourplay Piece MightyMan

A. There exists a Fourplay Piece called the Mighty Man (Mm).

B. The material value of the Mm is 3.

C. The on-board instance limit of the Mm is 3.

D. The ASCII character for the Mm is Mm.

E. The Mm moves to any adjacent unoccupied square. After the Mm moves, all Pieces that are located on squares adjacent to the Mm and have a material value of 10 or greater are captured. The Mm can not capture Pieces with a material value less than 10.

F. It is illegal for a Piece with a material value of 10 or greater to capture the Mm. It is illegal for a Piece with a material value of 10 or greater to land on a square that is adjacent to an enemy Mm.

G. The Mm can not be part of a Weak Compound Piece.

H. The Mighty Man appears as a miniscule but very muscular man, with a handlebar mustache and a 19th century-style barbell, with both ends marked 1 ton.

945. Definition of Fourplay Piece Petty Revenge

A. There exists a Fourplay Piece called Petty Revenge (PR).

B. Petty Revenge has a material value of 2.

C. Petty Revenge has an on-board instance limit of 4.

D. The ASCII character for Petty Revenge is PR.

E. Petty Revenge can not move or capture during a Player's Turn.

F. When a Player's King is captured, and that Player (referred to as the chasing Player) has one or more Petty Revenge on the Board, the Player's Petty Revenge come to life and swarm after the Piece that captured the Player's King. More specifically - on each between-moves occurence that is immediately after the chasing Player's turn, each Petty Revenge moves as follows:
Let the the Piece that captured the Player's King be Piece X, and let it be located at (r1,c1). Let the Petty Revenge be located at (r2,c2). In each case, the PR tries to move to the adjacent square described by the first item on the list. If that square is occupied by anything other than Piece X, then the PR tries the second item on the list, etc, until the end of the list. If all squares are occupied, then the PR doesn't move.
 (i) r1>r2 and c1>c2:
  1. diagonally up and right
  2. up
  3. right
  4. diag up and left
  5. diag down and right
 (ii) r1>r2 and c1>c2:
  1. diagonally up and left
  2. left
  3. up
  4. diag down and left
  5. diag up and right
 (iii) r1 is less than r2 and c1 is less than c2
  1. diagonally down and left
  2. down
  3. left
  4. diag down and right
  5. diag up and left
 (iv) r1 is less than r2 and c1 is greater than c2
  1. diagonally down and right
  2. right
  3. down
  4. diag up and right
  5. diag down and left
 (v) r1>r2 and c1=c2
   1. up
  2. diag up and left
  3. diag up and right
  4. left
  5. right
 (vi) r1=r2 and c1 is less than c2
  1. left
  2. diag down and left
  3. diag up and left
  4. down
  5. up
 (vii) r1 is less than r2 and c1=c2
  1. down
  2. diag down and right
  3. diag down and left
  4. right
   5. left
 (viii) r1=r2 and c1>c2
  1. right
  2. diag up and right
  3. diag down and right
  4. up
  5. down
If the PR moves onto the square occupied by Piece X, Piece X is destroyed, and then all the PR's owned by the chasing Player self-destruct. All PR moves are considered to be simulataneous. If 2 or more PR's would move to the same square, then the one closer to Piece X moves first, and the other one(s) go(es) through the list again; or, if they are the same distance away, the one with the higher row number moves first.
Note that any time a PR can be captured like any other Piece.

G. Petty Revenge can not be part of a Compound Piece.

H. The Petty Revenge appears as a giant cloud of flying insects and other bugs. While the Player's King is still on the board, they sit fairly quietly and motionless on the board, but after the King is captured, they rise in an angry swarm and buzz violently after the capturing Piece. If the overtake the offending Piece, they devour it mercilessly, skeletonizing it in a matter of minutes. Then they disperse.

946. Definition of Fourplay Piece Dollarman

A. There exists a Fourplay Piece called the Dollarman ($man).

B. The material value for the $man is 0.

C. ASCII character for the $man is $.

D. The $man moves one, two, or three squares in any direction. It can not capture or destroy other Pieces.

E. When a Player captures another Player's $man, the $man turns into 30 Fourplay Dollars, which becomes the property of the capturing Player.

F. The $man can not be part of a Compound Piece.

G. The $man is somewhat cartoonish in appearance, he is a $F with little legs that allow him to run around. (For those of you wondering what a $F looks like, it is a greenish bill, similar in size to the U.S. dollar, with the Fourplay logo in the center, and the names and emblems of each Office in each of the four corners (corresponding to the quadrant assigned to each Player (meaning new $F are printed up for each game cycle))).

947. Definition of Fourplay Piece Bowman

A. There exists a Fourplay Piece called the Bowman.

B. The material value of the Bowman is 3.5.

C. The on-board instance limit of the Bowman is 4.

D. The ASCII character for the Bowman is Bo.

E. The Bowman moves like a non-jumping chess knight. It has 2 possible paths to reach its destination square, so that if one path is blocked it may use the other (if it is unblocked).
More specifically, the Bowman moves exactly one square orthogonally and then exactly one square diagonally, or exactly one square diagonally and then exactly one square orthogonally, provided its destination square is not adjacent to its starting square. Both the intermediate and destination square must be unoccupied.

F. The Bowman captures from afar. To capture, he must move as he normally would as described in part E. Then, from his destination square, he shoots an arrow, capturing the Piece located on the square the Bowman could move to if he moved again in the exact same direction.

Examples: A Bowman on c1 can move to d3, provided d3 is unoccupied and either c2 or d2 is occupied (if both c2 and d2 are occupied, the Bowman can not move to c3). A Bowman on c1 can capture a piece e5, provided that the above conditions are met. The Bowman moves to c3, and the Piece on e5 is captured. A Bowman moving from c1 to d3 can not capture a Piece on any other square (such as f4 or c5).

G. The Bowman appears as a medival European bowman. If the piece Archer is defined, the Bowman will appears slightly smaller in stature than the Archer. The Bowman is taken from the game Quantum.

948. Definition of Fourplay Piece 8ball

A. There exists a Fourplay Piece called the 8ball.

B. The material value of the 8ball is 2.5.

C. The on-board instance limit of the 8ball is 1.

D. The ASCII character for the 8ball is 8b.

E. The 8ball's move consists of 2 parts. The 8ball must be able to make both parts of its move in order to make any move at all, except as described in part (iii) below:
(i) The 8ball moves in any single diagonal direction until it reaches the edge of the board (the left- or right-most colums, or the top or bottom rows). If it rests on such a square before moving, it must legally move to another such square to make this part of its move. The 8ball may not capture or jump over any Piece in making this part of its move.
(ii) The 8ball moves in a diagonal direction at a right angle to the path of its travel in part (i), for at least one square, provided all the squares between its current square and the destination square are unoccupied. It may capture an enemy Piece on the destination square.
(iii) If the 8ball, after making the move described in part (i) above, is on a corner square, it "scratches," and the 8ball is removed the board and joins its owner's collection of off-board Pieces. A scratch does not change the ownership of the 8ball.

F. F. The 8ball appears as a giant 8ball, except that instead of being black, it will be the darker of the Player's Office colors. The 8ball is taken from the Ackanomic subgame Party Chess /A>, where it is called the Qball.

949. Definition of Fourplay Piece Goldenboy

1. GoldenBoy is represented by the ASCII characters Gb.

2. When in the quadrant associated with the Office that own that Gb, it may move exactly one square in any given direction, provided it does not decrease its distance from its Home Corner.
Elsewhere on the Board it may move 1 square in any given direction. It may also move 2 squares in any given direction, provided it does not decrease its distance from its Home Corner. The Goldenboy may not skip over occupied squares. If its moves ends in a square occupied by an enemy Piece, then it captures that Piece.

3. When a GoldenBoy reachces a far edge of any quadrant but its home Quadrant, it promotes to any legal Fourplay Piece.

4. The material value of a GoldenBoy is 3.

5. The GoldenBoy looks like a gold plated crown placed on a tripod. The tripod is colored with the colors of the Office by which it is owned.