At our glorious Ambassador's request, and despite the fact that I don't believe the Emissary office exists :-), I have prepared a brief report on the way in which Agora has divided its ruleset into logical categories, an interesting aspect of their game. The relevant rule is 1048. It states that the ruleset is to be published in the so-called "Logical Rule Set Format". This divides the ruleset up into Categories. When a proposal is passed, it may either specify the Category it is to belong to, or if not, the Rulekeepor is allowed the discretion of putting it the most appropriate place (in their opinion). (This is just about the only discretionary power granted to any Office in Agora. In my own vision of things, this might be formalisable as an Executive Order.) The rules also allow for special forms of proposal to create new Categories and to change a rule's Category. At Agora, these effects (which we would achieve via a Resolution) have to explicitly allowed for in a rule. At Agora they have no concept of Official Document. The current Categories are (with the number of rules in each Category in parentheses): The Game of Agora (11) The Rules (7) The Players (8) Making Proposals (20) Voting on Proposals (9) The End of the Voting Period (11) Officers (6) The Clerk of the Courts (2) Calling for Judgement (3) Selecting a Judge (3) Delivering Judgement (8) Overturning Judgement (2) Rule Violations and Criminal Court (2) The Distributor and the Assistant (5) The Registrar (2) The Rulekeepor and Archivist (5) The Scorekeepor and Points (11) Patent Titles (5) Currencies (5) Marks and the Banker (8) Stocks (0) Winning a Game, and the End of a Game (4) Chagning Speakers (5) Groups (10) Honour (2) Oaths (0) The Sweepstakes OFficer and the Lottery (0) Foreign Policy (2) -------------------------------------------- Total number of rules: 156