Week 24
- Dyslexic Q-Thief rolls 1-4, landing on identical to any other square name on the board, with option to buy
- Volrath rolls 3-3, landing on States Avenue, paying $144 to Silver Car and gaining an additional vote on Week 24 proposals. A springboard sends him back to Blackjack, paying $932 to ChinDoGu with $27 going to the Admin Bank Account.
- Volrath rolls 6-5, landing on :-), paying $798 to ChocolateChip
- ChocolateChip rolls 10-5, landing on City Park, paying $75 to ChinDoGu
- ChinDoGu rolls 5-1, landing on int fib (int n) {return n == 1 || n == 2 ? 1 : fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);}, paying $184 to ChocolateChip and losing 5 health
- THE CHEESE rolls 1-2, landing on Ghost, paying $24 to ChocolateChip
- anti-polar rolls 5-2, landing on Windows XP Professional, paying $299 to THE CHEESE. A springboard sends him back to New York Avenue, paying $3 to Silver Car.
- Ghost rolls 4-1, landing on :-), paying $798 to ChocolateChip
- Silver Car rolls 8-10, landing on St. Charles Place
- Kwyjibo rolls 9-2, landing on Vermont Avenue, paying $78 to Silver Car
- anti-polar rolls 2-8, landing on Townhouse, paying $96 to ChocolateChip
- Ghost rolls 2-2, landing on Square #71, with option to buy
- Ghost rolls 3-4, landing on identical to any other square name on the board, paying $221 to Dyslexic Q-Thief
- Dyslexic Q-Thief rolls 6-6, landing on Blackjack, paying $938 to ChinDoGu with $28 going to the Admin Bank Account
- Dyslexic Q-Thief rolls 6-6, landing on Square #58, losing 10 health
- Dyslexic Q-Thief rolls 6-1, landing on The Lower Plane of Rath, paying $9 to Volrath. Square #5 has been added to the board.
- ChocolateChip rolls 8-9, landing on game over I win, paying $159 to ChinDoGu
- Volrath rolls 3-1, landing on Square #71, with option to buy if Ghost does not
- THE CHEESE rolls 2-5, landing on Oriental Avenue, paying $273 to Silver Car and gaining 15 health. Square #6 has been added to the board.
- Silver Car rolls 9-2, landing on Square #58, losing 10 health
- Kwyjibo rolls 7-7, landing on int fib (int n) {return n == 1 || n == 2 ? 1 : fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);}, paying $184 to ChocolateChip and losing 5 health
- Kwyjibo rolls 7-7, landing on Good game everyone. I am looking forward to playing Nomopoly III in the near future.
- Kwyjibo rolls 3-4, landing on Square #5, with option to buy. Square #7 has been added to the board.
- ChinDoGu rolls 1-8, landing on City Park
- Kwyjibo buys Square #5 and names it "I had a social March 11th 7 pm to 1 am at Transcona Country Club. Why was no one from here, there?"
- Kwyjibo drives to The House of Cards
- Kwyjibo trades in a 6 of Hearts and a 6 of Spades for a Medicine
- Kwyjibo trades in a 10 of Diamonds and a 10 of Diamonds for a Medicine
- Kwyjibo uses a Medicine
- Kwyjibo uses a Medicine
- Kwyjibo takes out a patent for Rber Ducky
- Kwyjibo takes out a patent for Kwyjibo
- Kwyjibo takes out a patent for The Founder
- ChinDoGu drives to void hello(){printf("Hello World!");}, paying $90 to Silver Car
- ChinDoGu takes out a Credit Card
- Ghost buys Square #71 and names it Morty
- Ghost places a 5 of Hearts on Morty
- anti-polar drives to Energetic Nomopolists love Emerald Nuts, losing 10 health
- anti-polar bets -$10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 on a game of Blackjack at the Casino on Energetic Nomopolists love Emerald Nuts. The dealer is showing a 4 of Diamonds, and anti-polar gets dealt a 3 of Hearts and a 4 of Hearts. anti-polar hits, and gets dealt a 6 of Spades. anti-polar hits, and gets dealt a 4 of Spades. anti-polar hits, and gets dealt a 2 of Clubs. anti-polar hits, and gets dealt a 10 of Hearts. anti-polar loses his bet.
- anti-polar buys 7500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 jokers from the Casino on Energetic Nomopolists love Emerald Nuts
- anti-polar bets -$10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 on a game of Blackjack at the Casino on Energetic Nomopolists love Emerald Nuts. The dealer is showing a 2 of Diamonds, and anti-polar gets dealt a 6 of Clubs and a 7 of Diamonds. anti-polar hits, and gets dealt a 10 of Spades. anti-polar loses his bet.
- anti-polar buys 7500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 jokers from the Casino on Energetic Nomopolists love Emerald Nuts
- anti-polar pays $5 to ChocolateChip and takes the railroad to The House of Cards
- anti-polar trades in 2000000 jokers as pairs for 1000000 medicines
- anti-polar uses 1000000 medicines
- anti-polar trades in 1000000000000000 jokers as 10s for 1000000000000000 lottery tickets
- anti-polar trades in 72 jokers as three of a kinds for 24 Warp Bubbles
- anti-polar trades in 120 jokers as straight flushes for 24 Masks
- anti-polar trades in 800 jokers as two pairs for 200 Time Bombs
- anti-polar trades in 120 jokers as flushes for 24 Glues
- anti-polar trades in 1000 jokers as straights for 200 Hammers
- anti-polar trades in 48 jokers as pairs for 24 Bingo Cards
- anti-polar trades in 1000000 jokers as Aces of Spades for 1000000 Jetpacks
- anti-polar places a Glue on The House of Cards
- anti-polar places 10 Time Bombs on The House of Cards
- anti-polar pays $5 to ChocolateChip and takes the railroad to Energetic Nomopolists love Emerald Nuts
- anti-polar places a Glue on Energetic Nomopolists love Emerald Nuts
- anti-polar places 10 Time Bombs on Energetic Nomopolists love Emerald Nuts
- anti-polar pays $10 to ChocolateChip and takes the railroad to Square #58
- anti-polar places a Glue on Square #58
- anti-polar places 10 Time Bombs on Square #58
- anti-polar pays $10 to ChocolateChip and takes the railroad to Blame Canada
- anti-polar places a Glue on Blame Canada
- anti-polar places 10 Time Bombs on Blame Canada
- anti-polar pays $5 to ChocolateChip and $5 to Kwyjibo and takes the railroad to Good game everyone. I am looking forward to playing Nomopoly III in the near future.
- anti-polar places a Glue on Good game everyone. I am looking forward to playing Nomopoly III in the near future.
- anti-polar places 10 Time Bombs on Good game everyone. I am looking forward to playing Nomopoly III in the near future.
- anti-polar pays $5 to Kwyjibo, $15 to ChocolateChip, and $5 to Silver Car and takes the railroad to St. Charles Place
- anti-polar places a Glue on St. Charles Place
- anti-polar places 10 Time Bombs on St. Charles Place
- anti-polar pays $5 to Silver Car and $5 to ChinDoGu and takes the railroad to Blackjack
- anti-polar places a Glue on Blackjack
- anti-polar places 10 Time Bombs on Blackjack
- anti-polar pays $5 to ChinDoGu and $5 to THE CHEESE and takes the railroad to THE CHEESE
- anti-polar places a Glue on THE CHEESE
- anti-polar places 10 Time Bombs on THE CHEESE
- anti-polar pays $5 to THE CHEESE and $5 to ChinDoGu and takes the railroad to City Park
- anti-polar places a Glue on City Park
- anti-polar places 10 Time Bombs on City Park
- anti-polar pays $10 to ChinDoGu and takes the railroad to int swap (int *a, int *b) {*a ^= *b; *b ^= *a; *a ^= *b;}
- anti-polar places a Glue on int swap (int *a, int *b) {*a ^= *b; *b ^= *a; *a ^= *b;}
- anti-polar places 10 Time Bombs on int swap (int *a, int *b) {*a ^= *b; *b ^= *a; *a ^= *b;}
- anti-polar pays $10 to ChinDoGu and takes the railroad to Casino
- anti-polar places a Glue on Casino
- anti-polar places 10 Time Bombs on Casino
- anti-polar pays $5 to ChinDoGu and $5 to ChocolateChip and takes the railroad to int fib (int n) {return n == 1 || n == 2 ? 1 : fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);}
- anti-polar places a Glue on int fib (int n) {return n == 1 || n == 2 ? 1 : fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);}
- anti-polar places 10 Time Bombs on int fib (int n) {return n == 1 || n == 2 ? 1 : fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);}
- anti-polar pays $5 to ChocolateChip and $10 to ChinDoGu and takes the railroad to Kwyjibo
- anti-polar places a Glue on Kwyjibo
- anti-polar places 10 Time Bombs on Kwyjibo
- Proposal #104
- Proposed by THE CHEESE
- Rejected by a vote of 5-3.
New "creature" at the Zoo (note the changes from last time): "The Insane Scary Screaming Suicidal Zookeeper" (or TISSSZ for short). TISSSZ will roll five 7-sided dice and move once per update.
TISSSZ has a set of cards (initially empty). Whenever he lands on a square containing a card, he will create a copy of that card and add it to his current set of cards. Also, any player occupying the same square as TISSSZ may sell TISSSZ one or more of his cards for $150 each, thereby transferring ownership of the card to TISSSZ.
If at any time TISSSZ has any four cards of the same suit, he will dump Horse Manure on his current square, and bury all of his cards in it (thereby losing ownership of those cards). Any player or creature landing on a square containing Horse Manure immediately loses 10 health. Also, any player occupying a square containing Horse Manure may chose to clean up the Horse Manure on that square. Cleaning up Horse Manure causes the player to lose 3 health, but he will then gain ownership of all cards buried in the Horse Manure.
If a Skunk lands on TISSSZ, then TISSSZ will dump Horse Manure on the squares directly North, South, East, and West of him (if they exist) and randomly distribute all of his cards among those piles of Horse Manure.
If a Skunk lands on a square containing Horse Manure, he will go crazy and cause a randomly selected missile to be fired at his current square.
- Comments: I can't find any changes from the last one.
- Proposal #105
- Proposed by Silver Car
- Accepted by a vote of 7-1. Added section 4 to rule XXV.
- Comments: The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything!
- Proposal #106
- Proposed by THE CHEESE
- Accepted by a vote of 6-2. Modified section 2 of rule XXIV.
A single square may not contain more than one timebomb
- Comments: anti-polar placed those bombs just before this rule got in.
- Proposal #107
- Proposed by anti-polar
- Accepted by a vote of 6-2. Added section 5 to rule XXV.
I propose the duck jecieves renforsments by the spunge bob and the pixelishus suger puff girls. or so i have been told cough
- Comments: I certainly hope this was an attempt to get into the "Nonsense" section of the rules!
- Proposal #108
- Proposed by ChocolateChip
- Accepted by a vote of 6-2. Modified section 3 of rule XXXII.
Modify the rules on exploit blocks: If an exploit block is accepted, then any player who used the explioit after it was posted on the message board, or during the update that it was posted, will have the effects of their actions reversed. As well, no player may use an exploit after an exploit block for it is accepted.
- Comments: Too late!
- Proposal #109
- Proposed by Dyslexic Q-Thief
- Rejected by a vote of 4-4.
I propose that the game ends after a winner has been declared, the update after the update in which the winner has been declared is over and there are no unresolved exploit blocks. This will make it almost impossible to win using a loophole.
- Comments: Once again, too late!
- Proposal #110
- Proposed by Kwyjibo
- Accepted by a vote of 5-3. Modified sections 1 and 2 of rule XXXV.
If only one player places a bid to become Governor, a randomly selected player (except for the player who placed the bid) is selected to be the competition in the election.
- Comments: Fin.