The Current Rules

I: The Rules

  1. All players must at all times abide by the rules. No player may ever take any voluntary action that violates any rule in the current set of rules.
  2. The current set of rules is provided only as a convenience for interpreting the accepted proposals. In a conflict between a rule and the proposal that created it, the proposal takes priority.
  3. In the event that two or more rules contradict at any time, the following resolving scheme will be used:
    • If one of the rules defers to another rule or explicitly states that it has precedence over the other, then that rule will have priority.
    • If the above situation does not resolve the conflict, the rule which has been in its current form for the longest amount of time will have priority.

II: The Admin

  1. The Admin for Nomopoly II will be Jeff Yakel
  2. The Admin will be responsible for performing actions for players, receiving rule proposals from players, interpreting the rules, and maintaining an updated status of the game on the Nomopoly II web site.
  3. Players are allowed (and encouraged) to question and/or correct the Admin's decisions, however, the Admin will ultimately have the final decision in any case.

III: Players

  1. Each player will be required to have a unique username and a valid e-mail address.
  2. The Admin is not considered to be a player.
  3. All players and the Admin are expected to act respectfully and courteously towards other players and the Admin at all times. Repeated violations of this rule will result in the offending player being removed from the game.
  4. New players may join the game between weeks at the approval of the Admin. The new player will start the game as though their user had just been reset.
  5. Any player who has done no voluntary actions for 3 consecutive weeks is removed from the game.

IV: Money

  1. The Nomopoly Dollar is the unit of currency in the game. All fractional dollar amounts will be rounded to the nearest dollar.
  2. Each player begins the game with $10000 in Nomopoly money.
  3. A player with less than $0 is said to be bankrupt. No player may take any voluntary action that directly causes him to become bankrupt. Additionally, any player that is bankrupt may not take any voluntary action that directly results in a loss of money.

V: Items

  1. An item is any object that a player may possess. There is no limit to how many items a player may have at any time.
  2. If stated in the item's description, an item may be "used" by the player owning it and any actions associated with using the item will take place. Unless otherwise stated in the item description, using an item causes the player to no longer have possession of it.

VI: The Board

  1. The game will take place on the Nomopoly board, which consists of a sequence of ordinally numbered squares. The board must always contain at least one square.
  2. The board will initially contain 20 squares, numbered with the integers from 1 to 20 inclusive.
  3. Any time a new square is added to the board, its number will be the integer one greater than that of the highest numbered square on the board at that time.
  4. The successor of a square is the square which has the lowest value greater than the value of the current square. The successor of the highest numbered square is the lowest numbered square on the board. A square is said to be the predecessor of its successor.
  5. The squares are laid out two-dimensionally in a grid with 10 columns. The lowest numbered square on the board will be in the bottom left corner, and each successive square up to Square #10 can be found by moving right. Square #11 is above square #10, and each successive square up to Square #20 can then be found by moving left. This winding pattern continues for as many squares as there are on the board (similar to the layout of a Snakes and Ladders board), however, if the total number of squares is not a multiple of 10, the last row will contain less than 10 squares.
  6. At all times during the game, each player will occupy exactly one square. All players start the game on the lowest numbered square on the board.
  7. If a player takes a turn or is instructed to "move" to a particular square, the player is said to leave his current square, land on the final square, and pass over each square in between.
  8. If a player is instructed to "jump" to a particular square, he is said to leave his original square and land on the destination square, without passing over any squares.
  9. If you land on a square that is owned by another player in the game, you must pay the owner 3 times the number of the square, in Nomopoly dollars.
  10. The directions North, South, East, and West are used in their traditional sense referring to the next square in that direction, jumping over destroyed squares.
  11. Whenever a player moves through both the last square of the board and immediately following that the first square of the board in a single turn, that player receives $1000 at the end of that turn.
  12. Two squares are said to be "adjacent" or "bordering" if one of the squares is directly North, South, East, or West of the other.
  13. The "distance" between two squares is the number of moves in the smallest path between the two squares, using North, South, East, or West moves to bordering squares.
  14. If a square is "polluted", the rent on the square is only 1/3 of the normal rent, and any player landing there loses 5 health.
  15. If Square #1 is destroyed, all references in the rules to "Square #1" will change to "the lowest numbered square on the board".
  16. The "net worth" of a square is equal to the purchase price of the square plus the purchase price of any buildings on that square.
  17. Every time a non-terrorist player goes past the end of the board, there is a (2000/n)% chance, where n is the number of squares on the board, of a new square being added to the end of the board.
  18. Whenever a new square would be added to the end of the board, it will be added in place of the lowest numbered destroyed square if one exists.

VII: Turns

  1. When a player takes a turn, he Admin will roll whatever dice are specified by the player's method of transportation and move the player ahead on the board the amount of squares equal to the sum of the dice.
  2. If the dice show doubles (exactly two dice have the same number showing) the player immediately receives another turn.
  3. Unless otherwise specified, an n-sided dice is one that has n sides with integers 1 to n inclusive, with equal probability of each of those numbers being rolled.
  4. A die or dice that does not specify the number of sides on it is considered to be a 6-sided dice.

VIII: Proposals

  1. A proposal is one of the following:
    • The addition of a new rule
    • The deletion of an existing rule
    • The modification of an existing rule
    • A change to the game state which does not necessarily fit into one of the above categories
  2. If a proposal is unclear, paradoxical, or is missing required information, the Admin, time permitting, may send the proposal back to the player who made it and offer suggestions as to how to fix the proposal.
  3. When a proposal is made, all players will be given the opportunity to vote on it. Each player will vote one of the following: Yes, No, or Abstain. Any player who does not submit a vote for a proposal will vote Abstain by default and be fined $100.
  4. If the number of players who vote Yes on a proposal is greater than the number of players who vote No, the proposal is accepted, the current rules are modified accordingly, the player who made the proposal receives a card, and each player who votes Yes on the proposal receives a card. If the proposal does not receive the required number of votes, the proposal is rejected and is discarded. No player may ever vote more times on a proposal than there are other players in the game, not including himself.
  5. The Admin has the right to veto any proposal which in his opinion is discriminatory, infeasible to implement, or in any way destructive of game play.
  6. No proposal may reference any immutable characteristic of any player.

IX: Schedule of Events

  1. Nomopoly II will operate on a weekly cycle. The Nomopoly II web site will be updated once each Thursday and Sunday. During each update, each player will receive one turn, with the order of the players being randomly determined.
  2. Monday through Wednesday will be Rule Proposition Period. During this time, each player will have the option to make a proposal. Each player may make only one proposal per week. If more than one proposal is made by the same player during the same week, only the last one sent will be considered. Proposals must be received by the Admin before midnight Wednesday.
  3. Friday and Saturday will be Voting Period. Each player has the option to vote on any/all proposals made that week. Votes must be received before midnight Saturday.
  4. Players may take any legal actions at any time. Any actions taken before midnight Wednesday will be posted during the Thursday update, and any actions taken before Saturday midnight will be posted during the Sunday update.
  5. If two or more players take actions whose results depend on each other, each player will take one action at a time in a round-robin fashion, with the order of the players being randomly determined.

X: Disruption of Gameplay

  1. In the event that a paradox, infinite loop, or any situation arises that prohibits further gameplay, the game will be "paused". During a pause, no turns are taken and no proposals are made by players.
  2. During a pause, the Admin will take suggestions from the players as to how to fix the game, and ultimately the Admin will make the only proposal that week. The players will then be able to vote on the proposal as usual. If the proposal is accepted, the game is unpaused and continues as normal. If the proposal is not accepted, the game stays paused and the above procedure continues until the game is fixed.

XI: Ending the Game

  1. The game will immediately end without a winner if the Admin is ever on the receiving end of a lawsuit from any board game manufacturer.
  2. Once someone has been declared the winner, the game ends.
  3. If there is only one player in the game who is not bankrupt, the non-bankrupt player is declared the winner.
  4. If one player has a higher Net Worth than the sum of the Net Worths of all other players combined, then that player is declared the winner.

XII: Health

  1. Each player begins with 100 health. If a player's health ever reaches 0 or less, that player's user is reset and the player must start the game over from square one.
  2. Having your user reset results in your player status reverting to the state it was in at the beginning of week 1.

XIII: Ownership

  1. When a player lands on an unowned square, he may buy the square at a cost of $(25 * the square number). The player is then said to be the owner of the square.
  2. A single square may not have more than one owner.
  3. If multiple players land on a square on the same turn, the players will have priority to buy in the order they landed there. The player must request to buy the square before his next turn.
  4. The owner of an unnamed square may give the square a name. The owner of a named square may change its name by paying $50. The name may not be more than 100 characters long and may not be identical to any other square name on the board. The Admin has the right to reject square names which are in his opinion inappropriate.
  5. A "contaminated" square may not be owned or purchased.

XIV: Cards

  1. Whenever a player rolls doubles, the player will receive a randomly selected card from a standard deck (excluding jokers). A specific card is not unique in the game.
  2. When a player receives a card, he will be notified by the Admin as to which card was received.
  3. A player may use a card he currently holds by placing it on any square on the board. A single square may not contain more than one card.
  4. When a player lands on a square that is owned by an opponent and contains a card, the player who landed there must pay rent to the owner, defined as $(square number * card value), where card value is 11 for an ace, 10 for a face card, and the number of the card for any other card.
  5. If at any time a player is instructed to draw a card, and the card would bring the player's total number of cards to greater than 12, the card is instead buried under the player's current square. Cards being buried under a square will not be posted on the website. Only the player who would have received the buried will be informed of the card being buried.
  6. A player may at any time bury any card he owns under his current square.

XV: The Admin Bank Account

  1. All money paid in the game that does not go to another player or some entity in the game will go into the Admin Bank Account.
  2. All money paid to a player or entity in the game that does not come from another player or entity in the game is deducted from the Admin Bank Account.

XVI: Blackjack

  1. When a player lands on a square named "Blackjack", that player receives 2 cards. If the player then owns cards totalling exactly 21, the player has the option to trade in those cards and receive a 30% bonus to his current money.
  2. For the purposes of this rule, a face card counts as 10, and an ace can be either 1 or 11.

XVII: Railroads

  1. A player may build a railroad on any square he owns at a cost of $25. A single square may not contain more than one railroad.
  2. A player occupying a square containing a railroad may transport himself to another square that is connected to his current square, where "connected" means the destination square can be reached by railroad via a sequence of North, South, East, or West moves over squares containing railroads. The player must may $5 to the owner of each square in this path. The player is not said to land on any square in the path, including the final square.
  3. For the purposes of this rule, "bordering" means any square that is directly north, south, east, or west of the square in question.
  4. A player may remove a railroad from any square that he owns.

XVIII: The Lottery

  1. At the end of each week, a lottery will be held. The lottery will consist of the Admin selecting 7 random numbers between 1 and 20 inclusive.
  2. A player may obtain a lottery ticket by trading in a card with value between 2 and 10. The value of the card traded in will determine how many lines are on the ticket. The player may also additionally trade in a face card or ace to receive a "bonus number" for the ticket.
  3. If a ticket does not have a bonus number, each line on the ticket will contain 6 random numbers between 1 and 20. If the ticket does have a bonus number, each line on the ticket will contain 7 random numbers between 1 and 20;
  4. Once the lottery numbers are drawn, each line of each player's ticket is compared against the Admins's numbers, ignoring order. The winning combinations and corresponding prizes to the winning ticket holder are as follows:
    • All 7 numbers match: Player receives all of the money in the Admin Bank Account, immunity from paying rent for the following week, two votes on all proposals the following week, and the ability to take over or eliminate any player of his choice (explained below).
    • Any 6 numbers match: Player receives two votes on all proposals the following week and the ability to take over or eliminate any player of his choice.
    • Any 5 numbers match: Player receives a choice of eliminating or taking over another player of his choice, or two votes on all proposals the following week.
    • Any 4 numbers match: Player receives immunity from paying rent for his next roll.
  5. For the purposes of this rule, "eliminating" a player means the target player is removed from the game, and "taking over" a player means all of the target player's squares are given to the player who is taking that player over.

XIX: The Zoo

  1. The Zoo is located on Square #51. No player may buy or own this square.
  2. Whenever a player lands on the Zoo, the player has the option to spawn a creature. The chosen creatures will then appear on the Zoo square (but will not be considered to have landed there).
  3. The following creatures are available:
    • Gorilla: The Gorilla will make one move per week during the Sunday update, after all players have moved. The Gorilla's move consists of rolling one 10-sided die, and moving ahead on the board normally. After moving, there is a 50% chance that the gorilla will drop a Banana Peel on his current square. Any player or creature landing on a square containing a banana peel will slip on it, causing the player/creature to lose 10 health and jump to a random square on the board. After a player/creature slips on a banana peel, the banana peel is gone.
    • Elephant: The Elephant will make one move per week during the Sunday update, after all players have moved. The elephant's move consisting of rolling one 4-sided die. A roll of 1 makes the elephant move one square north, a 2 makes it move one square south, a 3 makes it move one square east, and a 4 makes it move one square west. If the Elephant tries to make a move that is not possible (ie. off the board), it will roll again. If the elephant lands on a player or another creature, it will trample the player/creature, causing the trampled player/creature to lose 15 health.
    • MTS Bison: The MTS Bison will move once per update, after all other players have moved. The MTS Bison's move will consist of rolling two 6 sided dice, and moving ahead on the board normally. If the MTS Bison lands on a square containing a player, the player may hop on the MTS Bison and select any square on the board. The MTS Bison and the player will then jump to that square. A player may only use the MTS Bison's services once per update.
    • The Skunk: The Skunk will make one move per update, after all players have moved. The Skunk's move will consist of rolling two 3 sided dice, and moving "up" on the board by the amount shown on the first die, and "right" by the amount showing on the second die, wrapping around the board at the edges. The Skunk is said to leave its initial square and land on its final square without "passing" any squares in between. Whenever the Skunk lands on a square, one or more of the following actions will take place, depending on what building(s)/player(s)/object(s) are on the skunk's square:
      • Springboard: Two randomly selected players will have their locations swapped.
      • Hospital: All players will gain 20 health.
      • House: No effect.
      • Store: Whichever player owns the least number of squares (one is selected randomly if tied) is given ownership of the lowest numbered unowned square on the board.
      • Corporate Headquarters: All players must pay "property tax", which is the sum of all squares owned by that player, in Nomopoly dollars.
      • Missile Silo: A randomly selected missle is created and fired at a randomly selected square within range of the Skunk.
      • Anti-Missile Battery: A randomly selected square on the board becomes polluted.
      • Blackjack: All players immediately jump to Blackjack.
      • The Zoo: Another Skunk is spawned. Note that this is an exception to the rule that only allows one of each creature to exist at a time.
      • The House of Cards: All players receive a "joker". A joker is a special card that may be used as any valid card. Once a player has declared a joker to be a particular card, it may not be changed.
      • A Railroad: All players who are connected to the Skunk's current square by a path of railroads will each receive $500 from the Admin Bank Account.
      • One or more players: The player(s) occupying that square get sprayed by the Skunk, causing them to pass out. Any player who passes out loses 15 health and may not perform any voluntary actions during that update.
      • The Elephant: The Skunk will spray the elephant, causing the Elephant to go crazy and immediately take 15 of its normal turns.
      • The Gorilla: The Gorilla will immediately throw a banana peel onto 7 randomly selected squares on the board.
      • The MTS Bison: The MTS Bison will send the skunk to a randomly selected square on the board, however, the MTS Bison will lose 20 health in the process.
      • Another Skunk: Both skunks will get into a fight, causing so much violence that both skunks will die.
      • Mall: A randomly selected block type is selected out of all possible block types, and then all possible groups of squares on the board that could legally create a block of that type are enumerated. A randomly selected group (if any exist) becomes a block of the selected type, free of charge to the owners. Only squares that are owned but not already part of a block are considered when enumerating all possible groups of squares.
      • Legislative Building: The player who is the least distance from the Skunk will receive a "Fake ID". A Fake ID, when used, will allow the player to receive one additional vote on one proposal. If two or more players are equal distance from the Skunk, then all of those players receive a Fake ID.
      • Bank: All players who own a Credit Card have their credit limits increased by 50%.
    • Blinking Jelly Dog: The Blinking Jelly Dog moves once per update, and lands on a randomly selected square on the board. Upon landing, the Blinking Jelly Dog gains the attributes of a random creature (excluding the Blinking Jelly Dog) and does whatever that animal would do upon landing on that square.
  4. All of the creatures start with 100 health, and may have their health affected in any way that a human player may. When a creature reaches 0 or less health, it is removed from the board, and may be spawned again in the future.
  5. When multiple creatures exist at one time, they will move in a randomly selected order.

XX: Trading

  1. Players may trade squares, cards, money, and any items that are not specifically stated in the rules as untradable, by agreement of all players involved in the trade.
  2. If a player trades away a square, he may not do anything to change the status of that square during the same update as the trade.

XXI: Blocks

  1. Squares may be made into "blocks" by agreement of the owners of all squares in the block. A block must be of one of the block types defined below.
  2. When a block is created, the owner of each square in the block must each pay the required cost of creating the block.
  3. A Residential block costs $500 and consists of two squares in numerical order. When a player lands on a square in a residential block, he must pay rent as though he had landed on both squares in the block.
  4. An Industrial block costs $500 and consists of three squares in a row either horizontally or vertically on the board. All Industrial block squares are polluted. The owner of a square in an industrial block will receive a weekly income of $(square number).
  5. A Commercial block costs $1000 and consists of four squares in a "square" configuration. Whenever rent is collected on a square in a commercial block, 3% of the rent (rounded down) must be given to the Admin Bank Account as tax.
  6. A Government block costs $750 and consists of a single square. Buildings may not be built on a Government block by the owner, but are instead built by the Government. Once per week, a randomly selected government block and a randomly selected allowable Government building are chosen. If the selected square does not contain the selected building, then the Government builds the building on the square, free of charge to the square's owner. If the selected square does contain the selected building, then a new square and building are chosen and the process repeated until either a building is built on a square in this fashion, or all Government squares on the board have all possible buildings.
  7. A single square may not be part of more than one block.
  8. A Residential or Commercial block can be destroyed by any of the owners in the block choosing to do so. An Industrial block can only be destroyed by the owners of all squares in the block agreeing to do so. A Government block cannot be destroyed.

XXII: Buildings

  1. The owner of a square in a non-Government block may build buildings on it. Only one building may be built on a single square per update. A player may not build an (n+1)th building on a square until each square in the block has its nth building.
  2. When a block is destroyed, all buildings on all squares in the block are destroyed, and the owners of the squares with destroyed buildings receive 50% of the purchase price of their destroyed buildings as a refund.
  3. A single square may not have more than one of the same building.
  4. The following buildings are available:
    BuildingSquare typeCostDescription
    SpringboardResidential, Commercial, Government$100Any player landing on a square containing a Springboard will jump backward 7 squares.
    HouseResidential, Commercial, Government$300A square with a house has its rent increased by 30% or $150, whichever results in the greatest increase.
    HospitalResidential, Commercial, Government$250Any player landing on a square which has a Hospital and that player owns at least one square in that block will gain 15 health. Any player landing on a square which is part of a Government block that contains a Hospital will gain 15 health.
    MallCommercial$500Provides a weekly income to its owner equal to 15% of the rent for landing on it or $200, whichever is greater.
    StoreCommercial$600A square with a store has its rent increased by 50% or $200, whichever results in the greatest increase.
    Corporate HeadquartersCommercial$1000Whenever a player other than the owner of the square lands on a square containing a Corporate Headquarters and pays rent, that square gains 1 point of "corporate power". Each point of corporate power on a square increases the rent of the sqaure by 1%. If the Corporate Headquarters is destroyed, the square loses all of its corporate power points. Also, the owner of the Corporate Headquarters receives $100 in corporate dues each week.
    Missile SiloCenter square of an Industrial block$250Builds, houses, and fires missiles. If a Missile Silo is destroyed by means of another missile, either directly or indirectly, the computers in the Missile Silo go haywire, and all missiles in the silo are fired at randomly selected targets withing their ranges.
    Anti-Missile BatteryAll$100Reduces the probability of success for any incoming missile on the square or any adjacent square by 10%.
    Legislative BuildingResidential, Government$500Any player landing on a square containing a Legislative Building receives an additional vote on all proposals during the next voting period.
    Gas StationCommercial, Government$100Any player who is using a car and lands on, passes, or occupies a square containing a Gas Station may buy fuel for his car. Government Gas Stations charge $50 per 100 fuel, and Commercial Gas Stations may have their fuel price set at any time by its owner. Money paid for fuel goes to the owner of the square, and players may purchase fuel at their own Gas Station for free.
    FactoryIndustrial$500Triples the weekly income for the square. When a player lands on a square containing a Factory, no rent is collected, and the player loses 5 health.
    ATMAll$50Any player occupying a square containing an ATM may deposit or withdraw money from his bank account. The player must pay a service fee of $5 for each transaction (one transaction is defined as withdrawing or depositing money), to be paid to the owner of the square containing the ATM.
    CasinoAll$500Explained in rule XXXIII.
  5. When two or more effects modify the rent of a square, the percentages are added. Any absolute dollar amounts modifying rent are applied after percentages.

XXIII: Terrorism

  1. Any player who consents to an action directly leading to a minor atrocity is considered to be a terrorist for the current week and the next week after the atrocity. Any player who consents to an action directly leading to a major atrocity is considered to be a terrorist for the current week and the next 6 weeks after the atrocity.
  2. Being a terrorist has the following effects:
    • A terrorist does not receive $1000 for going around the board.
    • A terrorist may not buy lottery tickets.
    • A terrorist may not trade with players who are not terrorists.

XXIV: The House of Cards

  1. Square #42 is the House of Cards. No player may own this square. Any player occupying this square may trade in combinations of cards in exchange for items.
  2. The following items are available at the House of Cards:
    • Any "spade" card: A jetpack, which, when used, will allow the player to roll an extra die on his next turn.
    • Any two cards of the same suit: A card remover, which may be used by a player to remove a card from any square he owns.
    • A "pair" (two cards with same rank): Medicine, which, when used, will cause the player to gain 15 health.
    • A "pair" (two cards with same rank): A Bingo Card (explained in section XXXI).
    • Two cards of the same rank and suit: A Pokeball, which will cause a randomly selected creature on the board to jump to a square of your choice. May not be used if there are no creatures on the board.
    • Two pairs: A time bomb, which may be placed on the square the player currently occupies. When a player lands on a square containing a time bomb, the bomb goes BOOM! and causes the player who landed there to lose 20 health. This causes the bomb to be destroyed. A single square may not contain more than one time bomb.
    • Three of a kind (three cards with same rank): A warp bubble, which, when used, will allow the player to jump to a square of his choice. A player may not use more than one Warp Bubble during an update, and a player may not use a Warp Bubble to jump to any square named Blackjack.
    • A "straight" (five cards with ranks in sequence, aces can be low or high): A hammer, which may be used on any player who occupies the same square as the player using the hammer. Causes the target player to lose 15 health.
    • A "flush" (five cards of the same suit): Glue, which may be placed on the square the player currently occupies. When a player attempts to pass over a square with glue, the player stops his movement for that turn on the glued square, and is considered to have landed there. After this happens, the glue wears off and is no longer on the square.
    • A "full house" (three of a kind and a pair): Anthrax, which may be used on any player. The target player becomes "infected". Any player who is infected loses 5 health at the beginning of each week. An infected player can get rid of the infection by either landing on the House of Cards or by landing a Hospital that is part of a block which the player owns part of. Using anthrax against another player (not a creature) is considered to be a minor atrocity.
    • A "straight flush" (five cards with ranks in sequence and of the same suit): A Mask, which may be used to "impersonate" another player for a time period of one update. While you are impersonating another player, any effects of movement (landing on, leaving, and passing squares) are considered to have happened to the player you are impersonating. Using a Mask is a minor atrocity.
    • $50: A Shovel, which, when used, will cause the player to gain posession of any cards buried under his current square. If the number of cards received would bring the player's total to more than 25, only a randomly selected set of the cards are retrieved to bring the player's total to 25. The player will be informed of what other cards are still buried under the square.

XXV: Nonsense

  1. Help! I'm being held prisoner by the Rber Ducky! The pies will be here soon, so please hurry.
  2. A flamethrower has been sent after the Rber Ducky who is currently torturing the person with pies.
  3. Today's News:
    • There is no news.
  4. 42
  5. The duck jecieves renforsments by the spunge bob and the pixelishus suger puff girls. or so i have been told cough

XXVI: Missiles

  1. A Missile Silo may produce one missile per update, to be purchased by the player owning the Missile Silo.
  2. A single missile silo may hold up to 3 missiles.
  3. A Missile Silo may fire up to one missile per turn by consent of all players owning part of the block containing the Missile Silo.
  4. A missile must be fired at a square that is at a distance from the Missile Silo less than or equal to the range of the missile.
  5. Each missile has a probability of success, and an effect that will take place if the missile is successful. 10% is subtracted from a missile's probability of success for every Anti-Missile Battery in the target square or any adjacent square. In any case, the missile is destroyed after firing.
  6. The following types of missiles are available:
    • Cruise Missile: Cost: $400, Range: 4, Probability of success: 65%. Effect: Destroys a randomly selected building in the target square.
    • Chemical Missile: Cost: $600, Range: 2, Probability of success: 65%. Effect: Causes the target square to become polluted.
    • Biological Missile: Cost: $750, Range: 3, Probability of success: 70%. Effect: The owner of the target square loses ownership of the square, any occupants of the target square lose 20 health, and the target square becomes contaminated for 3 weeks. Firing a Biological Missile is a minor atrocity.
    • ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile): Cost: $1000, Range: Unlimited, Probability of success: 60%. Effect: The target square is destroyed, and each square directly adjacent to the target, either North, South, East, or West, has a 25% chance of also being destroyed. Any players occupying a square at the time of its destruction lose 25 health and are placed on Square #1. Firing an ICBM is a major atrocity.

XXVII: The Bank of Nomopoly

  1. The Bank of Nomopoly is located on Square #30. Any player who occupies this square may use the bank's services:
    • Deposit or withdraw money from your own personal bank account. Your bank account will accumulate interest at a rate of 2% per update. You may not withdraw more money than is currently in your account.
    • Mortgage any square that you own that is not already mortgaged. When you mortgage a square, you receive an amount of money equal to 50% of the net worth of the square. No rent may be collected when someone lands on a mortgaged square.
    • Un-mortgage a mortgaged square. To un-mortgage a square, you must pay the amount you received when you mortgaged the square plus 10%.
    • Take out a Credit Card at no cost. A credit card is not considered to be an item. A player may not have more than one credit card.

XXVIII: Credit Cards

  1. Whenever a player who owns a Credit Card makes a voluntary purchase using money, he may choose to place the purchase on his credit card. When a purchase is placed on a credit card, the player does not immediately pay the money, but instead the amount is added to that player's current credit card balance.
  2. A player may not place a purchase on a credit card that would leave his credit card balance above his credit limit. Each player initially has a credit limit of $1000.
  3. Each player initially has a credit limit of $1000, and may not place additional purchases on his credit card if doing so would place his balance above his limit.
  4. A player may make a payment towards his credit card balance at any time. Whenever you make a credit card payment, the amount you paid is deducted from your current money and from your credit card balance, and 10% of the amount of the payment is added to your credit limit.
  5. If your credit card has a positive balance at the beginning of a week, your balance will increase by 10% (due to interest), and you must make a minimum payment sometime during that week of $50 or 5% of your balance, whichever is greater. Failure to make a minimum payment will result the bank taking one of the following actions:
    • For your first infraction, you will receive a stern (and possibly threatening) warning from the Admin.
    • For your second infraction, you will lose ownership of your lowest numbered square (if you have any) and 75% of the net worth of the square will be deducted from your credit card balance.
    • For your third infraction, you will lose ownership of your highest numbered square (if you have any) and 75% of the net worth of the square will be deducted from your credit card balance.
    • For your fourth infraction, you will lose ownership of all of your squares and 75% of the net worth of those squares will be deducted from your credit card balance.
    • For your fifth infraction, your outstanding balance on your credit card is immediately deducted from your money and your credit card balance is cleared.
    • For any infractions after the fifth, your outstanding balance on your credit card is immediately deducted from your money, your credit card balance is cleared, your credit card is taken away from you, and you are never again allowed to own a credit card.

XXIX: Methods of Transportation

  1. A player may switch methods of transportation by notifying the Admin and paying the required cost.
  2. A player may only have one method of transportation at a time, and buying a new method of transportation replaces whatever method the player is currently using.
  3. The following methods of transportation are available:
    Method of TransportationCostDiceOther
    On Foot$0two 6-sided diceAny player who does not have a method of transportation uses this one by default.
    Clogs$50two 3-sided diceA player using Clogs is immune to the effects of Glue.
    Pogo Stick$150two 2-sided dice, where each dice has sides with 1 and 6 only.If a player using a Pogo Stick gets caught by glue, he will fall and smash his face, causing him to pass out.
    Krazy Carpet$200two 8-sided diceA player using a Krazy Karpet is immune to the effects of Time Bombs.
    Helicopter$250two 6-sided diceA player using a Helicopter moves along columns instead of rows, moving back to Square #1 after passing the rightmost column. A player using a Helicopter cannot have Anthrax used against him.
    Car$500two 10-sided diceA Car has a maximum fuel level of 500, and will have this much fuel when purchased. Any attempts to add fuel to a car and bring it above 500 fuel will set its fuel level to 500. When a player makes a normal move using a Car, the product of the two dice is subtracted from the Car's current fuel level. If you make a roll that your car does not have enough fuel for, your car will become abandoned, and you will roll and move On Foot for your turn. The owner of a Car may also drive to a square once per update at a cost of 5*n^2 fuel, where n is the distance between the player's current square and the destination square. The player must have enough fuel to make the drive. A player may not drive to any square named Blackjack.
    Springy Shoes$150N/AWhen a player using Springy Shoes takes a turn, he will jump to a randomly selected square on the board. A player using Springy Shoes does not fill in numbers on a Bingo Card.
  4. When a car becomes abandoned, it is left on the current square it occupies, and its owner loses ownership of it. A player may abandon his car voluntarily at any time.
  5. Any player occupying a square containing an abandoned car may retrieve it and gain ownership of it along with whatever fuel is remaining in it.

XXX: Net Worth

  1. A player's Net Worth, in dollars, is the sum of his following:
    • Money
    • Bank account balance
    • ($10 * health level)
    • The total purchase price of all of his squares
    • The total block purchase price for each of his squares that is part of a block
    • The total purchase price of all buildings on his squares
    • $25 for each of his squares that contains a railroad
    • The total of ($10 * card value) for all of his cards
    • 50% of the total purchase price of all of his missiles
    • The purchase price of his current method of transportation
    • 10% of his credit limit if he owns a credit card
    • $10 for each Corporate Power Point of all squares he owns
    • $10 for each "Yes" vote on all proposals he has made
    • $100 for each proposal he has made that was accepted
    • $100 for each proposal he has made that was accepted unanimously (ie. zero "No" votes)
    • $25 for each proposal he has made that has made it into the "Nonsense" section of the rules
    • -(his current credit card balance)
    • $-100 for each of his squares that is polluted
    • $-1000 if he is currently passed out
    • $-1000 if he is currently infected with Anthrax
    • $-1500 for each time his user has been reset during the game
    • $-2500 if he is currently a terrorist

XXXI: Bingo Cards

  1. Bingo Cards are available at the House of Cards. When a player purchases a Bingo Card, 25 numbers will be randomly selected, 5 each in 5 columns. The first column will contain numbers from 1 to 15, the second column numbers from 16 to 30, the third column numbers from 31 to 45, the fourth column numbers from 46 to 60, and the fifth column numbers from 61 to 75 (all ranges inclusive). Duplicate numbers will only be allowed in columns for which there are not at least 5 squares in the board that correspond to the legal numbers for that column.
  2. Whenever a player who owns one or more Bingo Cards takes a normal turn and lands on a square, he will mark off the number of that square on all Bingo Cards he owns.
  3. A player may trade in a Bingo Card at any time if the marked off squares match one of the configurations below and collect the corresponding prize:
    • The center square: A warp bubble
    • All four corners: Immunity from paying rent for the current update and the next 3 updates
    • A horizontal or vertical line: $1500
    • A diagonal line: The ability to steal one square on the board, owned or unowned, and gain ownership of it
    • The entire perimeter: "Diplomatic Immunity" for the current update and the next 3 updates, which allows the player to commit atrocities without becoming a terrorist
    • The entire card: A Mask

XXXII: Exploit Blocks

  1. A player may attempt to block an exploit in the rules by making a post on the message board with the title "EXPLOIT BLOCK: <name>", where <name> is the name of the exploit, and explaining how the exploit works in the body of the post.
  2. When an exploit block attempt is made, the admin will make a proposal during the next update which will decide whether or not to block the exploit.
  3. If an exploit block is accepted, then any player who used the exploit after it was posted or during the update in which it was posted will have the effects of their actions reversed. Also, no player may in the future use that exploit.

XXXIII: Casinos

  1. A square containing a Casino gives a weekly income of $50 to the owner of the square.
  2. Any player occupying a square containing a Casino may play any of the following games:
    • Blackjack: The player starts by placing a bet of up to $500. The "dealer" will be dealt two cards, only one of which will be known to the player. The player will be dealt two cards. Face cards count 10, aces are 1 or 11 and all other cards count as their value. The player may keep drawing cards as long as he wishes, but if the player goes over 21, he loses his bet. If the player stops drawing and does not go over 21, then the dealer continues drawing cards until his total is 17 or more. If the dealer goes over 21 in the process or if the player's total is more than the dealer's, the player wins back twice his bet. If the dealer's total is higher than the player's, the player loses his bet. If there is a tie, the player wins his bet back.
    • Poker: The player places a bet of up to $25 and gets dealt five cards. He must then chose which of his cards to keep and which to discard. Each card the player discarded will be replaced with a new card. The player then receives a multiple of his bet back depending on what poker hand he has:
      • Pair: 1 times bet
      • Two pairs: 2 times bet
      • Three of a kind: 3 times bet
      • Straight: 4 times bet
      • Flush: 5 times bet
      • Full House: 8 times bet
      • Four of a kind: 25 times bet
      • Straight flush: 50 times bet
      • Royal flush: 400 times bet
      If the player does not have any winning hand, then he wins nothing.
    • Roulette: The player places a bet of up to $50 and selects a category to bet on (explained below). The admin then spins a "roulette wheel" which contains integers from 0 to 36 inclusive, with all even numbers greater than 0 colored black, all odd numbers greater than 0 colored red, and 0 colored green. The wheel will stop on one of the numbers, randomly selected with equal probability of each. The player will then win back a multiple of his bet if the category he selected was spun:
      • Select a number on the wheel, if the number is spun, receive 36 times your bet.
      • Select a color on the wheel, if the color is spun, receive 2 times your bet.
      • Select any 5 numbers on the wheel, if any of the numbers are spun, receive 7 times your bet.
    A player may not play more than 3 times in a single update.
  3. When a player in a Casino is instructed to draw a card, he receives a randomly selected card from a standard deck. Only one deck is used, so the same card may never appear more than once in a single round of a game. "Cards" in the casino are a separate entity from the cards defined in rule XIV, so a player does not gain or lose any of those cards after playing in a Casino.
  4. When a player is instructed to "place a bet", he must pay the amount of the bet.
  5. While at a Casino, a player may purchase any of the following items:
    Flower$10May be given to another player as an act of friendship.
    Weighted Die$100When a player uses a Weighted Die he must specify a number. This number must be a valid roll that can be made by one die under the player's current Method of Transportation. When the player takes his next turn, one of the dice rolled will be the number selected. A player may only use one Weighted Die for a turn.
    Salad$200A player may eat a salad, causing him to gain 5 health. A player may not eat more than one salad per update.
    Auto-Shuffler$250When a player uses an Auto-Shuffler he must select any or all cards he currently owns. The player loses those cards, and then draws as many new cards as he just lost.
    Grease$500A player may use grease by placing it on the square he occupies, but only if he owns it. Whenever a player lands on a greased square, he loses 3 health and slides to the next square, and is considered to have landed there, not on the original square. If this square is greased as well, the player loses 3 more health and slides again. There is no limit to how many times a player may slide in this fashion, but a player may never lose more than 12 health in one move due to grease.
    Joker$1250Same as the Joker card that players can receive from The Skunk
  6. A certain percentage of net profits from a Casino go to or from the owner of the square containing the Casino, where "net profit" includes the Casino's gain or loss from all games and items offered there. The percentage is determined by the type of square the Casino is on:
    • Residential: 25%
    • Industrial: 10%
    • Commercial: 50%
    • Government: 0%

XXXIV: Patents

  1. A player may create a new game or item to be available at his casinos by paying $100 and submitting a patent application. For a new game, this application must include a name for the game, a complete set of rules for the game, and any bets or payouts applicable to the game. For a new item, this application must include the name of the item, the price, how to use the item, and a complete description of the effects of the item.
  2. All patent applications are subject to approval by the Admin. The admin will reject any patent application that in his opinion is classified as any of the following:
    • Missing required information
    • Ambiguous
    • Paradoxial
    • Too similar to an already patented game or item
    • Just plain stupid
    If a patent application is rejected by the Admin, the player who submitted it receives $50 of his $100 application fee back.
  3. If a patent application is accepted, the player who submitted it owns a patent to the name and concept of the game or item. The patent is an item, and therefore may be traded.
  4. At all times, the owner of a patent will offer the game or item at all of his Casinos.

XXXV: The Governor and Elections

  1. Every 3 weeks an election for Governor will take place. During the first update of the week, any non-terrorist player may bid for candidacy, which must consist of any positive amount of money. The two players that bid the most (chosen randomly if tied) pay the amount of their bids and become candidates for the election. If only one player bids, an opponent is selected randomly.
  2. The election will take place during the second update of the election week. All players will have the opportunity to vote for one of the two candidates. The candidate who receives the most votes wins the election. If there is a tie, the player who placed the highest bid is the winner. If this is also tied, the winner is selected randomly. The winner of the election becomes Governor and serves a 3 week term as Governor, starting with the week after the election.
  3. The Governor receives the following benefits and drawbacks:
    • The ability to make two proposals per week
    • The ability to veto one proposal per week
    • A 5% discount when buying squares
    • An automatic gain of 5 health per week
    • The ability to hold up to 30 cards, instead of 25
    • The ability to build up to one building per week on any Government square on the board, to be paid for from the Admin Bank Account.
    • The ability to add up to 3 squares to the board, either in place of a destroyed one or at the end of the board, at a cost of $4000 per square, to be paid for from the Admin Bank Account
    • A bank account interest rate of 3%
    • The Governor may not commit any atrocities
    • The Governor may not purchase or use Time Bombs or Hammers
  4. The Governor may never make a purcahse from the Admin Bank Account if it does not have enough money to make the purchase.
  5. The Governor only keeps the benefits and drawbacks as long as he is Governor.