Game Zero, initial rules: 1) [The Official Roster] The Order of the Players is: The Official Scribe is . 2) [Order of Play] Order of play proceeds down the roster, circularly. So first it is the turn of the first person on the roster, then the second, then later on the last, then the first again, and so on, until the game is over. 3) [Passing] When it is a player's turn, that player may pass, by notifying the Scribe that he is doing so. The Scribe shall record this passing in the Official Record, and play proceeds to the next player in order (see Order of Play). 4) [Not Passing] When it is a player's turn, and that player does not elect to pass, he must propose a change to the rules. To do this, he transmits to the scribe the text of the proposed change, stated clearly and unambiguously. A proposed change may be either a modification or repeal of an existing rule, or a new rule. Once a proposal is made, it must be acted upon (see Acting Upon Proposals) before play proceeds to the next player. 5) [Acting Upon Proposals] When a player transmits a proposed change to the scribe, the scribe must post the proposal in the Official Record. Then each player must vote Yeah, Nay, Abstain, or any other word, by notifying the scribe that he is voting (the notification must clearly state the proposal being voted on, and the word of the vote). Once each player has voted, the scribe tallies the votes and announces them (saying who voted how for each player). If there are more votes of Yeah than any other words besides Abstain, the proposal is adopted, and the corresponding changes made to the rules (the changes do not actually take effect until the instant after play passes to the next player). Otherwise, the proposal is not adopted. In either case, play passes to the next player (see Order of Play). 6) [Resolving Disputes] All disputes shall be resolved in good faith by the Scribe, whose word is final. Trust the Scribe; the Scribe is your friend. (Note that disputes generally suggest the need for proposals to add or clarify rules to avoid the dispute happening again.) 7) [Stone, Paper, Scissors] a) Stone breaks scissors b) Scissors cut paper c) Paper wraps stone