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User:nomic (102555) nomic
Name:A Game of Nomic
Website:Game information and rules

This is a game of Nomic being played right here on LiveJournal.

In Nomic, the rules are in a continual state of flux. That's because Nomic is a game where changing the rules is a move. The game starts with a basic "Initial Set" of rules, and those are amended during the course of play; thus the game changes itself as it goes on.

You can read more about Nomic in general at the following links:

Memories:8 entries
Interests:4: games, gaming, law, nomic. [Modify yours]
Members:3: cyranocyrano, l2g, thepublicguy
Watched by:12: __, bassfingers, cyranocyrano, ev0lchuck, frowningman, kevandotorg, l2g, redneck_penguin, senji, taral, thepublicguy, toweliegirl
Account type:Free Account

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