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From: the Speaker  <palnatoke@g...>
Date: Mon May 17, 1999 6:29am
Subject: deNomic Erratum, GSD


AgriFund to Peter: 2 Vegetables
is missing.

+-Silo Manager's Report-----------------------------------+
| Players:                                                |
| Ole: 6 Vegetables                                       |
| Agricultural Foundation:                                |
| 25 Vegetables (generic)                                 |
| Payments due:                                           |
| Agricultural Foundation to Ole: 18 Vegetables           |
| Total number of Player-owned Vegetables:    6           |
| Total number of Vegetables:                31           |
| Tax Shares:                                             |
| Wealth Tax:            0%                               |
| Income Tax:            0%                               |
| Poll Tax:              0 Vegetables                     |
| Value Added Tax:       0%                               |

------------------------------------------------------------------------ home: - Simplifying group communications

From: the Speaker  <palnatoke@g...>
Date: Thu May 20, 1999 9:58pm
Subject: deNomic Game State Document, 20.5.1999

The Game State Document consists of:

+-Scorekeeper's Report**
+-Silo Manager's Report*
+-Herald's Report*
+-Distributor's Report*
+-Rulekeeper's Report
+Court Usher's Report*
+-Addresskeeper's Report
+-Timekeeper's Report

*) updates
**) omissions

+-Scorekeeper's Report------------------------------------+
| Past winners:                                           |
| Kira won game 1 with 101 points                         |
| Players:                                                |
| Ole                             46 points               |
| Kira                            20 points               |
| Christian                        0 points               |
| Rune                            15 points               |
| Peter                            0 points               |
| Martin                           1 point                |
| Piet                             0 points               |
| Total number of points:         82 points               |
| Average number of points:    11,71 points               |
| Non-Player Voters:                                      |
| Cult of the Ant:                2/3 Vote                |
| TOO-BAD:                        2/3 Vote                |
| The Treehouse Club:             1/3 Vote                |
| The Gnomes of Zurich:           1/3 Vote                |
| The Nullity:                As many Votes as there      |
|                            are zeros in the Prop number |
| Ants ##8,9,10:                    1 Vote each           |

+-Silo Manager's Report-----------------------------------+
| Players:                                                |
| Ole: 1 Vegetable                                        |
| Corporations:                                           |
| The Gnomes of Zurich: 5 Vegetables                      |
| Agricultural Foundation:                                |
| 25 Vegetables (generic)                                 |
| Payments due:                                           |
| Agricultural Foundation to Ole:       18 Vegetables     |
| Agricultural Foundation to Peter:      3 Vegetables     |
| Agricultural Foundation to Kira:       3 Vegetables     |
| Total number of Player-owned Vegetables:    6           |
| Total number of Vegetables:                31           |
| Tax Shares:                                             |
| Wealth Tax:            0%                               |
| Income Tax:            0%                               |
| Poll Tax:              0 Vegetables                     |
| Value Added Tax:       0%                               |

+-Herald's Report-----------------------------------------+
| Officers:                                               |
| Officer of Agriculture: Peter                           |
| Monsanto Man: Piet                                      |
| Organisations:                                          |
| Cult of the Ant                                         |
| Rune, Ole                                               |
|                                                         |
| Teosophy of Overly Objective                            |
|   Bandits And Dreamers (TOO-BAD)                        |
| Rune, Kira                                              |
|                                                         |
| The Treehouse Club Of The Immensely Enlightened         |
|   Paragons Of Humanity Who Recognize Aeshna             |
|   As The Supreme Being In The Universe                  |
| Kira (The Supreme Being In The Universe)                |
| Corporations:                                           |
| The Gnomes of Zurich                                    |
| Ole                                                     |
| Silly Players:                                          |
| -none-                                                  |
| Titles:                                                 |
| Zeitgeist:                                              |
| Ole                                                     |
|                                                         |
| Insistance Points:                                      |
| Rune:          4 Insistance Points                      |
| Ole:           2 Insistance Points                      |
| Prophets:                                               |
| -none-                                                  |
| (therefore no Martyrs, too)                             |
| Positions:                                              |
| Speaker:   Ole                                          |

+-Distributor's Report------------------------------------+
| Distributing pack490-494, pack495-497, 498, 499         |
| Next available proposal number: 500                     |
| Proposal Queues:                        In Queue Since: |
|                                                         |
| Ole: (17 entries)                                       |
| Changability Package                       11.05. 07:28 |
| Amend 203                                  11.05. 07:28 |
| Horror Vacui                               11.05. 07:28 |
| The Streaker                               11.05. 07:28 |
| Transmute 109                              11.05. 07:28 |
| No Protos Package                          11.05. 07:28 |
| Anti-Ant Package                           11.05. 07:28 |
| Repeal 395                                 11.05. 07:28 |
| Rule Change Package                        11.05. 07:28 |
| Elected Offices                            11.05. 07:28 |
| Calvinball                                 13.05. 17:21 |
| Landslide                                  14.05. 04:40 |
| Amend 334                                  16.05. 21:55 |
| Communications                             16.05. 22:00 |
| Amend 402                                  17.05. 06:13 |
| Counsel for the Prosecution                17.05. 08:37 |
| Throwing Vegetables at People              18.05. 07:25 |
|                                                         |
| Kira:                                                   |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |
| Christian:                                              |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |
| Rune: (1 entry)                                         |
| Narcissism                                 16.05. 08:00 |
|                                                         |
| Peter:                                                  |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |
| Martin:                                                 |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |
| Piet:                                                   |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |

+-Rulekeeper's Report-------------------------------------+
| Added Rules 484, 485, 486, 488 and 489 to the Ruleset   |
| Posted the current Ruleset to |

+-Court Usher's Report------------------------------------+
| Voluntary Judges:                                       |
| Rune, Ole, Kira                                         |
| Active CFJs:                                            |
| -none-                                                  |
| Decided CFJs:                                           |
| 23 "Rune shall not lose any points related to the       |
|     defeat of proposal 419 and 420"                     |
|   -Kira judged FALSE                                    |
|   -Kira earned 3 Vegetables                             |
| Next available CFJ number: 24                           |

+-Addresskeeper's Report----------------------------------+
| Players:                                                |
| Ole Andersen, palnatoke@g...                      |
| Kira Tendal, aeshna@g...                          |
| Christian Mønsted, dr@m...                       |
| Rune Kock, rune@i...                                   |
| Peter Gadebirk, gadebirk@p...                  |
| Martin P. Jensen, mpj@c...                        |
| Piet Mertz, S980223.Piet.Mertz@H...      |
| E-mail adresses of the game:                            |
| 1)                               |
| 2)                     |
| 3)                          |
| 4)                            |
| 5)                         |
| 6)                          |

+-Timekeeper's Report-------------------------------------+
| Time schedule:                                          |
| Sunday 08:00    Beginning of new Turn (end of vote)     |
| Monday          Monsanto Time                           |
| Wednesday       Distribution Time (beginning of vote)   |
| Thursday        Tithing Time                            |
| Thursday 20:00  Taxation Announcement Time              |

------------------------------------------------------------------------ home: - Simplifying group communications

From: the Speaker  <palnatoke@g...>
Date: Thu May 20, 1999 9:59pm
Subject: deNomic Distribution of Proposals, 20.5.1999 (a day late)

| Distributing pack490-494, pack495-497, 498, 499         |
| The Paradox Package (pack490-494)          11.05. 07:28 |
| The Forfeit Package (pack495-497)          11.05. 07:28 |
| Social Mobility     (498)                  16.05. 08:00 |
| Minions             (499)                  16.05. 08:00 |

| Voting begins as of this distribution                   |

| The Paradox Package (pack490-494)          11.05. 07:28 |
The Paradox Package consists of:
1)    transmute 350 (to mutable)
2)    amend 350
3)    make a new rule "Parallel Tracks"
4)    transmute 350 (to immutable)

1) and 4) are obvious.

2) goes like this:

"Rule 350 - immutable
Winning By Paradox

If the rules are changed so that further play is impossible, or if the
legality of some action cannot be determined with finality, or if some
action appears equally legal and illegal, then a player may call for
judgement on a statement to that effect. If the statement is judged true,
and the judgement is not overruled, then the player who called for judgement
is declared the winner of the game. This rule takes precedence over every
other rule for determining the winner of the game."

to have this wording:

"Rule 350 - immutable
Winning By Paradox

If further play is impossible, then a player may call for
judgement on a statement to that effect. If the statement is judged true,
and the judgement is not overruled, then the player who called for judgement
is declared the winner of the game. This rule takes precedence over every
other rule for determining the winner of the game."

3) goes like this:

"Rule # - mutable
Parallel Tracks

If the legality of some action cannot be determined with finality, or if
action appears equally legal and illegal, then a player may call for
judgement on a statement to that effect.
If the statement is judged true, and the judgement is not overruled, the
game splits into two parallel games.
In one of the parallel games, the dubious action is considered legal, in the
other it is considered illegal.

All actions must, whenever possible, be taken in both games at the same
time, and apply to both games, if possible.

After four Turns, the games merge, and all scorings and possession counts
are set to the mean value of the respective values in the games, rounding
down if appropriate.
If, upon merging, any Offices are held by diffferent players in the
different games, the said Offices shall be vacated and refilled, as per the
If, upon merging,  the Rulesets of the games differ, a simple majority vote
is held to determine which Ruleset to use.

Any wins in a split game are noted in the proper records."


| The Forfeit Package (pack495-497)          11.05. 07:28 |
I'd like Rule 111 transmuted, amend and re-transmuted.

"Rule 111 - immutable
Forfeiting The Game

A player always has the option to forfeit the game rather than continue to
play or incur a game penalty. No penalty worse than losing, in the judgement
of the player to incur it, may be imposed."

to have this wording:

"Rule #
Forfeiting The Game

A player always has the option to forfeit the game rather than continue to
play or incur a game penalty."


| Social Mobility     (498)                  16.05. 08:00 |
"Social Mobility

Each player has a social Rank, which is initially 10.

Every time a player takes an action in the game, his Rank increases by 1.
An action is for instance voting for or against a proposal, making a
proposal, or submitting a comment.  Usually, one action equals one email to
one of the game's mail-lists, excluding auto-generated emails and emails
with no real contents.

Every time a player fails to take an action that he is requiered or
encouraged to do by the rules, his Rank decreases by 10% rounded up.  This
includes failing to submit a vote."

[New rule, proposed by Rune (part of the Social Mobility package]

| Minions             (499)                  16.05. 08:00 |

Every player is the master of a number of Minions corresponding to his
social Rank as follows:

Rank              Minions
<20                none
20-39             1
40-79             2
80-159           3
160-319         4
>319              5

A Minion is a non-player voter who will always vote the same way as his

[New rule, proposed by Rune (part of the Social Mobility package]

| End of Distribution                                     |

------------------------------------------------------------------------ home: - Simplifying group communications

From: the Speaker  <palnatoke@g...>
Date: Fri May 21, 1999 6:57am
Subject: deNomic Distribution, Correction

| The Paradox Package (pack490-494)          11.05. 07:28 |
| The Forfeit Package (pack495-497)          11.05. 07:28 |
| Social Mobility     (498)                  16.05. 08:00 |
| Minions             (499)                  16.05. 08:00 |
should be:
| The Paradox Package (pack490-493)          11.05. 07:28 |
| The Forfeit Package (pack494-496)          11.05. 07:28 |
| Social Mobility     (497)                  16.05. 08:00 |
| Minions             (498)                  16.05. 08:00 |


------------------------------------------------------------------------ home: - Simplifying group communications

From: the Speaker  <palnatoke@g...>
Date: Sun May 23, 1999 8:14pm
Subject: deNomic Game State Document, 23.05.1999

The Game State Document consists of:

+-Scorekeeper's Report*
+-Silo Manager's Report*
+-Herald's Report*
+-Distributor's Report**
+-Rulekeeper's Report
+-Court Usher's Report
+-Addresskeeper's Report
+-Timekeeper's Report

*) updates
**) omissions

+-Scorekeeper's Report------------------------------------+
| Voting results:                                         |
| Only Ole and Rune voted. Two players out of seven is    |
| less than 30 %, so there is no quorum.                  |
| Pack490-493             No Quorum, defeated             |
| Pack494-496             No Quorum, defeated             |
| 497                     No Quorum, defeated             |
| 498                     No Quorum, defeated             |
|                                                         |
| Pack490-493             Ole loses 20 points             |
| Pack494-496             Ole loses 15 points             |
| 497  Rune loses 10 points and gains an Insistance Point |
| 498  Rune loses 10 points and gains an Insistance Point |
|                                                         |
| Ole (as Speaker) earns 2 Vegetables                     |
|                                                         |
| Past winners:                                           |
| Kira won game 1 with 101 points                         |
| Players:                                                |
| Ole                             11 points               |
| Kira                            20 points               |
| Christian                        0 points               |
| Rune                            -5 points               |
| Peter                            0 points               |
| Martin                           1 point                |
| Piet                             0 points               |
| Total number of points:         27 points               |
| Average number of points:     3,86 points               |
| Non-Player Voters:                                      |
| Cult of the Ant:                2/3 Vote                |
| TOO-BAD:                        2/3 Vote                |
| The Treehouse Club:             1/3 Vote                |
| The Gnomes of Zurich:           1/3 Vote                |
| The Nullity:                As many Votes as there      |
|                            are zeros in the Prop number |
| Ants ##8,9,10:                    1 Vote each           |

+-Silo Manager's Report-----------------------------------+
| Players:                                                |
| Ole: 1 Vegetable                                        |
| Corporations:                                           |
| The Gnomes of Zurich: 5 Vegetables                      |
| Agricultural Foundation:                                |
| 25 Vegetables (generic)                                 |
| Payments due:                                           |
| Agricultural Foundation to Ole:       20 Vegetables     |
| Agricultural Foundation to Peter:      3 Vegetables     |
| Agricultural Foundation to Kira:       3 Vegetables     |
| Total number of Player-owned Vegetables:    6           |
| Total number of Vegetables:                31           |
| Tax Shares:                                             |
| Wealth Tax:            0%                               |
| Income Tax:            0%                               |
| Poll Tax:              0 Vegetables                     |
| Value Added Tax:       0%                               |

+-Herald's Report-----------------------------------------+
| Officers:                                               |
| Officer of Agriculture: Peter                           |
| Monsanto Man: Piet                                      |
| Organisations:                                          |
| Cult of the Ant                                         |
| Rune, Ole                                               |
|                                                         |
| Teosophy of Overly Objective                            |
|   Bandits And Dreamers (TOO-BAD)                        |
| Rune, Kira                                              |
|                                                         |
| The Treehouse Club Of The Immensely Enlightened         |
|   Paragons Of Humanity Who Recognize Aeshna             |
|   As The Supreme Being In The Universe                  |
| Kira (The Supreme Being In The Universe)                |
| Corporations:                                           |
| The Gnomes of Zurich                                    |
| Ole                                                     |
| Silly Players:                                          |
| -none-                                                  |
| Titles:                                                 |
| Zeitgeist:                                              |
| Ole                                                     |
|                                                         |
| Insistance Points:                                      |
| Rune:          6 Insistance Points                      |
| Ole:           2 Insistance Points                      |
| Prophets:                                               |
| -none-                                                  |
| (therefore no Martyrs, too)                             |
| Positions:                                              |
| Speaker:   Ole                                          |

+-Distributor's Report------------------------------------+
| Next available proposal number: 500                     |
| Proposal Queues:                        In Queue Since: |
|                                                         |
| Ole: (17 entries)                                       |
| Changability Package                       11.05. 07:28 |
| Amend 203                                  11.05. 07:28 |
| Horror Vacui                               11.05. 07:28 |
| The Streaker                               11.05. 07:28 |
| Transmute 109                              11.05. 07:28 |
| No Protos Package                          11.05. 07:28 |
| Anti-Ant Package                           11.05. 07:28 |
| Repeal 395                                 11.05. 07:28 |
| Rule Change Package                        11.05. 07:28 |
| Elected Offices                            11.05. 07:28 |
| Calvinball                                 13.05. 17:21 |
| Landslide                                  14.05. 04:40 |
| Amend 334                                  16.05. 21:55 |
| Communications                             16.05. 22:00 |
| Amend 402                                  17.05. 06:13 |
| Counsel for the Prosecution                17.05. 08:37 |
| Throwing Vegetables at People              18.05. 07:25 |
|                                                         |
| Kira:                                                   |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |
| Christian:                                              |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |
| Rune: (1 entry)                                         |
| Narcissism                                 16.05. 08:00 |
|                                                         |
| Peter:                                                  |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |
| Martin:                                                 |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |
| Piet:                                                   |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |

+-Rulekeeper's Report-------------------------------------+
| Added Rules 484, 485, 486, 488 and 489 to the Ruleset   |
| Posted the current Ruleset to |

+-Court Usher's Report------------------------------------+
| Voluntary Judges:                                       |
| Rune, Ole, Kira                                         |
| Active CFJs:                                            |
| -none-                                                  |
| Decided CFJs:                                           |
| 23 "Rune shall not lose any points related to the       |
|     defeat of proposal 419 and 420"                     |
|   -Kira judged FALSE                                    |
|   -Kira earned 3 Vegetables                             |
| Next available CFJ number: 24                           |

+-Addresskeeper's Report----------------------------------+
| Players:                                                |
| Ole Andersen, palnatoke@g...                      |
| Kira Tendal, aeshna@g...                          |
| Christian Mønsted, dr@m...                       |
| Rune Kock, rune@i...                                   |
| Peter Gadebirk, gadebirk@p...                  |
| Martin P. Jensen, mpj@c...                        |
| Piet Mertz, S980223.Piet.Mertz@H...      |
| E-mail adresses of the game:                            |
| 1)                               |
| 2)                     |
| 3)                          |
| 4)                            |
| 5)                         |
| 6)                          |

+-Timekeeper's Report-------------------------------------+
| Time schedule:                                          |
| Sunday 08:00    Beginning of new Turn (end of vote)     |
| Monday          Monsanto Time                           |
| Wednesday       Distribution Time (beginning of vote)   |
| Thursday        Tithing Time                            |
| Thursday 20:00  Taxation Announcement Time              |

------------------------------------------------------------------------ home: - Simplifying group communications

From: the Speaker  <palnatoke@g...>
Date: Mon May 24, 1999 9:29am
Subject: deNomic IMPORTANT GAME MESSAGE and Game State Document, 23.05.1999 - Errata

+-Timekeeper's Report-------------------------------------+
| I have decided to declare a Pause:                      |
|                                                         |
| THE GAME IS PAUSED FROM                                 |
| SUNDAY, THE 30TH OF MAY 08.00                           |
| TO                                                      |
| SUNDAY, THE 20TH OF JUNE 08.00                          |
|                                                         |
|                                                         |
| Anything happening during the Pause is considered       |
| to be happening Sunday, the 20th of June, 08:00.        |
|                                                         |
| Time schedule:                                          |
| Sunday 08:00    Beginning of new Turn (end of vote)     |
| Monday          Monsanto Time                           |
| Wednesday       Distribution Time (beginning of vote)   |
| Thursday        Tithing Time                            |
| Thursday 20:00  Taxation Announcement Time              |

+-Scorekeeper's Report------------------------------------+
| Voting results:                                         |
| Only Ole and Rune voted. Two players out of seven is    |
| less than 30 %, so there is no quorum.                  |
| Pack490-493             both for, No Quorum, defeated   |
| Pack494-496             both for, No Quorum, defeated   |
| 497                     Rune for, No Quorum, defeated   |
| 498                     Rune for, No Quorum, defeated   |
|                                                         |
| Pack490-493             Ole loses 20 points             |
| Pack494-496             Ole loses 15 points             |
| 497  Rune loses 9 points and gains an Insistance Point  |
| 498  Rune loses 9 points and gains an Insistance Point  |
| (Rune loses 10 points on each prop and ganis one point  |
| for being in Opposition                                 |
| Ole (as Speaker) earns 2 Vegetables                     |
|                                                         |
| Past winners:                                           |
| Kira won game 1 with 101 points                         |
| Players:                                                |
| Ole                             11 points               |
| Kira                            20 points               |
| Christian                        0 points               |
| Rune                            -3 points               |
| Peter                            0 points               |
| Martin                           1 point                |
| Piet                             0 points               |
| Total number of points:         29 points               |
| Average number of points:     4,14 points               |
| Non-Player Voters:                                      |
| Cult of the Ant:                2/3 Vote                |
| TOO-BAD:                        2/3 Vote                |
| The Treehouse Club:             1/3 Vote                |
| The Gnomes of Zurich:           1/3 Vote                |
| The Nullity:                As many Votes as there      |
|                            are zeros in the Prop number |
| Ants ##8,9,10:                    1 Vote each           |

+-Distributor's Report------------------------------------+
| Next available proposal number: 499                     |
| Proposal Queues:                        In Queue Since: |
|                                                         |
| Ole: (17 entries)                                       |
| Changability Package                       11.05. 07:28 |
| Amend 203                                  11.05. 07:28 |
| Horror Vacui                               11.05. 07:28 |
| The Streaker                               11.05. 07:28 |
| Transmute 109                              11.05. 07:28 |
| No Protos Package                          11.05. 07:28 |
| Anti-Ant Package                           11.05. 07:28 |
| Repeal 395                                 11.05. 07:28 |
| Rule Change Package                        11.05. 07:28 |
| Elected Offices                            11.05. 07:28 |
| Calvinball                                 13.05. 17:21 |
| Landslide                                  14.05. 04:40 |
| Amend 334                                  16.05. 21:55 |
| Communications                             16.05. 22:00 |
| Amend 402                                  17.05. 06:13 |
| Counsel for the Prosecution                17.05. 08:37 |
| Throwing Vegetables at People              18.05. 07:25 |
|                                                         |
| Kira:                                                   |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |
| Christian:                                              |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |
| Rune: (1 entry)                                         |
| Narcissism                                 16.05. 08:00 |
|                                                         |
| Peter:                                                  |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |
| Martin:                                                 |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |
| Piet:                                                   |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |

------------------------------------------------------------------------ home: - Simplifying group communications

From: the Speaker  <palnatoke@g...>
Date: Mon May 24, 1999 11:43am
Subject: deNomic Paused 30.5-20.6 Are we here, still?

Would each player, _please_, reply to this?

I'll assume that non-repliers are not playing anymore.


+-Addresskeeper's Report----------------------------------+
| Players:                                                |
| Ole Andersen, palnatoke@g...                      |
| Kira Tendal, aeshna@g...                          |
| Christian Mønsted, dr@m...                       |
| Rune Kock, rune@i...                                   |
| Peter Gadebirk, gadebirk@p...                  |
| Martin P. Jensen, mpj@c...                        |
| Piet Mertz, S980223.Piet.Mertz@H...      |
| E-mail adresses of the game:                            |
| 1)                               |
| 2)                     |
| 3)                          |
| 4)                            |
| 5)                         |
| 6)                          |

------------------------------------------------------------------------ home: - Simplifying group communications

From: Kira Tendal  <aeshna@g...>
Date: Mon May 24, 1999 2:23pm
Subject: deNomic Paused 30.5-20.6 Sv: Are we here, still?

Reply ;)

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: the Speaker palnatoke@g...
Til: deNomic-ML
Dato: 24. maj 1999 14:56
Emne: deNomic Paused 30.5-20.6 Are we here, still?

:Would each player, _please_, reply to this?
:I'll assume that non-repliers are not playing anymore.
:+-Addresskeeper's Report----------------------------------+
:| Players:                                                |
:| Ole Andersen, palnatoke@g...                      |
:| Kira Tendal, aeshna@g...                          |
:| Christian Mønsted, dr@m...                       |
:| Rune Kock, rune@i...                                   |
:| Peter Gadebirk, gadebirk@p...                  |
:| Martin P. Jensen, mpj@c...                        |
:| Piet Mertz, S980223.Piet.Mertz@H...      |
:| E-mail adresses of the game:                            |
:| 1)                               |
:| 2)                     |
:| 3)                          |
:| 4)                            |
:| 5)                         |
:| 6)                          |
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: - Simplifying group communications

------------------------------------------------------------------------ home: - Simplifying group communications

From: Ole Andersen  <palnatoke@g...>
Date: Mon May 24, 1999 5:40pm
Subject: deNomic Paused 30.5-20.6 Sv: Are we here, still?

I'm here!


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: the Speaker palnatoke@g...
Til: deNomic-ML
Dato: 24. maj 1999 14:56
Emne: deNomic Paused 30.5-20.6 Are we here, still?

:Would each player, _please_, reply to this?
:I'll assume that non-repliers are not playing anymore.
:+-Addresskeeper's Report----------------------------------+
:| Players:                                                |
:| Ole Andersen, palnatoke@g...                      |
:| Kira Tendal, aeshna@g...                          |
:| Christian Mønsted, dr@m...                       |
:| Rune Kock, rune@i...                                   |
:| Peter Gadebirk, gadebirk@p...                  |
:| Martin P. Jensen, mpj@c...                        |
:| Piet Mertz, S980223.Piet.Mertz@H...      |
:| E-mail adresses of the game:                            |
:| 1)                               |
:| 2)                     |
:| 3)                          |
:| 4)                            |
:| 5)                         |
:| 6)                          |
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From: Rune Kock  <zarquon@t...>
Date: Mon May 24, 1999 6:49pm
Subject: deNomic Paused 30.5-20.6 Sv: Sv: Are we here, still?

  >I'm here!

Well, I'm here, and I don't see you. I think you are rather there than here.


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From: the Speaker  <palnatoke@g...>
Date: Thu May 27, 1999 7:43pm
Subject: deNomic Paused 30.5-20.6 Game State Document, 27.05.1999

The Game State Document consists of:

+-Scorekeeper's Report
+-Silo Manager's Report
+-Herald's Report
+-Distributor's Report
+-Rulekeeper's Report
+-Court Usher's Report
+-Addresskeeper's Report
+-Timekeeper's Report

*) updates
**) omissions

+-Timekeeper's Report-------------------------------------+
| I have decided to declare a Pause:                      |
|                                                         |
| THE GAME IS PAUSED FROM                                 |
| SUNDAY, THE 30TH OF MAY 08.00                           |
| TO                                                      |
| SUNDAY, THE 20TH OF JUNE 08.00                          |
|                                                         |
|                                                         |
| Anything happening during the Pause is considered       |
| to be happening Sunday, the 20th of June, 08:00.        |
|                                                         |
| Time schedule:                                          |
| Sunday 08:00    Beginning of new Turn (end of vote)     |
| Monday          Monsanto Time                           |
| Wednesday       Distribution Time (beginning of vote)   |
| Thursday        Tithing Time                            |
| Thursday 20:00  Taxation Announcement Time              |

+-Scorekeeper's Report------------------------------------+
| Past winners:                                           |
| Kira won game 1 with 101 points                         |
| Players:                                                |
| Ole                             11 points               |
| Kira                            20 points               |
| Christian                        0 points               |
| Rune                            -3 points               |
| Peter                            0 points               |
| Martin                           1 point                |
| Piet                             0 points               |
| Total number of points:         29 points               |
| Average number of points:     4,14 points               |
| Non-Player Voters:                                      |
| Cult of the Ant:                2/3 Vote                |
| TOO-BAD:                        2/3 Vote                |
| The Treehouse Club:             1/3 Vote                |
| The Gnomes of Zurich:           1/3 Vote                |
| The Nullity:                As many Votes as there      |
|                            are zeros in the Prop number |
| Ants ##8,9,10:                    1 Vote each           |

+-Silo Manager's Report-----------------------------------+
| Players:                                                |
| Ole: 1 Vegetable                                        |
| Corporations:                                           |
| The Gnomes of Zurich: 5 Vegetables                      |
| Agricultural Foundation:                                |
| 25 Vegetables (generic)                                 |
| Payments due:                                           |
| Agricultural Foundation to Ole:       20 Vegetables     |
| Agricultural Foundation to Peter:      4 Vegetables     |
| Agricultural Foundation to Kira:       3 Vegetables     |
| Total number of Player-owned Vegetables:         1      |
| Total number of Corporation-owned Vegetables:    5      |
| Total number of Vegetables:                     31      |
| Tax Shares:                                             |
| Wealth Tax:            0%                               |
| Income Tax:            0%                               |
| Poll Tax:              0 Vegetables                     |
| Value Added Tax:       0%                               |

+-Herald's Report-----------------------------------------+
| Officers:                                               |
| Officer of Agriculture: Peter                           |
| Monsanto Man: Piet                                      |
| Organisations:                                          |
| Cult of the Ant                                         |
| Rune, Ole                                               |
|                                                         |
| Teosophy of Overly Objective                            |
|   Bandits And Dreamers (TOO-BAD)                        |
| Rune, Kira                                              |
|                                                         |
| The Treehouse Club Of The Immensely Enlightened         |
|   Paragons Of Humanity Who Recognize Aeshna             |
|   As The Supreme Being In The Universe                  |
| Kira (The Supreme Being In The Universe)                |
| Corporations:                                           |
| The Gnomes of Zurich                                    |
| Ole                                                     |
| Silly Players:                                          |
| -none-                                                  |
| Titles:                                                 |
| Zeitgeist:                                              |
| Ole                                                     |
|                                                         |
| Insistance Points:                                      |
| Rune:          6 Insistance Points                      |
| Ole:           2 Insistance Points                      |
| Prophets:                                               |
| -none-                                                  |
| (therefore no Martyrs, too)                             |
| Positions:                                              |
| Speaker:   Ole                                          |

+-Distributor's Report------------------------------------+
| Distributing pack499-501, 502, 503                      |
| Next available proposal number: 504                     |
| Proposal Queues:                        In Queue Since: |
|                                                         |
| Ole: (15 entries)                                       |
| Horror Vacui                               11.05. 07:28 |
| The Streaker                               11.05. 07:28 |
| Transmute 109                              11.05. 07:28 |
| No Protos Package                          11.05. 07:28 |
| Anti-Ant Package                           11.05. 07:28 |
| Repeal 395                                 11.05. 07:28 |
| Rule Change Package                        11.05. 07:28 |
| Elected Offices                            11.05. 07:28 |
| Calvinball                                 13.05. 17:21 |
| Landslide                                  14.05. 04:40 |
| Amend 334                                  16.05. 21:55 |
| Communications                             16.05. 22:00 |
| Amend 402                                  17.05. 06:13 |
| Counsel for the Prosecution                17.05. 08:37 |
| Throwing Vegetables at People              18.05. 07:25 |
|                                                         |
| Kira:                                                   |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |
| Christian:                                              |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |
| Rune:                                                   |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |
| Peter:                                                  |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |
| Martin:                                                 |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |
| Piet:                                                   |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |

+-Rulekeeper's Report-------------------------------------+
| Added Rules 484, 485, 486, 488 and 489 to the Ruleset   |
| Posted the current Ruleset to |

+-Court Usher's Report------------------------------------+
| Voluntary Judges:                                       |
| Rune, Ole, Kira                                         |
| Active CFJs:                                            |
| -none-                                                  |
| Decided CFJs:                                           |
| 23 "Rune shall not lose any points related to the       |
|     defeat of proposal 419 and 420"                     |
|   -Kira judged FALSE                                    |
|   -Kira earned 3 Vegetables                             |
| Next available CFJ number: 24                           |

+-Addresskeeper's Report----------------------------------+
| Players:                                                |
| Ole Andersen, palnatoke@g...                      |
| Kira Tendal, aeshna@g...                          |
| Christian Mønsted, dr@m...                       |
| Rune Kock, rune@i...                                   |
| Peter Gadebirk, gadebirk@p...                  |
| Martin P. Jensen, mpj@c...                        |
| Piet Mertz, S980223.Piet.Mertz@H...      |
| E-mail adresses of the game:                            |
| 1)                               |
| 2)                     |
| 3)                          |
| 4)                            |
| 5)                         |
| 6)                          |

------------------------------------------------------------------------ home: - Simplifying group communications

From: the Speaker  <palnatoke@g...>
Date: Thu May 27, 1999 7:43pm
Subject: deNomic Paused 30.5-20.6 Distribution of Proposals 27.05.1999 (a day late, once more)

| Distributing pack499-501, 502, 503                      |
| Changability Package                       11.05. 07:28 |
| Amend 203                                  11.05. 07:28 |
| Narcissism                                 16.05. 08:00 |

| Voting begins as of this distribution                   |

| Changability Package                       11.05. 07:28 |
I'd like Rule 112 transmuted, amended, and re-transmuted.

"Rule 112 - immutable
At Least One Mutable Rule

There must always be at least one mutable rule. The adoption of rule changes
must never become completely impermissible."

to have this wording:

"Rule #
The Times They are A-Changing

The adoption of rule changes must never become completely impermissible."


| Amend 203                                  11.05. 07:28 |
I propose amending:
"Rule 203 - mutable
Required Number Of Votes

The number of votes required to pass a proposal is two-thirds of the votes
legally cast within the prescribed voting period."

to have the following wording:

"Rule 203 - mutable
Required Number Of Votes

The number of votes required to transmute an immutable rule is two-thirds of
the votes legally cast within the prescribed voting period.
The number of votes required to transmute a mutable rule is three-fifths of
the votes legally cast within the prescribed voting period.
The number of votes required to amend or repeal a mutable rule is one more
half the votes legally cast within the prescribed voting period.
The number of votes required to pass any other proposal is two-thirds of the
votes legally cast within the prescribed voting period."

| Narcissism                                 16.05. 08:00 |
New rule:

Each player must himself keep track of his social Rank, and must specify his
Rank whenever he votes.  If a player does not keep track of his own Rank, he
shall be considered to have a Rank of zero."


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From:   <MPJ@c...>
Date: Sat May 29, 1999 5:46pm
Subject: deNomic Paused 30.5-20.6 Re: Are we here, still?

  Jo, sådan da.


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From: the Speaker  <palnatoke@g...>
Date: Sun May 30, 1999 9:20am
Subject: deNomic Paused 30.5-20.6 Game State Document, 30.05.1999

The Game State Document consists of:

+-Scorekeeper's Report*
+-Silo Manager's Report*
+-Herald's Report*
+-Distributor's Report*
+-Rulekeeper's Report*
+-Court Usher's Report
+-Addresskeeper's Report
+-Timekeeper's Report

*) updates
**) omissions

+-Scorekeeper's Report------------------------------------+
| Voting results:                                         |
| Pack499-501   For  5    Against   1,33     adopted      |
| 502           For  3,33 Against   6        defeated     |
| 503           For  4    Against   2,66     defeated     |
|                                                         |
| Pack499-501   Ole gains 15 points                       |
| 502           Ole loses 10 points and gains 1 point and |
|                1 Insistance Point                       |
| 503           Rune loses 10 points and gains 1 point,   |
|                                 Martin gains 1 point    |
| Ole (as Speaker) earns 2 Vegetables                     |
| Rune has become Martyr.                                 |
|                                                         |
| Past winners:                                           |
| Kira won game 1 with 101 points                         |
| Players:                                                |
| Ole                             17 points               |
| Kira                            20 points               |
| Christian                        0 points               |
| Rune                           -12 points               |
| Peter                            0 points               |
| Martin                           2 points               |
| Piet                             0 points               |
| Total number of points:         27 points               |
| Average number of points:     3,86 points               |
| Non-Player Voters:                                      |
| Cult of the Ant:                2/3 Vote                |
| TOO-BAD:                        2/3 Vote                |
| The Treehouse Club:             1/3 Vote                |
| The Gnomes of Zurich:           1/3 Vote                |
| The Nullity:                As many Votes as there      |
|                            are zeros in the Prop number |
| Ants ##8,9,10:                    1 Vote each           |
| Voting details:                                         |
| Pack499-501  For      Rune, Martin, Ole, Ant #8, Cult,  |
|                       Gnomes                            |
|              Against  Kira, Treehouse Club              |
| 502          For      Ole, Ant #8, Gnomes, The Nullity  |
|              Against  Rune, Martin, Kira, Ant #9,       |
                        Ant #10, TOO-BAD, Treehouse Club  |
| 503          For      Rune, Martin, Ant #8, The Nullity |
|              Against  Ole, Kira, Gnomes, Treehouse Club |

+-Silo Manager's Report-----------------------------------+
| Players:                                                |
| Ole: 1 Vegetable                                        |
| Corporations:                                           |
| The Gnomes of Zurich: 5 Vegetables                      |
| Agricultural Foundation:                                |
| 25 Vegetables (generic)                                 |
| Payments due:                                           |
| Agricultural Foundation to Ole:       22 Vegetables     |
| Agricultural Foundation to Peter:      4 Vegetables     |
| Agricultural Foundation to Kira:       3 Vegetables     |
| Total number of Player-owned Vegetables:         1      |
| Total number of Corporation-owned Vegetables:    5      |
| Total number of Vegetables:                     31      |
| Tax Shares:                                             |
| Wealth Tax:            0%                               |
| Income Tax:            0%                               |
| Poll Tax:              0 Vegetables                     |
| Value Added Tax:       0%                               |

+-Herald's Report-----------------------------------------+
| Officers:                                               |
| Officer of Agriculture: Peter                           |
| Monsanto Man: Piet                                      |
| Organisations:                                          |
| Cult of the Ant                                         |
| Rune, Ole                                               |
|                                                         |
| Teosophy of Overly Objective                            |
|   Bandits And Dreamers (TOO-BAD)                        |
| Rune, Kira                                              |
|                                                         |
| The Treehouse Club Of The Immensely Enlightened         |
|   Paragons Of Humanity Who Recognize Aeshna             |
|   As The Supreme Being In The Universe                  |
| Kira (The Supreme Being In The Universe)                |
| Corporations:                                           |
| The Gnomes of Zurich                                    |
| Ole                                                     |
| Silly Players:                                          |
| -none-                                                  |
| Titles:                                                 |
| Zeitgeist:                                              |
| Ole                                                     |
|                                                         |
| Insistance Points:                                      |
| Ole:           3 Insistance Points                      |
| Prophets:                                               |
| -none-                                                  |
| (except the Martyr)                                     |
| Martyr:                                                 |
| Rune                                                    |
| Positions:                                              |
| Speaker:   Ole                                          |

+-Distributor's Report------------------------------------+
| Next available proposal number: 504                     |
| Proposal Queues:                        In Queue Since: |
|                                                         |
| Ole: (22 entries)                                       |
| Horror Vacui                               11.05. 07:28 |
| The Streaker                               11.05. 07:28 |
| Transmute 109                              11.05. 07:28 |
| No Protos Package                          11.05. 07:28 |
| Anti-Ant Package                           11.05. 07:28 |
| Repeal 395                                 11.05. 07:28 |
| Rule Change Package                        11.05. 07:28 |
| Elected Offices                            11.05. 07:28 |
| Calvinball                                 13.05. 17:21 |
| Landslide                                  14.05. 04:40 |
| Amend 334                                  16.05. 21:55 |
| Communications                             16.05. 22:00 |
| Amend 402                                  17.05. 06:13 |
| Counsel for the Prosecution                17.05. 08:37 |
| Throwing Vegetables at People              18.05. 07:25 |
| Transmute 350                              23.05. 08:00 |
| Amend 350                                  23.05. 08:00 |
| Parallel Tracks                            23.05. 08:00 |
| Transmute 350                              23.05. 08:00 |
| Transmute 111                              23.05. 08:00 |
| Amend 111                                  23.05. 08:00 |
| Transmute 111                              23.05. 08:00 |
|                                                         |
| Kira:                                                   |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |
| Christian:                                              |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |
| Rune:                                                   |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |
| Peter:                                                  |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |
| Martin:                                                 |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |
| Piet:                                                   |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |

+-Rulekeeper's Report-------------------------------------+
| Added Rules 499, 500 and 501 to the Ruleset             |
| Posted the current Ruleset to |

+-Court Usher's Report------------------------------------+
| Voluntary Judges:                                       |
| Rune, Ole, Kira                                         |
| Active CFJs:                                            |
| -none-                                                  |
| Decided CFJs:                                           |
| 23 "Rune shall not lose any points related to the       |
|     defeat of proposal 419 and 420"                     |
|   -Kira judged FALSE                                    |
|   -Kira earned 3 Vegetables                             |
| Next available CFJ number: 24                           |

+-Addresskeeper's Report----------------------------------+
| Players:                                                |
| Ole Andersen, palnatoke@g...                      |
| Kira Tendal, aeshna@g...                          |
| Christian Mønsted, dr@m...                       |
| Rune Kock, rune@i...                                   |
| Peter Gadebirk, gadebirk@p...                  |
| Martin P. Jensen, mpj@c...                        |
| Piet Mertz, S980223.Piet.Mertz@H...      |
| E-mail adresses of the game:                            |
| 1)                               |
| 2)                     |
| 3)                          |
| 4)                            |
| 5)                         |
| 6)                          |

+-Timekeeper's Report-------------------------------------+
| I have decided to declare a Pause:                      |
|                                                         |
| THE GAME IS PAUSED FROM                                 |
| SUNDAY, THE 30TH OF MAY 08.00                           |
| TO                                                      |
| SUNDAY, THE 20TH OF JUNE 08.00                          |
|                                                         |
|                                                         |
| Anything happening during the Pause is considered       |
| to be happening Sunday, the 20th of June, 08:00.        |
|                                                         |
| Time schedule:                                          |
| Sunday 08:00    Beginning of new Turn (end of vote)     |
| Monday          Monsanto Time                           |
| Wednesday       Distribution Time (beginning of vote)   |
| Thursday        Tithing Time                            |
| Thursday 20:00  Taxation Announcement Time              |

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From: the Speaker  <palnatoke@g...>
Date: Mon May 31, 1999 12:21pm
Subject: deNomic Paused 30.5-20.6 Vs: Game State Document, 30.05.1999

Rune asked:

> +-Silo Manager's Report-----------------------------------+
> | Players:                                                |
> | Ole: 1 Vegetable                                        |
> +---------------------------------------------------------+
> | Corporations:                                           |
> | The Gnomes of Zurich: 5 Vegetables                      |
> +---------------------------------------------------------+
> | Agricultural Foundation:                                |
> | 25 Vegetables (generic)                                 |
> +---------------------------------------------------------+
> | Payments due:                                           |
> | Agricultural Foundation to Ole:       22 Vegetables     |
> | Agricultural Foundation to Peter:      4 Vegetables     |
> | Agricultural Foundation to Kira:       3 Vegetables     |

Why don't these payments take place?  The debts just accumulate from week to


Because the Officer of Agriculture has chosen to do nothing about it.
Besides, he doesn't have the funds to make all the payments, so he must
choose which to make first. He can't even tax his way out of it, because the
Gnomes are (if I read the Rules correctly) un-taxable.

This might be a reason to oust him, but the Speaker cannot initiate a Vote
of No Confidence. See Rule 325 for details.


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