Axiomatic Spivak

Axiomatic Spivak

Spivak is an alternate grammar which is (at a minimum) gender neutral. Axiom's initial rulset was written in its traditional form. Two alternates have been proposed for regular use in Axiom. In chronological order, here they all are:

Traditional Scheme

          | First Person | Second Person | Third Person
Subject   |      I       |      you      |     e
Object    |      me      |      you      |     em
Possessive|   my/mine    |   your/yours  |  eir/eirs
Reflexive |    myself    |   yourself    |   emself

The McAllister Scheme

          | First Person | Second Person | Third Person
Subject   |      I       |      you      |     ey
 Singular |              |               |
Subject   |      we      |      you      |    they
 Plural   |              |               |
Object    |      me      |      you      |     em
 Singular |              |               |
Object    |      us      |      you      |    them
 Plural   |              |               |
Possessive|   my/mine    |   your/yours  |  eir/eirs
 Singular |              |               |
Possessive|   our/ours   |   your/yours  | their/theirs
 Plural   |              |               |
Reflexive |    myself    |    youself    |   emself
 Singular |              |               |
Reflexive |  ourselves   |   youselves   | themselves
 Plural   |              |               |

The Drummond-Cole Scheme

          | First Person | Second Person | Third Person
Subject   |      me      |      te       |     id
 Singular |              |               |
Subject   |      ne      |      ve       |     se
 Plural   |              |               |
Dir.Object|      ma      |      ta       |     ia
 Singular |              |               |
Dir.Object|      na      |      va       |     sa
 Plural   |              |               |
Indir. Ob |      mi      |      ti       |     ii
 Singular |              |               |
Indir. Ob |      ni      |      vi       |     si
 Plural   |              |               |
Possessive|      mu      |      tu       |     iu
 Singular |              |               |
Possessive|      nu      |      vu       |     su
 Plural   |              |               |
Reflexive |      mo(a)   |      to(a)    |     io(a)
 Singular |              |               |
Reflexive |      no(a)   |      vo(a)    |     so(a)
 Plural   |              |               |
Ablative  |      my      |      ty       |     sy
 Singular |              |               |
Ablative  |      ny      |      vy       |     sy 
 Plural   |              |               |

Related Sites

  • Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak The person.

    Last Updated: 3/21/2000 11:00pm PST
    Author: Jennifer Mueller
    If you're wonder whether the game is still going, message me at