Ackanomic Player Scores - Cycle 35

See also the pointlog & mannnalog.

The Magic Number is 234. The Happy Number is 105. (Thus, the Sad Number is 129.)
Niccolo Flychuck has had the Magic Potato and Calvin N Hobbes has had the Great Tuba since 02 AUG 1999 12:00:00.00.
Harfmeister: Emperor Ai! Pedrito!
Harfy props: None
Current Streak: 4277

1999 Tornadoes: March 20, 14:54 EST; June 21, 10:02 EDT; September 23, 01:37 EDT; December 21, 20:55 EST.

Current Scores:

Score Mannna Ackanomic Name      Status Real Name
----- ------ ------------------- ------ ----------------
  264   3209 /dev/joe                   (Joseph DeVincentis)
  258    637 K 2                        (Kelly Kelly)
  247   4350 A German Dog               (Joseph Traub)
  213   2008 King Felix                 (Gavin Logan)
  185    554 Pregnant Hippo             (Tom Walmsley)
  173    587 IdiotBoy                   (Matt Miller)
  163   1736 ThinMan                    (John Bollinger)
  157    742 Eggplant Tempura           (Eric Plumb)
  155    659 Blest Lax Monk Pal         (Gavin Doig)
  139    556 Slakko                     (Duncan Richer)
  138    650 Alfvaen                    (Aaron Humphrey)
  109    -40 Niccolo Flychuck           (Uri Bruck)
   74   1497 else...if                  (Henry Towsner)
   71    881 Pure Haste                 (James McGregor)
   68   4564 Studge                     (Tom Mueller)
   64    120 404 Not Found              (Joel Ricker)
   58    861 rufus                      (David Scheidt)
   56   4163 Emperor Ai! Pedrito!       (Gabriel Drummond-Cole)
   29    135 Vynd                       (John McCoy)
   23   1000 and                        (Eric Wald)
   22    140 two-star                   (Alexandre Muniz)
   21    300 Calvin N Hobbes            (Thierry Joffrain)
   18    620 danke                      (Bill Palmer)
    5    120 Robert Sevin               (Mitchell Harding)
    1    210 Burn the Witch             (Jonathan David Amery)
    0    110 Kane                       (Tyrrell McAllister)
   -3    120 Taser                      (Antonio Rodriguez)

Status: Temporarily blank NOTE: "On Ice" players are no longer listed here. Point Log for this cycle

Scores at the end of past cycles | (1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) | (11) | (12) | (13) | (14) | (15) | (16) | (17) | (18) | (19) | (20) | (21) | (22) | (23) | (24) | (25) | (26) | (27) | (28) | (29) | (30) | (31) | (32) | (33) |

Summary of scoring rules(last up dated 3-March-99)

Main Rules Player Officers Entity Games Misc All - Together - Now

Automatically generated by K 2 using Rob V0.4.5 on 09 August 1999 15:55:49