Proposal 1401 - Sat 2 Nov 8:10 CST 1996
New Pay Scale
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: Accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Amend R 609, section (v) to read:

(v) Salaries:

If the Rules specify that a particular Officer is to receive a specified salary in A$s, then that number of A$ is transferred from the Treasury to that Officer at noon on the first Monday of each month.

{{[ This will make things easier on the Financier, whether it is Malenkai, me, or someone else. ]}}

Amend R 612, section (ii) to read:

(ii) As a Privilege of Office, each Player shall receive a monthly salary of A$25 for every Functional Office held.

{{[ A modification here is necessary with the change applied to R 609. This amendment actually constitutes a pay raise for functional officers, which I think very appropriate. ]}}

Amend R 615, section (iii) to read:

(iii) As an additional Privilege of Office, the Speaker shall receive a monthly salary of A$35.

{{[ Again, necessary with the conversion to monthly salaries, plus a pay raise. ]}}

Proposal 1402 - Sat 2 Nov 8:10 CST 1996
Duck, duck, goose
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Replace the phrase "A player who has possessed the Goose..." in sections 3 and 4 of Rule 1243 with "A player who possesses the Goose and has done so..."

Proposal 1403 - Sat 2 Nov 8:10 CST 1996
Happy Trails, to You
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted

Insert the following paragraph into Rule 1276, immediately after section G.

H. During the course of a game of Grab-a-Donkey, the Wrangler may voluntarily give the transfer the title of Wrangler to any willing player not on the GAL. The transfer must occur between two rounds, immediatly after the old wrangler releases the results for a round. If the Wrangler goes on Vacation or quits the game of Ackanomic, the first player not on the GAL to name himself Wrangler shall become the Wrangler, and the game of Grab-a-Donkey shall continue from its last publically knowable state. If no player not on the GAL does so within three days, and the old Wrangler has not yet returned from Vacation or rejoined the game, then the current game of Grab-a-Donkey will end, and there shall be no Wrangler.

Proposal 1404 - Sat 2 Nov 8:11 CST 1996
The FM Revisited
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: Accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Amend R 482, part II, section (2) to read:

2) An entity is Tradeable if and only if the rules specify that it is, otherwise it is non-Tradeable. No entity may be transferred or exchanged except by methods specified in the rules.

{{[ This fixes a problem that non-Tradeable entities might have been possible to exchange under the auspices of R 115. It also simplifies the language and clarifies the situation: Tradability really only qualifies an entity for exchange on the Free Market, and serves as a general class of entities for conceptual purposes. Neither Tradeable nor non-Tradeable entities are supposed to be exchangeable except as described by the Rules anyway. I've been wanting to do this for some time. ]}}

Amend R 482, part II, section (3) to read:

3) The FM is a conceptual tool, physically realized in the public fora and the Financier's log of transactions. There is also an AckaNomic building named the Free Market.

Amend R 482, part II, section (5) by renumbering it as "i)".

Amend R 482, part II, section (6) by renumbering it as "ii)".

Amend R 482, part II, section (7) by renumbering it as "5)", striking the first sentence, and adding the following sentences to the end: "The Financier should keep a record of each transaction, preferrably in his log. Failure to keep a record of a legal transaction is a Crime."

{{[ The above changes make the FM definition match what we're actually doing. It's always nice to do that. ]}}

Amend R 482, part II by deleting section (8).
{{[ section (8) is superfluous. ]}}

Proposal 1405 - Sat 2 Nov 8:10 CST 1996
Lost Treasures
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: retracted by author

This is a Modest proposal.

Add the following paragraph to the end of Rule 1348.2

If neither the map writer nor any map custodian for a given Treasure Map is registered as a player, that Treasure shall be considered lost, and it shall be transferred to the Treasury. Any Trinkets in that Treasure shall be converted to their value in A$, and the Treasure Map for that Treasure shall be destroyed.

Proposal 1406 - Sat 2 Nov 8:11 CST 1996
More Otzma Tweaking
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest Proposal

Modify the rule entitled "Definition of Otzma Cards" as follows.
Change III, 4, d to read

d. CrIndex -- creation index for a given type of Otzma Card. CrIndex is defined as MaxCard-LiveCard. If MaxCard is not defined for a specific type of Otzma Card, then CrIndex is defined as the average of the CrIndexes of all the other types of Otzma Cards. If MaxCard is not defined for any type of Otzma card, then CrIndex for each type is 15.

Change III, 4, f, (v) to read

(v) After all changes have been applied the following adjustments are made: Any negative CrIndex is changed to zero. A CrIndex which is greater than MaxCard for that type is changed to MaxCard. (For this purpose only, the MaxCard value for a type that has no MaxCard defined shall be the highest MaxCard for any type. If no values of Maxcard are defined, then for this purpose only, MaxCard for all types will be 100.)

Change III, 6, a, fifth sentence to read

Each Probablility point can be used by the RuneMaker to increase or decrease CrIndex of any Otzma Card type by one, as long as decreasing a CrIndex doesn't bring it down to zero.

Proposal 1407 - Sat 2 Nov 8:11 CST 1996
Donkeys can't be *that* attractive
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend R 1276 to reletter current sections 'E' thru 'G' to 'F' thru 'H', and add a new section 'E' which reads:

E. All players who have admired their donkeys for the fifth consecutive round will be removed from the GAL at the start of the following Round.

Proposal 1408 - Sat 2 Nov 8:12 CST 1996
More Swinger Tweaking
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

Ammend R1269 "Newton, Apples, and Parites" to read in full:

1. Let NoS be the the number of Swingers, excludings Swinger on Vacation, including Acting Swingers.
2. Every two weeks on Tuesday, the following things happen:
a. All existing Swingpoints are converted to points and are added to the scores of the players who own them.
b. The Chess-Umpire awards Swingpoints to Swingers who have positive Weights according to the following scheme:
(i) The Swinger or Swingers with the highest Absolute Weight receives NoS-1 SwingPoints.
(ii) The Swinger or Swingers with the second highest Absolute Weight receives NoS-2 SwingPoints.
(iii) The Swinger or Swingers with the third highest Absolute Weight receives NoS-3 SwingPoints.
(iv) If NoS>4 then the Swinger or Swingers with the fourth highest Absolute Weight receives NoS-4 SwingPoints.
(v) If NoS>5 the Swinger or Swingers with the fifth highest Absolute Weight receives NoS-5 SwingPoints.
(vi) If NoS>6 then the Swinger or Swingers with the sixth highest Absolute Weight receives Nos-6 SwingPoints.
c. If it is not possible to find a Swinger that answers the description in any of the above sections, then that section is ignored. A Swinger who received Swinger points by one section cannot receive Swingerpoint by section which follows it.

3. Swingpoints are Tradable.
4. Swingpoints can converted to the following items:
a. Any set of Swingpoints can be converted to an equal number of points which are added to the player's score.
b. A set of four Swingpoints can be converted to a single Bonus-Vote.
c. Any set of Swingpoints can be converted into an equal number of probability points which are added to the CrIndex of an Otzma Card type chosen by the player.

5. The process of conversion.
a. A player can only convert Swingpoints that e owns, if a player attempts to vonvert more Swingpoints than e owns, the conversion does not take place.
b. A player makes a conversion by publically anouncing the fact the e is doing so.
c. A player can only make a single conversion at a time.
d. A player can only make a conversion if e has not made any conversion of any type in the preceding 7 days. A player cannot make a conversion if e has made a conversion of the same type in the preceding 14 days. The default conversion described in 2a, is not subject to these restrictions.

6. It is the duty of the Chess-Umpire to track all aspects of Swingpoints. If there is no Chess-Umpire, then it is the duty of the newest Swinger to keep track of Swingpoints.

Proposal 1409 - Sun 3 Nov 12:27 CST 1996
Praetor Bugfix
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 1374, so that section III reads:

III. If a judge or judge-designate should ever be declared a deadbeat, the CotC shall select the Praetor as the next Judge for the deadbeat's CFJ. If, however, the Praetor's seat is vacant, or the Praetor is ineligible to receive the CFJ in the first place [e.g., because they initiated it, or it is a CFCJ and the Praetor is the defendant], it shall be reassigned as if the deadbeat had actively declined judgment.

Proposal 1410 - Sun 3 Nov 12:28 CST 1996
Bad Pointer Reference
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Create a new rule reading:

1) If proposal 1399 was accepted, amend R 1206 to remove all occurrances of the following sentence:

"This sub-section has precedence over R 906."

2) If proposal 1401 was accepted, amend the third paragraph of R 1243 as follows:

a) replace all occurrances of "4 A$" with "18 A$".
b) replace all occurrances of "2 point" with "9 point".

3) If proposal 1401 was accepted, amend the fourth paragraph of R 1243 as follows:

Replace all occurrances of:

"If he has paid for the Goose's food or been bitten since the last time he has treated the Goose to a luxury"


"Once per calendar week"

4) Amend R 1243 to replace all occurrances of "post that he is spending an additional" in the fourth paragraph with "spend".


Proposal 1411 - Sun 3 Nov 12:28 CST 1996
Taking off the Training Wheels
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: Rejected

The first sectence of the fifth paragraph of R 592 shall be amended to:

"A manipulation of a protected entitiy is permissable if it is not explicitly regulated by the rules and would not have a material effect on the game."

Proposal 1412 - Sun 3 Nov 12:28 CST 1996
More Consolidations
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 201 so that its title is "Quorum and Active Players", and so that its text is:

In a vote on a proposal, the quorum required is that at least 50% of the active players cast their one vote allowed by rule 390.

A player is defined as "active" only if said Player has voted on a proposal. Vacationing players who do not vote, however, are not considered active for the purpose of determining quorum.


Repeal R 587, "Definition of Active Player"


Amend R 390 so that its title is "Voting" and so that its text is:

Players may vote either YES, NO, or PRESENT on each proposal, or choose not to vote on a proposal, which is called abstaining. Players who do not vote within the prescribed voting period shall be deemed to have abstained. Players may change their vote up until the end of the prescribed voting period, but in any case are limited to one vote per proposal.

The required number of YES votes for a proposal to be accepted is two-thirds of the total number of YES and NO votes legally cast within the prescribed voting period. If that value is 0, however, the required number of YES votes for acceptance is 1.

The prescribed voting period on a proposal is seven days, starting from the moment that the proposal is publicly distributed as specified by the rules.

Entities may vote only as specified by the rules. Non-entites may not vote.

Repeal Rule 463 "Voting Options"
Repeal Rule 485 "The Prescribed Voting Period"
Repeal Rule 581 "Required Number Of Votes"


Amend Rule 422 "Required Number Of Points To Win" as follows:

1) Replace the first paragraph with the following text:

The Magic Number is the number of points needed to win a cycle by points. The base value of the Magic Number is 257. The Magic Number, and its base value, may only be changed as specified by the rules.

2) Add the following paragraph at the end of the rule:

If the score of any player becomes greater than the Magic Number, then the Magic Number is increased by 16, or to 11 points above the highest player score, whichever is greater.


Amend R 666 so that section k) reads:

k) The game cycle number is incremented, and the Magic Number is reset to its base value.


Repeal Rule 866 "No Overshooting"


Amend R 423 so that its title is "Retractions", and so that its text is:
A player may retract their own proposal by publically posting that they are doing so, so long as the voting results on that proposal have not been publically announed. All votes cast on a retracted proposal shall be ignored. The player retracting the proposal loses 2 points.

A player may retract their own Call For Judgement (CFJ) by publically posting that they are doing so, so long as a verdict on that CFJ has not been delivered. The player retracting the CFJ loses 1 point.

A player may retract their own Miscellaneous Submission by publically posting that they are doing so, so long as a decision on the acceptance or rejection of the submission in question is not publically knowable. The player retracting the submission loses 1 point. This section takes precedence over any mutable rule which would prevent retraction of these entities. Instances of following, and nothing else, are Miscellaneous Submissions:
a) Impeachment Papers
b) Common Sense Reports
c) New Games and Contest submissions as described by Rule 1206

Repeal Rule 578, "Retracting CFJ's"


Amend R 609 to append the following text at the end of the rule:

(xi) Effeciency

Officers have 3 days to complete the tasks and duties they are responsible for, not counting any time the officer is on vacation or in Gaol, unless other rules unambigiously specify a different finite amount of time for these things. This section takes precedence over any other mutable rule which specifies an unlimited amount of time, does not specify an amount of time, or is unclear in its time specifications with regards to the amount of time officers have to complete tasks and duties.

Officers, in good faith, shall do all tasks and duties as quickly as feaseable to keep the game moving along.

Repeal Rule 971, "Speed"


Create a new rule entitled "I wish renumbering rules was a valid rule change" which reads:

Renumber Rule 1365, "Crime" to 713.

[I was also going to consolidate R 1315 into the FM or A$ rule as part of this proposal, but it looks like Mohammed is going to do that. I know, this comment has nothing to do with renumbering crime, except that I want to renumber crime to be with the Gaol/CFCJ stuff]


Amend R 491 so that its second sentence reads:

"A rule change is valid if it describes the creation of a new mutable rule, the amendment of an existing mutable rule, the repeal of an existing mutable rule, the renumbering of an existing mutable rule, or a change of the mutability of any rule."

Proposal 1413 - Sun 3 Nov 12:29 CST 1996
No Blind Thomas' Newspapers
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: retracted by author

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend the first sentence of Rule 891, paragraph 2, to read, "The player that creates a newspaper is said to own that newspaper until such time as it is legally traded, at which point the player to whom it was traded owns it."

Proposal 1414 - Tue 5 Nov 12:51 CST 1996
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: retracted by author

[I was planning to add some more stuff to this, but decided that each day I waited some of the same stuff was getting Proposed, so it's either ship it now or let it grow obsolete and spend an enormous amount of time keeping it up-to-date. So here it is.]
The symbol --- is used many times in this proposal as a delimiter.  It
is not part of the text it marks off.

1.  Modify Rule 592 ("Protection") to read, in full:
	A Protected action may not be performed except as specified
	by the rules.  An action's performance has no effect on the
	game other than those effects specified by the Rules.  All
	actions in Ackanomic are Protected by default, unless the
	rule(s) which specify or define their behaviour explicitly
	state otherwise.

2.  Create a new rule, titled "Entities", reading:
	All entities created solely under the authority of Rule 115 are
	destroyed.  [From now on it's strictly Trinkets.]

	Something is an entity if and only if the rules specify that it is.

	An entity may not be created, destroyed, or manipulated except
	as specified by the Rules.  It can have no material effect on the
	game other than those effects specified by the Rules.

	Rules, the rule set, and Proposals are unownable entities.
	Rule changes may manipulate Rules and the Rule set.

	Manipulation of an entity is permissible if such manipulation
	is not explicitly regulated by the rules, and such
	manipulation would not have a material effect on the game. In other
	words, the game state must be the same after the manipulation as it
	would have been had the manipulation not occurred.

	For the purposes of this rule, discussion and messages (public or
	private) are not considered a material effect on the game.  Nor are
	the initiation or results of a CFJ or CFCJ concerning the matter of
	whether or not a certain event constitutes a material effect.  It
	is recognized that deciding whether a particular manipulation
	materially affected the game state is a matter that often can only
	be decided by judgement alone.

	{{ This Rule is hereby renumbered to 500. }}

[ Current text of "Protection":

   Rule 592/6 (Mutable)
   Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
	A Protected entity may not be created, destroyed, or manipulated
	except as specified by the Rules. It has no effect on the game other
	than those effects specified by the Rules.
	A Protected action may not be performed except as specified by the
	rules. An action's performance has no effect on the game other than
	those effects specified by the Rules.
	All entities and actions in Ackanomic are Protected by default,
	unless the rule(s) which specify or define their behaviour
	*explicitly* state otherwise. This clause defers precedence to all
	such mutable rules which *explicitly* state such.
	Rules, the rule set, proposals, points, currency, Officers, Players,
	and PFbonds are protected entities. Rule changes may manipulate
	rules and the rule set.
	Manipulation of a protected entitiy is permissable if such
	manipulation is not explicitly regulated by the rules, and such
	manipulation would not have a material effect on the game. In other
	words, the game state must be the same after the manipulation as it
	would have been had the manipulation not occurred.

	For the purposes of the above paragraph, discussion of the
	manipulation is not considered a material effect on the game. Nor is
	the initiation, or the effects, of a CFJ or CFCJ alledging or
	indicating the manipulation was illegal, unless said CFJ or CFCJ is
	judged TRUE. It is recognized that deciding whether a particular
	manipulation materially affected the game state is a matter that
	often can only be decided by judgement alone.

	Extra-Nomic entities and actions, and External Concepts, including
	but not limited to: linguistic and customary interpretation, game
	custom, spirit of the game, and food and drink, are explicitly not
	Protected. Words and the use of words in public messages are not
	Protected, except where specified by other rules.

3.  A new Rule is created, titled "Entity Names", reading:
	Each entity is either named (which means it has a name) or
	nameless.  An entity is nameless unless the Rules specify

	When a named entity is created, it shall be given a name in
	accordance with the Rules.  If the Rules do not specify any
	other method for deterimining its name, or if the method
	specified does not give a legal name, that entity shall be
	considered nameless until a name is legally assigned to it.

	A name is a sequence of name characters.  The name characters are:

	! # $ % & * + - / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : = ? @ \ ^ _
	A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
	a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
	| ~ ,

	and the space character.

	[ Parentheses, single quotes, double quotes, back quotes, the
	period, square brackets, angle brackets, and braces are not
	name characters.] {{[This is slightly different from
	the previous rule, but it's not a gratuitous change, and no names
	are affected that I know of.]}}

	{{ This Rule is renumbered to 500.1 . }}

4.  A new Rule is created, titled "Entity Ownership", reading:
	Named entities may own other ownable entities, or even own themselves.
	(Nameless entities may not.)

	Each entity is either unownable, non-tradeable, tradeable, or gift.
	An entity is non-tradeable unless the Rules specify otherwise.

	If an entity is non-tradeable, tradeable, or gift, then it is
	ownable.  At any given time, each ownable entity is either
	owned by one named entity or Somewhere Else (unowned).

	When an ownable entity is created, it is unowned, unless the
	Rules specify an initial owner for it.  Entities may be
	transferred from one owner to another only through methods
	specified by the Rules.

	{{ This Rule is renumbered to 500.2. }}

5.  A new Rule is created, titled "Entity Uniqueness", reading:
	An entity is unique if, and only if, the Rules specify that it
	is.  Each unique entity is the only entity of its type.

	If there are several entities of the same type, and at least
	one of them is unique, all the non-unique entities of that
	type are destroyed.  If there are several unique entities of
	the same type, the oldest one survives and the rest are

	Unique entities may not be cloned, copied, duplicated, or
	Xeroxed; an attempt to forge a copy of a unique entity always
	results in humiliating failure.

	{{ This Rule is renumbered to 500.3 . }}

6.  A new Rule is created, titled "Trading and Gifts", reading:
	This Rule defers to all other rules.  [Rules may specify
	conditions in which certain trades may not take place, even
	though this rule specifies that they are legal.  Rules may
	specify alternate means of trading entities, beyond those given

	A Player may offer a trade of one group of entities for
	another, by sending a public message specifying the entities
	offered (if any) and the entities requested (if any); however,
	all the entities mentioned must be either tradeable or gift.
	If the message further states specifically to which Players
	the trade is offered, then the trade is exclusive; otherwise
	it is offered at large.

	An offer made in this way stands until it is legally retracted or
	accepted, or the player who offered it no longer owns the entities
	offered, or the offer has been standing for at least three days,
	whichever comes first.

	A Player may retract a trade he or she offered by sending a public
	message to that effect.

	A Player may accept an exclusive trade offered to him or her,
	or any trade offered at large [but not one that was offered
	specifically to someone else] if, and only if, he or she owns
	all of the entities requested.  He or she does this by sending
	a public message to that effect.

	When a Player accepts a standing trade, the entities offered
	are transferred from the Player who offered the trade to the
	Player who accepted it, and the entities requested in exchange
	are transferred from the Player who accepted the trade to the
	Player who offered it.

	A Player who owns a gift entity may transfer that entity to
	another Player by sending a public message announcing the

	All trades made as described by this rule are said to occur on
	the Free Market.

7.  Rule 218 ("Registered Players") is amended by adding the sentence
"Players are named, unownable entities." after the sentence "A player
is any person who is registered as a player."

8.  Rule 422 ("Required Number Of Points To Win") is amended by adding
the paragraph
	Points are entities.  [Players gain and lose points as a part
	of gameplay.]
at the beginning.

9.  Rule 428 ("Office of the Financier and Free Market") is amended to
read, in full:
	The Office of the Financier (OotF), or Financier, is a Functional

	The Duties of the Financier are:

	a)  To maintain accurate records of the who owns each ownable
	entity, what each Player owns, and what each named non-Player
	entity [such as the Treasury or the Chartreuse Goose] owns.

	b)  To log all transfers of entity ownership and the creation
	and destruction of entities, and to verify that these events
	happen only in accordance with the Rules.

	c)  To make the records and logs available to any Player upon request.

	d)  To maintain the Free Market (FM), and to verify any
	transaction made there was made in accordance with the rules.
	The Financier is responsible for overseeing the lawful
	functioning of any entity that deals on, is related to, uses
	the FM, when using the FM.  This includes the authority to
	negotiate and resolve conflicts or disagreements between such
	entities according to the rules, tradition, or to the best of
	his/her judgement, in that order.

	The Priveleges of the Financier are:

	a) To appoint up to 2 assistants, to help in gathering, maintaining,
	and publishing information pertaining to the above.  These assistants
	may resign.  These assistants are not Officers.

	b) To receive the usual salary for a Functional Officer.

[ The rest of the stuff is moved in with the various Entity rules.
    Current text:

	I. Financier
	The Office of the Financier (OotF), or Financier, is a Functional
	The duties of the Financier are:
	a) To maintain accurate records of all players' account balances,
	and a log of all debits and credits to those balances.
	b) To maintain a list of balances and assets of all non-player
	entities, such as the Treasury.
	c) To publish all account balances on at least a bi-weekly basis,
	and to make the logs or balances available to any player upon
	d) To maintain the Free Market (FM), and to verify any transaction
	made there was made in accordance with the rules. The Financier is
	responsible for overseeing the lawful functioning of any entity that
	deals on, is related to, uses the FM, when using the FM. This
	includes the authority to negotiate and resolve conflicts or
	disagreements between such entities according to the rules,
	tradition, or to the best of his/her judgement, in that order.
	The priviledges of the Financier are:
	a) To appoint up to 2 assistants, to help in gathering, maintaining,
	and publishing information pertaining to the above. These assistants
	may resign. These assistants are not "officiers", as the term is
	generally used elsewhere in the rules.
	b) To receive the usual salary for a functional officer.
	II. Trading and the Free Market (FM)

	1) All entities are either Tradeable or non-Tradeable.

	2) An entity is Tradeable if and only if the rules specify that it
	is, otherwise it is non-Tradeable. The rules may specify specific
	conditions or mechanisms for non-Tradeable entities to be traded or
	transferred; this rule defers to any such rules where there is a
	conflict. Tradeable entities may only be transferred by methods
	described in the rules.

	3) The FM is a bulletin board where players may post a desire to
	make a trade, and is where a record of all trades are kept.

	4) Two players may trade a non-negative quantity of a Tradeable
	entity for another non-negative quantity of another (or the same)
	Tradeable entity on the FM, as described following. (If one of the
	quantities is 0, the trade may be specified as a "gift" or
	"donation" for convienence).

	5) Both players must consent to the trade, and must own sufficient
	quanitity of the entity to fulfill their half of the trade.

	6) The trade is completed (unless it is deemed unlawful) by both
	players posting their consent to the public forum, along with a
	description of the trade.

	7) A record of the trade is recorded on the FM by the Financier. If
	the Financier determines that the trade is not in accordance with
	the rules, it is deemed never to have happened.

	8) Other rules may specify other methods in which Tradeable entities
	may be transferred, independent of the FM.

10.  Rule 480 ("Creation of the AckaDollar") is amended by changing the
sentence "AckaDollars are tradeable." to "AckaDollars are gift
entities." and by changing the Rule's Title to "AckaDollars".

11.  Rule 481 ("Creation of PF Bonds") is amended by changing
	PF Bonds are tradeable. They may not be broken into fractional PF
	PF bonds are nameless, tradeable entities.  They may not be
	broken into fractional PF bonds.
and by changing the Rule's Title to "PF Bonds".

12.  Rule 549 ("The Blue Cross") is amended by adding the sentence "A
Blue Cross Bonus is a nameless, non-tradeable entity." to the end of
section 2 and by adding the sentence "Gold and Silver Stripes are
nameless, non-tradeable entities."

13.  Rule 570 ("Player Names") is amended by changing
Each player will have an Official Ackanomic Name. The Name must
consist of at least three, and no more than twenty alphanumerical
characters. All nomic business must use the Name when referring to a
specific player.
Players are named.  A Player's name must consist of at least three,
and no more than twenty name characters.  All nomic business must use
the Name when referring to a specific player.
and by removing
Alphanumerical characters are defined for this rule to include
alphanumeric characters and (! @ # $ % ^ & * ' " , . ^ ! : ; / \ | -
_ = + space). Excluded are the characters < > ( ) { } [ ].

[This rules justifies the common practice that some players have
name like Calvin N Hobbes, Robert Sevin and allow names like
/dev/joe and De'ghew. Yes, the ' ' or space is not an alphanumeric
character :)]

14.  Amend Rule 593 ("The Inventor") by changing
	(iii) Blueprints and Gadgets are protected.
	(iii) Blueprints are unownable entities.

15.  Rule 609 ("Offices, Commonalities") is amended by adding
	Offices are named, unownable entities.
at the beginning, and by adding
	A Seat of an Office is an unownable entity.  [Seats are held,
	not owned.]
after "(i) Seats:".

16.  Rule 642 is amended by changing
	Rule numbers and proposal numbers are protected.
	Rule numbers and proposal numbers are unownable entities.

17.  Rule 665 ("Treasury and Hard Money") is amended by changing 
	The acka-entity called the Treasury now exists.

	The Treasury serves as a storing house for acka-entities that
	belong to no Player. Items in the Treasury may not be
	manipulated in any way except as explicitly allowed by the
	The Treasury is a named, unownable entity that serves as a
	storing house for entities that belong to no Player.  Items
	owned by the Treasury are said to be "in the Treasury", and
	they may not be manipulated in any way except as explicitly
	allowed by the Rules.

18. Rule 683 ("ExtraNomic Entities") shall be amended to read:
	Other nomics may exist, although it is uncertain exactly where
	they might reside (maybe in some of the smaller cells of the

	When the Rules specify that an entity is "imported" from
	another nomic, that entity is, for the purposes of Ackanomic,
	created at that time.  Its behavior and ownership are
	generally governed by the rules of the nomic from which it was
	imported.  However, it may not perform protected actions,
	create entities, or manipulate or destroy entities that
	weren't imported from the same nomic; if a nomic specifies
	that an entity imported from it performs any of these actions,
	the entity is immediately exported.  For the purposes of
	Ackanomic, it is then destroyed.

[ Current text:
By this rule, Ackanomic recognizes the legitimate existence of
entities that live the InterNomic realm, which is composed of
(potentially) all Nomics, and that players from Ackanomic itself are
allowed to be a part of them.  These organizations are governed by
MetaNomic rules as set down by whatever InterNomic entity is
recognized by Ackanomic, while the members of such organizations must
abide by the rules of their respective individual Nomics. ]

19.  Rule 762 ("The Great Trombone of Ackanomia") is amended by changing
	The Great Trombone is protected, and cannot be transferred or
	destroyed except as described by the rules.
	The Great Trombone is a non-tradeable entity.

20.  Rule 786 ("Gadgets") is amended by changing
	(iii) A Gadget has at most one owner. Gadgets are tradeable.
	(iii) Gadgets are tradeable entities.
and by removing
	(iv) Entites with the same name as a Gadget proposed or
	introduced by a Blueprint may only be created in accordance with
	procedures explicitly delineated in the Rules.

[ Gadgets are protected; just because something has the same name
doesn't make it a Gadget.  Also, you can't make a Trinket with the
same name as anything else under the new rules anyway, and there will
be no more R115 entities.]

21.  Rule 818 ("Prosthetic Foreheads") is amended by changing
	This rule creates a type of entity known as a Prosthetic Forehead.
	There is an endless supply and an endless variety of Prosthetic
	Foreheads. Prosthetic Foreheads are protected and tradeable.
	There is an endless supply and an endless variety of
	Prosthetic Foreheads.  Prosthetic Foreheads are tradeable

22.  Rule 827 ("The Amber Banana") is amended by changing
	The Amber Banana, and the tree it grows on, are protected, and can
	only be destroyed by Acid Rain.
	The Amber Banana, and the tree it grows on, are entities, and can
	only be destroyed by Acid Rain.

23.  Rule 867 ("Eggs and Fruit") is amended by changing
	A Chartreuse Goose Egg is an Ackanomic Entity. Any number may exist at
	any time.
	A Chartreuse Goose Egg is a nameless, tradeable entity.
and by changing
	A Right-Handed Grapefruit is an Ackanomic Entity. Only one may
	exist at any time. A player who owns a Right-Handed Grapefruit may at
	any time make Right-Handed Grapefruit Juice. Right-Handed Grapefruits
	have no other power. Right-Handed Grapefruit Juice has only those
	powers granted it by the Rules.
	The Right-Handed Grapefruit is a unique, non-tradeable entity.  A
	Player who owns a Right-Handed Grapefruit may at any time make
	Right-Handed Grapefruit Juice (a tradeable, potable
and by deleting the sentences labelled (a) and (b) at the end.

[ Current text:

	(a) Chartreuse Goose Eggs, Right-Handed Grapefruits, and
	Right-Handed Grapefruit Juice may only be created, destroyed, or
	manipulated as the Rules specify.

	(b) If entities have Power attributes, then Chartreuse Goose
	Eggs, Right-Handed Grapefruits, and Right-Handed Grapefruit Juice
	shall each have power 0.6666, and the sentences labelled (a) and
	(b) shall be deleted from this rule.

I think Power's dead & buried; (a) is effectively Protection and
as such is now unnecessary.

24.  Rule 891 ("The Press") is amended by changing
	The player that creates a newspaper is said to own that newspaper.
	No player may own more than three newspapers at any one time.
	Newspapers are tradeable. An owner of a newspaper may close it down
	by publically announcing that he is doing so. In this case, that
	newspaper is said to have "gone bust" and no longer exists.
	Newspapers are named, tradeable entities.  When a newspaper is
	created, it belongs to the player who started it.  To own more
	than three newspapers at any one time is a Crime.  An owner of a
	newspaper may close it down by publically announcing that he is
	doing so.  In this case, that newspaper is said to have "gone
	bust" and no longer exists.
and by deleting the sentence "Newspapers are protected entities."

25.  Rule 962.2 ("Player Leaving/Returning Process") is amended by
adding the sentence "Bond Promissories are nameless, tradeable
entities." to the end of the first paragraph.

26.  Rule 964 ("Undead") is amended by changing
	There exists the class of protected acka-entities known as the

	a) Each Undead has a name and can act to "haunt" some number
	of entities.
	There exists the class of named, unownable entities kwown as
	the Undead.

	a) Each Undead can act to "haunt" some number of entities.

27.  Rule 1033 ("Bronze Torch") is amended by replacing:
	Any number of Bronze Torches may exist at any one time. They
	may only be owned by players, and have only those powers	
	specified by the Rules and shall only be created and destroyed
	as specified by the Rules. A player may have at most one
	Bronze Torch. Bronze Torches may not be bought, sold, or
	otherwise traded or transferred amongst players, except as
	specified in this rule. This clause has precedence over any
	mutable rule which would allow such transference.
	Bronze Torches are metallic entities.  A Player may have at
	most one Bronze torch.
and by removing
	Upon a player leaving the game, their Bronze Torch is haunted
	by their undead.
(which is the default.)

28.  Rule 1155 ("Decks of Playing Cards") is amended by changing
	This paragraph takes precedence over all other mutable rules
	dealing with Playing Cards and Decks of Playing Cards.  A Deck of
	Playing Cards (or Deck) is an Ackanomic Entity which consists
	of some number of elements called Playing Cards (or simply
	Cards).  Cards may not be created, destroyed, sold, or traded
	except when entire Decks are created, destroyed, sold, or
	traded together.  Cards may not be exchanged between
	Decks. Decks are tradable.
	This paragraph takes precedence over all other mutable Rules
	dealing with Playing Cards and Decks of Playing Cards.  A Deck
	of Playing Cards (or Deck) is an entity which consists of some
	number of elements called Playing Cards (or simply Cards).
	Cards are non-tradeable entities.  Cards may not be exchanged
	between Decks.
and by changing
	A deck does not have an owner, unless the instantiating
	document says it does.  Decks may be used without being
	owned.  An unowned deck is not tradable.
	A Deck is unownable, unless the instantiating document
	specifies an owner for it, in which case it is tradeable.

29.  Rule 1240 ("The Machine That Goes *ping*") is amended by changing
	I. There exists the Ackanomic entity called The Machine That Goes
	*ping*, henceforth known as the Machine. Should a Machine ever be
	created by means other than this rule, it instantly ceases to exist.
	The Machine is protected.
	I. There exists the unique entity called The Machine That Goes
	*ping*, henceforth known as the Machine.

30.  Rule 1243 ("Chartreuse Goose") is amended by changing
	Let the Chartreuese Goose exist, it is a unique entity. Initially
	it is Somewhere Else. It may only be possessed by one player at a 
	Let a unique, non-tradeable entity exist named the Chartreuse

31.  Rule 1300 ("Patent Infringement") is amended by changing
If there is a type of Ackanomic Entity whose creation or existance is
specified by a Rule or Rules, and yet a Player possesses an Entity of
that type whose creation or existance was made possible solely by the
Rule "Permissibility of the Unprohibited," that Player shall be Guilty
of Patent Infringement, unless that Entity is any type of Frog.
When a rule change occurs that causes a new named entity or named
class of entities to exist, and a Player owns an entity with the same
name as the new entity or class, that Player shall be Guilty of Patent
Infringement, unless that entity is any type of Frog.

[There may be other problems with this rule but I won't try to fix
them here.]

32.  Rule 1312 ("Garments") is amended by changing
	A class of Protected entity known as a Garment exists. Garments are
	Tradeable, unless the rules for a particular Garment specify
	A class of entity known as a Garment exists.  Garments are
	tradeable, unless the rules for a particular Garment specify

33.  Rule 1315 ("Easy Money") is repealed.  [Since A$ are gift, we
don't need it.]

34.  Rule 1318 ("Bond Options") is amended by changing...
	1) A class of entity known as Bond Options (Options) exist. Bond
	Options are Tradeable and mimsy.
	1) A class of nameless, tradeable, mimsy entity known as Bond Options
	(Options) exist.
and by changing
	6) Specific Options are named as follows:
	O<Name of Bond>-<Quantity>-A$<Strike Price>-<Exp. Date as
	6) Specific Options are labelled as follows:
	O<Name of Bond>-<Quantity>-A$<Strike Price>-<Exp. Date as

35.  Rule 1348 ("Trinkets") is amended by changing
	A class of Tradeable entities known as Trinkets exist. Trinkets may be
	traded via the same procedures allowed for the trading of Ackadollars.
	A class of gift entities known as Trinkets exist.

Proposal 1415 - Tue 5 Nov 12:51 CST 1996
Freeing up some disk space
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: retracted by author

{{[R 629, Constitutional Convention, always seemed useless to me and needlessly long unless there was a crisis which prevented normal rule changes (since the effect of a CC can be done with a multi-rule change proposal without all the clutter of delagates and the 7/8 supermajority). Rather than repeal it outright, I attempt to replace it with something more straightforward. If we think the game is crash-proof, perhaps we should just repeal the thing. Of course, this doesn't make it crash-proof, obviously]}}

Amend R 629 so that its title is "Crisis Resolution" and so that its text is:

{{all current States of Crisises cease to exist. All State of Crisis Resolution Documents are destroyed}}

1) The Speaker, and only the Speaker, may declare a State of Crisis at any time via public announcement, provided the game is not in a State of Crisis. Upon such declaration being legally made, the game is said to be in a State of Crisis until the State of Crisis is lifted as specified by the rules.

2) When, and only when, the game is in a State of Crisis the following officers have the following powers:

a) The Speaker may declare the State of Crisis lifted.
b) The President may publically issue a State of Crisis Resolution Document detailing a list of rule changes to be made to the ruleset. The valid rule changes detailed in that document will be applied three days after the issuance of that document, or at the end of a failed challenge (whichever is later) unless it has been challenged and defeated.

3) Any player may publically challenge the State of Crisis Resolution Document within three days of its issuance, provided that document has not been previously challenged. If such a challenge is lodged, a Hearing is called. The valid responses in this Hearing are "The President is scamming us", and "This will patch the crisis". If the verdict of the Hearing shows that the President is scamming us, the document is defeated, and an Impeachment Paper is immediately filed against the President. Otherwise, the challenge is said to have failed.

This rule takes precedence over any mutable rule with which it conflicts.


Amend R 414 to remove the sections labelled "(a.5)" and "(a.6)".

Proposal 1416 - Tue 5 Nov 12:52 CST 1996
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Accepted

[Okay, here it is.  The final revision, as far as I'm concerned.
						--Mohammed  ]


The symbol --- is used many times in this proposal as a delimiter.  It
is not part of the text it marks off.  Quote marks ("") are also used
as delimiters.

This proposal often proposes to change part of a paragraph (in a Rule)
so that it reads differently.  This does not break the paragraph into
two paragraphs (except where the text to be swapped in appears as two

[Rule changes:]

1.  Modify Rule 592 ("Protection") to read, in full:
	A Protected action may not be performed except as specified
	by the rules.  An action's performance has no effect on the
	game other than those effects specified by the Rules.  All
	actions in Ackanomic are Protected by default, unless the
	rule(s) which specify or define their behaviour explicitly
	state otherwise.

2.  Create a new rule, titled "Entities", reading:
	All entities created solely under the authority of Rule 115 are
	destroyed.  [From now on it's strictly Trinkets.]

	Something is an entity if and only if the rules specify that
	it is, or it is defined by the Rules and Ackanomic tradition
	indicates that it is an entity.  [Caveat:  implicit entityhood
	(by game custom) may be abandoned in a future version of this
	rule.  Explicitly defining your entityish creations to be
	entities is strongly recommended.]

	An entity may not be created, destroyed, or manipulated except
	as specified by the Rules.  It can have no material effect on the
	game other than those effects specified by the Rules.

	Rules, the rule set, and Proposals are unownable entities.
	Rule changes may manipulate Rules and the Rule set.

	Manipulation of an entity is permissible if such manipulation
	is not explicitly regulated by the rules, and such
	manipulation would not have a material effect on the game. In other
	words, the game state must be the same after the manipulation as it
	would have been had the manipulation not occurred.

	For the purposes of this rule, discussion and messages (public or
	private) are not considered a material effect on the game.  Nor are
	the initiation or results of a CFJ or CFCJ concerning the matter of
	whether or not a certain event constitutes a material effect.  It
	is recognized that deciding whether a particular manipulation
	materially affected the game state is a matter that often can only
	be decided by judgement alone.

	{{ This Rule is hereby renumbered to 500. }}

[ Current text of "Protection":

   Rule 592/6 (Mutable)
   Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
	A Protected entity may not be created, destroyed, or manipulated
	except as specified by the Rules. It has no effect on the game other
	than those effects specified by the Rules.
	A Protected action may not be performed except as specified by the
	rules. An action's performance has no effect on the game other than
	those effects specified by the Rules.
	All entities and actions in Ackanomic are Protected by default,
	unless the rule(s) which specify or define their behaviour
	*explicitly* state otherwise. This clause defers precedence to all
	such mutable rules which *explicitly* state such.
	Rules, the rule set, proposals, points, currency, Officers, Players,
	and PFbonds are protected entities. Rule changes may manipulate
	rules and the rule set.
	Manipulation of a protected entitiy is permissable if such
	manipulation is not explicitly regulated by the rules, and such
	manipulation would not have a material effect on the game. In other
	words, the game state must be the same after the manipulation as it
	would have been had the manipulation not occurred.

	For the purposes of the above paragraph, discussion of the
	manipulation is not considered a material effect on the game. Nor is
	the initiation, or the effects, of a CFJ or CFCJ alledging or
	indicating the manipulation was illegal, unless said CFJ or CFCJ is
	judged TRUE. It is recognized that deciding whether a particular
	manipulation materially affected the game state is a matter that
	often can only be decided by judgement alone.

	Extra-Nomic entities and actions, and External Concepts, including
	but not limited to: linguistic and customary interpretation, game
	custom, spirit of the game, and food and drink, are explicitly not
	Protected. Words and the use of words in public messages are not
	Protected, except where specified by other rules.

3.  A new Rule is created, titled "Entity Names", reading:
	Each entity is either named (which means it has a name) or
	nameless.  An entity is nameless unless the Rules specify

	When a named entity is created, it shall be given a name in
	accordance with the Rules.  If the Rules do not specify any
	other method for deterimining its name, or if the method
	specified does not give a legal name, that entity shall be
	considered nameless until a name is legally assigned to it.

	A name is a sequence of name characters.  The name characters are:

	! # $ % & * + - / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : = ? @ \ ^ _
	A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
	a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
	| ~ . ,

	and the space character.

	[Parentheses, single quotes, double quotes, back quotes,
	square brackets, angle brackets, braces, and non-ASCII
	characters are not name characters.] {{[This is slightly
	different from the previous rule, but it's not a gratuitous
	change, and no names are affected that I know of.]}}

	{{ This Rule is renumbered to 500.1 . }}

4.  A new Rule is created, titled "Entity Ownership", reading:

	Named entities may own other ownable entities, or even own
	themselves.  (Nameless entities may not.)

	Each entity is either unownable, nontradeable, tradeable, or
	gift.  An entity is nontradeable unless the Rules specify

	If an entity is nontradeable, tradeable, or gift, then it is
	ownable.  At any given time, each ownable entity is either
	owned by one named entity or Somewhere Else (unowned).

	When an ownable entity is created, it is unowned, unless the
	Rules specify an initial owner for it.  Entities may be
	transferred from one owner to another only through methods
	specified by the Rules.

	{{ This Rule is renumbered to 500.2. }}

5.  A new Rule is created, titled "Entity Uniqueness", reading:
	An entity is unique if, and only if, the Rules specify that it
	is.  Each unique entity is the only entity of its type.

	If there are several entities of the same type, and at least
	one of them is unique, all the non-unique entities of that
	type are destroyed.  If there are several unique entities of
	the same type, the oldest one survives and the rest are

	Unique entities may not be cloned, copied, duplicated, or
	Xeroxed; an attempt to forge a copy of a unique entity always
	results in humiliating failure.

	A unique entity is also mimsy, unless the rules specify that
	it is not.  A non-unique entity is not mimsy, unless the Rules
	specify that it is.  [Mimsy entities cannot be haunted by
	Undead.  See Rule 962.2 .]

	{{ This Rule is renumbered to 500.3 . }}

5a.  Rule 962.1 ("Twas Brillig") is repealed. 
[ Current text:
   Rule 962.1/1 (Mutable)
   Twas Brillig
   pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)
     The following entities are mimsy:
     Magic Potato
     Phoebe's matchbox
     Great Trombone
     Brass Monkey
     The Little Lamb
     WOol Sweaters
     No other entities are mimsy unless explicitly designated as such by
     the Rules.

[Practically all this stuff is already unique; the rest of it is
declared to be mimsy by some other Rule.  So that's obsolete.]

6.  A new Rule is created, titled "Trading and Gifts", reading:
	This Rule defers to all other rules.  [Rules may specify
	conditions in which certain trades may not take place, even
	though this rule specifies that they are legal.  Rules may
	specify alternate means of trading entities, beyond those given

	A Player may offer a trade of one group of entities for
	another, by sending a public message specifying the entities
	offered (if any) and the entities requested (if any), if and
	only if the trade is legal.  If the message further states
	specifically to which Players the trade is offered, then the
	trade is exclusive; otherwise it is offered at large.

	A trade that offers or requests a negative number of any type
	of entity is illegal.  A trade that offers or requests any
	entity that is neither tradeable nor gift, or that the Player
	offering the trade doesn't own, is illegal.  A trade that
	offers more entities of any type than the Player offering the
	trade owns is illegal.  All other trades are legal.

	An offer made in this way stands until it is legally retracted or
	accepted, or the player who offered it no longer owns the entities
	offered, or the offer has been standing for at least three days,
	whichever comes first.

	A Player may retract a trade he or she offered by sending a public
	message to that effect.

	A Player may accept an exclusive trade offered to him or her,
	or any trade offered at large [but not one that was offered
	specifically to someone else], if and only if he or she owns
	all of the entities requested, in at least the quantities
	requested.  He or she does this by sending a public message to
	that effect.

	When a Player accepts a standing trade, the entities offered
	are transferred from the Player who offered the trade to the
	Player who accepted it, and the entities requested in exchange
	are transferred from the Player who accepted the trade to the
	Player who offered it.

	A Player who owns a gift entity may transfer that entity to
	another Player by sending a public message announcing the

	All trades made as described by this rule are said to occur on
	the Free Market.

7.  Rule 218 ("Registered Players") is amended by adding the sentence
"Players are named, unownable entities." after the sentence "A player
is any person who is registered as a player."

7a.  Rule 306 ("The Magic Potato") is amended by changing the sentence
"This rule creates a nomic entity known as the Magic Potato." to
"This rule creates a unique entity known as the Magic Potato."

8.  Rule 422 ("Required Number Of Points To Win") is amended by adding
	Points are entities.  It is possible for a Player to have a
	negative number of points.

	The number of points a Player has is commonly referred to as
	his or her score; when it is specified that a Player's score
	is changed, the appropriate number of points are created or
	destroyed in order to accomplish the specified change.
at the beginning.

9.  Rule 482 ("Office of the Financier and Free Market") is amended to
read, in full:
	The Office of the Financier (OotF), or Financier, is a Functional

	The Duties of the Financier are:

	a)  To maintain accurate records of the who owns each ownable
	entity, what each Player owns, and what each named non-Player
	entity [such as the Treasury or the Chartreuse Goose] owns.

	b)  To log all transfers of entity ownership and the creation
	and destruction of entities, and to verify that these events
	happen only in accordance with the Rules.

	c)  To make the records and logs available to any Player upon request.

	d)  To maintain the Free Market (FM), and to verify any
	transaction made there was made in accordance with the rules.
	The Financier is responsible for overseeing the lawful
	functioning of any entity that deals on, is related to, uses
	the FM, when using the FM.  This includes the authority to
	negotiate and resolve conflicts or disagreements between such
	entities according to the rules, tradition, or to the best of
	his/her judgement, in that order.

	The Priveleges of the Financier are:

	a) To appoint up to 2 assistants, to help in gathering, maintaining,
	and publishing information pertaining to the above.  These assistants
	may resign.  These assistants are not Officers.

	b) To receive the usual salary for a Functional Officer.

[ The rest of the stuff is moved in with the various Entity rules.
Current text depends upon whether P1404 passed.  Here is the
latest text available to me:

	I. Financier
	The Office of the Financier (OotF), or Financier, is a Functional
	The duties of the Financier are:
	a) To maintain accurate records of all players' account balances,
	and a log of all debits and credits to those balances.
	b) To maintain a list of balances and assets of all non-player
	entities, such as the Treasury.
	c) To publish all account balances on at least a bi-weekly basis,
	and to make the logs or balances available to any player upon
	d) To maintain the Free Market (FM), and to verify any transaction
	made there was made in accordance with the rules. The Financier is
	responsible for overseeing the lawful functioning of any entity that
	deals on, is related to, uses the FM, when using the FM. This
	includes the authority to negotiate and resolve conflicts or
	disagreements between such entities according to the rules,
	tradition, or to the best of his/her judgement, in that order.
	The priviledges of the Financier are:
	a) To appoint up to 2 assistants, to help in gathering, maintaining,
	and publishing information pertaining to the above. These assistants
	may resign. These assistants are not "officiers", as the term is
	generally used elsewhere in the rules.
	b) To receive the usual salary for a functional officer.
	II. Trading and the Free Market (FM)

	1) All entities are either Tradeable or non-Tradeable.

	2) An entity is Tradeable if and only if the rules specify that it
	is, otherwise it is non-Tradeable. The rules may specify specific
	conditions or mechanisms for non-Tradeable entities to be traded or
	transferred; this rule defers to any such rules where there is a
	conflict. Tradeable entities may only be transferred by methods
	described in the rules.

	3) The FM is a bulletin board where players may post a desire to
	make a trade, and is where a record of all trades are kept.

	4) Two players may trade a non-negative quantity of a Tradeable
	entity for another non-negative quantity of another (or the same)
	Tradeable entity on the FM, as described following. (If one of the
	quantities is 0, the trade may be specified as a "gift" or
	"donation" for convienence).

	5) Both players must consent to the trade, and must own sufficient
	quanitity of the entity to fulfill their half of the trade.

	6) The trade is completed (unless it is deemed unlawful) by both
	players posting their consent to the public forum, along with a
	description of the trade.

	7) A record of the trade is recorded on the FM by the Financier. If
	the Financier determines that the trade is not in accordance with
	the rules, it is deemed never to have happened.

	8) Other rules may specify other methods in which Tradeable entities
	may be transferred, independent of the FM.

10.  Rule 480 ("Creation of the AckaDollar") is amended by changing
`the sentence "AckaDollars are tradeable." to "AckaDollars are gift
entities." and by changing the Rule's Title to "AckaDollars".

11.  Rule 481 ("Creation of PF Bonds") is amended by changing
	PF Bonds are tradeable. They may not be broken into fractional PF
	PF bonds are nameless, tradeable entities.  They may not be
	broken into fractional PF bonds.
and by changing the Rule's Title to "PF Bonds".

11a.  Rule 495/3 ("Gumball") is amended by changing
	The passage of this proposal will create an acka-entity called
	the gumball which can be chewed only on alternate Wednesdays
	and Thursdays.
	There is a unique entitiy called the gumball which can be
	chewed only on alternate Wednesdays and Thursdays.

12.  Rule 549 ("The Blue Cross") is amended by adding the sentence "A
Blue Cross Bonus is a nameless, nontradeable entity." to the end of
section 2 and by adding the sentence "Gold and Silver Stripes are
nameless, nontradeable entities."

13.  Rule 570 ("Player Names") is amended by changing
	Each player will have an Official Ackanomic Name. The Name
	must consist of at least three, and no more than twenty
	alphanumerical characters. All nomic business must use the
	Name when referring to a specific player.
	Players are named.  A Player's name must consist of at least
	three, and no more than twenty name characters.  All nomic
	business must use the Name when referring to a specific
and by removing
	Alphanumerical characters are defined for this rule to include
	alphanumeric characters and (! @ # $ % ^ & * ' " , . ^ ! : ; /
	\ | - _ = + space). Excluded are the characters < > ( ) { } [ ].

	[This rules justifies the common practice that some players
	have name like Calvin N Hobbes, Robert Sevin and allow names
	like /dev/joe and De'ghew. Yes, the ' ' or space is not an
	alphanumeric character :)]

14.  Amend Rule 593 ("The Inventor") by changing
	(iii) Blueprints and Gadgets are protected.
	(iii) Blueprints are unownable entities.

15.  Rule 609 ("Offices, Commonalities") is amended by adding
	Offices are named, unownable entities.
at the beginning, and by adding
	A Seat of an Office is an unownable entity.  [Seats are held,
	not owned.]
after "(i) Seats:".

16.  Rule 642 is amended by changing
	Rule numbers and proposal numbers are protected.
	Rule numbers and proposal numbers are unownable entities.

17.  Rule 665 ("Treasury and Hard Money") is amended by changing 
	The acka-entity called the Treasury now exists.

	The Treasury serves as a storing house for acka-entities that
	belong to no Player. Items in the Treasury may not be
	manipulated in any way except as explicitly allowed by the
	The Treasury is a named, unownable entity that serves as a
	storing house for entities that belong to no Player.  Items
	owned by the Treasury are said to be "in the Treasury", and
	they may not be manipulated in any way except as explicitly
	allowed by the Rules.

18. Rule 683 ("ExtraNomic Entities") shall be amended to read:
	Other nomics may exist, although it is uncertain exactly where
	they might reside (maybe in some of the smaller cells of the

	When the Rules specify that an entity is "imported" from
	another nomic, that entity is, for the purposes of Ackanomic,
	created at that time.  Its behavior and ownership are
	generally governed by the rules of the nomic from which it was
	imported.  However, it may not perform protected actions,
	create entities, or manipulate or destroy entities that
	weren't imported from the same nomic; if a nomic specifies
	that an entity imported from it performs any of these actions,
	the entity is immediately exported.  For the purposes of
	Ackanomic, it is then destroyed.

[ Current text:
By this rule, Ackanomic recognizes the legitimate existence of
entities that live the InterNomic realm, which is composed of
(potentially) all Nomics, and that players from Ackanomic itself are
allowed to be a part of them.  These organizations are governed by
MetaNomic rules as set down by whatever InterNomic entity is
recognized by Ackanomic, while the members of such organizations must
abide by the rules of their respective individual Nomics. ]

18a.  Rule 721 ("Organizations") is amended by changing
	1. Let a new class of entities be created called
	Organizations.  Organizations may only be established or
	disbanded according to the rules.
	1.  Organizations are unownable, named entities.

18b.  Rule 730 ("Steel Flea") is amended by changing "nomic entity" in
the first paragraph to "unique entity", and by adding
	Phoebe's matchbox is a unqiue entity.
to the end.

19.  Rule 762 ("The Great Trombone of Ackanomia") is amended by changing
	The Great Trombone is protected, and cannot be transferred or
	destroyed except as described by the rules.
	The Great Trombone is a unique entity.

19a.  Rule 775 ("Church") is amended by changing
	1.a Let there be a new type of Ackanomic entity called a Church

	b. If Organization is defined, then a Church is a type of

	c. A Church is a Protected entity.
	1.  Churches are Organizations.  {{ [All Organizations are
	already entities by Rule 721. ] }}

20.  Rule 786 ("Gadgets") is amended by changing
	(iii) A Gadget has at most one owner. Gadgets are tradeable.
	(iii) Gadgets are tradeable entities.
and by removing
	(iv) Entites with the same name as a Gadget proposed or
	introduced by a Blueprint may only be created in accordance with
	procedures explicitly delineated in the Rules.

[ Gadgets are protected; just because something has the same name
doesn't make it a Gadget.  Also, you can't make a Trinket with the
same name as anything else under the new rules anyway, and there will
be no more R115 entities.]

21.  Rule 818 ("Prosthetic Foreheads") is amended by changing
	This rule creates a type of entity known as a Prosthetic Forehead.
	There is an endless supply and an endless variety of Prosthetic
	Foreheads. Prosthetic Foreheads are protected and tradeable.
	There is an endless supply and an endless variety of
	Prosthetic Foreheads.  Prosthetic Foreheads are tradeable

22.  Rule 827 ("The Amber Banana") is amended by changing
	The Amber Banana, and the tree it grows on, are protected, and can
	only be destroyed by Acid Rain.
	The Amber Banana, and the tree it grows on, are entities, and can
	only be destroyed by Acid Rain.

22a.  Rule 841 ("Towers") is amended by changing
	There is no limit to the number of towers that may be added to a
	building, and there is no upper limit to their height, so long as
	they are constructed (or extended) via procedures defined in the
	rules. Towers are protected, as is the act of constructing (and
	extending) them.
	There is no limit to the number of towers that may be added to a
	building, and there is no upper limit to their height, so long as
	they are constructed (or extended) via procedures defined in the
	rules.  Towers are unownable entities.

23.  Rule 867 ("Eggs and Fruit") is amended by changing
	A Chartreuse Goose Egg is an Ackanomic Entity. Any number may exist at
	any time.
	A Chartreuse Goose Egg is a nameless, tradeable entity.
and by changing
	A Right-Handed Grapefruit is an Ackanomic Entity. Only one may
	exist at any time. A player who owns a Right-Handed Grapefruit may at
	any time make Right-Handed Grapefruit Juice. Right-Handed Grapefruits
	have no other power. Right-Handed Grapefruit Juice has only those
	powers granted it by the Rules.
	The Right-Handed Grapefruit is a unique, nontradeable entity.  A
	Player who owns a Right-Handed Grapefruit may at any time make
	Right-Handed Grapefruit Juice (a tradeable, potable
and by deleting the sentences labelled (a) and (b) at the end.

[ Current text:

	(a) Chartreuse Goose Eggs, Right-Handed Grapefruits, and
	Right-Handed Grapefruit Juice may only be created, destroyed, or
	manipulated as the Rules specify.

	(b) If entities have Power attributes, then Chartreuse Goose
	Eggs, Right-Handed Grapefruits, and Right-Handed Grapefruit Juice
	shall each have power 0.6666, and the sentences labelled (a) and
	(b) shall be deleted from this rule.

I think Power's dead & buried; (a) is effectively Protection and
as such is now unnecessary.

24.  Rule 891 ("The Press") is amended by changing
	The player that creates a newspaper is said to own that newspaper.
	No player may own more than three newspapers at any one time.
	Newspapers are tradeable. An owner of a newspaper may close it down
	by publically announcing that he is doing so. In this case, that
	newspaper is said to have "gone bust" and no longer exists.
	Newspapers are named, tradeable entities.  When a newspaper is
	created, it belongs to the player who started it.  To own more
	than three newspapers at any one time is a Crime.  An owner of a
	newspaper may close it down by publically announcing that he is
	doing so.  In this case, that newspaper is said to have "gone
	bust" and no longer exists.
and by deleting the sentence "Newspapers are protected entities."

25.  Rule 962.2 ("Player Leaving/Returning Process") is amended by
adding the sentence "Bond Promissories are nameless, tradeable
entities." to the end of the first paragraph.

26.  Rule 964 ("Undead") is amended by changing
	There exists the class of protected acka-entities known as the

	a) Each Undead has a name and can act to "haunt" some number
	of entities.
	There exists the class of named, unownable entities kwown as
	the Undead.

	a) Each Undead can act to "haunt" some number of entities.

26a.  Rule 1022 ("Spelling Bee") is amended by changing the sentence
"This Rule creates a Protected entity known as the Spelling Bee." to
"The Spelling Bee is an unownable entity."

27.  Rule 1033 ("Bronze Torch") is amended by replacing:
	Any number of Bronze Torches may exist at any one time. They
	may only be owned by players, and have only those powers	
	specified by the Rules and shall only be created and destroyed
	as specified by the Rules. A player may have at most one
	Bronze Torch. Bronze Torches may not be bought, sold, or
	otherwise traded or transferred amongst players, except as
	specified in this rule. This clause has precedence over any
	mutable rule which would allow such transference.
	Bronze Torches are metallic entities.  A Player may have at
	most one Bronze torch.
and by removing
	Upon a player leaving the game, their Bronze Torch is haunted
	by their undead.
(which is the default.)

27a.  Rule 1046 ("Baaa") is amended by changing "acka-entity" in the
first paragraph to "unique entity" and by adding "Wool Sweaters are
tradeable, mimsy entities." to the end of the last paragraph.

28.  Rule 1155 ("Decks of Playing Cards") is amended by changing
	This paragraph takes precedence over all other mutable rules
	dealing with Playing Cards and Decks of Playing Cards.  A Deck of
	Playing Cards (or Deck) is an Ackanomic Entity which consists
	of some number of elements called Playing Cards (or simply
	Cards).  Cards may not be created, destroyed, sold, or traded
	except when entire Decks are created, destroyed, sold, or
	traded together.  Cards may not be exchanged between
	Decks. Decks are tradable.
	This paragraph takes precedence over all other mutable Rules
	dealing with Playing Cards and Decks of Playing Cards.  A Deck
	of Playing Cards (or Deck) is an entity which consists of some
	number of elements called Playing Cards (or simply Cards).
	Cards are nontradeable entities.  Cards may not be exchanged
	between Decks.
and by changing
	A deck does not have an owner, unless the instantiating
	document says it does.  Decks may be used without being
	owned.  An unowned deck is not tradable.
	A Deck is unownable, unless the instantiating document
	specifies an owner for it, in which case it is tradeable.

28a.  Rule 1206 ("Games & Contests") is amended by removing the word
"Protected" wherever it appears [in section 9, near the middle of that

29.  Rule 1240 ("The Machine That Goes *ping*") is amended by changing
	I. There exists the Ackanomic entity called The Machine That Goes
	*ping*, henceforth known as the Machine. Should a Machine ever be
	created by means other than this rule, it instantly ceases to exist.
	The Machine is protected.
	I. There exists the unique entity called The Machine That Goes
	*ping*, henceforth known as the Machine.

30.  Rule 1243 ("Chartreuse Goose") is amended by changing
	Let the Chartreuese Goose exist, it is a unique entity. Initially
	it is Somewhere Else. It may only be possessed by one player at a 
	Let a unique, nontradeable entity exist named the Chartreuse

30a.  Rule 1253 ("Tornado") is amended by changing "All Tornadoes are
Protected." [in the first paragraph] to "Tornadoes are dangerous entities."

31.  Rule 1300 ("Patent Infringement") is amended by changing
	If there is a type of Ackanomic Entity whose creation or
	existance is specified by a Rule or Rules, and yet a Player
	possesses an Entity of that type whose creation or existance
	was made possible solely by the Rule "Permissibility of the
	Unprohibited," that Player shall be Guilty of Patent
	Infringement, unless that Entity is any type of Frog.
	When a rule change occurs that causes a new named entity or
	named class of entities to exist, and a Player owns an entity
	with the same name as the new entity or class, that Player
	shall be Guilty of Patent Infringement, unless that entity is
	any type of Frog.

[There may be other problems with this rule but I won't try to fix
them here.]

32.  Rule 1312 ("Garments") is amended by changing
	A class of Protected entity known as a Garment exists. Garments are
	Tradeable, unless the rules for a particular Garment specify
	A class of entity known as a Garment exists.  Garments are
	tradeable, unless the rules for a particular Garment specify

32a.  Rule 1314 ("Marks of the Champion") is amended by changing
	The types of entities called Champion's Cloaks and Badges of
	Glory are defined by the rules. Both are Protected; Champion's
	Cloaks are non-Tradeable Garments. Neither may be created or
	destroyed except as specified in the rules.
	Champion's Cloaks and Badges of Glory are nontradeable
	entities.  Champion's Cloaks are Garments.

33.  Rule 1315 ("Easy Money") is repealed.  [Since A$ are gift, we
don't need it.]

34.  Rule 1318 ("Bond Options") is amended by changing...
	1) A class of entity known as Bond Options (Options) exist. Bond
	Options are Tradeable and mimsy.
	1) A class of nameless, tradeable, mimsy entity known as Bond
	Options (Options) exist.
and by changing
	6) Specific Options are named as follows:
	O<Name of Bond>-<Quantity>-A$<Strike Price>-<Exp. Date as
	6) Specific Options are labelled as follows:
	O<Name of Bond>-<Quantity>-A$<Strike Price>-<Exp. Date as

35.  Rule 1329 ("Church Sanctuary") is amended by changing the
sentence "The W-File Pair is a protected entity." [at the end] to "The
W-File Pair and Mold and Scold are entities."

36.  Rule 1348 ("Trinkets") is amended by changing
	A class of Tradeable entities known as Trinkets exist. Trinkets may be
	traded via the same procedures allowed for the trading of Ackadollars.
	A class of gift entities known as Trinkets exist.

Proposal 1417 - Tue 5 Nov 12:52 CST 1996
Synod maintenance
Niccolo Flychuck
Decision: retracted by author

This is a Modest proposal.

In R1356 "Synod" section 8 second paragraph repalce the text:
(A$ currently owned by the Church minus (A$ owned by the Church after the previous profit distribution, or on the most recent date the Synod was not in Session, which was more recent))

With the text:
(A$ currently owned by the Synod minus (A$ owned by the Synod after the previous profit distribution, or on the most recent date the Synod was not in Session, which was more recent))

Proposal 1418 - Thu 7 November 7:43 CST 1996
It's cosy in here
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: Accepted

This is a modest proposal.

R 1312 shall be amended in the following ways:

The third sentence of the first paragraph shall be replaced with the following text: "The owner, and only the owner, of a particular garment may don that garment if he is currently wearing no garment, or remove it if he is currently wearing it. These actions, when legal, are accomplished by publicly announcing them. The owner of a particular garment is said to be wearing it only from such time as he dons it until such time as he removes it or no longer owns it; no player is said to be wearing any garment he does not own."

The second and third paragraphs of R 1312 shall be deleted.

{{[ The main thing that this revision would do is to clarify the current R 1312 language. The reason I decided to write it in the first place was that I saw: "Owners of Garments must publically announce that they are wearing or unwearing a Garment, to change the state of the Garment," followed by "Garments are assumed to be unworn in the case of transferrence (with respect to both the old, and new owner)" in the text. I very much dislike "assumption," and I think it unwise to put contradictory statements in any rule, R 210 protections notwithstanding. I didn't think it worth the trouble to CFJ whether Malenkai and I were both wearing the Purple Robe, but I am not convinced that the current language of R 1312 is sufficient to say otherwise (hence the proposal title).

As long as I was working on the rule, it seemed to make sense to incorporate the second and third paragraphs into the first.

This amendment will work fine whether or not P1416 is accepted.

Proposal 1419 - Thu 7 November 7:43 CST 1996
Synod maintenance
Niccolo Flychuck
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

In R1356 "Synod" section 8 second paragraph repalce the text:
(A$ currently owned by the Church minus (A$ owned by the Church after the previous profit distribution, or on the most recent date the Synod was not in Session, which was more recent))

With the text:
(A$ currently owned by the Synod minus (A$ owned by the Synod after the previous profit distribution, or on the most recent date the Synod was not in Session, whichever was more recent))

Proposal 1420 - Thu 7 November 7:44 CST 1996
This Rule Has An Inconspicous Title
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected

Section A:

With the exception of Section A, the text of this rule shall may not be posted, in full or in part, in any official Ackanomic document -- including public messages and Ackanomic web pages. In place of the text of this rule, excluding section A, shall be placed the words "!!! CENSORED !!!". Instead, the President must maintain a copy of the complete text of this rule which he shall distribute to any PLAYER upon request. It is a crime to distribute the text of this rule to any person who is not a player of Ackanomic.

Section B:

Ackanomic shall strive to achieve complete dominance of the extra-nomic world through whatever means possible. This includes control of business, government, and private entities. Once under the control of Ackanomic, players must do whatever is in their power to mold the outside world to the will of Ackanomic. Unless described in other rules, the will of ackanomic includes enforcing our rules and game custom in extra-nomic realms.

Any player who manages to become a national political leader in whatever country their physical body resides, and speaks the words "For the power and greater glory of the Gumball," in a televised adress to his nation shall win the current cycle so long as this fact is provable.

Any player who manages to take control of Coca-Cola Company, and lower it's market share by 25% (as revenge for unpaid debts) shall gain 25 points upon the completion of this act.

Any Player who manages to convince NASA (or at least it's core group of physicists) that the earth is flat shall be exhalted as a god and have a tower standing 500 meters tall built in his honor. This tower will be paid for by the treasury.

Section C:

Though not required, it is considered good form for each player to occasionally post a summary of his attempts to achieve world domination and their progress. However, these reports mustn't contain any specific reference to this rule.

Proposal 1421 - Thu 7 November 7:44 CST 1996
Crash Patch, take II
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

{{[R 629, Constitutional Convention, always seemed useless to me and needlessly long unless there was a crisis which prevented normal rule changes (since the effect of a CC can be done with a multi-rule change proposal without all the clutter of delagates and the 7/8 supermajority). Rather than repeal it outright, I attempt to replace it with something more straightforward. If we think the game is crash-proof, perhaps we should just repeal the thing. Of course, this doesn't make it crash-proof, obviously]}}

Amend R 629 so that its title is "Crisis Resolution" and so that its text is:

{{all current States of Crisises cease to exist. All State of Crisis Resolution Documents are destroyed}}

1) The Speaker, and only the Speaker, may declare a State of Crisis at any time via public announcement, provided the game is not in a State of Crisis. Upon such declaration being legally made, the game is said to be in a State of Crisis until the State of Crisis is lifted as specified by the rules.

2) When, and only when, the game is in a State of Crisis the following officers have the following powers:

a) The Speaker may declare the State of Crisis lifted.
b) The President may publically issue a State of Crisis Resolution Document detailing a list of changes to be made in the ruleset. These changes will be applied three days after the issuance of that document, or at the end of a failed challenge (whichever is later) unless it has been challenged and defeated.

3) Any player may publically challenge the State of Crisis Resolution Document within three days of its issuance, provided that document has not been previously challenged. If such a challenge is lodged, a Hearing is called. The valid responses in this Hearing are "The President is scamming us", and "This will patch the crisis". If the verdict of the Hearing shows that the President is scamming us, the document is defeated, and an Impeachment Paper is immediately filed against the President. Otherwise, the challenge is said to have failed.

This rule takes precedence over any mutable rule with which it conflicts.


Amend R 414 to remove the sections labelled "(a.5)" and "(a.6)".

Proposal 1422 - Thu 7 November 7:45 CST 1996
He's Dead, Jim (Huh?)
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: retracted by author

This is a modest proposal

Amend R798 to Read in full:

Upon each creation of a Rule fulfilling all three of the following conditions:

(1) the Rule has a game effect in addition to its own addition to the Ackanomic Rule Set and any effect claimed under this Rule

(2) each word in the Rule exists either in the Ackanomic Rule Set previous to the creation of the Rule, or in the Official Dictionary, provided that such dictionary exists and is not under the control of any Player.

(3) the text of the Rule is palindromic, that is, the text of the Rule would be the same, character by character, forward and backward if all alphabetic characters were lower-case, and anything other than alphabetic characters and numeric digits was removed.

the Player who submitted the Proposal that created the Rule shall:

(1) win the current cycle of the game

(2) receive the honorific title "Sage o' Doe Gas" to hold until such time as another Player receives points under this Rule.

{{[ The payoff for creating a palindromic rule does not provide sufficient incentive for the work and research involved. Instead, lets give anyone creative enough to fulfill the conditions of this rule a win. After all, Palindrom wins will be few and far between]}}

Proposal 1423 - Thu 7 November 7:45 CST 1996
Capital-Swinger price fixing
Niccolo Flychuck
Decision: Rejected

This is a Modest proposal.
Ammend R726 in the following way:
Replace text:
"A$600 are transferred from that players account to the Treasury"

with the text:
"{{CSOP (Capital-Swinger Office Price) is set at 600)}} CSOP A$ are trasferred from that player's account to the Treasury. Every Tuesday, if a week or more has passed since an Office of Swinger has been purchased, the CSOP is decreased by (8-NoS)*20. Whenever a new Office of Capital-Swinger is created CSOP is increased by NoS*20. The value of CSOP can never drop below 200, or rise above 800. NoS is defined as the number of Swingers."

Replace the text:
"A Capital-Swinger's Office is Tradable."
with the text:
"A Capital-Swinger's Office is Tradable and Ownable, this sentence takes precedence over R609."

Append the text:
"In all matters concerning Party-Hall, whenever the duty of tracking something is explicitly assigned, it becomes the duty of the Chess-Umpire. {{[this makes some sense. The only function of Party-Hall is to serve as the house of PartyChess, and the Chess-Umpire runs that, might as well do the admin Party-Hall stuff as well. ]}}

Proposal 1424 - Thu 7 November 7:46 CST 1996
Preemptive strike I
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Insert the following sentence as the next-to-last sentence of the first paragraph of Rule 491.

If an amendment to a rule does not unambiguously describe the amendment to take place, it is not a valid rule change.

Proposal 1425 - Fri 8 November 8:18 CST
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted

Amend Rule 1276 as follows:

1) Reletter section G as section H.

2) Insert the following text after section F:

G) If and when there are exactly two players left on the GAL, the permissible moves become (a) rock, (b) scissors, (c) paper. Any player not making such a move in this case is removed from the GAL at the end of the round. If at the end of a round, any of the following are true:
Player A chose rock while Player B chose scissors
Player A chose scissors while Player B chose paper
Player A chose paper while Player B chose rock
Player A is said to have successfully grabbed Player B's donkey, and Player B loses his donkey and is removed from the GAL.

Proposal 1426 - Fri 8 November 8:19 CST 1996
He's Still Dead, Jim
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Accepted

This is a modest proposal

Amend R798 to Read in full:

Upon each creation of a Rule fulfilling all three of the following conditions:

(1) the Rule has a game effect in addition to its own addition to the Ackanomic Rule Set and any effect claimed under this Rule

(2) each word in the Rule exists either in the Ackanomic Rule Set previous to the creation of the Rule, or in the Official Dictionary, provided that such dictionary exists and is not under the control of any Player.

(3) the text of the Rule is palindromic, that is, the text of the Rule would be the same, character by character, forward and backward if all alphabetic characters were lower-case, and anything other than alphabetic characters and numeric digits was removed.

the Player who submitted the Proposal that created the Rule shall:

(1) win the current cycle of the game

(2) receive the honorific title "Sage o' Doe Gas" to hold until such time as another Player wins a cycle of the game under this Rule.

{{[ The payoff for creating a palindromic rule does not provide sufficient incentive for the work and research involved. Instead, lets give anyone creative enough to fulfill the conditions of this rule a win. After all, Palindrom wins will be few and far between]}}

Proposal 1427 - Fri 8 November 8:19 CST 1996
Really Synchronizing Whamming
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Create a new rule reading:
{{ Change the second sentence of the Whamiol's Blueprint to read:
"Whenever the time since the last new player became active is an even integral number of days greater than or equal to 30, the Whamiol becomes anxious and subtracts one point from its owner's score." }}

Proposal 1428 - Fri 8 Novemer 8:19 CST 1996
Processing Chips
Habeous Corpus (Ed Graham)
Decision: Accepted

{{All extant Processing Chips are destroyed}}

Create a Rule entitled: Processing Chips, with text:

The Acka-Entities known as Processing Chips Exist. They are Protected and non-Tradable. Processing Chips (PC's) may only be created, possessed or destroyed in accordance with Rules. A Processing Chip (PC) is an eight (8) pin dual-in-line package (DIP) with the first two pins bent up at 180 degrees. The back of the DIP is covered with scortching. It resembles a rather large, distinctly ugly bug.

Whenever a Proposal is accepted, a PC is created and and presented to the author of the accepted Proposal, under the following conditions:
1. If the Proposal was Modest, no PC is created.
2. All other Proposals shall result in 1 PC created and presented to the author of the Proposal.
3. If the Proposal is Grandiose, 1additional PC is created and presented to the author of the proposal.
4. If the Proposal creates a new rule, 2 additional PC's are created and presented to the author of the Proposal.
5. If the Proposal creates a new Acka-Entity, 1 additional PC is created and presented to the author of the Proposal.

Proposal 1429 - Sat 9 Nov 9:13 CST 1996
Cupro-nickel Pheremone Emitter
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Rejected

Create a new rule reading:
The following text is a new Blueprint:

Blueprint: Cupro-nickel Magnetic Pheremone Emitter

The Cupro-nickel Magnetic Pheremone Emitter is a small metal box, with an even smaller red button on it. If its owner presses that small red button, it emits a faint magnetic field undetectable by most means, but a powerful sex attractant to steel fleas. This results in the owner's odds of finding Phoebe's Matchbox being trebled the next time it is missing. Since it must recharge after each use, it can only be used once during any calendar month. Attempting to use the Cupro-nickel Magnetic Pheremone Emitter more than once in a given calendar month will cause it to overheat, spit blue fire, and then destroy itself without emitting the magnetic field.

Proposal 1430 - Sat 9 Nov 9:14 CST 1996
The Crystal Chalice
Habeous Corpus(Ed Graham)
Decision: Accepted

Create a Rule entitled: The Crystal Chalice

{{All extant Keys that open the vault containing the Crystal Chalice and all extant Golden Goblets are destroyed, except those defined elsewhere in this Rule. The Crystal Chalice and the Vault containing the Crystal Chalice are initially located Somewhere Else.}}

The Acka-Entities known as the Crystal Chalice, the Vault Containing the Crystal Chalice, Golden Goblets, and the Keys That Unlock the Vault Containing the Crystal Chalice exist. The Keys That Unlock the Vault Containing the Crystal Chalice and th Golden Goblets are Tradable, all other Entities defined by this Rule are non-Tradable.

The Vault Containing the Crystal Chalice (hereafter in this Rule known as the Chalice Vault or CV) The CV is a plain metal chest with five (5) colored locks, each lock corresponds to one of the Keys That Unlock the Vault Containing the Crystal Chalice. They are colored Gold, Silver, Bronze, Chartruese, and Purple. Whenever the CV is Somewhwere Else, and there is an owner of the Chartruese Goose (Goose), any Player may submit a Proposal divining the conditions for finding the CV. The conditions for finding the CV may never be such that only one Player meets the conditions. The owner of the Goose may Propose to divine the conditions for finding the CV, but may never, while the owner of the Goose, become eligable to find the CV, or claim the Crystal Chalice. No other restriction on conditions for finding the CV are permissible. If the conditions for finding the CV are such that no Player can meet them, or require actions taken outside of Acka, other Players are allowed (and encouraged) to vote against the Proposal, and sneer and throw small objects (preferrably eddible ones) at the Player authoring the Proposal. If the Proposal is accepted and the conditions for finding the CV are divined, the Chalice Vault is no longer considered to be Somewhere Else, and those conditions may not be changed until after such time as it goes Somewhere Else, as defined by Rules. This takes Precedence over all mutable Rules which would allow a Player to Propose changes to the conditions under which the CV is found.

After the conditions for finding the Chalice Vault are established, the five (5) Keys that Unlock the Vault Containing the Crystal Chalice (Keys) are created and placed around the neck of the Chartruese Goose. The owner of the Goose must dispose of the Keys as outlined in this Rule. However, if disposal of any or all Keys is not possible because there are no eligable Players, the Key(s) shall remain with the Goose until such time as it does become possible, or the current Cycle ends, and the owner of the Chartreuse Goose shall suffer no penalty. If the Goose goes Somewhere Else before all Keys are distributed, or if any Keys are returned to the Goose after she has gone Somewhere Else, those Keys shall remain with the Goose, even after she is once again owned by a Player, and no penalties shall be assessed by any Player for failure to distribute the Key(s). If at any time after being received by the Goose the Keys become destroyed, the Chalice Vault shall immediately go Somewhere Else. No new Keys are created until after the CV is no longer Somewhere Else. Players may possess Keys only as allowed by Rules.

No Player may possess any Key more than once as long as there are eligable Players who have not yet possessed that Key since the conditions for finding the CV have been divined. All Keys must be initially distributed to an eligable Player within seven (7) days after their creation or their return to the Goose, or the return of the Goose from Somewhere Else. After initial distribution, each Player shall either redistribute eir Key(s) to another eligable Player as outlined in this Rule, or the Key(s) shall be responsible for the respective actions taken against that Player as outlined below. Any Player possesing one or more Keys may attempt to give a Key to a non-eligable Player, but that Key shall be immediately returned to the Goose, and that Player shall no longer be eligable to receive any Keys for the duration of the Cycle. If a Player goes on Vacation or leaves the Game, all Keys possessed by that Player are immediately transferred to the Chartruese Goose. The owner of the Goose must then distribute the Key(s) as an initial distribution in accordance with distribution Rules. If any Player possessing any Key(s) becomes the owner of the Chartruese Goose, e must immediately distribute the Key(s) in accordance with distribution Rules. The owner of the Chartruese Goose shall be responsible for monitoring and enforcing the transfer of the Keys between Players.

The Gold Key may be given to any Player whose monetary account has a positive number of A$. Immediately, the Key will consume 1A$ for every day that the Key remains in eir possession. If at any time, the possessor of the Gold Key should have an account balance that is not positive, the Key shall be immediately transferred back to the Chartreuse Goose. The owner of the Goose must then distribute the Key as an initial distribution in accordance with distribution Rules. Any A$ consumed by the Gold Key are returned to the Treasury at the end of each Cycle.

The Silver Key may only be given to a Player possessing one or more Gadgets. After seven (7) days the Key shall destroy one (1) randomly chosen Gadget owned by the Player possessing the Silver Key and will destroy an additional Gadget every week until it is transferred, or all Gadgets owned by the Player are destroyed. If at any time the Player possessing the Silver Key should have no Gadgets, , the Key shall be immediately transferred back to the Chartreuse Goose. The owner of the Goose must then distribute the Key as an initial distribution in accordance with distribution Rules.

The Bronze Key may only be given to a Player possessing one or more Processing Chips. After seven (7) days the Key shall destroy one Processing Chip owned by the Player possessing the Bronze Key and will destroy an additional Processing Chip each week until it is transferred or all Processing Chips owned by the Player are destroyed. If at any time the Player possessing the Bronze Key should have no Processing Chips , the Key shall be immediately transferred back to the Chartreuse Goose. The owner of the Goose must then distribute the Key as an initial distribution in accordance with distribution Rules.

The Chartreuse Key may only be given to a Player possessing one or more of the following Acka Entities: Amber Bananas, the Great Trombone, the little Lamb, and/or the Gumball. The Player may hold onto the Chartreuse Key for any length of time, as long as e continues to hold at least one of the above Entities. If at any time the Player possessing the Chartreuse Key should have none of the qualifying entities, the Key shall be immediately transferred back to the Chartreuse Goose. The owner of the Goose must then distribute the Key as an initial distribution in accordance with distribution Rules.

The Purple Key may be initially given to any Player. Once initially distributed, the Purple Key may not be given away, but may be traded for any tradable Acka-Entity. The Purple Key may remain in the possession of any Player for any length of time, subject to the following conditions:
1. The current Cycle has not ended.
2. The Player possessing the Purple Key has no other Keys. If at any time the Player possessing the Purple Key is given another Key, that Key must be transferred to another Player within seven (7) days or else the Purple Key is transferred back to the Chartreuse Goose. The owner of the Goose must then distribute the Key as an initial distribution in accordance with distribution Rules.

At any time the Player possessing the Purple Key may use the Key to unlock a Gaol Cell and release emself or any other Player currently in Gaol. However, if the Player Possessing the Purple Keys has any other Keys in eir possession at the time e used the Key to open a Gaol Cell, all existing Keys are immediately destroyed. Any Players possessing Keys at this time are permitted to sneer and throw small objects at the Player using eir Purple Key in this fashion.

Only a single Player possessing all five (5) Keys may attempt to find the Chalice Vault. If that Player satisfies all conditions for finding the CV, e shall find the CV and use eir Keys to unlock the CV and take possession of the Crystal Chalice. Immediately after a Player opens the vault and takes possession of the Crystal Chalice, the following actions will occur, in order:

1. The Crystal Chalice is transformed into a Golden Goblet, with the name of the winning Player and the number of the current Cycle engraved on the base of the Goblet.
2. Another Crystal Chalice is created and placed in the vault.
3. All extant Keys That Unlock the Vault Containing the Crystal Chalice are destroyed.
4. The vault closes automatically and locks.
5. The vault is transported to Somewhere Else.
6. The Player possessing the most recent Golden Goblet is declared the Winner of the Cycle.

Proposal 1431 - Sat 9 Nov 9:14 CST 1996
Guarded Proposals
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted

Amend Rule 1386 as follows:

1st Renumber section 7 as section 8.
2nd Insert the following text immediately following section 6:

7. A player may pay $A150 to the Treasury to declare any one proposal in the voting queue to be a Guarded Proposal. Bonus Votes may not used on a Guarded Proposal. Bonus Votes already cast on that proposal are not counted, and any player who cast a Bonus Vonus that was nullified in this manner is given one Bonus Vote as compensation.

Proposal 1432 - Sat 9 Nov 9:14 CST 1996
Closing Malenkai's Loophole for Gadgets again
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend R 594 to replace the second of the two sections labelled as (iv) with:

(v) Entites with the same name as a Gadget proposed or introduced by a Blueprint may not exist or be created unless they are an instance of the Gadget described by said Blueprint.

{{[there were better ways to do this, with "ghost" or "prototype" entity gadgets, and the like, but that complicated the "lonely" thing, and opened up more work than I was ready for]}}

Proposal 1433 - Sun 10 Nov 12:54 CST 1996
In Which We Don't Look Out For Number One
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Rejected

This is a Grandiose Proposal.

Rule 101 ("Obey the Rules") is transmuted to Mutable.

Rule 101 ("Obey the Rules") is repealed.

[ Current text:

   Rule 101/0 (Immutable)
   Obey The Rules
     All players must always abide by all the rules then in effect, in
     the form in which they are then in effect, and interpreted in
     accordance with currently existing game custom. Until such time as
     they are legally transmuted, Rules 101-115 are immutable, and Rules
     201-219 are mutable.
   Initial Immutable Rule 101, Jan 22 1996
no respect for nothin'

Proposal 1434 - Sun 10 Nov 12:54 CST 1996
Bad Pointer Reference II
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Create a new rule entitled "I'm Going to amend R 491 to permit conditional rule changes", with the following text:

If Proposal 1412 was accepted, amend R 793 to replace all occurrances of "581" with "390".

[In a completely unrelated note, our new Promoter and Tabulator are doing an excellent job in picking up the duties.]

Proposal 1435 - Sun 10 Nov 12:55 CST 1996
Conditional Rule Changes
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend R 491 to add the following paragraph after the first paragraph:

A rule change may be preceeded with an antecedent condition. Such rule changes are valid if and only if the antecedent condition is true at the rule change's time of application. [e.g. "if Proposal X was accepted, amend Rule Y as follows...]

Proposal 1436 - Sun 10 Nov 12:55 CST 1996
Null Proposals
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend R 207 to add the following paragraph at the end of the rule:

If an accepted proposal does not contain at least one valid rule change, no points are scored by any player as a result of that proposal being accepted, the preceeding provisions of this rule notwithstanding. Such proposals, and only such proposals, are "Null Proposals".

Amend R 549 to replace all occurances of the following in section 1:

At all times, a player's Blue Cross Rank is equal to the number of proposals he submitted which have been accepted,


At all times, a player's Blue Cross Rank is equal to the number of non-Null proposals he submitted which have been accepted,

Proposal 1437 - Sun 10 Nov 12:55 CST 1996
Once is Enough
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest Proposal

Amend the third paragraph of R1323 to read in full:

Upon the agreement of both Players A and B, the rental period shall begin, the named amount of A$ shall be transferred from Player B to Player A, and Player B shall be considered the owner of the named entity(ies) for all purposes except that the only action he may take that would cause him to no longer possess the rented entity(ies) is to trade them to Player A.


Amend the fifth paragraph of R1323 to read in full:

Upon expiration of the rental period, the rented entity(ies) shall return from wherever they are to Player A's possession, unless player A is no longer in the game, in which case Player B becomes their owner for all purposes.

Proposal 1438 - Sun 10 Nov 12:56 CST 1996
Vault Divination
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted

The CV is hidden within the Gumball. If a player eligible to find the CV legally chews the Gumball, he shall find it therein. Other players may still chew the Gumball, but they shall not find the CV by doing so. If Rule 1430 does not exist, or if after the passage of this rule, the CV is sent Somewhere Else by Rule 1430, this rule shall repeal itself.

Proposal 1439 - Tue 12 Nov 8:46 CST 1996
Bids are now public, so don't exclude (and don't compensate) the Auctioneer
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend R 1023, "Auction" as follows:

1) In section 3, replace "in the Auction" with "in a private Auction".

2) In section 4, replace "If the Auction was not initiated by a player" with "If the Auction was private, and was not initiated by a player"

Proposal 1440 - Tue 12 Nov 8:46 CST 1996
In Which We Display A Mean Streak
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Accepted

This is a modest proposal.

[I decided against adding the braced clause because I think it would conflict with R106 (the Retroactivity rule). The chance that this will break a streak is minimal, anyway.]

1. Rule 824 is amended to read, in full:
The Brass Monkey is a very large, unique, unownable entity with a low, booming voice.

A Streak begins when a proposal is accepted and there is no Streak already underway. The Streak includes the proposal that started it and all the accepted proposals that follow, until the next time a proposal is rejected. The Streak is then broken.

If ten or more proposals are accepted during a single Streak, it is a Chrome Streak. Chrome Streaks are Strange. When a Chrome Streak is broken, the Brass Monkey shall climb to the top of the tallest building in Acka Land and proclaim:

"The makers of the Chrome Streak shall be awarded 5 bonus points!"

With that, each Player shall receive 5 points for each proposal he or she submitted that was accepted during the Streak (including those that were accepted before it was Chrome), up to a maximum of 15 points per Player.

2. Rule 824 is amended by changing its title to "Brass Monkey".

Proposal 1441 - Tue 12 Nov 8:47 CST 1996
If It Can't Be snowgod's, Then Make It Public
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Rejected

This is a modest proposal.

In Rule 827, change all instances of "Techno," "Techno's," and "he" to "the Treasury," "the Treasury's," and "it," respectively. Add, "the Treasury shall vote as the player requested, if that proposal is still under consideration. The Treasury may only vote when explicitly allowed by the rules.

Proposal 1442 - Tue 12 Nov 8:47 CST 1996
Institutionalized Voting
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted


Amend R 478 so that its title is "Senate" and so that its text is:

The Office of Senator has four Seats. The Speaker is not eligible to hold this office. The Senators are collectively an Institution known as the Senate. The Speaker or Acting Speaker is the titular head of the Senate, with the title of ProConsul. When a Senate vote is tied, the ProConsul may cast a tiebreaking vote on the matter in question.

{{[senators, under the current wording of R 478, should actually be called Senate (plural Senates), e.g., "I hold the Office of Senate, seat Melvin"]}}


Amend R 507 so that its text is:

The Office of Justice has two Seats. The President, Speaker, Praetor, and Senators are not eligible to hold this office. The Justices are collectively known as the Supreme Court.

Justices are appointed by the President and confirmed by Senate vote. Should the Senate reject a candidate, then the President must propose another candidate until either the Senate confirms a candidate, or until the Senate rejects three candidates for the particular vacancy. In the case where the Senate rejects three candidates, the Office is then filled by election.

{{[we don't need Confirmation Procedure and Institutional voting, and I always wondered what would happen if three candidates were rejected. I always assumed the next president would get to appoint candidates.]}}


Repeal R 648, "Confirmation Procedure"


Amend R 720, "Institutions", so that its text is:

1. There exists a class of entities called Institutions. Institutions may only be created, abolished, given rights, privileges, duties, and roles as specified by the rules.

2a. This section (2a thru c) defers to rules governing decision making in Institutions. An Institution votes "in favor" of something, or "in support of an action" when a simple majority of its members vote "in favor" or "in support". An Institution votes against something, or opposes an action when a simple majority of its members vote "against", or "in opposition" to the action. The voting and reporting processes under which these votes occur are detailed in sections 3 and 4.

2b. If however, a vote or action has more than two possible outcomes (excluding abstaining), then a simple plurality of its members determines which of the options the Institution supports.

2c. If the members of an Institution are tied with respect to a specific action or vote, and there is no provision for breaking ties in that Institution (or the application of such provisions does not result in the tie being broken), then that Instiution neither supports, nor opposes that action, nor votes in any way on the matter.

3. When an Institution is called on to vote, it has 7 days conduct and publically report the results of the vote, and how each member voted, unless the rules call for a different amount of time. Results may be announced before the alloted time ends, in which case the voting period is over when those results are announced. Any member who did not vote, and was an active player at any time during the alloted time, is placed in Contempt. If the Institution fails to report a vote (or fails to report that it did not reach a decision in the case of an unbroken tie) in accordance with the above, all its members who are players are placed in Contempt.

4. For the purposes of this rule, the composition of a Institution is taken to be its composition at the end of any voting or decision period. Acting members are considered to be members in place of the members they are acting for, except that acting members may never be placed in Contempt under any provision of this rule.

{{[this acting thing is generally sort of messy, but the above should work. If a player goes on vacation before the end of the voting period, and no one becomes acting in their stead, they are considered the member and are liable to vote. On the other hand, if they are replaced by acting member, the acting member's vote counts instead of the original member, the original member is no longer liable, but the acting member will not be liable either (this closes a small loophole)]}}


Amend R 721, "Organizations", to append the following to the end of the rule:

No Player may be forced to become a member of an Organization against their will. This section takes precedence over any other rule pertaining to membership in Organizations.

Repeal R 723, "Individuality".

Amend Rule 839, "Buildings", to replace the second to the last paragraph with:

All other land, with or without buildings on them, that is not owned by players is called common lands. All deals to sell or buy common land must be approved by Senate vote.
Amend R 841, "Towers", to remove the following text from section 2):

" within 3 days of its submission"


Amend R 970, "Ackanomic/Internomic Interface", to remove the fifth paragraph.


Amend Rule 1298, "in Contempt" to read:

A player who is held in Contempt shall be required to either pay a fine of A$100 to the treasury, or be placed in the Gaol for three days. The player who is in Contempt is allowed to choose which of the two options he would like. If the player does not make a choice within three days of being held in Contempt it will be assumed that he has chosen the Gaol sentence.

A player shall cease to be held in Contempt once a choice as been made per above.

Proposal 1443 - Tue 12 Nov 8:47 CST 1996
Repeal R 904
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

{{[the first paragraph of R 110 is lifted from P915, and was substantially written by Kelly Martin]}}

This is a Modest proposal.

Transmute R 110 to Mutable


Amend R 110 so that its title is "The Game and Winning" and so that its text is:

Ackanomic is a game without end. The Game shall consist of a sequence of "Cycles", played in sequence according to the Rules. Cycles end when specified by the Rules. At most one Cycle is in progress at any one time.

A player may only win a Cycle by procedures defined by the Rules, or by achieving a winning condition that is defined by the Rules. A player may not win the Game of Ackanomic.

Transmute R 110 to Immutable


Amend R 218 to replace all occurrances of "or win the game" with "or win a cycle".


Amend R 425 to replace "the game" with "a cycle" in section (c).


Amend R 666 as follows:

1) replace the first sentence with:

"Upon a Cycle winning condition being achieved, the following steps occur, in order:".

2) replace "winner is declared winner" with "winner is given the title of winner" in section c)


Amend R 790, "Fat Lady" so that its text is:

[I had to get that "when a winner is declared" out of here, it is impossible to follow that rule forever, although I got it last time]}}

The unique, unownable, entity known as the Fat Lady exists.

The Fat Lady shall sing only if a player wins a Cycle. The Speaker is required to announce that the Fat Lady is singing within a reasonable time of a winner being declared, and the Fat Lady will not sing until the Speaker announces that she is doing so.

The Fat Lady's singing will endure for exactly three hours, or until any player publicly posts an original limerick politely asking her to stop, whichever comes first.


Repeal R 904, "Game vs Cycle"


Amend R 1243, "Chartreuse Goose", as follows:

1) replace "cycle or game" with "Cycle" in the second paragraph.

2) replace the section which reads:

All of the following actions must be announced publically if they are performed, and the time of such post establishes the time when these actions occur:


All of the following actions must be announced publically if they are performed, and the time of such post establishes the time when these actions occur. These transfers are impermissible between the time a Paradox Win CFJ submitted by the Goose owner is publically knowable to have been judged TRUE, and the last instant that CFJ may legally be appealed:

Proposal 1444 - Fri 15 Nov 7:46 CST 1996
Opening up greater access to the Fun of Gadget creation
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

{{[An attempt to spread the fun of Inventor around, and allow Blueprints and Gadgets to still be produced if an Inventor is too busy to write them for a period of time. This should not clash with anything in the queue.]}}


Amend R 593 to change its title to "Ackanomic Research Guild" and its text to:

{{Malenkai loses 2 points, Guy Fawkes gains 2 points [rework of his idea in response to initial proto-RFC]}}

I. The Ackanomic Research Guild (Guild) consists of the holders of the following, and only the following, offices on the lettered list below. A member of the Guild has the title of Scientist:

A. Inventor

The Office of Inventor has one seat and is filled by Election for office. The Duties of the Inventor are to keep a public record of all existing Blueprints, to keep a public record of who owns each existing Gadget, and to take care of all other bookkeeping required to ensure that all Gadgets behave in accordance with their Blueprints.

B. Wizard

The Office of Wizard has one seat. This office is Tradebable, and is held by the player who possesses the seat, if any. When this seat is vacant (and not buried), it is auctioned in a public Auction, with a minimum bid of A$100.

C. Archaeologist

The Office of Archaeologist has one seat. This seat is filled or transferred only as follows: At the end of a Cycle, before player scores are reset, this seat is transferred to the single player who has the highest score which is both a prime number and not equivalent to the Magic Number, and is not already a Scientist. If no such player exists, this seat is not transferred (nor filled if vacant).

II. A player may hold no more than one of the preceeding offices at any one time.

III. When a Scientist is removed from their office by impeachment, he loses 20 points. If a Scientist resigns from their offcie while an Impeachment Paper is pending against him, he loses 5 points. An Impeachment Paper against a Scientist requires no quorum and a simple majority of votes in favor to be accepted. This takes precedence over Rule 613.


Amend R 594, "Blueprints", as follows:

1) In section (i), replace "The Inventor" with "A Scientist" and replace "the Inventor" with "the Scientist" and add the following sentence at the end of the section:

"A Scientist may create no more than 4 Blueprints per calendar month."

2) In section (iii), replace

"If an Inventor leaves office for any reason"


"If a Scientist leaves or loses their office for any reason"

and replace the word "Inventor" in the notes brackets with "Scientist".

3) Add the following section immediately before the text which begins with "[A Blueprint is not a legally binding":

(vi) Blueprints are unownable entities.


Amend R 786, "Gadgets" as follows, in the order specified:

1) In section (iv), replace "the Inventor" with "a Scientist" and replace "The Inventor" with "A Scientist".

2) In section (iv)(e), replace "succeeding Inventor" with "succeeding (or another) Scientist".

3) In section (iv)(a) thru (iv)(e), replace all occurrances of the character string "Inventor" with the character string "Scientist".


Renumber R 786, "Gadgets" to 595.


Amend R 1300, "Patent Infringement", to replace "the Inventor" in section 2) with "a Scientist".

Proposal 1445 - Fri 15 Nov 7:46 CST 1996
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Create a new rule which reads:


[Ethics prevent checking the official dictionary, but it is probably rather difficult to win this variant of Ghost, if you go first.]

Amend Games and Contest Game 103, "Ghost" to replace all occurrances of

(1) has at any point in the last three days been a word in the official dictionary


(1) is in excess of 2 letters, and has at any point in the last three days been a word in the official dictionary

Proposal 1446 - Fri 15 Nov 7:47 CST 1996
Noise Ordinances
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

In Rule 1240, section III, amend the sentence which currently states [last sentence, second paragraph]:

"The truth must be such that the Machine shall not fail to go *ping* for any seven consecutive calendar days during the current Scholar's term."

to read instead:

"The truth must be such that the Machine shall not fail to go *ping* for any seven consecutive calendar days, nor shall it go *ping* without fail for any fourteen consecutive calendar days during the current Scholar's term."

{{[ With all due respect to Guy Fawkes, the Machine's creator; but a Machine that *ping*s every day without fail is just as inscrutable as a Machine that is completely silent. ]}}

Proposal 1447 - Fri 15 Nov 7:47 CST 1996
High 5
Niccolo Flychuck
Decision: Rejected

This is a Modest proposal.

Ammend R1026 section 9e to read in full:
"If at least 5 Active Players, or 10% of the Active Players, whichever is greater, not including the author of the description, endorse the description within 7 days, it is approved, otherwise it is rejected. This sub-section defers precedence to sub-sections b and d."

Proposal 1448 - Sun 17 Nov 12:21 CST 1996
Crazy French-Scotsmen
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Made Harfy by Malenkai at Sun, 17 Nov 1996 16:55:05 -0500
Decision: Accepted

Any new player of Ackanomic (defined, for these purposes, as a player who has been a player of Ackanomic for less than 31 days) that is playing Ackanomic for the first time (i.e. they have only joined the game of Ackanomic once) may publicly complain when they lose any points or currency. When they exercise this option, the penalty will immediately be counteracted. In order for this complaint to have the effects described in this rule, it must express the sentiment "I didn't understand the rules! You keep changing the rules! You never told me about that rule!". It need not (and in fact is encouraged not to) use those exact phrases, but it must adequately express those sentiments.
If the penalty involved a loss of points, the penalized player's score (after having the penalty revoked) will be raised to the first prime number higher than their current score. If the penalty involved a loss of currency, the player with the most currency (in case of a tie, the player with the most currency whose Ackanomic name occurs first alphabetically) must give the new player currency, the amount of which must be positive and non-zero. The player cannot be selected to give themselves currency. In this case, whichever player (other than the penalized player) with the most vowels in their name will give the penalized player a positive non-zero amount of currency.
This public complaining may only be exercised 3 times by any player. If a player manages to legitimately exercise this ability 3 times within a 48 hour period, they will be dubbed a Crazy Scotsman. If the player manages to legitimately exercise this ability 3 times within a 24 hour period, they will instead by dubbed a Crazy French-Scotsman.

Proposal 1449 - Sun 17 Nov 12:21 CST 1996
mr cwm's apple
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected

mr cwm's apple exists. It is unique but not tradeable. The owner of mr cwm's apple may cast two votes in any hearing concerning the validity of a translation in the Codex of Kra. This rule takes precedence over any mutable rule which would deny the apple's owner the right to cast two votes in a hearing.

{{mr cwm's apple is given to mr cwm in recognition of his accomplishments in the feild of ackaphysics, most notably the realization that gravity is a myth, Newton a fraud, and that the universal force is actually pressure}}

Proposal 1450 - Sun 17 Nov 12:22 CST 1996
Amend R 1428 and remove Resolutions
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend R 1428 to read:

The Entities known as Processing Chips Exist. A Processing Chip (PC) is an eight (8) pin dual-in-line package (DIP) with the first two pins bent up at 180 degrees. The back of the DIP is covered with scortching. It resembles a rather large, distinctly ugly bug.

When a non-Null, non-Modest Proposal is accepted, a Processing Chip is created and given to the author of that Proposal. Additionally, for each condition the proposal met on the following bonus schedule, the quantity of addituional PCs listed for that condition is created and given to the author.

1. If the Proposal was Grandiose: 1 additional PC.

2. If the Proposal created one or more new non-Self Deleting Rules: 2 additional PC's.

3. If the Proposal created one or more rules which creates or defines a new Entity or class of Entity (other than a new instance of a rule, preexisting nameless entity, or class of nameless entity [e.g. creating more Ackadollars doesn't count]): 1 additional PC.


Create a new rule entitled "Here's hoping P 1435 passed so conditional rule changes are no longer a hassle" with the following text:

If Proposal 1436 [sic] was not accepted, remove all occurrances of the string "non-Null, " from R 1428.


Amend R 414, "The Office of the Tabulator" to remove all occurrances of the string " and Resolutions".


Amend R 870, "Self Deleting Text", in the following ways:

1) Append the following sentence to the end of the first paragraph:

"Such rules, and only such rules, are called "Self Deleting Rules""

2) Delete the third paragraph.

3) Delete the last sentence that appears in square brackets.