The Rules of Ackanomic: 500s

Rule 500/1
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)

Something is an entity if and only if the rules specify that it is, or it is defined by the Rules and Ackanomic tradition indicates that it is an entity. [Caveat: implicit entityhood (by game custom) may be abandoned in a future version of this rule. Explicitly defining your entityish creations to be entities is strongly recommended.]

An entity may not be created, destroyed, or manipulated except as specified by the Rules. It can have no material effect on the game other than those effects specified by the Rules.

Rules, the rule set, and Proposals are unownable entities. Rule changes may manipulate Rules and the Rule set.

Manipulation of an entity is permissible if such manipulation is not explicitly regulated by the rules, and such manipulation would not have a material effect on the game. In other words, the game state must be the same after the manipulation as it would have been had the manipulation not occurred.

For the purposes of this rule, discussion and messages (public or private) are not considered a material effect on the game. Nor are the initiation or results of a CFJ or CFCJ concerning the matter of whether or not a certain event constitutes a material effect. It is recognized that deciding whether a particular manipulation materially affected the game state is a matter that often can only be decided by judgement alone.

Entities may not be broken into fractional pieces, and fractional pieces of entities may not be created. When any rule or anything else empowered by the rules specifies a fractional number of entities are created, destroyed, transferred, or otherwise operated upon, that action uses the least integer greater than the fractional number in place of the fractional number. This paragraph takes precedence over all other rules.

Rule 500.1/7
Entity Names
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)

Each entity is either named (which means it has a name) or nameless. An entity is nameless unless the Rules specify otherwise.

When a named entity is created, it shall be given a name in accordance with the Rules. If the Rules do not specify any other method for determining its name, or if the method specified does not give a legal name, that entity shall be considered nameless until a name is legally assigned to it.

A name is a sequence of no more than seventy name characters. The name characters are:

!#$%&*+-/0123 456789=?@\^_|
abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz

and the space character.

[Parentheses, double quotes, back quotes, square brackets, angle brackets, braces, colons, and non-ASCII characters are not name characters.]

If a named entity at any time ever does not have a name, or has a name which does not comply with the Rules, it shall immediately take the name "Nameless Thing #X", where X is the lowest positive integer creating a legal name for the entity. If this would result in multiple entities having the same name, one of them is chosen at random. If this method does not produce a legal name, the entity remains unnamed.

Rule 500.2/3
Entity Ownership
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)

Named entities may own other ownable entities, or even own themselves. (Nameless entities may not.)

Each entity is either unownable, nontradeable, or tradeable. Tradeable entities are either giftable or ackable, and are either protected or exportable. Tradeable entities are ackable and protected unless the Rules specify otherwise. An entity is nontradeable unless the Rules specify otherwise. If an entity is nontradeable or tradeable then it is ownable.

At any given time, each ownable entity is either owned by one or more named entities, Somewhere Else (unowned), or exported. If the Rule(s) defining an ownable entity do not explicitly state that it may have multiple owners, then it can have at most one owner. Exportable entities may never have more than one owner; this sentence takes precedence over any rule claiming otherwise.

When an ownable entity is created, it is in the Treasury, unless the Rules specify an initial owner for it. Entities may be transferred from one owner to another only through methods specified by the Rules.

Rule 500.3/2
Entity Uniqueness
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)

An entity is unique if, and only if, the Rules specify that it is. Each unique entity is the only entity of its type.

If there are several entities of the same type, and at least one of them is unique, all the non-unique entities of that type are destroyed. If there are several unique entities of the same type, the oldest one survives and the rest are destroyed.

Unique entities may not be cloned, copied, duplicated, or Xeroxed; an attempt to forge a copy of a unique entity always results in humiliating failure.

A unique entity is also mimsy, unless the rules specify that it is not. A non-unique entity is not mimsy, unless the Rules specify that it is.

Rule 501/6
ExtraNomic Entities
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)

An Import is a tradeable, exportable entity. Imports may only be created or destroyed as specified in the rules. All Imports have a noo (nomic of origin), which is appended to the end of its name between curly braces ('{','}'). If a rule would destroy an Import then it is instead transfered to the Customs Office and offered to its noo; this sentence takes precedence over any rule which would destroy an Import.

The Customs Office is a branch of the Treasury, and a named, unownable entity.

The Customs Officer is an optional functional office, and is Ackanomic's Customs Officer to the ITA if Ackanomic is a member of the ITA. It is a duty of the Customs Officer to apply for ITA membership if Acka is not a member of the ITA. It is a duty of the Customs Officer to keep an ITA-compliant log of all ITA trades involving Acka and an entity for which Acka is the noo. If the Customs Officer of another nomic makes an offer to Ackanomic then it is the duty of the Customs Officer to determine which of the following cases applies (higher ones take precedence), and inform the ITA of Acka's decision to accept or refuse the offer:

1) If a recipient is specified, but the recipient is not a named entity which can legally own imports then the offer must be refused.

2) If a recipient is specified and another rule specifies when that entity accepts and refuses trades then that rule takes precedence.

3) If a recipient is not specified and the offer is not conditional then the offer is accepted and The Treasury becomes the Ackan-anchor. The CO must then publicly announce that this has happened.

4) If a recipient is not specified and the offer is conditional then the Customs Officer should publicly announce the offer. If any player or organization publicly accepts the offer, can legally accept trades, can legally own Imports, and owns the conditional portion of the trade then Acka accepts the offer. The accepting entity becomes the Ackan-anchor. The CO must then publicly announce that this has happened.

5) If a recipient is specified then the CO should publicly announce the offer. If the recipient accepts the offer and has any objects the offer is conditional upon then so does Acka, if the recipient refuses the offer then so does Acka. If the offer is accepted then the recipient becomes the Ackan-anchor. The CO must then publicly announce that this has happened.

When Acka is involved in an accepted ITA trade offer, an Import is created for each object which Acka receives and for which Acka is not the noo, and the newly created Imports are transfered to the Ackan-anchor. All entities Acka receives for which Acka is the noo cease to be exported and become owned by the Ackan-anchor. All entities sent out of Acka by the trade become exported, unless they are Imports, in which case they are destroyed.

If an Ackan wishes to trade with another nomic, they must publicly post the trade they wish to make, including the destination. If e owns everything offered in the trade then it is a duty of the CO to make a trade offer on behalf of Acka offering the entities and with whatever conditional entities are required by the trade. It is a duty of the CO to publicly announce when the trade is accepted or refused.

Rule 503/0
Imports Rule Suite
Eris (Gavin Logan)

[This is a link to the Imports Rule Suite.]

An import’s Nomic Of Origin (noo) may make a public message [as per rule 419.3] placing that import into the set of a type of entity. That entity type may not be a type currently defined by a rule inside or outside of this rule suite. [e.g. The noo may place the entity into the set "dollars" or "donuts" but not "Ackadollars".] If the same noo makes an announcement of this sort more than once in a calendar week, then all announcements after the first are ignored.

When this announcement is made, a rule is created within this rule suite named "Import Type: <type>", where <type> is replaced by the type announced by the noo; numbered 503.X, where X is the lowest positive integer such that this is a unique rule; with the following double quote delimited text:

<type> are tradeable, exportable entities.

where <type> is replaced by the type of entity concerned and any necessary capitalisation may be performed by the Rule-Harfer. Players are encouraged to augment the rules in this rule suite so that these types mimic the properties they have within the rule set of their noo, or have at least nominal worth or use within the game of Ackanomic. If an officer or any player responsible for accepting an import from another nomic is informed that such an import falls into a pre-defined type within this rule suite, that player must announce this fact publicly before this import is accepted.

All rules in this rule suite take precedence over rule 501, "ExtraNomic Entities" where there is conflict.

Rule 505/29
Treasury and AckaDollars
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)

I. AckaDollars

The AckaDollar (A$) is the official currency of Ackanomia.

AckaDollars are gift entities.

II. Treasury:

The Treasury is a named, unownable entity that serves as a storing house for entities that belong to no other entity, except for those entities for which the rules explicitly state are not in (or considered to be in) the Treasury. Items owned by the Treasury are said to be "in the Treasury", and they may not be manipulated in any way except as explicitly allowed by the Rules.

The Treasury has a number of branches dedicated to special purposes. Such branches may own A$ or other entities, but those entities are not counted as being in the Treasury except for tax purposes. This paragraph takes precedence over all rules which define what is in the Treasury.

III. Hard Currency:

AckaDollars may not be created nor destroyed, except as Trinkets are created and destroyed. This Rule has precedence over any Rule that would create or destroy A$, except it defers to rules concerning the creation and destruction of Trinkets. Whenever the Rules specify that a Player should receive A$, and do not indicate where those A$ should come from, they shall come from the Treasury. Whenever the Rules specify that a Player should lose A$, and do not indicate where those A$ should go to, or specify that they should be destroyed, they shall go to the Treasury instead. The total number of A$ shall always be 100,000 less the combined value of all extant Trinkets (including those Trinkets created in Ackanomic, yet exported as described in the rules).

IV. Bankrupt Treasury:

Whenever the rules require an amount of A$ from the Treasury for any reason, and there are insufficient available A$ to meet those obligations, the following process is executed:

a) If there are no A$ owned by On Ice players, skip to step (e) of this process.

b) Each On Ice player and Branch of the Treasury transfers 10% (round up) of its A$ to the Treasury.

c) If there are still insufficient available A$ to meet the obligations, the process returns to step (a).

d) If there are sufficient available A$ to meet to the obligations, the obligations are met, and the process ends.

e) The remaining available A$ in the treasury shall be used in proportion to the number of A$ required for each application.

V. Donation:

A player may donate any non-mimsy Tradeable entity they own to the Treasury. When a Trinket is donated (or otherwise transferred to the Treasury), it is transformed into its value in A$ upon donation.

VI. Total Wealth:

The Total Wealth of a Player or Organization is defined as the sum of the total number of A$ it possesses plus the combined values of all trinkets in its possession.

VII. Harfer Fee

The standard Harfer Fee is A$25. Whenever the rules direct a Harfer Fee to be paid, it is paid to the Treasury.

Rule 506/13
Malenkai (Randy Hall)

A class of gift entities known as Trinkets exist. Trinkets always have a positive, integral value in A$; this takes precedence over all other rules. The value of a Trinket may only be changed as specified by the rules.

A player may transform some or all of his A$ into a Trinket as a public action. In order to fully specify this action, the player must state the name, description, and value of the Trinket to be created. The creation fails if the player does not have at least as many A$ as the stated value of the Trinket, and/or if the name specified for the Trinket is not a valid Ackanomic name, or is already the name of a named entity. If the Trinket creation succeeds then the player who created the Trinket is its initial owner.

The owner of a trinket may transform it into its value in A$ as a public action. This action destroys the Trinket, creating A$ in its stead, and it upsets the art and antiquities communities.

Other rules may also create and bestow ownership of Trinkets, so long as the rule provides for naming, describing, and valuing the Trinket.

A player-created Trinket, whose name contains the name of a current or former player other than that of the creating player, such that the player name in question existed before the Trinket was created, and which has not been owned at some time by each player whose name it contains, is a forgery. The rules may define other circumstances under which a Trinket is a forgery. Upon it becoming publically knowable that a Trinket is a forgery, it is transferred to the Treasury, unless it contains the name of exactly one current player and no former players, in which case it is transferred to that player. For the purposes of this clause, the Trinket name "contains" a name N, if it contains a word or phrase of the same length in words as N, that when stripped of any conventional English morphological changes, matches N as described in rule 348. [e.g. "Malenkai's Loophole" and "Malenkai-esque Statues" would be forgeries].

Trinkets have no power to affect any entities except as specified in the rules.

Rule 508/8
Fortnightly Dividends
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)

Every other Monday at noon, Fortnightly Dividends are calculated. The Virtual Fortnight shall be either the last two weeks, or the period since the beginning of the most recent cycle, whichever is shortest. If a player's net score change over the Virtual Fortnight was positive, then e receives A$1 for every point eir score increased in that period. If eir score change was negative, e loses A$1 for every 2 points eir score decreased. This rule defers to rules which may specify other ways of calculating the score change for the fortnight.

Rule 510/5
Voluntary Debt Prohibited
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)

No Player or Organization may use more A$'s to buy, trade, give or in any way move out of his account, than there are in his/her account at that moment in time. In other words, a player may never voluntarily go into debt, but it is possible that a player may go into debt involuntarily.

A player in debt still earns A$ from events in the game as if they were not in debt. However, they cannot spend any A$ voluntarily until their net A$ balance is positive.

Rule 515/7
Trading and Gifts
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)

This Rule defers to all other rules. [Rules may specify conditions in which certain trades may not take place, even though this rule specifies that they are legal. Rules may specify alternate means of trading entities, beyond those given here.]

A Player may offer a trade of one group of entities for another, by sending a public message specifying the entities offered (if any) and the entities requested (if any), if and only if the trade is legal. If the message further states specifically to which Players the trade is offered, then the trade is exclusive; otherwise it is offered at large.

A trade that offers or requests any entity that is not tradeable is illegal. A trade that offers any entity not owned by the Player offering the trade is illegal. All other trades are legal.

An offer made in this way stands until it is legally retracted or accepted, or the entity who offered it no longer owns the entities offered, or the offer has been standing for at least three days, whichever comes first.

A Player may retract a trade he or she offered by sending a public message to that effect.

A Player may accept an exclusive trade offered to him or her, or any trade offered at large [but not one that was offered specifically to someone else], if and only if he or she owns all of the entities requested, in at least the quantities requested. He or she does this by sending a public message to that effect.

When a Player accepts a standing trade, the entities offered are transferred from the Player who offered the trade to the Player who accepted it, and the entities requested in exchange are transferred from the Player who accepted the trade to the Player who offered it.

A Player or organization who owns a gift entity may transfer that entity to another Player or organization as a public action.

All trades made as described by this rule are said to occur on the Free Market.

A trade or gift must specify a positive, integral amount of entities to be traded.

Rule 516/18
Malenkai (Randy Hall)

1) An Auction can be called either as specified by another Rule, or by any Player as a public action.

The call for Auction must include:

a) the item or items to be Auctioned, which must be unowned if the Rules are calling (or directing a player to initiate) the Auction, and must be tradeable entit(ies) owned by the Player calling the Auction if it is being called by a Player acting on their own. Default quantity is 1 item.

b) if more than one item is being auctioned, whether or not the items should be grouped and auctioned as a lot (default = no). If yes, then "item" (and "items") as used in the remainder of this rule shall be construed to mean the entire lot of items being auctioned, and quantity shall be 1.

c) the minimum bid (default = A$0)

d) whether the Auction is to be private or public (default = public)

e) the player initiating the auction (default = Speaker)

2) The Auctioneer will be the player initiating the auction. If this is not possible for some reason, the Speaker shall be the Auctioneer. If this is impossible as well, there shall be no Auction until the situation is corrected.

3) The Auctioneer is disqualified to bid in a private Auction. The Auctioneer may use the title of Chief Cheese for the duration of any Auction.

4) The Auctioneer has the following duties: announcing the start of the auction and the relevant details of the auction; announcing the conclusion and results of the auction; making sure the auction procedure is conducted as specified by the rules; and accepting bids in private auctions.

5) The Auction shall last for 3 days, or 12 hours past the auction's most recent bid (in public auctions), whichever is longer, after which time the Auctioneer shall announce the results, and all A$ and items shall be transferred to their new owners. If the Auction was private, the Auctioneer shall keep a 10% commission of all monies transferred to the Treasury as compensation for performing the work and not being permitted to bid.

6) The Auction shall be conducted as follows:

6a) All qualified active players are permitted to submit bids of a positive amount of A$ equal to or less than the amount they possess. If a player submits multiple bids, only the highest will be considered. Anyone who submits a bid in excess of the A$ they have is disqualified, and their bids are disqualified. Anyone who submits a bid below the minimum bid is also disqualified. Bids may not be retracted.

6b) In a public auction, each bid, except the first one, must exceed the previous bid by at least 10% for regular public auctions, and at least 1% for Shubik auctions, or it is disqualified.

6c) Let N be the quantity of items up for Auction. The players who made the N highest qualified bids shall each receive an item in exchange for the amount of A$ they bid. If the number of players who made qualified bids is less than N, then the Auctioneer shall receive all the the remaining items, if the minimum bid was A$0. If it was not A$0, then the remaining item(s) shall revert to the player initiating the auction. If, instead, they were unowned when the Auction was initiated, they are destroyed. If the auction was called by a player, and that player no longer has has at least N items at the conclusion of the auction, that player is placed in Contempt. If a bidder does not have enough A$ to honor their bid in either type of auction, they are placed in Contempt. In either of these cases, the auction is voided, and reinitiated if originally called by the rules.

6d) If the bids are tied such that the Auctioneer cannot determine who gets item(s), the Auctioneer shall resolve the tie(s) via random means, and disclose this fact. All tied bidders shall be eligible for the random selection, including any non-active ones.

6e) If the Auction is private, the Auctioneer shall not disclose the bids to anyone during the process of the Auction. If the Auction is public, bids must be submitted to the public forum.

7) When a player acting on their own calls a public auction in which exactly one item is being auctioned, that player may declare that auction to be a "Shubik Auction" when it is initiated. An auction may not be so declared under any other circumstances. At the conclusion of a Shubik Auction, the player who made the second highest bid, if such a player exists, forfeits his bid to the treasury as well, and receives no compensation.

8) Any unowned entity that is being auctioned is not considered to be in the Treasury from the time the Auction is declared until its results are announced.

Rule 520/3
Auction Them Entities
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)

Once per calendar week the Financier may, as a Privilege, call a public auction, called an "Auction Them Entities" auction, for a single tradeable entity which is in the Treasury by specifying the entity. If the Financier has not yet called such an auction in a given week, any player may, as a public action, request that a particular entity be auctioned and pay A$10 into the Treasury, and the Financier must call such an Auction within three days. The Financier is only bound to honour the first such request each week, and is never otherwise required to call an Auction Them Entities auction.

Rule 540/0
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)

Certain types of entities may be defined as having Characteristics, which are named but are not entities. However, Characteristic names follow the same Rules as entity names; that is, a Characteristic may not have a given name unless it is legal for an Entity to have that name.

If a Characteristic is defined for a given entity, then that entity has a number associated with that Characteristic, called the Value of that Characteristic. (For instance, if Trinkets had a Size characteristic, then the "whatever it is we're auctioning today" may have a Size Value of 1.)

The normal range for a Characteristic is from 0 to 100, unless the Rule describing that Characteristic assigns a different range. It is possible for the range of a Characteristic to be infinite or semi-infinite. The default value for a Characteristic is either 0 or the lowest possible value for that Characteristic, whichever is lower, unless a different value is defined to be the default for that Characteristic.

The value of a Characteristic may only be changed as described by the Rules. If the Rules describe a Characteristic being "lost" or "gained" with respect to a given entity, then that entity's Characteristic Value is considered to be lowered or raised by the amount described(one, by default).

Rule 540.1/1
Characteristic: Harf
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)

Players possess the Characteristic of Harf. The Harf Value for a Player starts at a default of 0, and has a range which encompasses any integral value.

Whenever a Player gains points from Rule 1112, eir Harf Value goes up by the number of points e gains thereby. A Player who is convicted of hogging the Harf loses 5 Harf; if an Inquisition is called and the verdict is 'No! He's going to share the Harf!', then the Supreme Inquisitor for that Hearing loses 5 Harf.

Whenever a proposal is declared harfy its author gains 1 Harf.

Rule 540.2/2
Basic Player Characteristics
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)

Each Player has the following six Characteristics(as well as others that may be defined by other Rules): Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma. The range of these Characteristics is between 3 and 18, and their Default Value is 10. The Basic Player Characteristics are Testable.

Initially, all players have the Default Values for each of these Characteristics; if a player has not done so, then at any time e may ask the Dungeonmaster [see below] to generate eir scores, which the Dungeonmaster may do by generating six values from 3 to 18 using three six-sided dice(preferably using the Dice Server)for each value. (That is, each Characteristic's value shall be the sum of three randomly generated numbers from 1 to 6.)

Rule 541/1
Characteristic Tests
JT (JT Traub)

Other rules may call for a test of a characteristic. A test of a characteristic is only valid if all objects to be tested contain the characteristic to be tested, and if the characteristic is defined as Testable.

When a rule calls for a Characteristic Test, the following procedure is performed by the Dungeon Master.

For each object to be tested, a Characteristic Roll is performed. A Characteristic Roll is defined as a random number generated such that it has the same distribution as that characteristic. [For instance to generate a characteristic roll for Strength one would use 3d6].

For each object the Characteristic Roll is compared subtracted from the Characteristic Value. The resulting number is the Test Value.

The object with the maximum Test Value is declared to have won the test.

[Example: JT has a STR of 12 and Alfvaen has a STR of 17. The Characteristic Roll for JT is 7 and the Characteristic Roll for Alfvaen is 14. The Test Value for JT is 5 (12-7) and the Test Value for Alfvaen is 3 (17 - 3). Therefor JT would win this hypothetical test.]

Rule 550/4
Honour System Rule Suite
JT (JT Traub)

[Honour System Rule Suite]

Every player has an Honour Characteristic with a Default Value of 0 and a range of -1000000 to 1000000

The Honour Characteristic of a player may be referred to as their Honour.

The Honour Characteristic is always an integer.

The rules in this rules suite take precedence over any other rules which deal with when Honour is gained or lost.

The Herald is the Custodian of the Honour System Rule Suite.

Rule 560/0
JT (JT Traub)

A class of named entities known as Contracts exists.

Any player may create a Contract at any time by paying the Standard Harfer Fee, providing a unique name for it, and announcing the fact of its creation and whether or not it is a public Contract. If the Contract is a public Contract, the creator must also post the text of the Contract at this time.

If it is private, e must mail the text of the Contract to the General Contractor privately. The contract does not actually exist until the General Contractor publically acknowledges reciept of the text, which e must do within three days of recieving it.

When a Contract is created, the creator is considered to have signed it.

Any signer of a private contract may request the General Contract to forward that contract to another player and the General Contractor must do so.

Once a Contract is created, the text of it may not be altered.

For the signers of a Contract to destroy it requires an action of the entire set of signers of the Contract. Such an action occurs as if that set were an Organization and it were an Organizational Action.

A Contract may specify an expiration date. If a Contract does so, then on that date, the Contract is automatically destroyed. Such an expiration date may not be less than 1 month from the time of the creation of the Contract.

A Contract may specify a penalty clause for breaking any of the terms of the Contract. This penalty clause may only specify the loss of a positive number of points, tradeable entities or some combination thereof. If a penalty clause is not specified explicitly, it is considered to specify the loss of 5 points. If the clause specifies entities and the player who broke the terms of the Contract does not own that number or type of entities then that player shall lose 5 points in addition to any points specified by the penalty clause.

When a signer breaks a Contract any player (for a public Contract) or any other signer (for a private Contract) may point this fact out publically within 1 week of the action or inaction which broke the Contract. At the time this is pointed out, the penalty clause of the Contract will take effect. In no case may the penalty clause of any Contract be applied to any player more than one time in a calendar week for the same action or inaction.

No Contract will have any game effect until it has been signed by at least two players (including the creator)

Any player may sign a public Contract by paying the Standard Harfer Fee and signing it as a public action.

Any player may sign a private Contract by paying the Standard Harfer Fee and signing it as a public action. If the creator of the Contract agrees, then the Contract is signed by the player.

In addition to the penalty clause defined above, a Contract may specify a number of other clauses which either permit action, restrict action or require action. At no point may a Contract require or allow an action which would otherwise be prohibited by the rules.

A Contract is only ever binding upon the players who have signed it.

If a Contract is deemed Invalid by the General Contractor then it is destroyed.

A Contract may only be declared Stale according to the rules. Stale Contracts are intended to be ones which no longer have any effect on the game, or which have simply been neglected by the creator and/or signers. Any signer of the Contract may object to it being made Stale, at which time it ceases to be Stale. Any Contract which is Stale for 1 week is destroyed.

Rule 593/15
Ackanomic University
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)

The Ackanomic University is the home of the wizardly arts.

The Office of Wizard is a Capital Office with one seat. When the office is in the Treasury or Somewhere Else, it is auctioned in a public Auction, with a minimum bid of A$100.

Rule 594/20
Blueprint Rule Suite
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)

I. Discoveries are unownable entities. Players may create Discoveries by posting their name and text, and paying A$100 to the Treasury for research and development. The text must describe the behaviour of exactly one new type of Gadget, and the name must be legal and unique, or the creation fails.

II. A Discovery is said to be made by the player who posted its text. If a Rule creates a Discovery, authorship credit is given as listed by that Rule. If that Rule gives no authorship credit, then no authorship credit shall be given.

III. A Discovery is Debunked if, within 7 days of its creation, at least 4 different players have protested its creation in a public forum. Whenever a Discovery is Debunked, it is destroyed. If a Discovery is not Debunked after 7 days of its creation, then a new rule is created as a member of this rule suite, with the title "Blueprint: <name>" where <name> is the name of the Discovery, with authorship credit as described in section II, and with text identical to the text of the Discovery. The Discovery is then destroyed. Creation of a Blueprint does not create any instances of the type of Gadget described by that Blueprint.

IV. The term "Blueprint", as used in the rules, means a member of this rule suite.

V. The custodian of the Blueprint Rule Suite is the Wizard.

VI. Blueprints defer to all non-Blueprint rules, except as specified elsewhere in this rule. [This allows blueprints to claim precedence or defer to one another, and allows the Whamiol's trade restriction to work.]

VII. A Blueprint may only define the behavior and attributes of gadgets of the type which is named in its title, define ways in which such gadgets and their attributes may be manipulated, manipulate or destroy (but not create) such gadgets and/or their attributes, and place restrictions on how such gadgets may be created, destroyed, or otherwise manipulated. Restrictions of this last type do not defer to other rules by default.

Blueprints may not create, destroy, or manipulate any other entities, except in the ways that they direct their gadgets to do so.

[Follow this link for the Blueprints]

Rule 595/20
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)

I. A Gadget's Blueprint is the Blueprint that defines the class of Gadget to which that Gadget belongs. If a Gadget's Blueprint exists, the Gadget behaves in the manner defined by the Blueprint, and may be manipulated in accordance with it. If a Gadget's Blueprint is repealed, the Gadget is destroyed.

II. Gadgets are tradeable entities. The owner of a Gadget may destroy it.

III. Gadgets may be created by rules, provided the rule specifies the quantity created, the Blueprint which defines its behaviour, and how ownership is to be determined. If ownership is to be determined by Auction, The Auction shall be conducted by the process described in Rule 516.

Timestamp: Fri 02 Oct 1998 08:13 EDT

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