VASSAL 3.x Features Poll Results

Below are the results of the VASSAL Features Poll. VASSAL users and module developers were asked to choose up to fifteen Requests For Enhancement (RFEs) from our SourceForge site which they most wanted to see in the 3.x series of VASSAL.

The Poll

Polling was open from 22 January through 2 February 2007, during which 265 ballots were received, 261 of which were kept as legitimate.1 On these 261 ballots, 2816 individual votes were cast for 113 distinct RFEs, yielding a mean of 10.79 votes cast per ballot. Only one RFE received no votes, and at least one ballot was cast containing each possible number of votes (1–15). See below for a complete breakdown of votes cast per ballot. Module developers were asked to identify themselves as as such; 59 ballots were cast by developers, 202 by users.


The poll results2 are presented here from all voters, from users only, and from module developers only. Numbers along the Y-axis are SourceForge RFE IDs.

All Voters

Results, All Voters

Users Only

Results, Users Only

Module Developers Only

Results, Developers Only

Votes Cast Per Ballot

Votes Cast Per Ballot


1. Four ballots were discarded due to being cast within seconds of an identical ballot from the same IP address. It is assumed that these voters clicked "Submit" a second time before receiving confirmation that their original votes had been recorded.

2. These charts were produced by gnuplot as SVG, tweaked by Inkscape and then converted to PNGs.

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