Proposal 018 - Sometimes God Plays Dice - FAILS 2 to 4 Submitted by SatyrEyes Upon this proposal's passage, the Host shall generate a random integer between one and the current number of players, inclusive. If this integer strictly exceeds the number of FOR votes on this proposal, then all players but me (the proposer) are simultaneously eliminated and I am the winner. Otherwise, I am eliminated. For: Jorro, SatyrEyes Against: Kevan, Mat, Ryan, Truman Not Voting: Jon Proposal 019 – Get along Little Doggies - FAILS 2 to 4 Submitted by The Host All players who are not registered on the Survivor Nomic Yahoo Groups mailing list but the time Round 5 ends will be Eliminated. For: Kevan, SatyrEyes Against: Jorro, Mat, Ryan, Truman Not Voting: Jon Proposal 020 - PASSES 4 to 2 Submitted by Mat Create a new rule titled "Forced success" In it state the following: There exists an entity known as The Ring . After the enactment and dismissal phase of each round, one player is awarded this entity. The player who receives it for the round has a vote twice that of the usual for each proposal voted on in a round where he/she has the ring.. For example, if a player votes FOR on a proposal, his/her vote counts as if it were two FORs in the total vote and the quorum is increased as if there were another player still in the game and that player had voted the same as the player with The Ring . The Ring is passed from player to player via a scheme of passed proposals. When a player submits a proposal, he/she musts specify the next recipient. If the player's proposal passes, he/she is relieved of The Ring and the recipient receives it. The player who wields The Ring has two rounds to pass a proposal. If the wielder does not do so in this time period, he/she is eliminated from the game. Upon enactment of this rule, The Host will choose player to be the first to wield The Ring. For: Jorro, Mat, SatyrEyes, Truman Against: Kevan, Ryan Not Voting: Jon Proposal 021 – The Invisible Hand Guides the Game - FAILS 3 to 3 Submitted by Ryan Create a rule stating: "In each round, the jury may submit proposals to be voted on, equal to the number of members of the jury. Each jury member gets priority to submit their own proposal, but if one person does not, the first extra submitted proposals will be voted on. So, for example, there are three jury members, Person A, Person B, and Person C. If A, B, and C each submitted their own proposals, those are the proposals that would be up for vote. If A submitted 3 proposals, B submitted 0 and C submitted 0, all three of A's proposals would be up for vote. The extra proposals will be choosen based upon who submitted them first. There will be a maxiumum total of X proposals for the X jury members currently in place. The jury will only be able to SUBMIT the proposals and will not be able to VOTE on them." For: Mat, Ryan, Truman Against: Jorro, Kevan, SatyrEyes Not Voting: Jon