Omeganomic Ruleset

Rule 1) There exist an office called The Imperial Emperor. Currently, the TIE is Brex. The TIE receives a salary of twenty jet moxes a week, on the first update to the website of that week. Any proposals that soley change the TIE's salary, or those submitted by the TIE that changes eir salary at all, require a majority vote from all players.

Rule 2) The TIE can change the state of the game by issuing Proclamations. E may only issue them when the rules state so, and then change only what is regulated by the rules. The TIE may also make cosmetic changes to the ruleset, grouping related rules and claifying other things.

Rule 3) Any player may submit a proposal to the TIE. If, in the TIE's opinion, it is a good rule, not destructive of gameplay, and all that ahem, then e will issue a proclamation enacting the proposal into the ruleset. The only changes e can make are fixes to grammer and spelling, or fixing glaring loopholes or ambigous parts.

Rule 4) If a player has a proposal accepted, e gets 1 point. If that proposal was related to the theme, e gets two points, unless it was the first one related to that theme that the player had gotten accepted.

Rule 5) There exists a treasury where, initially, all currency is held. The TIE can issue a proclamation that adds a certain number of any type of currency defined by the rules to the treasury. Available currencies, and the number each player has, can be found in the treasury report

Rule 6) When the players all agree that the game has progressed long enough, the player with the most points win.

Rule 7) The TIE can issue a proclamation declaring or retracting a theme. If there is a theme, a player must submit at least one proposal related to the theme before submitting any off-theme proposals.

Rule 8) When a new player joins the game, e is given 100 jet moxes from the treasury.

Rule 9) There exist offices known as cabinet posts. Whenever a new cabinet post is created, there is immediatly an election for the position. The TIE cannot vote unless there is a tie (groan) for who has the most votes. Each cabinet post has an area of expertise, and they advise the TIE an all matters related to that area.

Cabinet post responisiblities:

Cabinet Post rights:

In the event that a cabinet post is empty, the TIE shall fufill the duties required. E does not receive any extra salary or rights from doing this. Currently existing cabinet posts.

Treasurer: this cabinet post's area of influence is the financial aspects of the game. The document e makes is known as the treasury report, and e recieves a ten jet mox salary. As e designed the whole concept =), e gets a 33% cut from Imperial taxes.

Commodity Manager: The Commodity manager deals with commodities. E has a salary of 15 jet moxes a week, and makes an accurate report weekly of each player's commodities and businesses.

Cartographer: The cartographer deals with the map. The location, population, and owner of each square, as well as where the players are, and all other things that deal with the map. E has a salary of 15 jet moxes a week.

Rule 10) A new player may, in either eir first or second proposal, cite one other player that convinced em to join. The recruiting player gets one point, and a number of diamond moxes from the treasury equal to the number of players e has convinced so far (ie the first get em one mox, the fifth five, etc).

Rule 11) There exist the following ten commodities: chemicals, equipment, food, gems, livestock, metal, minerals, ore, technology, and wood. Each commodity is measured in units. There may be unlimited amounts of each commodity, but they may only be created and owned as stated in the rules.

Rule 12) Any proposal on which the Imperial Emperor has no opinion, or cannot reach a decision, shall be voted on by all players, and shall become a rule only if it receives at least 50% of eligible votes. A proposal fails if less than 3 or 50% of eligible votes, whichever is greater, are cast. Each player other than the Emperor shall have one vote.

Rule 13) There exists a map of Omegaland. This map is represented by a 11x11 grid, with each square in the grid represented by (row, column), where row and column are both numbered from 1 to 11. Buildings are squares owned by players. The following are buildings: Businesses, Banks, facotries, and Palaces. Whenever a building is created, the owning player chooses an empty square and the building is placed there.

Rule 14) To deal with commodities there are such things as businesses. One business deals with one commodity. One player may own only one business.

A business costs 100 jet moxies (e-mail the TIE to buy a business), and is on a first come first serve basis. A player is given 1,000 of their businesses commodity and they may buy or sell commodities as they wish. (In the event of a transaction, both parties e-mail the TIE, who e-mails all appropriate cabinet posts) If a person buys something from their own business, the cash used to purchsae it goes to the treasury. There can be only one business to a commodity until every commodity has a business for it, then competition businesses can be made. Competition businesses get only 500 of thir commodity at the start. In the spirit of free trade, every business can decide how much one unit of their commodity is worth for each type of currecny, and may change this information at any time.

Rule 15) To deal with currencies there are such things as banks. One banks deals with one currency. One player may own only one bank.

A bank costs 100 jet moxes (e-mail the TIE to buy a bank), and is on a first come first serve basis. A player is given 1,000 of their bank's currecny in the bank. Banks function like businesses, except that they do not get factories, and players may not use the money in a bank that they own unless they trade for it (The traded money goes to the trasury, just as if the player had bought something from their own business).

Rule 16) There exists a set of objects known as factories. Any player may own any number of factories of any types. If the free market rule is passed, this sentence is replaced with the following: "Facories do no entitle trade on the free market. Only Businesses do that." Each business shall come with its own factory that produces the same commodity. Each factory will produce 10 units of the particular commodity each week if 5 jet moxes are paid. A player is automatically assumed to pay this fee if e are able unless e states otherwise.

Rule 17) There exists such a thing as a special business. Right now, the only special business is the Burea Of Market Investigation (or BMI). The BMI makes sure that no business or bank breaks any laws (although there a none which effect businness as of yet). The head of the BMI is the Commodity Manager. To deal with who the Commodity Manger is there is an election every 2 months (or whatever period of time the TIE thinks is appropriate). Anyone may run in this election but all players must vote.

Rule 18) Each player may move one square up, down, left, or right each day and must send their moves to the cartographer. A player may send more than one day's worth of moves at a time, but they are executed one per day.

Rule 19) Each square of the map shall have an owner. The owner of the Omega Palace shall be TIE. The owner of a square containing a building shall be the owner of the building. All other squares are unowned. The cartographer will be responsible for tracking ownership of map squares.

Rule 20) Each map square shall have a population. The cartographer will track all population information [note: all squares will be the same population, unless someone changes this, so it isn't that much additional work]. The population will grow by 1% each week, rounded down.

Rule 21) Once per month, the owner of a square may impose a tax of 1 emerald mox per peasant on that square. This money is taken from the treasury (since that is where peasants keep their meager cash)

Rule 22) When a player has met a criterium necessary to win and meets no criteria that prevent a win, e shall be awarded 10 diamond moxes, and the attributes referenced by the win criteria shall be reset to their initial state. Diamond moxes are not reset.

Rule 23) Players may buy a level 1 Palace for 1 diamond mox. A player may upgarde their palace for a number of diamond moxes equal to it's current level. Each time a player upgrades a palace, e gains control of one uncontrolled square adjacent to the palace. In the event of upgrading a level 9 palace, a square adjacent to one of the adjacent squares is upgraded. And so on.

Rule 24) No player may own a bank dealing in Diamond Moxes. Diamond Moxes cannot be created.(If you have a rule that merits a special reward, then use Diamond Moxes)

Rule 25) There exists a mechanic called a flash theme. When the TIE issues a flash theme, each player may send in any number of proposals related to the Flash theme within the next 36 hours. The best one is incorporated into the ruleset, and the submitter gets a Diamond Mox from the treasury. Then the flash theme removes itself.

Rule 26) At the end of each week, the TIE shall nominate three proposals to be "Proposals of the week". The proposers of these proposals shall each get a diamond mox. If one player submitted more then one of these, then that player gets one dimaond mox per proposal. Note the proposals don't necessarily have to be accepted, just really good.

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