Index to the Rules: Disclaimer: This index is not part of the official game, nor is it done as a duty of the office of Custodian. It is merely a convenient reference I made up for myself. It does not purport to be complete, and is probably hopelessly out of date at the time you are reading this. Last modified: December 7, 1992 abstain, abstention 114 accept (a judgement) 212 adopting (proposals) 104, 105, 112, 206, 217, 1029t, against (i.e., voting against) 114 amend, amendment 103, 113, 1069, 1076 appointment (as a judge) 212, 213, 1089 appointment (of custodian) 1077 append (to a proposal) 1035 call for judgement 216, 218, 219 conflict 210 custodian of the rule book 1077 defer (to another rule) 210 deregister, deregistered, deregistration 1045, 1052 discussion noticeboard, discussion board 211, 212, 1089 effective ordinal number 107,210 enactment (of a rule) 103, 1017, 1039, 1054 end of game 110, 1067 enduring characteristic 1039 equally legal and illegal 219 failing to deliver judgment 213 failure (of a proposal), failed proposals 1036, 1039 false 214 for (i.e., voting for) 114, 1017 forfeiting, forfeiture 111, 1052 game 110, 111, 218, 219, 1067, 1069, 1089t game custom 101, 215, 216, 1067 game state 103 identification number 1017 identity (of a player) 1039 immutable, immutable rule 102, 103, 108, 210 interpretation (of rules, laws) 101, 211 invalidation (of rules) 1087 invoking judgment 211, 1032 (cost of) judgment, judges 211 (invoking), 212 (selecting), 213 (delivering), 214 (possible), 215 (accord with rules),216 (not rules), 217 (overturning), 218t, 219 (of paradoxes), 1032 (scoring of), 1054 (rules violations), 1077t laws 211 legislative record 1069 losing 111 match 110 mutable, mutable rule 102, 103, 108, 112, 210 N (points required to win) 110, 209 name (of a player) 1039, 1045 new game 1067 new players 1047 (def) nomic 110 numbers --see ordinal number, effective ordinal number, proposal number, identification number numerical method (for determining precedence) 210 maximum number of proposals 1031 MUD 1089 official judgement 213, 214 old players 1045 (def) ordinal number 107 overruling/overturning judgments 216,217, 219 paradox, winning by 219 pass, passing (of a proposal) 1036, 1037, 1067 penalization, penalties 213, 217, 1054 play 219, 1045, 1067 player 101, 110, 111, 201, 204, 209, 1031t, 1035, 1036, 1039, 1040, 1047, 1052, 1053, 1054, 1067, 1069, 1071, 1089 points 110, 209, 218, 1017, 1029, 1032, 1036, 1037, 1054, 1058, 1071 possible judgments 214 precedence 210 prescribed voting period 104, 106, 109, 114 private refusal to sign 1035 proper way (to make a proposal) 107, 109 proposal 103 (def), 104 (adopting), 105 (writing down), 106 (taking effect), 107 (numbering), 109 (making), 206 (taking effect), 217 (to overrule a judgment), 218t, 1029t, 1031 (maximum number), 1035 (seconding), 1036, 1037, 1039 (restrictions on), 1052t, 1053t, 1069 (record of), 1076 (amendments) proposed rule change 105, 106, 107, 1077 proposer 1058 public refusal to sign 1035, 1036 quorum 104, 201(def) random selection, randomness 212, 1040 (def) recently active 201, 212, 1089 record 1069 refuse (a judgment) 212, 1052, 1089 refuse (to sign) 1035, 1036 register, registered players, registration 110, 201, 212, 218 (def), 1045, 1047, 1052, 1067 repeal 103, 113, 1054 required number of votes 104, 203 (def) restrictions (on rules) 1039 retroactive application 106 rule book 1077 rule change 105, 106, 107, 108, 112, 113 rule record 1069 seconding 1035, 1036 selecting judges 212, 1052 self-reference 113 score, scores, scoring 110, 209, 218t, 1029, 1036, 1037, 1045, 1053t, 1067 signing, sign, signature 1035 spelling 1087 spirit of the game 215 statement (submitted for judgement) 211, 216, 219 trading (of points) 1029, 1071 transmute, transmutation 102, 103, 108 true 214, 216, 219, 1054 unanimous votes 1037 undecided 214, 217 undoing rules violations 1054 vacations 1089 violations 1054 vote, voting 104, 105, 114, 204, 218, 1017, 1037, 1039, 1052, 1054t voting noticeboard 109,114, 1031, 1035 voting period (sea also prescribed voting period) 1052 wholly void and without effect 108 win, winner(s), winning 110, 209, 218, 219 (by paradox)