Rule 1069 (Dem: Mutable) On History and Law.

Whereas, in order to enforce and abide by rules which are dynamic, self-referential, and contradictory, it is essential that the complete, correct, and current set of rules that guide play be available in simple form at all times to all players, and

Whereas, in order to enforce and abide by rules which have temporary or otherwise temporal effects, it is essential that the complete set of legal transactions (proposals) be available in simple form to all players, and

Whereas, the current set of rules makes quite clear the distinction between rules, rule changes, and proposals, but the "rule books" possessed by all players do not make any such distinction, and provide at best a muddled picture of the effective bodyof law that currently applies,

Resolved, that the following (mutable) RULE be enacted upon passage of this RULE CHANGE PROPOSAL:

---begin text of proposed new rule---

Two records must be available to all players at all times, and must be kept consistently up-to-date:

1. The "Rule Record" which contains precisely the current active RULES in their fully amended, renumbered, or otherwise modified form

2. The "Legislative Record" which contains precisely all PROPOSALS as proposed and voted upon by players from the beginning of the game

---end text of proposed new rule---

second: I second Dem's rule (Fred, Nov 13 08:32)