Rule #: 101
Status: Active
Rule Name: Newmy-listing system
Full Text:
All rules will be numbered starting from 101 and rising +1 each time.
Rule #: 102
Status: Active
Rule Name: Proposal Rule
Full Text:
Any player, unless otherwise specified, may create, amend or repeal rules as long as the proposal to do so recieves at least 50.1% of the votes.

Amended August 03, 2002 by Sinblox.
Rule #: 103
Status: Active
Rule Name: Rule Format
Full Text:
A new rule consists of a title and a full text.
Rule #: 104
Status: Active
Rule Name: Retroactive Rule
Full Text:
No rules can be retroactive.
Rule #: 105
Status: Active
Rule Name: Forum Accounts
Full Text:
A player may not have more than one forum account.
Rule #: 106
Status: Active
Rule Name: Rule List
Full Text:
The official set of rules are the latest set on the Newomic webpage.
Rule #: 107
Status: Active
Rule Name: Proposal Location
Full Text:
All proposals will be posted to the proposal forum.
Rule #: 108
Status: Active
Rule Name: Contradictions
Full Text:
When two rules contradict each other the earliest rule will take precedence.
Rule #: 109
Status: Active
Rule Name: Player Classification
Full Text:
A player is anyone registered on the Newomic forums.
Rule #: 110
Status: Active
Rule Name: Winning
Full Text:
To win, a player must complete the requirements of winning set forth in the rule set.

[Created by sinblox August 05, 2002]
Rule #: 111
Status: Active
Rule Name: Playing by the rules
Full Text:
All players must always abide by all the rules then in effect, in the form in which they are then in effect.

[created by sinblox August 05, 2002]
Rule #: 112
Status: Active
Rule Name: Discussion/Proposal Forums
Full Text:
To propose a rule a player will post it in the discussion forum. There it can be amended, withdrawn or put for vote. It is the choice of the player who created the rule to put it up for vote.

Once the proposal is ready for vote it will be put in the voting forum by the admin. Players will respond with votes of yes or no in the thread. It will win or lose by the specifications of rule 102.

[Created by Sinblox August 11th, 2002]
Rule #: 113
Status: Active
Rule Name: Number of votes
Full Text:
A player may only vote once on each proposal.
[Created August 23rd by DoctorB]
Rule #: 114
Status: Active
Rule Name: Player Status
Full Text:
(1) A player shall be in any one of three states: active, inactive, deregistered

(2) Players in state active are labeled "active player", players in state inactive "inactive player", players in state deregistered "deregistered player"

(3) Newly registered players are active players

(4) An active player becomes an inactive player on any of the following conditions:
(a) The player sends mail to the admin stating that he wishes his state changed to inactive
(b) The player doesn´t post on the forum for more than 10 days

(5) An inactive player becomes an active player by posting on the forum

(6) An active or inactive player becomes a deregistered player by sending mail to the admin stating that he wishes to deregister

(7) Deregistered players are deregistered by the admin

(8) Inactive and deregistered players are not counted in calculating the needed number of votes for a proposal.

[created by Vulture/Nethound, August 24th 2002]
Rule #: 115
Status: Active
Rule Name: Free Points
Full Text:
*Every player that voted for this proposal gains 50 points.

*Every player that voted against this proposal
loses 50 points.