
1 - Introduction
2 - Turns
3 - Turn Phases
4 - Moving
5 - Tokens
6 - Stacks
7 - Actions
8 - Glossary
9 - Todo

Rule 1 - Introduction

Mornington Crescent (MC) is a game played on a map of the London Underground.

NOTES:Eir, em, e stuff here.

Rule 2 - Turns

The Game of Mornington Crescent is divided into Turns, each taken by different Player, in sequence. During each Turn, a Player may make a Move, perform Actions and collect Tokens.

Moves, Rounds and Turns shall be defined as follows in combination with those definitions already extant:

  • A Round is a sequence of Turns in which all Players play. An effect which is said to endure for one Round lasts from the point at which the effect begins until the same point in the next Round (Turn Phases to be rounded up).

    Specifically, if something begins during the Post-Move Phase of a Player's Turn and lasts for one Round, then that something stops at the end of the Post-Move phase in that Player's next Turn or (if that Player Resigns or goes Inactive) the point after which eir Turn would have been.

  • A Player's Turn is the section written against eir name at the bottom of the GSD which includes the Player's Piece's Move and any Actions played. This may be referred to simply as 'a Turn'.
  • A Piece's Move is its motion during the Movement Phase of a Player's Turn. This may be referred to simply as 'a Move'.

Rule 3 - Turn Phases

Each Turn has four distinct Phases, which must be performed in the following sequence:

    * Pre-Move Actions The Player may perform any number of Pre-Move Actions. * Movement The Player may perform a valid Move. * Token Collection The Player may be eligible to collect Tokens as a result of eir Move. * Post-Move Actions The Player may perform any number of Post-Move Actions.
Multiple Actions are permitted, provided that there is only one example of a particular Action type made that Turn.

Rule 1.3.2 - Playing Sequence

After a Player has taken eir Turn, it becomes the Turn of the next Player in the Token Table at the top of the GSD. If there are no further Players in the Token Table (or no Turns have yet been played), it becomes the Turn of the first Active Player in the Token Table.

Rule 1.3.3 - Blue. No, Yelloaaarggghh...

A Player may take back eir most recent Turn and post a replacement GSD to the Game Lounge, provided that no other Players have taken eir Turn or have Buzzed the Player since. The replaced Turn is deemed never to have occurred.

Rule 1.3.5 - Timing is Everything

Players have 36 hours to submit eir Turn, starting from the time the previous Turn was submitted. Saturdays and Sundays are ignored for the purposes of this rule, so that if a Player submits a Turn at 10am on Friday, the next Player has until 10pm on Monday to submit eir Turn. A Player may still submit eir Turn at the weekend, in which case the 36 hours start at 0000GMT Monday.

If a Player does not submit eir Turn within this time, any Player from that Game may submit a Turn containing the Move of "Timeout" (with no Actions) for that Player, and advance the Game Time by one hour.

If the Forcing Player is able to take eir Turn directly after the Forced Player, e may submit eir Turn on the same GSD.

Rule 4 - Moving

  • A player's train is moved using the move action.
  • A move consists of a series of steps.
  • Each step must be between adjacent stations.
  • A player may not step to a blocked station.
  • All steps (excluding the first station) must be listed in the GSD.
  • Each step cost 1Bk Token. The same station may not be stepped to twice in the same Turn, nor may a player step the station the Turn was started at.
  • Each line change also cost 1Bk.

Players can get token bonus for moves if they land (finish their move) on special stations:
Green Station+1Gr
BR Station+1Bu
Zone x+x Bk
Termini (Zone 3/4/5)+1Br
Players cannot claim a Token bonus for a Station landed on if the Player has claimed a Token bonus for that Station within er last 3 Turns. You can still land on the station, just not get the bonus. You can also get more than 1 bonus per Turn (Green Park is +Gr, +Rd, +Bl).

Rule 5 - Tokens

The unit of currency in MC is the Token. There are several different types of Token, each type is used for different types of actions. A Player may not have less than 0 tokens of any type.

  • Black (Bk): For movement and movement-based Actions. The Zone bonus makes them plentiful, so we don't need any other means of collecting them.
  • Red (Rd): For Actions that directly affect other Players (i.e. attacks)
  • Blue (Bu): For Actions that indirectly affect other Players or affect the game as a whole (i.e. changes to Game State)
  • Green (Gr): Neutral or miscellaneous Actions. Primarily, I think these would be used as Tokens spent to buy extra Actions.
  • Bronze (Br): : Used for minor Actions, to add extra cost to more powerful Actions, and possibly as upkeep to Actions with duration
  • Silver (Si): For extra-powerful Actions, and to cash in for Gold.
  • Gold (Gd): For extremely powerful Actions, and for winning.

When an item or action is paid for, the cost is removed from the player's tokens. If a player has insufficent tokens then the action may not be played/item not bought.

A Player ay not hold more than 10 Black Tokens at the end or eir Turn.

Rule 6 - Stacks

Rule 7 - Actions

Block-x<010 * cost [Block <station> x]

A station can be blocked using the block action, provided the blocking player is at a station adjacent to the station to be blocked. Once a station is blocked a train may not move to or through it until it is unblocked. MC may not be blocked. The cost of blocking a station is any number of tokens greater than 1.

Unblock-2 * block stength10 [Unblock <station>]

A station can be unblocked using the unblock action. When a station is unblocked it is no longer blocked. MC may not be unblocked. The cost of unblocking a station is twice the number of tokens used to block the station.

Rule 8 - Glossary

adjacent: One station is said to be adjacent to another if there is a line segment going between the two stations.
closed: When a station is closed a train may not move to or through it.
interchange: An interchange station is one that has at least 3 adjacent stations.
Line: A thing on the map.
line change: Changing Line.
line segment: A line segment is a piece of line that goes between two stations and has no intermediate stations.
MC: Short for Mornington Crescent.
Mornington Crescent: A station on the London Underground. Also the name of a game.
shortest route: The shortest route between two stations is the route that takes the least number of steps.
step: A step is moving to an adjacent station.
terminus: A terminus station is one that has only one adjacent station.
Zone: A thing on the map.

Rule 9 - Todo

  • Turns
  • Token exchaging
  • Winning