----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORNINGTON NOMIC Proposals for Voting on in Week Forty-Four ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 975 - Worthy investment [Enactment] A Proposal may be marked "Joker" by its Proposer to make that Proposal a Joker Proposal. Joker Proposals cannot be Withdrawn, and cause the Proposer to gain or lose twice the number of Kudos for that Proposal that e would have gained or lost with a non-Joker Proposal. A Joker Proposal is marked with the word "Joker" in brackets after the Proposal Title. A Proposal may only be marked as a Joker when it is initially Proposed - a Joker Proposal cannot be changed to a non-Joker Proposal after it is submitted, or vice versa. {This may address some of the Withdrawing Proposal concerns that peopel have, in an innovative way.}