----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORNINGTON NOMIC Proposals for Voting on in Week Thirty-Nine ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 971 - Thingies [Ammendment] 1. In Rule 1.4.18, replace these items: +---------------------+------+---------------------------------+ | Possession | Cost | Qualities | +---------------------+------+---------------------------------+ | Hard Hat | 2 Br | Garment | | Newspaper | 1 Br | Papery, Today's | | Remote Control (Off)| 3 Br | Small, Electric | | Silly Hat | 2 Br | Garment | | Spectacles | 4 Br | Small, Garment | | Vacuum Cleaner | 6 Br | Large, Electrical | +---------------------+------+---------------------------------+ with these: +---------------------+------+---------------------------------+ | Possession | Cost | Qualities | +---------------------+------+---------------------------------+ | Book | 3 Br | Papery | | Hat | 2 Br | Garment | | Newspaper | 1 Br | Papery, Today's, Dispensable | | Remote Control (Off)| 3 Br | Small, Electrical | | Scarf | 3 Br | Garment, Woolen | | Spectacles | 4 Br | Small, Garment | | Vacuum Cleaner (Off)| 6 Br | Large, Electrical | +---------------------+------+---------------------------------+ 2. Amend Rule 1.4.33 - Zzzzzzzzzzap! to have this wording: Electrical Possessions are either On or Off, Off being the default. A Player can switch one of eir Electrical Possessions On or Off by using the Neutral Action [ On] or [ Off], respectively. If a Line is in an Electrified State, all Electrical Possessions carried by Players whose Pieces are on the said Line, are Off. 3. In Rule 1.8.7 - Gapminding, change: A Player may perform the Action "[Mind the Gap]" or the Action "[Ignore the Gap]", to put the Game in and out of a "Gapminding" State, respectively. While such a State is in effect, the "[Line Change]" Action may not be performed. to: A Player may perform the Action "[Mind the Gap]" or the Action "[Ignore the Gap]", to put the Game in and out of a "Gapminding" State, respectively. While such a State is in effect, the "[Line Change]" Action may not be performed, unless the Player is carrying a Book. 4. Add to the end of Rule 1.4.35: A Player wearing a Scarf may perform the Action [Release Rat] as a Neutral Action.