----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORNINGTON NOMIC Proposals for Voting on in Week Thirty-Three ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 946 - You've Got To Haggle! [Action] Rule 1.4.x - You've Got To Haggle! An Action is Hagglable if its cost contains two or more Tokens of the same colour. Token exchange Actions and [Opening MC] are not Hagglable, however. A Player may perform the post-Move Action "[Haggle over ]", where is a Hagglable Action, to reduce the cost of said by one of the involved same-colour Tokens, for a duration of one Round. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action Phase Rule Dur Cost Gain FR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Haggle over ] Post 1.4.x 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 947 - Haven of Piece [Multiple] { Comment: reworking the EP Piece In Our Time to be a bit more pleasing and, accurate whilst also removing the dubious retroactivity. } [Amendment: Move Doubt] Amend Rule 4.2.2 (No Overtaking) such that it reads thus: No two Pieces in a Czech Variant Game may occupy the same Station unless a Taking Action is played. No Piece may pass through a Station occupied by another Piece. A corollary to this is that any Actions (other than Taking) which require co-location of Pieces may not be played. [Amendment: Suffix Punch] Amend Rule 4.2.1 (Piece Maker) such that its final paragraph and the example read thus: Each Turn, a Player may Move a single piece under eir control. Which piece has been Moved shall be indicated by placing the initial letter of the piece in brackets after the Player's name for a major Piece, while Tourists are identified by the letter T prefixed by the major Piece which they begin the Game adjacent to. Viz: Cryer (I) : Turnham Green (PD) Rushton (BT) : Whitechapel (DL) [End of Haven of Piece] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 948 - Passengers Only [Amendment] Amend Rule 4.2.1 (Piece Maker) to add the following paragraph to the bullet point describing the Commuter: Movement bonuses and penalties apply only to the Commuter. { Comment: the current situation where all Pieces get the bonuses seems bizarre - a Driver or Inspector could travel through every Interchange on a Line in one Move (twice, in the case of the Piccadilly). Basically, this is about encouraging the Commuter to actually _move_. } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 949 - No Comment [Amendment] { Comment: mending something I broke by accident earlier. } Amend Rule 1.3.1 (Taking A Turn) such that the penultimate bullet point reads thus: * Appending to the Game State Document a Comment. Comments begin with "{" and end with a close brace "}". Comments in no way affect the state of play of the Game of Mornington Crescent, but may be required to clarify aspects of Play.