----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORNINGTON NOMIC Proposals for Voting on in Week Twenty-Six ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 913 - Collapsing Singularity [Multiple] 1. Implosion [Amendment] Repeal Rule 1.7.50 (Singularity). 2. Most Singular [Amendment] Remove all mention of Singularity from Rule 1.7.2 (Actions). { Rule 1.10.0 (Target Practice) now covers the multiple-Shunting/Clamping business quite neatly, and I'm afraid I still can't see any reason for denying a same-Turn Anti-Narg, Busk and Pigeon Catch, or whatever. } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 914 - Soap Distant [Multiple] To the list of things caused by Soap in Rule 1.20.6 (Soap on the Tracks), add:- * Any Player performing a Special Move to a Station on that Line must, immediately after eir Move, move eir Piece to an unblocked Station adjacent to that Station, unless all adjacent Stations are Blocked. Also, insert a few more carriage returns in Section 1.20; it looks a bit cramped, at present. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 915 - Stack Tracking [Amendment] To the end of Rule 1.4.19 (Token Tracking), add:- In the GSD's list of Token Stacks, each Station name should have its Quadrant appended to it, in parentheses. { I don't know about you, but I usually can't be bothered to check which Quadrant each existing Stack rests in, and, unless I recognise a particularly obvious one, just create a new Stack instead. Not good. } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 916 - I'll Get My Coat [Amendment] Rename Rule 1.4.15 (You've Got To Pick A Pocket Or Two...) to "You Got A Light Mac?" (I keep expecting the Rule to be about pickpocketing rather than overcoats), remove the superfluous "subject to any restrictions on the number of objects that may be Nantucketed" (because there aren't any), and reword the third paragraph from:- If a Player loses eir Overcoat, any Nantucketed Possessions are lost as well. to:- If a Player's Overcoat is stolen by another Player, and the robbed Player has only one Overcoat, all of the victim's Nantucketed Possessions are moved (remaining Nantucketed) to the stealing Player's inventory. If a Player loses an Overcoat and has none left as a result, all of eir Nantucked Possessions are also lost. { Allowing "decoy Overcoats" if anyone can be bothered. This seems the most reasonable way to deal with multiple coats, anyway. } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 917 - A Great Fall [Multiple] Repeal Rule 1.8.14 (Humpty Dumpty Loop) and remove the relevant Actions from Rule 1.7.2 (Actions). { After too many occurences of this Loop being initiated and not realised (and even not realised by the initiating Player), I think it's time for it to go, or at least be replaced. I'd suggest the Pimlico Loop again, but nobody ever seems to go for it. Feel free to suggest replacements next week, I suppose. } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 918 - Fingers on Buzzers [Multiple] { As before, but with Questionable Turns rather than Buzzed ones. } Reword Rule 1.16.1 - One Good Turn A Turn may be Legal, Questionable, Illegal or Mistimed. Turns are Legal by default; if the most-recently taken Turn is Legal play may continue as normal. If a Turn is not Legal, play may not continue until the Turn has been established as Legal or Illegal. All Turns following a non-Legal Turn are deemed Mistimed. If a Turn is Illegal it, and all Turns that follow it, are deemed never to have occurred and play continues from the most recent Legal Turn. { Mistimed Turns become Legal if the Questionable Turn becomes Legal, so Buzzing is not an underhand way to retake a regretted Turn. } In Rule 1.16.2 - Buzzing replace the sentence If a Player believes that another Player has made a Turn which is not in accordance with the Rules being used for that Game, and if no more than three other Turns have been made since, e may Buzz that Turn. with If a Player believes that another Player has made a Turn which is not in accordance with the Rules being used for that Game at the time the Turn was subbmitted, and if no more than three other Turns have been made since, e may Buzz that Turn. { Stops Turns being Buzzed that were valid at the time taken, but not after a Ruleset change. } Add to the end of Rule 1.16.2 - Buzzing If a Turn is Questionable then no further Buzzes can be made in that Game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 919 - Clean up [Multiple] { There's a lot of stuff here, but I don't think any of it is contraversial, so I've lumped it all together. } 1) ---------- In Rule 0.2.7 - Free for All Replace the current state of the Mornington Crescent Game with Games State Documents { I don't know whether this originally refered to the Fluid/Frozen thing or was from when there was only one Game, but it will be better this way. } 2) --------- Remove the phrase "if charge does not match" from the [Opening MC] Action in the Action table and the Baker Street variant (Section 2.14). { This definitly shouldn't be there. } 3) --------- Start Rule 0.4.3 - Proposal Submission Each Player may instead of Players may 4) -------- In Rule 0.4.5 - Proposal Enactment Remove the bracketed text (or, in the case of Emergency Proposals, the moment at which the Judge declares eir Vote) { No Replacement for this text is needed since the EProp Rule is worded appropriatly } 5) -------- Move Rule 0.4.16 - Voting Comments to SECTION 0.5 - Votes 6) -------- In Rule 0.5.6 - Distribution of Voting Results Remove the "the" from and relevant information concerning the each Proposal's passage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 920 - Today's Special [Multiple] In Rule 0.2.10 - Special Rulesets Remove the paragraphs Special Rulesets may be referred to explicitly by name, or by number in the form 'SR ' where is the relevant number. Change the paragraph No Special Ruleset may alter the rules of Mornington Nomic, directly or otherwise. to The only Rules Special Rulesets may alter, directly or otherwise, are its own.