----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORNINGTON NOMIC Proposals for Voting on in Week Twenty-Two ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 890 - The Fast Game [Enactment] Create a new section /------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ SECTION 2.x - The Fast Game \------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Rule 2.x.1 - The Fast Game In the Fast Game if a Player takes more than 36 hours (excluding weekends) to take a Turn then a Move of Timeout is automatically made and any other Move becomes invalid. It then becomes the Turn of the next Player in the Playing Order. { Probably best when mixed with other SRs (Ruttsbourgh?). } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 891 - Busy Buzzy Bee [Multiple] Reword Rule 1.16.1 - One Good Turn A Turn may be Legal, Questionable, Illegal or Mistimed. Turns are Legal by default; if the most-recently taken Turn is Legal play may continue as normal. If a Turn is not Legal, play may not continue until the Turn has been established as Legal or Illegal. All Turns following a non-Legal Turn are deemed Mistimed. If a Turn is Illegal it, and all Turns that follow it, are deemed never to have occurred and play continues from the most recent Legal Turn. { Mistimed Turns become Legal if the Buzzed Turn becomes Legal, so Buzzing is not an underhand way to retake a regretted Turn. } In Rule 1.16.2 - Buzzing replace the sentence If a Player believes that another Player has made a Turn which is not in accordance with the Rules being used for that Game, and if no more than three other Turns have been made since, e may Buzz that Turn. with If a Player believes that another Player has made a Turn which is not in accordance with the Rules being used for that Game at the time the Turn was subbmitted, and if no more than three other Turns have been made since, e may Buzz that Turn. { Stops Turns being Buzzed that were valid at the time taken, but not after a Ruleset change. } Add to the end of Rule 1.16.2 - Buzzing If a Turn is currently being Buzzed then no further Buzzes can be made in that Game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 892 - Charge Matching [Amendment] Remove the phrase "if charge does not match" from the [Opening MC] Action in the Action table. { I don't know what this means, but I can't find any reference to it in the rest of the Ruleset so I'll assume it's a hang-on from some earlier Rule. } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 893 - Y2K bug [Enactment] Rule 2.1.x - Y2K bug Rule 1.7.62 (Let's go to the Dome, Simone) does not apply to the Long Game. This Rule will repeal itself on the second of January 2000. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 894 - No Walkouts [Amendment] Rewrite Rule 1.8.6 - Loop the Loop A Game may be in one of several Loop states, each of which must have the following defining features:- * One or more Trap Stations. * A Sidestep Action to allow a Player to avoid being drawn into the Loop. * A Terminate Action to allow a Player to end the Loop. If a Player finishes er Turn at a Trap Station and is not at the same Station e started er Turn at then the Game enters the Loop associated with that Trap Station. The Game does not leave the Loop until the Terminate Action for that Loop is made. When a Game is in a Loop, a Move to any Station other than the Next Station in that Loop is an Invalid Move, and a Special Move to the next listed Trap Station for that Loop is permitted (if no more are listed, a Special Move to the first in the list is permitted). If a Player performs the Sidestep Action, e ignores the Loop for the remainder of eir Turn. { At the moment if a Player is Timed out at a non-Trap Station or (possibly) Walks away from a Trap Station the Loop ends. } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 895 - Baker Street [Special Ruleset] { Perhaps this would make the Game a little less intimidating to potentially new Players; by playing with a highly cut-down set of Actions, the Game becomes a lot simpler, and this is probably quite a good way to get a taste for things. Even if we're not able to run a Baker Street Game continuously, I think the presence of one such Game in the archive should be enough to convince passers-by that the Game *is* quite simple, at heart. } 1. Elementary, My Dear Watson! [Enactment] The Baker Street Variant is a much-simplified version of the game, intended for Players who are new to the game (or who fancy a little relaxation). Although very similar to the Vanilla game in premise and style, it carries a few notable restrictions, most prominently the greatly reduced number of possible Actions. 2. Limited Actions [Enactment] The following Actions are the only ones which may be performed in a Baker Street Variant. (Note that "[Rent to ]" is the only Action to have an altered Token cost.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action ('#' if Singular) Phase Rule Dur Cost Gain FR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Applauding ] Neut 0.9.4 none [Blocking ] Post 1.9.1 1Re (S1) [Home] Pre 1.12.4 30 [Home: ] Neut 1.12.2 none [Line Change] Pre 1.5.11 none 1Bk [LV+X] Pre 1.6.1 [LV-X] Pre 1.6.1 [Opening MC] Neut 1.7.28 3Go if Charge does not match [Rent to ] Pre 1.12.3 4Any [Shunting to Post 1.10.1 1Re (S0,L0) ] # [Taking a Bow] Neut 0.9.4 none [Token Running] Neut x.x.x 1 Go ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Gaslamps [Enactment] In a Game of Baker Street, neither Charge nor Currents are used. 4. Modesty [Enactment] Players neither gain nor lose Points for partaking in a Baker Street Game. 5. Token Running [Enactment] A Player may perform the Action "[Token Running]" if eir Piece is situated at a Terminus Station outside of Zone 1, and if e has not performed the "[Token Running]" Action at that Station earlier in the Game. Upon performing this Action, e gains one Gold Token. { Ah, nostalgia. This seems like an appropriate Gold mechanism for such a simple variant, anyway. } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 896 - Flat-Earth Society [Multiple] Repeal all Rules of Section 2.5 (Spherical Projection), and remove the Section from the Ruleset. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------