----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORNINGTON NOMIC Proposals for Voting on in Week Seventeen ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 860 - Ordering the deck [Mulitple] In Rule 1.1.2 - A New Game replace the paragraph beginning: When a Game has at least three Players (including the Drone), with: When a Game has at least three Players (including the Drone), the Order of Play is determined by the Speaker and announced to the list. That Game then commences. The Speaker shall determine Order of Play by adding each Player to the Game such that the number of times a Player follows the same Player across all Games is minimised. Within the above contraint the Order of Play should be random. In Rule 1.1.8 - Joining In replace the sentence: When a new Player joins a Game already in progress, eir position in the Playing Order shall be determined by random selection. with: When a new Player joins a Game already in progress, the Speaker shall determine eir position in the Playing Order by adding the Player such that the number of times a Player follows the same Player across all Games is minimised. Other than this the position shall be determined randomly. { Attempting to reduce situations of the form: Rushton moves in 3 Games simultaniously, which means it is Garden's turn in those 3 Games (thus putting pressure on Garden). } --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 861 - Alaric Jespersen strikes back! [Enactment] I propose: Rule 1.16.x - Alaric Jespersen strikes back! If a Player believes that another Player has performed an Action which, though in accordance with the Rules being used for that Game, is too powerful for its cost and duration, and if no more than three other Turns have been made since, e may claim that the said Action is a Jespersen Manoeuvre. This is done by posting a message to the relevant Game Lounge, detailing the effects of the Manoeuvre. When a Jespersen Manoeuvre has been announced, the Speaker appoints a Judge, who (within 5 days) must decide if the statement " is a Jespersen Manoeuvre" is TRUE or FALSE. If the Judge finds the Statement TRUE, any adopted Proposal to remedy the Rule containing the said Action gains its Proposer 3 Kudos in addition to the usual gain. {Kind of a soft Buzz} --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 862 - Corner & Side [Muliple] This proposal consists of 3 new Rules and a new Section, as well as an Action Table entry. Rule 1.4.x - Personality Certain Possessions may possess the "Personal" attribute. Such Possessions contain the prefix "'s" (or "', if that is correct). In some cases, the postfix () can be used instead. Rule 1.4.x - Corner & Side A Player at Farringdon may perform the Action of "[Corner & Side]". This creates a Personal Token Box, a Small Possession, in eir Luggage Rack. All Tokens stacked at a Player's Home Station at the beginning of eir Turn become Personal Tokens, if eir Personal Token Box exists. Rule 1.4.x - Personal Tokens Personal Tokens are like other Tokens, except for their limited stackability and collectability. No Token can be stacked on top of a Personal Token, except the Personal Tokens of the same or the next Player, as defined in the GSD Table. All Personal Tokens held by a Player without the corresponding Personal Token Box, disintegrate at the end of the Player's Turn. All a resigning Player's Personal Tokens become ordinary Tokens. Personal Tokens have their own lines (one per Personal Token Box) in the GSD table. /------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ SECTION 2.x - The Corner & Side Option \------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Rule 2.x.1 - The Corner & Side Option In the Corner & Side Option, each Player begins the game with a Personal Token Box in addition to the usual initial Possessions and Tokens. Insert in Action Table: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action ('#' if Singular) Phase Rule Dur Cost Gain FR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Corner & Side] Post 1.4.x 8Br --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 863 - Polliwogs and Hedgehogs [Enactment] Rule 1.4.x - Polliwogs and Hedgehogs Any Player may perform the Action of "[Poll Tax]". This Action eliminates one Token of each colour from each Player. If a Player has no Tokens of a colour, no Tokens of that colour are taken from em. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action ('#' if Singular) Phase Rule Dur Cost Gain FR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Poll Tax] Post 1.4.x 2 Si ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------