----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORNINGTON NOMIC Proposals for Voting on in Week Ten ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 796 - Power-crazed Egotistical Entrepreneur [Action] New Rule 1.7.x - Power-crazed Egotistical Entrepreneur A Player may perform a Pre-Move Action of "[Bransoning to @Station@]", provided e is at an Airport Interchange or at a Station with the string 'Gold' in its name. When a Player performs the Action "[Bransoning to @Station@]", eir LV is set to zero. The next Actioning Player must roll a 295-sided die and then look up the rolled number in the Venbacker Table. The Bransoning Player is deemed to have ended eir Turn at the Station indicated by the roll, and @Station@ in the GSD is replaced with the name of the indicated Station. This Special Move is always allowed. Insert in Action Table ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Action ('#' if Singular) Phase Rule Dur Cost Gain ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Bransoning] Post 1.7.x -1 Go -1 Gr -1 Bk {Comment: Letting the _next_ player make the roll should cover the hole. A small sacrifice for the good of the game. } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 797 - Sitting on a Wall [Enactment] Proposal for a new Rule 1.8.x - Humpty Dumpty Loop A Humpty Dumpty Loop has the Trap Stations Kingsbury, Queensway, Prince Regent, Earl's Court, Barons Court, Knightsbridge. The Sidestep Action [Humpty Sidestep] costs 1 Silver to perform and the Escape Action [Dumpty Escape] can only be performed when the Player has an LV equal to the remainder of (eir Charge/10). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Action ('#' if Singular) Phase Rule Dur Cost Gain ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Humpty Sidestep] Pre 1.8.2 -1 Si [Dumpty Escape] Post 1.8.2 -2 Gr ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 798 - Hatch-as Hatch-Can [Action] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Action ('#' if Singular) Phase Rule Dur Cost Gain ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Hatching from to ] Post 1.8.x -1 Si -z Bu* [Cross-Hatching from to ] Post 1.8.x -1 Go -z Bu* [Un-Hatching from to ] Post 1.8.x -1 Go -z Bu* *) 1 Blue Token per Station in the LIne Segment Rule 1.8.x - Hatcheries A Line Segment may be Hatched by playing the Post-Move Action "[Hatching from to ]", where & are Stations and is a Line upon which both Stations rest and via which there is a continuous route between the Stations that requires no changes in direction. The order of Stations in the Action is not significant. In order to Hatch a Line Segment, the Actioning Player must have Moved via the Line Segment in the same Turn. Hatching a Line Segment causes all Stations in that Line Segment not to be considered part of the Line in question for a period of one Round. For the purpose of counting Lines at an Interchange, the Hatched Line Segment is considered absent. Moving within a Hatched Line Segment is unhindered by its Hatching, while Moving to or from a Hatched Line Segment constitutes a change of Line. A Hatched Line Segment may be Cross-Hatched by playing the Post-Move Action "[Cross-Hatching from to ]", where , and are defined as mentioned above, provided the Actioning Player is at a Station in the Line Segment to be Cross-Hatched. Cross-Hatching a Line Segment causes that Line Segment to stay Hatched until Un-Hatched, thus extending the period of the Hatch. A Cross-Hatched Line Segment is indicated in Disruptions by the suffix "(XHatch)" appended to the affected Line Segment, the Line Segment being described by its end Stations and the affected Line Code. eg Angel to Bank (NT) (XHatch) A Cross-Hatched Line Segment may be Un-Hatched by playing the Post-Move Action "[Un-Hatching from to ]", where , and are defined as mentioned above, provided the Actioning Player is at a Station in the Line Segment to be Un-Hatched. Un-Hatching a Line Segment causes all Stations in that Line Segment to be considered part of the Line in question again. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 799 - He has a Way of Saying It [Action] Rule 1.7.x - Lyttleton Announcement A Player may perform the Pre-Move Action of "[Lyttleton Announcement]". When a Lyttleton Announcement is made, all Game States are reset to what they were at the beginning of the Game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Action ('#' if Singular) Phase Rule Dur Cost Gain ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Lyttleton Announcement] Neut 1.7.x 50 -1 Go ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 800 - Soap Box [Amendment] In Rule 1.7.6 (Straddling Nancy), after A Straddle Destination is valid if its distance from the starting location is less than or equal to the number of Tokens in the Stack at the starting location. In addition, Running Straddles may only be performed in the Piece's Line Direction. add For the purpose of this rule, any Token Stack at Marble Arch is considered to have a height of one Token more than its actual height. Even if there are no Tokens at Marble Arch, a Straddle may start there, with a Straddling distance of one. {Comment: Speaker's Corner, of course. } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 801 - easy-to-read Fosdyke Codes [Amendment] Change the sentence reading: A Fosdyke Code (FC) consists of the set of classes and their indicators describing the proximity relationship between subject and object. to: A Fosdyke Code (FC) consists of the set of classes and their indicators describing the proximity relationship between subject and object. This set is given in standard set notation - round brackets enclosing elements separated by comments, viz: (element 1, element 2, element 3...). Amend the table giving examples of Fosdyke Codes to read: FC Meaning ------------------------------------------------------------- (S0,L0) subject and object are both at the same Station and on the same Line (S3,L0) subject and object are three Stations apart on the same Line (R1,Z1) subject and object are four Stations apart on the shortest route and are in adjacent Zones. Amend the table giving examples of Fosdyke Requirements to read: FR Meaning ------------------------------------------------------------------ (S0,L0) subject and object must both be at the same Station and on the same Line ie both Station and Line elements must be exactly zero (R<6) subject and object must be within six stations of each other by any route ie the route distance must be less than six (Q>1) subject and object must have two Quadrant boundaries between them (ie in a different, non-adjacent Quadrant) {Comments: As demonstrated on the discussion list, Fosdyke Requirements are a little hard to read once you get past simple examples. Having them listed as a set might not add many characters, but will probably make things easier to read in the long run.} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 802 - Fosdyke Updates to the Action Table [Amendment] Amend Rule 1.7.2 to read: The following table is an index to all Actions in Mornington Nomic. It should be used as a guide; the full details given in the pertaining Rule may give requirements and effects not listable here. In particular, the Cost, Gain and Fosdyke Requirements (FR) columns are not guaranteed to be complete. In the Fosdyke Requirements column, the Subject is given to be the Piece of the Player performing the Action and the Object is usually (but not always - again, check the context in the Rule) the first object mentioned as a variable (i.e. in ) in the Action. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action ('#' if Singular) Phase Rule Dur Cost Gain FR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Anti-Narg] # Post 1.10.8 1Bk [Applauding ] Neut 0.9.4 none [Attracting] Neut 1.10.14 varies [Bifurcating to ] Post 1.7.42 30 1Go,2 Gr [Blocking ] Post 1.9.1 1Re (S1) [Blonking ] Post 1.10.16 20 1Re [Blue to Gold] Neut 1.7.21 none 2Bu 1Go [Bonanza] Neut 1.4.10 10Plastic 1Go [Bridges Up] Neut 1.8.3 2Bu [Bridges Down] Neut 1.8.3 2Bu [Bronze to Gold] Neut 1.7.21 none 8Br 1Go [Bronze to Silver] Neut 1.7.21 none 4Br 1Si [Bulkheading ] Neut 1.9.3 20 4Re (S1) [Busking] # Neut 1.7.20 50 varies [Cascade Kill] Post 1.7.37 2Re [Cascade Sidestep] Pre 1.8.2 3Bk [Cascade Steal] Post 1.7.37 3Re [Cashing In Hats] Neut 1.4.6 1Go,2Si [Catching Pigeon] # Post 1.4.25 [Charge Spiral] Neut 1.8.11 3Bu [Charge Tunneling] Post 1.19.4 20 1Si [Circle Line: Normal] Post 1.8.5 20 2Bu [Circle Line: (Anti)Clockwise] Post 1.8.5 20 2Bu,1Si [Circle Line: Electrified] Post 1.8.5 20 2Re,2Bu,1Si [Claiming a Post 1.14.4 5 (S0) Token from ] [Claiming Drone Stick] Neut 1.15.1 3Bu [Purchasing Hat] Post 1.4.6 2Br [Collecting Parcel] Neut 1.11.2 [Collection Plate] Neut 1.11.7 1Si [Collecting PoID] Neut 1.4.24 none [Collecting Tithe] Neut 1.7.31 1Bu [ Wormhole to ] Post 1.7.13 20 2Si [Constructing Generator] Neut 1.7.54 2Gr,2Si [Courier Call (Fixed)] Post 1.11.2 1Gr [Courier Call (Random)] Post 1.11.2 [Cowering] Post 1.7.56 1Bu [Dead-End Shunting to Post 1.10.3 1Re (S=LV) ] # [Declaring ____ Gambit/ Post 1.18.1 5 as specified Manoeuvre] and 1Gr [Defusing Package] Post 1.7.30 20 1Si [Degreening] Post 1.10.9 2Gr [De-Knidding] Post 1.10.11 [De-Radiating] Neut 1.10.18 1Re,1Bu [De-Toffing] Post 1.10.13 1Bk [Delivering Parcel] Neut 1.11.2 3Go [Denying the ____ Gambit/ Post 1.18.4 none 1Re,1Bu varies Manoeuvre] [Detonating Package] Post 1.7.30 20 2Re (S<5) [Discarding ] Neut 1.4.22 none [Dollis Sidestep] Pre 1.8.1 1Si [Dollis Escape] Pre 1.8.1 [Double Helsinki] Neut 1.7.57 6Bu [Dropping Package at ] Neut 1.4.7 2Re (S0) [Duration: +0x00] Neut 1.7.51 xBu [Eating ] Pre 1.4.16 20 [Electroplating] Neut 1.7.46 1Br 1Go [Finding] Post 1.7.53 30 2Br varies [Fire at ] (Inter) Post 1.9.2 10 per 4Re line [Fire at ] (Other) Post 1.9.2 2Re [Forging PoID] Post 1.4.24 60 10Bk [Freeming ] # Post 1.10.10 20 1Re,1Gr (S0,L0) [Freem-away!] Post 1.10.10 [Freewheeling] Pre 1.7.45 [Generating Token] Neut 1.7.54 1Gr varies [Ghosting] Pre 1.11.6 1Bk [Giving Tokens to ] Post 1.7.27 [Gold Rush] Post 1.7.x 1Gr [Gold to Blue] Neut 1.7.21 none 1Go 3Bu [Gold to Silver] Neut 1.7.21 none 1Go 2Si [Gold to Bronze] Neut 1.7.21 none 1Go 8Br [Greening ] # Post 1.10.9 20 2Gr (S0,L0) [Hoarding ] Post 1.4.9 [Home] Pre 1.12.4 30 [Home: ] Neut 1.12.2 none [Huffing ] Post 1.10.15 (S0,L0) [Hyde Transformation] Post 1.7.38 1Bu,2Re [Ignore the Gap] Neut 1.8.7 5 1Si [Into Boris] Neut 1.8.12 2Re,2Bu [Into Knip] Neut 1.8.4 4Bu [Knerdling] Pre 1.10.12 2Re [Knidding ] # Post 1.10.11 20 4Re (S0,L0) [Ladder Sidestep] Pre 1.8.9 3Bk [Late Arrival from ] Neut 1.7.9 3Re [Line Change] Pre 1.5.11 none 1Bk [LV+X] Pre 1.6.1 [LV-X] Pre 1.6.1 [Maelberging ] Post 1.9.5 1Bu [Magno-Clamping ] # Neut 1.10.14 1Gr [Magno-Gone] Neut 1.10.14 [Mind the Gap] Neut 1.8.7 1Si [Narging ] # Post 1.10.8 20 3Re (S0,L0) [Opening MC] Neut 1.7.28 3Go if Charge does not match [Out of Boris] Neut 1.8.12 2Gr,2Bu [Out of Knip] Neut 1.8.4 4Bu [Parks and Greens Cascade] Post 1.8.2 2Bu [Pegging from Post 1.11.5 20 xBu * to ] [Pegging ] Neut 1.11.4 1Bu [PoID on ] Neut 1.4.24 (S0,L0) [ Off] Neut 1.4.33 none [ On] Neut 1.4.33 none [Power Failure! ] Post 1.9.4 20 3Re (L0) [Power Restored ] Post 1.9.4 (L0) [Purchasing ] Neut 1.4.18 xBr [Radiating ] Neut 1.10.18 3Re (S0,L0) [Radio Clamp LV+X] Post 1.10.18 1Re [Radio Clamp LV-X] Post 1.10.18 1Re [Radio Clamp to ] Neut 1.10.18 1Re [Rebounding off ] Post 1.5.6 [Recycling] Neut 1.7.39 5 varies varies [Releasing Pigeons] Post 1.4.25 1Go per Pigeon [Removing Bulkhead at Neut 1.9.3 20 4Bk ] [Removing ] Neut 1.4.30 15 [Removing Velocity Bomb] Neut 1.10.6 2Si [Rent to ] Pre 1.12.3 8Br [Reshuffling] Neut 1.4.15 [Selling ] Neut 1.4.18 (x/2)Br [Sgronk!] Pre 1.8.10 20 3Bu [Shadowing ] # Post 1.10.5 (S0) [Shunting to Post 1.10.1 1Re (S0,L0) ] # [Single Helsinki] Neut 1.7.57 3Bu [Silver to Bronze] Neut 1.7.21 none 1Si 4Br [Silver to Gold] Neut 1.7.21 none 2Si 1Go [Soap on ()] Pre 1.9.7 2Bu (L0) [Spooning ] Post 1.10.7 20 1Go (S0,L0) [ Wild] Post 1.11.1 1Gr [Stationary-Shunting Post 1.10.17 1Re (S0,L0) to ] [Straddling to ] Post 1.7.6 20 1Bk [Stribble to ] Post 1.7.55 (L0) [Striling to ] Pre 1.7.12 [Stub Link] Pre 1.7.33 [Taking a Bow] Neut 0.9.4 none [Terminating Cascade] Post 1.8.2 [Terminating Ladder] Post 1.8.9 [Tithe ] Neut 1.7.31 20 (7-Zone)Bu [Toffing ] # Post 1.10.13 20 2Re,1Gr (S0,L0) [Token Cascade] Pre 1.7.36 15 4Re/Bu/Bk [ Bock] Post 1.8.8 3Bu, 1 [ Token on Post 1.14.3 5 ] [Toll to ] Pre 1.12.3 4Br [Triple Helsinki] Neut 1.7.57 9Bu [Un-Bock ] Post 1.8.8 3Bu 1 [Un-Bock] Post 1.8.8 6Bu [Un-Maelberging] Post 1.9.5 1Bu (S0,L0) [Unpegging ] Post 1.11.4 1Bk [Unspoon] Post 1.10.7 5 any [Using ____ Gambit/Manoeuvre] Post 1.18.3 5 varies [Velocity-Bombing ] Post 1.10.6 3Re [Venbacker Ladder] Pre 1.8.9 2Bu [Visiting ] Post 1.7.9 6Br [Waiting] Neut 1.7.52 Varies [Walking to ] Pre 1.7.10 30 1Bk [Wearing ] Neut 1.4.30 15 [Wild] Pre 1.11.1 30 1Bk {Adding the Fosdyke Requirements in, and correcting a few things - like the fact that Bulkheading was incorrectly referring to 1.7.27 and several Actions referred to 1.7.x and 1.9.x.} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 803 - Push Down, Pop Up, Byte Byte Byte! [Enactment] Add the following Action to 1.7.2: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Action ('#' if Singular) Phase Rule Dur Cost Gain ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Inverting Stack at ] Neut 1.4.x 1 Gr Add the following Rule to section 1.4: Rule 1.4.x - Pushing and popping A Player may perform the Action [Inverting Stack at ] to invert the Token Stack at the named Station. This reverses the order of the Tokens in the Stack - to wit, the bottom token becomes the top, the second bottom becomes the second top, and so forth. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 804 - Rebound to Work [Multiple] { Rewording the Rebound rule completely, making it a pre-Move permission Action and simplifying the wording of the rebound (without, unless I've missed anything, losing a glimmer of the implementation). } 1. Tall Buildings In A Single Rebound [Amendment] Reword Rule 1.5.6 (On the Rebound):- A Player may perform the pre-Move Action "[Rebounding]" to set emself up to rebound during eir Move. If a Player has performed the "[Rebounding]" Action, e may, during eir Move, rebound at Stations which are adjacent to Blocked Stations (provided that e is on a Line which the two Stations have in common), and at Terminus Stations. When rebounding at a Station, the rebounding Player may change Line Direction. 2. You Absolute Rebounder! [Amendment] In Rule 1.7.2 (Actions), replace "[Rebounding off ]" with:- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Action ('#' if Singular) Phase Rule Dur Cost Gain ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Rebounding] Pre 1.5.6 zero ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 805 - Flicking Paper Clips [Amendment] Reword Rule 1.10.17 (Stationary Shunts) to:- A Player may perform a "[Stationary Shunt]"; this is identical to a normal Shunt, except that it may (and may only) be performed if the Actioning Player has an LV of zero. When performed, a Stationary Shunt has the same effect as a normal Shunt being played at an LV of 1, except that the Actioning Player may not take any Tokens or Possessions from the Shunted Player. { Tidying a bit, and removing the ridiculous "Shunted Player can't take revenge next Turn" clause. } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 806 - Sliced Carat [Amendment] In Rule 1.16.1 (One Good Turn), remove the text "If a Turn is made to replace an Illegal Turn, its Play should be preceded by a "^" character." { Since we've never actually remembered to use it. I think the stigmata of being buzzed in front of everyone else is probably enough of a counter- incentive, without actually branding people. } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 807 - Eco-Hostile [Amendment] { Altering it to allow recycling only of Tokens of the same colour, *or* a single Possession. Bonanza wins and other any-Token things are too easy, otherwise, as well as Greening all the Drone's Tokens before you abandon em, and whatever. Also fixing the rule to stipulate that, er, the Recycled stuff is actually destroyed. } Reword the first paragraph of Rule 1.7.39 (Ecofriendly) to:- A Player may perform the Neutral Action of "[Recycling]" to Recycle a number of Tokens of the same colour, or a single non-Indestructable Possession, either of which must be in eir possession. That which e Recycles is detailed in the comments of eir Turn, and is destroyed upon performance of this Action. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 808 - Lie In It [Amendment] Cut the third and fourth paragraphs of Rule 0.4.3 (Proposal Submission), pertaining to the amendment of Proposals. { It's too fiddly, really, with quite a few down-sides - it's extra legwork for friend Speaker, it biases things heavily against Players who vote early in the Week (particularly if they don't check their mail again until after the Week-End), and it gives people a reason not to think too carefully about their Proposals when they first write them. Additionally, the occasions where it has been used usually don't address the issues raised on the mailing list anyway, or further issues come up later in the week. We can live without this, I feel. } -----------------------------------------------------------------------------