----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORNINGTON NOMIC Proposals for Voting on in Week Four ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 705 - The Emperor's New Clothes... [Enactment] *New Rule: The Emperor's New Clothes If a Player has a "Garment" Possession in eir Luggage Rack, e may perform the Action of [Wearing ]. Possessions being Worn are indicated by surrounding their names with *asterisks*. A Worn Possession may be removed by the Action of [Removing ]. A Garment that is being Worn cannot be removed from its owner by any other Player by means of any "targetting" Action (as defined in Section 1.10.) Garments that are being worn have the following properties: Hat (Silly) The player may Farkle on eir turn. Hat (Hard) The player may move along Construction Lines. Hat (any other) If the player ends eir (non-Passed) Move at a Station of the same type as the Hat being worn, e may collect 1 Blue Token provided that e has not collected that Hat in the same Turn. (It should be noted that only one Hat can be worn by any one Player at one time: if the player wishes to wear another, the first must be removed.) Overcoat - The Player has access to a Nantucket and may perform the [Reshuffling] Action. Only one may be worn at any one time. Spectacles - If the Player performs an Action that targets another Player (i.e. one from Section 1.10) e may affect a Player in an adjacent station (instead of the normal stipulation that the Player must be at the same location), but eir maximum LV is one less than normal (9 rather than 10 under normal circumstances.) Spectacles may not be worn by a Player wearing the Hyde Mask. {Comment: you can target your opponents better if you can see better at closer distances - but if so, they make you shortsighted, so you can't see so far, hence the restriction on LV as you can't see so well where you're going.} {Note to Speaker: the last phrase should be altered to "under the influence of the Hyde Transformation" if this week's proposal to change the Transformation to a Mask fails. Please remove this note from the Proposal when published.} Gloves: A player wearing a pair of Gloves may pick up two Tokens from any Stack in the station that e finishes eir Move at (but only one from those e passes over.) However, a player wearing Gloves may not perform the "Reshuffling" Action. If, for some reason, the Player wears only one Glove ("L"eft or "R"ight) there is no effect: two must be worn for any effects. *New Possessions (all to be bought from the Emporium:) Overcoat - 6 Bronze. Garment. {Comment: a large cost for the one item which may be worn without any drawbacks.} Gloves - 3 Bronze for a pair. Small, Garments. {Comment: Ole's Lost Property box, if implemented, may allow single Gloves to be found, but they can only be bought in pairs from the Emporium.} Spectacles - 4 Bronze. Small, Garment. {Comment: Well, I know "Garment" isn't really appropriate for spectacles, but it's the best description I could think of that would lump it in with all other wearable possessions... and the cost may seem high, but IMHO it's appropriate for something that makes it that much easier to target and shunt other players... } *Add "Garment" to the description of all Hats as Possessions. *New Actions: [Wearing ] and [Removing ], both 15-minute Post-Move. *Repeal Rule 1.4.15 "Nantucket" if it has not already been repealed, replace it with the following: *New Rule: You've Got To Pick A Pocket Or Two... Any player possessing an Overcoat is considered to possess a Nantucket ("The secret pocket which eats your train ticket" - D.Adams/J.Lloyd). Up to four Small Possessions may be stored therein - they are denoted by (brackets) surrounding them. Possessions in a Nantucket may not be manipulated in any way by any player, with one exception: the owner of a Nantucket may play the "Reshuffling" Action once per Turn, provided e is wearing eir Overcoat. This Action allows the Player to move any or all of eir Small Possessions into and out of eir Nantucket as e sees fit, subject to any restrictions on the number of objects that may be Nantucketed. If a Player loses eir Overcoat, any Nantucketed Possessions are lost as well. Any possessions in a Nantucket are not considered to be carried by the Player in question unless the Rule checking such possession specifically refers to Nantucketed possessions: but they are still considered to exist in the game. {Comment: Pockets aren't bottomless, hence the suggested limit of four small possessions therein... and losing an Overcoat is not likely considering that it can't be stolen by a Shunt if being worn, and there is no reason to take it off once worn.} {Further comment: I thought of this following Ole's publication of his Lost Property proposal... just as the "Eating" action was given to the Food possessions, I thought that any new items of clothing needed a "Wearing" action...} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 706 - Timeout On The Grand Scale [Enactment] Any player who does not play a single move in any particular Game for a period of two calendar months should be considered to have Resigned from that Game and deleted from the relevant GSD, along with all eir Tokens and Possessions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 707 - You Have 10 Minutes To Clear This Building... [Amendment] *Amend the title of what is currently Rule 1.7.30 to the title above. *Amend "Any Player" to "Any Player who is fewer than stations away, where is that Player's LV" in the restrictions on detonating the Package: and change the Action to Post-Move (it is currently Neutral.) Add the following text to the Rule: "A Player may perform the Action of [Defusing Package] provided that e is situated at the same location as a Suspect Package and has not placed a Suspect Package emself during eir last three Turns. Eir LV is set to zero upon performing this action, and the Package is removed from the game." New Action: [Defusing Package] 20-minute Post-Move, reward of 1 Silver Token. {Comment: A chance to get rid of suspect packages and earn the thanks of the grateful public - but don't stray too close too soon...} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 708 - Blocks, Impediments and Gaps [Multiple] *Rename Section 1.9 "Blocks and Impediments" *Renumber the Bulkheading rule (1.7.26) into Section 1.9 *Add to Rule 1.11.3: "If an Action is performed that should Lightly Damage a Station which is already Lightly Damaged, that Station immediately becomes Heavily Damaged." {Comment: Suppose a Fire were spotted at a Station that is already Damaged...} *Renumber the Power Failure rule (1.7.8) into Section 1.9. *Renumber the Maelberg rule (1.7.17) into Section 1.9. *Renumber the Kafka Sinkhole rule (1.14.5) into Section 1.9, and add "Kafka Sinkholes" to the list of "Blocks, Impediments and Gaps" in rule 1.5.0. *Renumber the Gapminding Rule (1.7.7) into Section 1.8 "States of Play" and add the following: "If the Gap is being Minded, this shall be marked on the GSD by the presence of the word "Gap". {Comment: It's a state of play, just like Bridges Up or Down, and deserves its place on the GSD - considering the number of times I saw Game 7 buzzed for "Mind The Gap" offences when we were playing that...} *Amend Rule 1.5.0 to take account of all these changes of Rule numbering. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 709 - *Boing* (Chalk Farm Ruleset) [Enactment] If a Shunt is performed, the Shunting Player may elect to rebound off the Shunted Player by a distance of up to stations, where is the Shunting Player's LV. The distance that the Shunted Player travels is reduced correspondingly, so the overall effect of the Shunt is as follows: (1) The Shunted and Shunting Players must finish the Shunt on the same Line as each other. (2) They must be exactly Stations apart, and the Station where the Shunt actually took place is occupied by one of the Players or is between the two. (3) The Shunted Player does not travel along the same Line in the opposite Line Direction to that which the Shunting Player arrived. (4) Blocks, impediments or closures which would restrict the destination Station of either Player after the Shunt are ignored. Example: Rushton: Bank (CN) [Blocking Liverpool Street] Garden: (with LV of 8) Bank (CN) [Shunting Rushton to Leyton, rebounding to Holborn] {Comment: Just another one of my mad ideas, but a bit strange, so I thought it was worth while trying this one out in a variant before thinking of moving it to the vanilla ruleset.} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 710 - Token Table Change [Amendment] I propose changing this entry in the Token Collection Table: +----------------------------------------+--------------+ | Passing through exactly five | +1 Silver | | Interchanges during a Move | | +----------------------------------------+--------------+ to this: +----------------------------------------+--------------+ | Passing through five or more | +1 Silver | | Interchanges during a Move | | +----------------------------------------+--------------+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 711 - Walking In The Night [Amendment] Proposal 711 - Walking In The Night [Amendment] I want to walk in the night! In "Rule 1.13.1 - The Richard Whiteley Experience", replace: Game Time 'skips' the time between 0000 and 0500, and this 'skip' advances the day of the game time by one day. Thus, if Rushton's Turn finished at Wednesday 2340 and Garden's Turn takes 40 minutes, then Garden's Turn ends at Thursday 0520. with Game Time 'skips' the time between 0000 and 0500, and this 'skip' advances the day of the game time by one day. Thus, if Rushton's Turn finished at Wednesday 2340 and Garden's Turn takes 40 minutes, then Garden's Turn ends at Thursday 0520. Exceptions to this 'skip' are: [Walking] and [Searching the Garbage], which can occur between 0000 and 0500. Thus, if Rushton began [Walking] at Wednesday 2350, this Action would end at Thursday 0020. The next Action would begin at 0500, unless it is one of the above exceptions.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 712 - Lost and Found [Multiple] The ^^^-delimited text is the proposal, named 'Lost & Found'. It consists of three proposed new rules and three insertions in tables. The %%%-delimited text takes care of a couple of potential loose ends. ^^^ Rule 1.7.x - Lost & Found London Transport's Lost Property Office is placed near Baker Street. A Player at Baker Street can perform the 42-minute Post-Move Action of [Finding], but only between 0930 and 1400 on Mondays to Fridays. The Player performing the [Finding] Action should roll a single 100-sided die after submitting eir Turn. The next Player to take eir Turn should look the number rolled up on the table below. The found item is then added to the Luggage Rack or Token Table of the Finding Player. +-------+-----------------+---------------------------------+ | Roll | Item found | Special/Qualities | +-------------------------+---------------------------------+ | 1 | Zone 1 Pass | * | | 2 | Zone 2 Pass | * | | 3 | Zone 3 Pass | * | | 4-11 | | Caught Picking Rags# | | 12-13 | Spectacles | Garment | | 14-18 | Scarf | Garment, Woolen | | 19 | Glove | Garment, Right Hand | | 20-21 | Glove | Garment, Left Hand | | 22 | Gloves | Garment, Pair | | 23 | Money Belt | Empty, Garment* | | 24 | Casiotone | Musical | | 25 | Drum | Musical | | 26 | Guitar | Musical | | 27 | Harmonica | Small, Musical | | 28 | Saxophone | Musical | | 29 | Violin | Musical | | 31 | Piano | Musical, Too Big! | | 32 | A-Z Hat | Hat* | | 33 | BR Hat | Hat* | | 34 | Compass Hat | Hat* | | 35 | Terminus Hat | Hat* | | 36 | Verdant Hat | Hat* | | 37 | Hard Hat | Hat* | | 38 | Silly Hat | Hat* | | 39 | Velocity Bomb | | | 40-41 | Package | Suspect, dropped | | 42 | Book | Papery | | 43-44 | Newspaper | Yesterday's, Papery | | 45 | Newspaper | Today's, Papery | | 46-49 | | First item in Lost & Found Box | | 50-93 | Nothing | | | 94 | Tokens | 2 Black | | 95 | Tokens | 2 Blue | | 96 | Tokens | 2 Red | | 97 | Tokens | 2 Green | | 98 | Token | 1 Bronze | | 99 | Token | 1 Silver | | 100 | Token | 1 Gold | +-------+-----------------+---------------------------------+ *) If the Player already possesses the found item, nothing is found. !) The Piano can only be moved using the [Walking] Action. #) The Player is immediately moved to Tower Hill, loses all of eir Possessions and must play a Move of "Pass" with no Actions as eir next Turn. If a Possession is Lost, it is immediately transported to the Lost Property Office. The Actioning Player places the Possession in the Lost & Found Box on the GSD. If there is no room in the box, e must remove one or more of the items already in the box. Those items are Destroyed. The Actioning Player may place items in the Lost & Found Box, if -there is room in the box and -no Lost Possession is waiting to be placed in the box. The Lost & Found Box is conceptually a queue, where items are added in the rear end and removed from the front end. The Lost & Found Box begins empty: +Lost & Found -----------------------------------------------------+ | | +------------------------------------------------------------------+ Rule 1.7.(x+1) - Awwww - What a Stink A Player can perform the 30-minute Post-Move Action of [Searching the Garbage], but only between 2330 and 0530, and only after having performed the [Walking] Action in the same Turn. The Player performing the [Searching the Garbage] Action should roll a single 100-sided die after submitting eir Turn. The next Player to take eir Turn should look the number rolled up on the table in Rule 1.7.x. The found item is then added to the Luggage Rack or Token Table of the Finding Player. Rule 1.4.x - Read All About It! A Newspaper is a Papery posession that costs 1 Bronze Token. When a Player purchases a Newspaper, it is 'stamped' with the current game day. This makes it look like "'s Paper" in the Luggage - for instance, an Newspaper purchased at 11:30 on a Thursday would look like "Thursday's Paper". Newspapers that have the same stamp as the current game day are said to be Today's, and Newspapers that have a different day are said to be Yesterday's. While a Player owns Today's Paper, e pays nothing to perform the [Walking] Action. While a Player owns Yesterday's Paper, e pays nothing to perform the [Walking] Action, but automatically discards the Paper upon performing that Action. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Action Phase Rule Dur Cost Gain ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Finding] Post x.x.x 42 -2 Br varies [Searching the Garbage) Post x.x.x 30 -2 Br varies +---------------------+------+---------------------------------+ | Possession | Cost | Qualities | +---------------------+------+---------------------------------+ | Newspaper | 1 Br | Papery, Today's | | Piano | 9 Br | Musical, Too Big! | +---------------------+------+---------------------------------+ [as bottom item] * Piano - 1 Blue, 2 Red, 1 Bronze, 2 Green %%% Special issues: If the 'Garment' category is not defined, it shall be deleted in the table. If the Money Belt is no more, it shall be deleted in the table, and the roll of 23 shall produce a pair of gloves (thus changing the roll of 22 to be 22-23). %%% ^^^ UPDATES: Added [Searching the Garbage]. I don't see a great danger in having undefined things floating around. If a possession is undefined, the possessing Player will either discard it (always an option), or make a proposal outlining the works of the possession. We don't have a way of Losing things, yet. { Speaker's Comment: Apologies to the Proposer, but I've had to substitute alternative values for some of the special characters e used in this Proposal. I honestly don't know what ISO character set encoding I'm working to here, but I was getting some odd hex strings turning up (=A4 and =A7). I suppose that's what I get for reading in MIME but working in ASCII... } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 713 - Ever-Rolling Stream [Multiple] 1. Half the Clock [Amendment] Reword the second paragraph of Rule 1.13.1 (The Richard Whiteley Experience) to:- Each Player's Turn has a default maximum duration of one hour. Whenever a Player performs an Action or makes a Move, Game Time is advanced by the duration of that Action or Move. If this should take the duration of eir Turn so far beyond its maximum duration, the Turn becomes Illegal. { A very, very necessary clarification - that the clock ticks as your Turn progresses; if a Closed Station opens in half an hour and you wish to Move there, it's possible to do things for thirty minutes then Move legally. Current wordings are at best vague and at worst counter- intuitive, on this score. } 2. Dry-Marker Pens from Hell [Amendment] Reword Rule 1.13.3 (Carol Vorderman's Revenge) to:- Any Action or the movement of the Player's Piece shall have a duration of ten minutes of Game Time unless otherwise specified. Payment of Token forfeits and receipt of Token bonuses shall be considered instantaneous, that is having no duration. A Move of Pass or Timeout shall similarly have no duration. { Trimming superfluity. } 3. Long Lunch [Action] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Action Phase Rule Dur Cost Gain ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Duration: +0x00] Neut 1.7.x -x Bu ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A Player may perform the Action of "[Duration: +0x00]" to extend the length of eir Turn - upon performing this Action, eir Turn's duration is increased by 'x' hours. { As it stands, "[Game Time: +0x00]" puts the clock forward *and* extends your Turn - if you do a two-hour one at noon, the clock goes forward to two o'clock, and you can then perform an extra two hours of Actions, leaving the clock at 4pm. Not good. } 4. Right Away [Repeal] Repeal Rule 1.13.2 (Get a Move On) and remove the relevant Action from the Ruleset. { I did consider leaving the "[Game Time: +0x00]" Action in, to allow Players to wind the clock forward without taking it as part of their Turn, but it seemed a bit too superfluous. Particularly when there was that handy little "[Waiting]" Action I came up with last Week - you can just extend the duration of your Turn and wait for the whole of it, if you must... The Waiting Proposal failed for being badly explained, anyway. There now follows a reproposal of it. } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 714 - Time Again [Action] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Action Phase Rule Dur Cost Gain ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Waiting] Neut 1.7.x Varies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A Player may perform the Action of "[Waiting]" to spend part of their Turn merely watching time pass - the duration of this Action can be any period the Actioning Player wishes, between five minutes and one week. This Action may be performed any number of times in a Turn. { This lets Players pad out their Turns if they haven't used the entirety of their duration - it doesn't extend the Turn at all, it merely uses up any amount of that which remains. Better than the GSDs getting spammed up with pointless time-wasting actions, I feel. } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 715 - A Pressing Special Need [Multiple] { Blathered about on the mailing list - this simplifies the Move Legality business a *lot*, not to mention fixing some flaws in the current implementation. Proposed last Week as a green paper and given thumbs up, only to die at the polling station in a flurry of tardy feedback. Argue it on the mailing list if you've any objections to any of this, please. } 1. The Soul of Wit [Amendment] Move the last paragraph of Rule 1.5.0 (Valid Moves) to Rule 1.5.1 (Keep the Piece), and reword Rule 1.5.0 to:- "The following Moves are possible in the Game of Mornington Crescent: * The name of any Station on the Map * The word "Pass" * The word "Timeout" All Moves are Valid by default, unless a Rule or combination of Rules declares them to be Invalid. A Move of "Pass" or "Timeout", however, is *always* Valid. Certain events permit Players to make Special Moves to a given destination - these Moves do not pass through Stations, but may still be made Invalid by other Rules. In addition, a Player's LV is reduced to zero after making a Special Move. (When a Rule says that something 'permits a Special Move', this means that it permits the current Player to make a Special Move during the current Turn.)" 2. Getting There [Enactment, as 1.6.2] When a Player makes a Move to a Station, that Station must be at a distance of 'x' Stations, where 'x' is eir Line Velocity - if it is closer or further, e cannot get there at that speed, and such a Move is Invalid. When making a Special Move, however, an incorrect Line Velocity will not make a Move Invalid. 3. Golly [Amendment] In Rule 1.4.16 (Playing with Food), replace the Marmalade Sandwich's special effect with:- When a Player performs the Action "[Eating Marmalade Sandwich]", a Special Move to Paddington is permitted. 4. Right of Way [Amendment] Reword the first paragraph of Rule 1.7.10 (Walk the Walk) to:- A Player may perform the pre-Move Action of "[Walking]" to permit a Special Move to any Station within Walking Distance. 5. Strile, Friend, Strile [Amendment] Reword Rule 1.7.12 (Basic Striles) to:- If a Player's Line Velocity is six or more, e may perform a Strile via the pre-Move Action of "[Striling]"; this permits em to make a Special Move to any Strilable Station. A Station is said to be Strilable if it has a Token Stack, and if that Token Stack is identical to the Stack at the Player's current Piece location. 6. Stubthumper [Amendment] Reword Rule 1.7.33 (Stubbery) to:- If a Player owns the Ticket Stub for the Station eir Piece is situated at, e may perform the pre-Move Action "[Stub Link]" - this permits em to make a Special Move to any other Station which e has a Ticket Stub for. 7. Of Borneo [Amendment] Reword the second paragraph of Rule 1.11.1 (Born to be Wild) to:- A Player may perform the Action of "[Wild]" to permit a Special Move to any Wild Station. 8. Paintball's Going Home [Amendment] Reword Rule 1.12.4 (Going Home) to:- A Player may performs the pre-Move Action of "[Home]" or "[Home: ]"; both of these permit a Special Move to eir Home Station. 9. Mustn't... Repeal... [Amendment] Reword Rule 2.2.1 (Terminal Velocity) to:- If, at the start of eir Turn before any other Player Actions a Player has an LV of 10 or more, and e does not (and is not forced to by any other Rule) reduce it below 10 before eir Move, e may make a Special Move to any Terminus which e shares a Line with, provided that reaching it would not involve a change of Line Direction (this option is in addition to the standard Moves available through eir natural LV-dependent Piece Movement and any Special Moves available). 10. Just Drop Me At The End Of The Road [Amendment] Reword Rule 2.3.2 (Home Isn't Where The Start Is)) to:- When a Player performs the "[Home:]" Action, it permits a Special Move to any Station which shares a Quadrant and Line with that Player's Home Station. { MC exception no longer required, since you can't Special Move to a Closed Station. } 11. Whose Line Is It Anyway? [Amendment] In Rule 1.5.11 (Changing Line), replace "A Piece Move that involves a change of Line" with "A non-Special Move that involves a change of Line". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 716 - Quick Change [Amendment] To the first paragraph of Rule 1.7.21 (Bureau de Change), add the sentence "Each of the Actions may be performed any number of times per Turn." { We've been playing it as such for a long time, after all. } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 717 - Slight CAMREC Rumblings [Multiple] In Rule 4.0.0 (Non-MC Games), replace the first paragraph with:- Other games than MC may be played on the London Underground (or equivalent network). In these games, having a Piece end a Turn at Mornington Crescent does not constitute a Win. { Mornington Crescent should still be an important Station, I feel, with its own Opening cost and special rules. Although not permitting victory, it allows for some interesting tactics if it's left in. (The "a normal Station like any other" wording is a little dangerous, also, should anyone feel like claiming "okay, it'll be like Dollis Hill".) } Replace the last paragraph of Rule 4.2.4 (Checks and Balances) with:- If only one Player remains in the Game, e is the Winner. { The current "if any Player succeeds in removing all other Players from the Game" wording means that a single Player must take out each other Player, which seems unlikely. The "as much as if e has played Mornington Crescent" is questionable, as well, in a variant where Moving to MC should mean nothing. } Replace the first paragraph of Rule 4.2.5 (Jump Start) with:- Up to four Players may participate in a Czech Variant Game, and there is never a Drone Player. There are four sets of start positions for Pieces corresponding to the four Compass Quadrants. These start positions are randomly allocated by the Speaker before the Game begins. Once a Game has begun, no further Players may join. { Knocked-out Players are kept out of the game under current rules, but new Players joining towards the end would be quite out of keeping. Also, having the Drone in play would make the Game too strange and unbalanced. } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 718 - Uncharged [Repeal] Repeal Rule 2.1.2 (No Charge). { Comment: That Rule doesn't exist any more. } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 719 - Listen Very Carefully, I Will Say Zis Only Once [Amendment] Amend Rule 0.4.3 (Proposal Submission) by inserting the following paragraph after the first: In order to simplify the incorporation of new text into the Ruleset, Proposals containing content which is to inserted verbatim should be formatted in a similar way to the Ruleset. This applies particularly to Enactments, Actions, and large scale Amendments. { Comment: Well, you know what this is about. It isn't just laziness on the part of your Speaker - extensive reformatting has potential to introduce errors, and the fewer opportunities for such mistakes the better. } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 720 - Liquid Assets [Multiple] [Repeal: Thaw Point] Repeal Rule 0.4.14 (The Ice Man Cometh). [Amendment: Old Thaw] Amend Rule 0.4.1 (Proposal Types) to remove Freeze and Unfreeze. { Comment: this hasn't been used, and doesn't seem likely to be either. All it's doing at the moment is cluttering up the MN web page. I think a better bet would be some kind of local ruleset for particular games. But that's a whole other Proposal. } [End of Liquid Assets] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 721 - Bear All [Amendment] Amend Rule 0.9.4 (Fish and Fowl) to remove the Clever Bear Award. { Comment: This isn't getting used, and isn't likely to be. } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 722 - Funny Peculiar [Amendment] Amend Rule 0.9.4 (Fish and Fowl) to add the following award: Lyttleton Trophy Audience Appreciation Award Awarded to the Player whose Proposal or Proposal title garners the greatest number of remarks appreciative of it humour posted to the Discussion Lounge from the other Players. Only the first such remark from each Player for a particular Proposal shall be counted. The Proposer shall receive a bonus +3 Kudos points. As this Award is objectively assessed, the Speaker shall be eligible. { Comment: Dammit, but there aren't enough witty Proposals around! } -----------------------------------------------------------------------------