----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORNINGTON NOMIC Proposals for Voting on in Week Forty-Six ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 653 - Let's go Loop the Loop [Multiple] Enact a new rule called Loop the Loop: A Game may be in (one or more) Loop states, which have the following defining features: * One or more Trap Stations which Invoke the Loop. * A Sidestep Action to allow a Player to avoid being drawn into the Loop. * An Escape Action to allow a Player to end the Loop. A Loop is Invoked when a Player's Piece ends eir Turn at a Trap Station. If the Station is a Trap for more than one Loop, the Player must specify which Loop e is Invoking in eir comments in the Turn. A Loop is not invoked by a Player's Piece _starting_ eir Turn at a Trap Station, only if the Turn is ended with the Piece being at the Trap Station. A Player may play the corresponding Sidestep Action before eir Movement Phase. If so, the Player can play eir Turn normally, without being affected by the Loop. If e cannot or does not do so, eir Piece is automatically moved (without travelling through any other stations) to the Trap Station. If there are multiple Trap Stations and there is a defined order in which those Trap Stations must be played, then eir Piece is moved to the next Trap Station in that order (looping around from the bottom of the list to the top). If there are multiple Trap Stations and there is no defined order in which those Trap Stations must be played, then the Player can choose which Trap Station eir piece is moved to. Players in a Loop disregard (and thus do not perform) the Movement Phase of eir Turn. No Actions may be performed that leave eir Piece ending the Turn at a non-Trap Station. If there is only one Trap Station in the Loop, the Piece stays where it is, and that Trap Station is a Valid Move. If there are multiple Trap Stations, the Piece moves to the next one in sequence or to any chosen Trap Station if there is no defined sequence. Other impediments to Movement, such as Blocks, are ignored for Players in a Loop. A Player may play the corresponding Escape Action before eir Movement Phase to end the loop. If this is played, e plays eir Turn from eir Piece's current location as normal. Once an Escape Action is played, the corresponding Loop is broken and ceases to have any effect. If two Loops are Invoked simultaneously in such a way that there are no Stations which are Traps for both Loops, the Loop most recently Invoked remains in effect and other Loop ceases to have any effect. Rewrite Rule 1.8.1 (Dollis Hill Loop) to read: A Dollis Hill Loop has the single Trap Station of Dollis Hill. The Sidestep Action [Dollis Sidestep] costs 1 Silver to perform and the Escape Action [Dollis Escape] can only be performed when the Player has an LV of 10 or more. {Sorry if this seems like using a jackhammer to pick your teeth. On the mailing list someone had talked about having a generic looping structure, and the more I thought about it the more this seemed like a better thing to do than to just talk about one specific instance. Besides, my old Dollis Hill proposal was a bit more flawed than I originally realised. Just trying to make amends. Paul} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 654 - Voting Comments [Enactment] In addition to Voting on a particular Proposal, a Player may also add a Comment. This is a small piece of text (less than 80 characters) in square brackets ('[' and ']') appended after the Vote, such that it is clear to the Speaker which Proposal the Comment is referring to. At the discretion of the Speaker, e may send these comments to the Proposer of the Proposal before the voting results are distributed. The Speaker cannot give the Proposer any information as to who gave the Comments that is not in the Comment itself. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 655 - Day Tripper! [Enactment] The All Day Rover Card is a Small, Papery posession that costs 3 Bronze. When a Player purchases an All Day Rover Card, it is 'stamped' with the current game day. This makes it look like " Rover Card" in the Luggage - for instance, an All Day Rover Card purchased at 11:30 on a Thursday would look like "Thursday Rover Card". Cards that have the same stamp as the current game day are said to be Current, and Cards that have a different day are said to be Expired. While a Player owns a Current All Day Rover Card, e pays nothing to perform the [Line Change] Action. If a Player owns an Expired All Day Rover Card, it is automatically discarded. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 656 - Let's Do the Sidestep Again [Multiple] [Amendment: Step In the Right Direction] Amend Rule 1.8.1 (Dollis Hill Loop) such that its final paragraph reads thus: A "[Dollis Escape]" Action may only be performed if the Actioning Player is situated at Dollis Hill with an LV of 10 or more. "[Dollis Sidestep]" may be performed without cost when the Actioning Player has an LV of 10 or more. [Amendment: Step, Look and Listen] Amend the Actions table in Rule 1.7.2 so that the entry for Dollis Sidestep reads as follows: [Dollis Sidestep] Pre 1.8.1 -1 Si if LV<10 [End of Let's Do the Sidestep Again] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 657 - Burnt Offering [Multiple] { Comment: OK, so I didn't change the 'three' to 'five' last time... resubmitted with this foolish oversight corrected. Sorry about that. } [Amendment: Two Pare] Amend Rule 0.4.1 (Proposals) to remove the entry for Rewrite. [Amendment: Due Me A Favour] Amend Rule 0.9.1 (Kudos) to remove the bonuses for passage of Rewrite and Repeal Proposals. [Amendment: Quota Ridiculous] Amend Rule 0.4.3 (Proposal Submission) so that its first sentance reads thus: "Players may submit up to five Proposals per Week, emailing them directly to the Speaker." [Repeal: Duck Off] Repeal Rule 0.4.15 (It Could Be More Dramatic, If You Know What I Mean). [End of Burnt Offering] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 658 - Gold Rush [Action] { Three vaguely frivolous Proposals from me this Week; I'm just rushing out a few ideas because I've not thought of any yet this Week, and because I'm unexpectedly being employed tomorrow. } { Speaker's Comment: I'm sure we all congratulate the author on eir success, in whatever fabulous new career e is embarking upon. Best of luck. } ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Action Phase Rule Dur Cost Gain ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Gold Rush] Post 1.7.x -1 Gr ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A Player may perform the Action "[Gold Rush]" to uncover a previously hidden Token lode. After submitting eir GSD, the Actioning Player should roll a 295-sided die to determine the location of the lode - the next Player to take eir Turn should look up the Station which has a Venbacker Number matching the die roll; at the start of eir Turn, any gaps in that Station's Token Stack are replaced with Gold Tokens (a new Stack being created if none exists, unless there are already twelve or more Stacks in play). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 659 - God Help Us [Multiple] { Bit of a tweak, making Holy Stations a shelter from all targetted Actions, at the expense of them preventing outgoing targetted Actions. Hmm. } 1. Sanctuary [Enactment] If a Player is situated at a Holy Station, e may not be the target of any Action (viz. e may not be the "" of any Action requiring a Player to be specified), nor may e perform any Actions which target a Player. 2. Papal Bull [Amendment] In Rule 1.10.1 (A Shunting We Will Go), replace "neither Dollis Hill nor a Holy Station" with "not Dollis Hill". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 660 - Loan Clamps [Action] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Action Phase Rule Dur Cost Gain ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Loan-Clamping ] Post 1.7.x -1 Br [Paying Interest] Neut 1.7.x -2 Br [Paying Off] Neut 1.7.x -8 Br ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A Player may perform the post-Move Action of "[Loan-Clamping ]", where is a Player who shares a Station and Line with the Actioning Player. A Loan-Clamped Player gains a "Loan Clamp" Possession and one Gold Token. Loan Clamps are Indestructable Possessions. At the end of any Turn of a Player carrying a Loan Clamp, if that Player has not performed an Action of "[Paying Interest]" during that Turn, all of eir Tokens are destroyed. A Player may destroy a single Loan Clamp which they are carrying, by performing the Action of "[Paying Off]". -----------------------------------------------------------------------------