-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORNINGTON NOMIC Proposals for Voting on in Week Thirty-Three -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 562 - Tithey Slove [Multiple] 1. Diminishing Returns [Amendment] Reword Rule 1.7.31 (Tithe) to:- A Player may Tithe a particular Zone by playing the Action "[Tithe ]" where "" is a London Underground Zone. This marks that Zone as being Tithed until the end of the Actioning Player's next Turn. If a Player performed a "[Tithe ]" Action during eir previous Turn, e may perform the "[Collecting Tithe]" Action to reap its benefits; upon performing this Action, the Actioning Player is permitted to gather a Tithe of a single Token from each Token bearing entity currently within the Zone which e Tithed last Turn. Token bearing entities are Player Pieces and Token Stacks. The Tithe for a Player Piece is a Token of the Actioning Player's choice. The Tithe for a Token Stack is its topmost Token. 2. Tax Fiddle [Amendment] Amend the "[Tithe ]" Action so that it costs "7-Zone" Blue Tokens, and add a new Action:- [Collecting Tithe] 1.7.31 1 Bu -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 563 - Calling Off the Subs in a Louder Voice [Multiple] { Comments : A reproposal of something from Week 11; the idea of removing the concept of Move Substitution Actions. Since there are only four of them, three of them workable as Wild-style pre-Moves and the other as a post-Move "only after a Pass" thing (which is actually how Rule 1.7.9 is worded anyway), there seems little reason to keep the Action type. This is just a rewording of the old Proposal, tidied in places and amended to reflect any changes in the ruleset since its conception. Last time there was some minor scuffle about the horrors of being able to perform a Wild-style pre-Move Action and then not use it to Move - although still unsure how much of an issue this is, it's been addressed in the new section eight of this proposal. } 1. Number Thirteen, Your Time Is Up [Amendment] In Rule 1.7.1 (Action Types), remove the "Move Substitution Actions" list element. 2. Crooked Strile [Amendment] Reword Rule 1.7.12 (Basic Striles) to:- If a Player's Line Velocity is six or more, e may perform a Strile via the pre-Move Action of "[Striling]". Upon performing this Action, all Strilable Stations become Valid Moves for the remainder of the Actioning Player's Turn. A Station is said to be Strilable if it has a Token Stack, and if that Token Stack is identical to the Stack at the Player's current Piece location. { Comments: Oddly enough, the bit about not adding Tokens to a Stack in the Turn which you Strile away from it is superfluous, since you can only drop Tokens in the post-Move Phase. } 3. Stubble [Amendment] Reword Rule 1.4.3 (Stubbery) to read:- If a Player owns the Ticket Stub for the Station eir Piece is situated at, e may perform the pre-Move Action "[Stub Link]" - all Stations which e has Ticket Stubs for are considered Valid Moves for the remainder of eir Turn. 4. Walk / Don't Walk Away From Me [Amendment] Reword Rule 1.7.10 (Walk the Walk) to read:- A Player may perform the Action of "[Walking]". If this Action has been performed, the Actioning Player's LV becomes zero (and may not be adjusted for the remainder of eir Turn), all Stations within Walking Distance of the Player's Location become Valid Moves for the remainder of the Turn. Two Stations are within Walking Distance if they are adjacent to each other on the Map. In addition, the following Stations are within Walking Distance of each other:- * Wimbledon (DS) and South Wimbledon (NT) * Ruislip (MP) and West Ruislip (CN) * Sudbury Town (PD) and Wembley Central (BL) * Northwick Park (MP) and Kenton (BL) 5. Paperwork [Amendment] Add "Striling" with a pointer to Rule 1.7.12, "Stubbery" with a pointer to 1.4.3, and "Walking" to Rule 1.7.10, to the list of things with affect Move Validity (all Special Moves), in Rule 1.5.0. 6. More Paperwork [Amendment] In Rule 1.7.3 (Move Substitution Actions), move "Striling", "Stub Link" and "Walking" to the list of pre-Move Actions (reducing their durations by ten minutes, since they're now made *as well* as a Move, rather than in place of one), and "Visiting " to the post-Move Actions list. 7. Dive, Dive, Dive [Repeal] Repeal Rule 1.7.3 (Move Substitution Actions). 8. Mana Burn [Amendment] To the Valid Move list in Rule 1.5.0 (Valid Moves), add the following section:- 7. Unused Actions * If the Actioning Player performed a pre-Move Action to make a particular type of Move Valid, and did not play such a Move, eir Move becomes Invalid. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 564 - Mornington Croissant [Special Ruleset] { Comments : I forget whether ISIHAC's Mornington Croissant was food-related or played in French, but I've opted for the former - this Special Ruleset merely imposes the amusing restriction that all Moves and Station references should be food puns. I occasionally used to whine at the York Server that I had to pass in a themed game because there weren't any relevant puns that were also valid Moves - it should be interesting to see how this turns out. A French version of Mornington Crescent strikes me as equally intriguing (having passed bits of the ruleset through Altavistas's translation thing, there are some quite nice words suggested for our basic Action lexicon) - if we try this and it doesn't really work, I might make Mornington Croissant into that instead. } 1. Paranomasia [Enactment] Whenever the name of a Station is mentioned in a Play in a Mornington Croissant Game, it should include a food-related pun, such that both a unique Station name and a food reference are sufficiently clear. If this criteria is not met, that Turn is Illegal. For the purposes of all rules other than this one, a punned Station name shall be treated as if it were the actual Station name; Players are free to make different puns for the same Stations. An example Play would be:- Cryer : [LV+2] Angel Cake (NT) [Shunting Rushton to Hampstead Sandwich] [Striling to Mornington Croissant] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 565 - The Narg Clamp [Multiple] Enactment: The Narg Clamp explained A Player may perform the Action of "[Narging ]", where is a Player with a Piece adjacent to the Actioning Player's Piece position. A Narged Player gains a "Narg Clamp" Possession. Narg Clamps are Indestructable Possessions. If a Player is carrying a Narg Clamp, e may only move horizontally or vertically.  E cannot move on a Line Segment which is not completely horizontal or vertical.  E may not move to or through Mornington Crescent, and may not play any actions which require the expenditure of a blue token. A Player may destroy a single Narg Clamp which they are carrying, by performing the Action of "[Anti-Narg]" whilst at Tottenham Court Road. {Sorry, just borrowing more things from MC at York.  Wilding is an acceptable way of escaping any completely diagonal line segments.} Enactment: The Narg Clamp Actions [Narging ] 20mins 1 Red, 1 Bronze, 1 Blue [Anti-Narg] 10mins 1 Black -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 566 - The Tollpuddle Martyrs [amendment] Change the cost of the "[Toll to ]" action to 2 Bronze tokens. {seems much fairer to me, and gives more incentive to actually pass through other players' home stations, as well as putting a stop to the tactic of crippling a player by shutting them off down a dead end with your choice of home station} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 567 - Wild Card [action] Action: Wild Card Type: Post Move Duration: 10 mins Cost: 4 Blue A Player may play the post-move action 'Wild Card' to reverse the current order of play. Playing order remains reversed until the Wild Card action is played again (whether by the same or a different player). {an idea swiped from Uno} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 568 - Jump Jump [action] Action: Jump Type: Post Move Duration: 30 mins Cost: 4 Red A Player may play the post-move action "Jumping " , where is the name of the player whose turn it would normally be next. The named player's turn is skipped and it becomes the turn of the subsequent player, as if the named player had been inactive. {another idea nicked from Uno} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 569 - Aviaries (Regulation) Bill [Amendment] Amend Rule 1.4.25 (Release the Pigeons!) by inserting the following text after paragraph 1: "No Player may carry more than four Pigeons at any one time. If this limit is exceeded at the end of that Player's Turn, then the number of Pigeons carried shall be reduced accordingly. "In addition, if no Pigeons have actually been caught that Turn, and more than two Pigeons are held by the Player, then a single Pigeon escapes the Player's grasp and the number of Pigeons held is reduced by one." { Comment:   Obviously inspired by Kevan's avian avarice in Game 11, but mainly   intended to limit a perhaps over-powerful feature.   The four pigeons come from having one in each coat pocket and one in each   hand. The two which can easily be carried are considered to be in pockets   (I don't think pigeons are going to be happy carried in hands for long).   I was seriously considering the Player losing a Papery possession each   Turn as well from Pigeon damage (perhaps even one per Pigeon?) but   thought that might be a bit much. } --------------------------------------------------------------------------------