------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MORNINGTON NOMIC Proposals for Voting on in Year Two, Week Thirty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 549 - Lounge Lists [Multiple] 1. Come Again? [Amendment] Reword the first paragraph Rule 0.10.1 (The Lounges) to:- Mornington Nomic takes place on a number of mailing lists, known as Lounges. There are five Game Lounges and one Discussion Lounge - the Game Lounges are used to play the game of Mornington Crescent, and the Discussion Lounge is a forum for discussing aspects of the Nomic, as well as the announcement of Voting Results, Proposal distribution, and so forth. 2. Listlessness [Enactment] Upon Enactment of this Rule, the Speaker shall replace, throughout the Ruleset, all instance of the phrase "mailing list" with "Discussion Lounge", "relevant Game Lounge" or whatever other relevant phrase e feels to be appropriate. This Rule shall then repeal itself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 550 - The Black Hole of Tottenham Court Road [Action] 1. Charge Spiral [Action] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Action Rule Duration Cost ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Charge Spiral] 1.19.5 -3 Bu Any Player may perform the neutral Action "[Charge Spiral]" to put a Charge Spiral into effect. A Charge Spiral remains in effect until a Piece rests as Tottenham Court Road at the end of any Turn. When a Charge Spiral is in effect, any Move which does not involve a decrease in the Moving Piece's Charge is Illegal. 2. Spirograph [Amendment] To the list of "Loops and Cascades" in Rule 1.5.0 (Valid Moves), add:- * Charge Spiral (Rule 1.19.5) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 551 - Rebuilding Blocks [Amendment] Reword Rule 1.9.1 (Basic Blocks) to read:- A Player may perform the post-Move Action of "[Blocking ]", where is a Station adjacent to eir Piece's current position. Upon performing this Action, the specified Station is Blocked for one Round. (If a Player owns the Ticket Stub for the specified Station, e need pay no Tokens to perform this Action.) If a Station is Blocked, any Moves which pass through that Station or end at that Station are Invalid, unless the Moving Player owns the Ticket Stub for that Station. { Comments : Part of a failed Multiple I made months ago, resubmitted on its own. Just rewording the oldest Action in the book to bring it in line with current phrasings. } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------