------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MORNINGTON NOMIC Proposals for Voting on in Year Two, Week Nineteen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 480 - Whangdepootenawah [Multiple] 1. Spang in there... [Amendment] Add the following Possession to the list in Rule 1.4.18:- +---------------------+------+---------------------------------+ | Spanger | 6 Br | | +---------------------+------+---------------------------------+ 2. Spanging Offence [Action] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Action Rule Duration Cost ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Spanging to ] 1.7.x 10 mins -2 Re ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Any Player may perform the post-Move Action of "[Spanging to ]", where "" is a Player situated at the Actioning Player's current location, and "" is a Wild station located in a different quadrant on the map. A player may only spang another player if the actioning player is carrying the Spanger possession in eir inventory. The spanged player is moved to the specified station and eir line velocity becomes zero. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 481 - Form an Orderly Queue [Amendment] Add the following paragraph to Rule 2.6.1 (Team Games):- When a Player joins a Team Game, eir position in the Playing Order shall be chosen randomly from the set of possible positions which would not place em immediately before or after (the list wrapping from top to bottom) a member of eir Team. If no such positions exist, eir position is selected as normal. { Comments : Just a bit of fairness, really - two Team members next to each other is an arguable advantage. } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 482 - Capture the Flag [Special Ruleset] { Comments : Just a bit of a twist on the Team Game idea. } 1. Capture The Flag [Enactment] If the "Capture the Flag" Special Ruleset is in effect, the "Team Play" Special Ruleset shall be considered to be in effect also. 2. The Flag [Enactment] There shall exist a Flag for each Team, being a Sticky Possession. Each Flag shall have the initial letter of the owning Team's Colour appended to its name. A Flag may rest at a Station; its presence is signified as a Token Stack with the text "Flag (T)" at that Station, where "T" is the initial letter of the owning Team's Colour. 3. An Englishman's Home [Enactment] If a member of a Player's Team has already declared a Home Station, that Player must declare the same Home Station. Whenever a Player declares eir Home Station, if they are the first person on that Team to declare a Home Station, eir Team's Flag is created and placed at that Station. 4. Capturing and Dropping [Enactment] If a Player has passed through or moved to a Station containing a Flag during eir Turn, e may perform the Action "[Collecting Flag]" to place the Flag in eir Luggage. If a Player is carrying a Flag, e may perform the post-Move Action of "[Flag on ]" to place the Flag at a Station, where "" is any Station which the Actioning Player's Piece has passed through this Turn, or started or ended its Move at. 5. Winning [Enactment] The Winner of a Game is the first Player whose Piece rests at eir Home Station at the end of eir Turn, and who is carrying the Flag of a Team other than their own. No other conditions permit a Player to become the Winner. 6. Vagueness Forever [Amendment] In Rule 1.1.1 (How to Win), replace "If a Player has made a Move to Mornington Crescent" with "If a Player has Won". 7. I Am Invincible! [Amendment] Throughout the Ruleset, replace the word "Sticky" with "Indestructable". { Comment : 'Sticky' doesn't really make sense as an adjective any more, if you can drop but not discard the PoID and Flags. } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 483 - Release the Pigeons! [Multiple] 1. Pigeons [Enactment] Pigeons exist in the Game, as Possessions. Any Player may perform the post-Move Action "[Catching Pigeon]" to add a Pigeon to eir Inventory, provided that their Piece is situated at Charing Cross (the Station nearest to Trafalgar Square) and that they are carrying a Marmalade Sandwich, a Lukewarm Burger or an Overpriced Baguette. Any Player may perform the post-Move Action "[Releasing Pigeon(s)]", provided that their Piece is situated at a Park Station. Upon performing this Action, all Pigeons carried by the Actioning Player are removed from eir Luggage, and e gains one Gold Token for each Pigeon released in this way. A Player carrying one or more Pigeons may not perform an "Eating" Action, and if e is ever Shunted, all Pigeons e carries (bar any that might be stolen by the Shunter) are removed from eir Luggage. { Comments : A rather fiddly and amusing way to get Golds. Originally "Park Station outside Zone 1", but I think I could happily live my life as a pigeon in Hyde Park. } 2. Not Words But [Action] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Action Rule Duration Cost ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Catching Pigeon] 1.7.x [Releasing Pigeons] 1.7.x ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------