------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MORNINGTON NOMIC Proposals for Voting on in Year Two, Week Thirteen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 441 - Unattended Luggage [Other, Multiple] 1. Discarding Possessions [Enactment] Any Player may perform the Action "[Discarding ]", where "" is any Possession that e is carrying (provided that it is not Sticky). Upon performance of this Action, that Possession is destroyed. This Action may be performed more than once per Turn. 2. Drop It [Enactment, Action] [Discarding ] 1.7.? none 3. Stick 'Em Up [Amendment] Add the sentence "Spoon Clamps are Sticky Possessions." to the first paragraph of Rule 1.7.4 (Open the Cutlery Drawer, Mrs Higgins). { Comments : Ideally this could be tied in with a reworked "Suspect Package" approach (with Parcels, certainly), but I can't think of a good way to implement it at the moment. Tsk. The Drone Stick cries out to be Sticky, of course, but this would be a bit of a bugger to implement neatly, and I'll deal with it whenever I get around to rewording the Drone Rule (remove the term "Drone Keeper" entirely and just going by the Stick owner). } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 442 - Red Card [Amendment] Remove the second two paragraphs of Rule 1.4.5 (Railcard). { Comments : That whole "leave your Railcard somewhere but still be able to use it, and teleport back to get it whenever you wish" thing just seems far too weird, to me, I'm afraid. } And reword the first from:- If a Player owns a Railcard, all Token costs and penalties that result in a loss of Bronze Tokens are reduced by one Bronze Token. to:- If a Player owns a Railcard, all Token costs and penalties that result in a compulsory loss of more than two Bronze Tokens (as opposed to those where the Player chooses Tokens to discard) are reduced by two Bronze Tokens. { Comments: This makes Knip a bit too bizarre, otherwise. And let's make it a two-Bronze discount, since nobody seems to be bothering with these things... } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 443 - Spinning Jenny [Amendment] Reword Rule 1.7.6 (Straddling Nancy) to:- A Player may, after Moving eir Piece normally, Straddle from a Station that has a Token Stack, permitting em to continue on to another Station. This Straddle may be from the Player's Piece position (a "Standing" Straddle), or from a Station adjacent to eir Piece position in the Line Direction of its last Move Segment (a "Running" Straddle). Straddling is performed with the post-Move Action of "[Straddling to ]", where is a valid Straddle Destination. A Straddle Destination is valid if its distance from the starting location is less than or equal to the number of Tokens in the Stack at the starting location. In addition, Running Straddles may only be performed in the Piece's Line Direction. Although not considered to pass through any intervening Stations, the Straddle Destination must be a valid Move with respect to all of the "Blocks, Impediments and Gaps" restrictions in Rule 1.5.0. If a Player performs a successful Straddle during eir Turn, e may perform no Aggressive Actions (those requiring Red Token expenditure) for the remainder of that Turn. { Comments : Rewording with little loss - the "considered to occur after all other Actions" seemed a little strange and didn't appear to add anything positive; the aggressive limit seems wise, though, and has been kept. } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 444 - Indicator possessions [Enactment] {Comment: This proposal, which I failed to propose last week, is a reaction to the possibility of states such as Spoon Clamp and Drone Stick being stolen or blown up: however it brings in a new object class - indicators - for compatibility with future single-player states. } Certain possessions are Indicators; each such Indicative possession must be linked to one or more single-player state(s). These possessions indicate that the owner is in the related state(s). No Indicator possession may be owned by a Player not in the related state, and all Players in a State must possess at least one of the possessions related to that state. Indicator possessions may not be passed between players or destroyed by any means other than as explicitly stated by the rules regarding that specific possession. The following indicative possessions are defined here, and elsewhere in the ruleset: Possession | Related state(s) | Rule(s) ---------------+------------------------+------------- Spoon Clamp | Player is in Spoon | Rule 1.7.4 Drone Stick | Player is Drone Keeper | Rule 1.15.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 445 - Sticky Situations [Other, Multiple] {Comments: Rewording the Drone Stick a little, and fixing it a little} 1. Luggage mixup [Amendment] Remove the sentence 'The current Drone Keeper shall possess the Drone Stick.' from rule 1.4.12 (The Luggage) { Comment: What's that doing there?} 2. Sticking points. [Amendment] Amend 1.15.1 (Nyurmenyurmenyurmen) as follows: Remove 'the holder of which shall be detailed on the Game State Document' from the first paragraph. In it's place, add the words: 'indicated on the Game State Document by the Drone Stick possession. Only one Drone Stick may exist in any Game at any one time.' Append 'The Actioning player gains the Drone Stick.' to the second paragraph. In the third paragraph, replace the sentence: 'The Drone then becomes Inactive and the next Player to take a Turn should update the Game State Document appropriately.', with this sentence: 'The Drone then becomes Inactive and the next Player to take a Turn in the relevant Game should remove the Drone Stick possession from the relinquishing Player.' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 446 - Boast Pox [Amendment] { Comment: Boasting never really seems to have caught on, so this Proposal removes it whilst maintaining the requirement for records of completed Games. } { Speaker's Comment: Expect an all-new Game Archive section for the Web page to appear later today, by the way; I took the old one down pending its rewriting, if any of you wondered where it had gone. } Amend Rule 1.1.5 (Boasting Wall) so that it reads as follows: "There shall exist an Official Document known as the Game Archive. For each Game that has ended, the Game Archive shall include a link to a copy of the final Game State Document submitted to the mailing list for that Game." Rename Rule 1.1.5 to "Game Archive" { Comment: Apologies for the removal of whimsy here, but as I say the whole concept of Boasting doesn't really seem to have taken off. } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------