-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORNINGTON NOMIC Proposals for Voting on in Year Two, Week Six -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 383 - Move Along, Now [Repeal] Repeal Rule 1.4.17 (Harmonica). { Comments: They're freely available from The Emporium (Rule 1.4.18), these days. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 384 - Roger the Stubber [Other, Multiple] { Comments: This just makes Ticket Stubs into Possessions to be bought in the same manner as everything else, really - the current system just has the "[Getting Stub]" Action costing two Bronzes, and is almost identical to a Purchase in all but name. Might as well bring it in line. } 1. New for June 1998 [Amendment] Add the following row to the table in The Emporium (Rule 1.4.18):- | Stub | 2 Br | Small, Papery | And add the paragraph:- When buying a " Stub", "" should be replaced with the name of the Station the Player's Piece is situated at. A Stub may not be Purchased if it has been Purchased previously in the Game (even if it has since been destroyed). And amend the "Zone *" stuff to "Zone ", for consistency's sake. 2. Empty Those Pockets [Amendment] In Rule 1.1.2 (A New Game), remove the following bulleted points:- * All Ticket Stubs are ownerless. * E owns no Ticket Stubs. And add, to the Player bit:- * E is carrying no Possessions. { Comment: This should have been done a while ago, really. } 3. Out With The Old [Other, Multiple] Repeal Rule 1.4.2 (Ticket Stubs) { Comment: It just mentions an Official Document which no longer actually exists, says that you get Stubs for Getting Stub Actions (obsolete), that they're Small and Papery (added to the Emporium list), and that you can only get them at Overground Stations (implicit in Purchasing), and only once per Station per game (added to the Emporium rule). } Remove the "Getting Stub" Action from Rule 1.7.3 (Move Substitution Actions). Remove "Ticket Stubs may not be collected at the Station after a fire." from Rule 1.9.2 (Escalator Fires). { Comment: Their revoked Overground Status prevents Purchase anyway. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 385 - Courier New [Other, Multiple] { Comments: Shamelessly lifted from Railroad Tycoon, this lets there be a Pick-Up Station and Destination Station - any Player who successfully collects a Parcel from the former and carries it (without it being stolen or broken) to the latter gains five Gold Tokens. A big reward, but with all the other Players trying to stop you and swipe the thing for themselves, it won't be easy to pull off. Ideally Station selection would be random, but in light of the difficulty of implementing this, it's become a "selectable, but with major limits", much the same as the placement of lost Tokens. This could probably use a "reassigning Courier Calls that nobody can be bothered with, or can get to" clause, but I couldn't think of a fair way to implement it (perhaps Game Time; I'm not sure). I'll leave it for future Amendment, either way. } 1. Five-Point Courier [Enactment] At any given time in the Game, there may be a Courier Pick-Up Station and a Courier Destination Station. If a Player moves to the Pick-Up Station and no Players are carrying a Parcel, e may choose to perform an Action of "[Collecting Parcel]", gaining a Parcel Possession (Parcels are Possessions with no special features). If a Player moves to the Destination Station whilst carrying a Parcel, e may choose to perform an Action of "[Delivering Parcel]" - if this is performed, the Parcel is destroyed, the Actioning Player gains five Gold Tokens, and Pick-Up and Destination Stations become undefined. If neither Pick-Up nor Destination Station is defined, any Player (except the Drone) may perform a "[Courier Call]" Action. Upon performing this Action, e may select a Pick-Up and Destination Station and note these on the Game State Document. Both of these Stations must:- * Be outside of Zone 1 * Be in different Quadrants * Be on different Lines Neither Station may be:- * A Home Station * In the same Quadrant as the selecting Player 2. Where Were You Going, Again? [Amendment] Append "Courier Pick-up and Destination Stations" to the list of things that the GSD must show, in Rule 1.2.0 (The Game State Document). 3. Lights, Camera... [Enactments, Actions] Action: Collecting Parcel Cost: none Duration: 10 minutes Type: Neutral Action: Delivering Parcel Cost: none Duration: 10 minutes Type: Neutral Action: Courier Call Cost: none Duration: none Type: Post-Move -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 386 - Line or Station? [Other, Multiple] {Comment: This seemingly disparate group of ideas has one common theme: the distinction between the Lines involved in a Piece's Move, and the Station at which the Player is located.} *Amend the first clause of Rule 1.5.1 to read: "Each Player has one Piece which may be moved. At the start of eir Turn, the Piece's current position is defined as the Station at which the Player was situated at the end of eir last Move, unless eir position was changed by the Action of another Player. At the end of eir Turn, the Piece's position is defined as the Station that the Player has finished at after eir Piece's Move and any other Action-related changes to position." *Amend the text after the list of Line Codes in Rule 1.17.4 to read: "When a Player makes a Move, e must list, in correct order and by Line Code, each Line that a portion of eir Piece's Move travelled along. This applies only to the Piece's Move, and not to any further Actions that change the Location of the Player. Leaving an Interchange by a different Line than that used for arrival the previous Turn does not constitute a change of Line during the Piece's Move." {Comments: A little more freedom of movement, and plugging up a loophole - if one, say, arrived at Stratford by the DLR and left via the Central, and each Move contained no further Line changes, does one gain or lose a Black Token the following Turn? Or can one do this when the Gap is being Minded? It's time this was specified.} *Amend Rule 1.5.3, adding the following text at the end: "A player may not use an Escalator Link as if it was a normal Interchange, to change Line mid-move, and the stations are considered to be separate for the purposes of counting how many lines there are in an Interchange." {Comment: clears a bit of a loophole - otherwise Bank and Monument become in all senses one station, rather than two connected ones. Now landing at Bank gains a blue token, and Monument a red one, rather than a Silver for either.} *Amend Rule 1.7.7 so that its last clause reads: "If a [Mind the Gap] Action has been performed and no [Ignore the Gap] has been performed since, no Player's Piece's Move may include a change of Line. {Comment: See proposed amendment to 1.17.4 above. Also, allows moves Home or Wild (for instance) if they are on different Lines, as these are Player Actions rather than Piece Moves. *Amend Rule 1.7.8, to read the following: "If a line has had a Power Failure (i.e. a Power Failure action has been played on that line, and no Power Restored has been played since): *Any player located at any Station on that line may not move eir Piece in the standard way that turn: movement is only possible by Actions, otherwise the Player must Pass. *No Player may use any portion of that Line in eir Piece's Move, or finish eir Piece's Move at a Station on that Line, though e may pass through a Station on that Line by using another Line. *Any Interchanges on that Line are considered as having one fewer Lines (e.g. 3 instead of 4) for the purposes of Rule 1.4.1. If the number of lines is now 1, that Station is considered not to be an Interchange. {Comment: So passing through Leicester Square on the PD when the NT is out of action doesn't count as passing an interchange...} *Amend the tables in Section 1.7 so that "Mind the Gap", "Ignore the Gap", "Into Knip", "Out Of Knip", "Bridges Up" and "Bridges Down" all change to become Post-Move Actions rather than Neutral Actions, and adjust the descriptions of the Actions in Rules 1.7.7, 1.8.3 and 1.8.4 accordingly. {Comment: This was originally intended at balancing out the changes to the "Mind the Gap" Rule mentioned above, and then I spotted a couple of similar situations in other places. Now you have to play your move under the restrictions before removing them... as has already been done with the Power Failure rule. *Amend Rule 1.10.1 to add, after "...or from a Holy Station", the following: "The Shunt does not need to be along the same line as the Shunting Player arrives along, or the same line as the Shunted Player arrived along in eir previous Move." {Comment: See Rule 1.5.1 - the Player's Position is defined by eir Location, not by eir Line. Even the original wording implied this - I've just cleaned it up a bit. Also, it goes well with the Double-Shunting amendment should that have passed. There's a little more protection against Shunting in the game now, so it's about time the balance was tipped back towards the Shunting Player.} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 387 - Hats _are_ fashionable, honest... [Other, Multiple] { Comment: The general idea of this proposal is to make collecting hats a little more enticing. At the moment, one can only collect a full set before cashing them in and then starting again. This proposal will allow Players to carry more than one hat per category. A little tidying of the rules is also performed. I toyed with the idea of having the hats remain on the baord after being knocked off, but maybe we should try it a litte at a time. } In rule 1.4.6, Firstly, replace the paragraph: "Once a Player has collected a Hat from one station in each category e may then proceed to Bank and perform the Action [Cashing in Hats] which exchanges the Hats for One Gold Token." with: "Once a Player has collected a Hat of each category e may then proceed to Bank and perform the Neutral Action [Cashing in Hats] which exchanges the Hats for One Gold Token. A Player may not perform more than one [Cashing in Hats] action per Turn." Secondly, replace the paragraph: "A Player may own no more than one hat from each category at any time, nor may e own more than one hat collected from a single station at any time." with: "A Player may own more than one hat from each category at any time, but e may not own more than one hat collected from a single station at any time." In rule 1.7.16: Add an appropriate entry for the action [Cashing in Hats] with the default duration and zero token cost. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 388 - Token Telephone Numbers [amendment] i. Amend the sections of the table in Rule 1.4.1 (Token Gesture) concerning token rewards for passing through interchanges to read as follows: Passing through exactly two | +1 Red | End of Move Interchanges during a Move | | -----------------------------------------+-----------------+--------------- Passing through exactly three | +1 Black | End of Move Interchanges during a Move | | -----------------------------------------+-----------------+--------------- Passing through exactly four | +1 Blue | End of Move Interchanges during a Move | | -----------------------------------------+-----------------+--------------- Passing through exactly five | +1 Silver | End of Move Interchanges during a Move | | -----------------------------------------+-----------------+--------------- Passing through exactly six | +1 Silver, | End of Move Interchanges during a Move | +1 Black | -----------------------------------------+-----------------+--------------- Passing through exactly seven | +2 Blue, +2 Red | End of Move Interchanges during a Move | +1 Black | -----------------------------------------+-----------------+--------------- Passing through exactly eight | +1 Silver, | End of Move Interchanges during a Move | +1 Red, +1 Blue | -----------------------------------------+-----------------+--------------- Passing through exactly nine | +2 Silver | End of Move Interchanges during a Move | +2 Red, +1 Blue | -----------------------------------------+-----------------+--------------- ii. Add the following sentence to the paragraph preceding the table: "If a Player passes through the same Interchange more than once in a single move, only the first instance countswith regard to calculating any token benefits awarded for passing through interchanges." {Comment: considering that it's quite difficult, even with a very high LV, to contrive a route through more than five or six different interchanges, I think the rewards should be increased for such impressive feats (but note the anti-scamming measure). As far as I can see, only Bank and King's Cross have more than five lines, so given their strategically significant positions, I think it best not to give extra rewards out for moving to them} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 389 - Hard Hats must be Worn [enactment] Players may not move to a Station on a Line or section of Line that is designated on the map as "under construction" unless they own a Hard Hat. {Comment: I haven't thought of a way to acquire a hard hat yet, but that bridge can be crossed later -- not that anyone has yet shown any inclination to avail emself of the Jubilee Line Extension} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 390 - Mad Hatters Tea Party [amendment] Amend Rule 1.4.6 (You Can Leave Your Hat On) by replacing the third paragraph with the following: "Once a Player has collected a Hat from one station in each category e may then proceed to Bank and perform the Action [Cashing in Hats] which exchanges the Hats for two Gold Tokens and two Silver Tokens." {Comment: as has been suggested before, it's quite tricky and time consuming to collect all five hats, especially with the Hat Knocking action to consider, so perhaps the reward needs increasing.} --------------------------------------------------------------------------------